02:00:49 naomi has joined #wot 04:52:08 naomi has joined #wot 07:24:06 zkis_ has joined #wot 08:01:39 dsr has joined #wot 08:50:23 elena has joined #wot 10:26:14 elena has joined #wot 11:02:03 zkis has joined #wot 11:25:34 naomi has joined #wot 11:55:41 McCool has joined #wot 11:55:47 present+ Michael_McCool 11:56:26 naomi has joined #wot 11:58:44 Karen has joined #wot 12:00:40 dape has joined #wot 12:01:27 Zakim has joined #wot 12:01:38 Meeting: WoT IG/WG 12:01:47 rrsagent, make log public 12:01:51 rrsagent, draft minutes 12:01:51 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2017/08/16-wot-minutes.html kaz 12:01:56 ryuichi has joined #wot 12:01:57 present+ Zoltan_Kis 12:02:46 uday has joined #wot 12:03:31 present+ Kaz_Ashimura, Daniel_Peintner, Dave_Raggett, Ryuichi_Matsukura, Tomoaki_Mizushima, Uday_Davuluru 12:04:36 DarkoAnicic has joined #wot 12:04:40 present+ DarkoAnicic 12:04:44 tokuyama has joined #wot 12:05:45 elena has joined #wot 12:08:26 achille_zappa has joined #wot 12:09:18 present+ Darko_Anicic 12:09:46 mkovatsc has joined #wot 12:10:03 scribenick: dsr 12:10:17 chair: Michael_McCool 12:10:33 chair+ Matthias 12:11:01 sebastian has joined #wot 12:11:22 Matthias: we may need to discuss the architecture document, so please and an agendum for that 12:11:40 Topic: Quick updates 12:11:49 Anyone have any quick updates? 12:12:19 Kaz: I’ve updated the main IG wiki page with the timing information for the task force calls 12:12:23 https://www.w3.org/WoT/IG/wiki/Main_Page#WebConf_Meetings 12:12:57 McCool: Please respond to the doodle poll on the security task force call if you’re interested. 12:13:36 present+ Achille_Zappa 12:13:54 Matthias: the W3C MarComm team are considering our proposal for the landing page etc. You usually have a landing page for the activity and different styled pages for the constituent groups. 12:14:22 We want to make the landing page the same style as the group pages. 12:14:44 q? 12:15:12 I haven’t heard back from them other than that they are considering this more generally across the W3C website. 12:15:22 Topic: Plugfest planning 12:15:53 Matsukura-san provides a status report. 12:17:04 McCool: hotels are very expensive for the week TPAC is taking place, so please book your accommodation soon! 12:17:26 present+ Sebastian_Kaebisch 12:17:52 Michael Koster has looked into the cost of booking a room for the plugfest. It is not incredibly expensive but we need to get some sponsorship to cover it. 12:18:23 I have yet to hear back from Amazon on providing a room or sponsorship. Intel can’t help this time. 12:19:02 Kaz: can we ask Fujitsu whether they could provide a meeting room for the plugfest. 12:19:23 Matsukura-san agrees to ask Taki-san about this idea. 12:20:29 McCool: we should also list the ideas we expect for the Wednesday demos during the plenary break outs 12:21:02 We need to organise plenary breakout(s). 12:21:26 -> https://www.w3.org/2017/11/TPAC/schedule.html TPAC schedule 12:21:27 Matthias: we are looking for a demo room for half a day or a full day 12:21:28 q? 12:22:25 Kaz: I will check with the TPAC organisers about the demo room for Wednesday 12:22:33 yongjing has joined #wot 12:22:33 Topic: Architecture document 12:22:38 action: kaz to ask the w3c meeting planner team about demo on wednesday 12:22:39 Created ACTION-114 - Ask the w3c meeting planner team about demo on wednesday [on Kazuyuki Ashimura - due 2017-08-23]. 12:23:18 McCool: I see that my pull request has been applied. I see that Matthias’s pull request on the diagrams is pending resolution of a conflict 12:23:56 mkovatsc: I am working on resolving the conflict and fixing the sectioning corruption 12:24:51 McCool: I commented that we need to improve the terminology and have proposed some definitiions for several terms 12:25:10 q+ 12:25:34 mkovatsc: I will provide an iteration over these definitions 12:25:46 ack ka 12:26:29 q? 12:26:30 kaz: we’ve had some discussion on the review process and am seeking to clarify this. 12:26:55 We can exploit the HTML diff tool to help with this. 12:27:45 -> https://www.w3.org/2017/08/16-wot-editors-minutes.html#item03 review procedure discussion (member-only) 12:27:48 McCool: it would be helpful to provide more elaborate instructions in the README.md file for the repo 12:28:20 q? 12:28:45 s/help with this./help with this. and we should add that policy to all the deliverable repo, e.g., README.md/ 12:28:54 Zoltan will provide an update to the readme file for review next week. 12:29:30 q? 12:29:41 Topic: task force reports 12:30:14 Sebastian reports on the thing description task force. 12:30:33 We are updating the draft, but there remains lots more to do. 12:31:25 q? 12:31:35 An open question is how to describe validation constraints, e.g. SHACL or JSON Schema … 12:32:24 q+ 12:33:06 I will be on holiday for the next 2 weeks, so Taki-san will take over moderation of the TD work 12:33:38 The plan is to stablise the vocabulary section this Friday 12:33:54 s/stablise/stabilise/ 12:34:02 q? 12:34:21 We have further discussion to progress the sections on security, eventing and so forth 12:35:09 McCool: I don’t think the security work is ready to be merged into the TD, and I would rather you keep the security section as is for now 12:37:56 sebastian: I am looking to McCool to provide a pull request for the security section when ready 12:38:02 -> https://www.w3.org/2017/08/16-wot-editors-minutes.html#item02 TD discussion during the Editors call (member-only) 12:38:28 McCool shows the draft pull request which isn’t quite ready 12:39:17 q? 12:40:13 q? 12:40:39 Kaz: when do you think the security pull request for TD will be ready? 12:41:10 sebastian: there are many open issues, and I will be away for 2 weeks … 12:41:35 kaz: We can at least review the level of maturity 12:42:00 McCool: the draft should state open questions where we’re seeking input 12:42:09 s/maturity/maturity and distinguish "issues to be resolved before FPWD" from others/ 12:42:33 kaz: that's also possible 12:42:37 We may have something ready for the security pull request in two to three weeks. Mid-September seems a good bet 12:42:51 s/We may/McCool: We may/ 12:42:53 s/security/security section/ 12:44:04 McCool: I suggest we go ahead with the FWPD for the thing description and provide an updated draft in a month’s time 12:44:08 s/level of maturity/level of issues/ 12:44:35 kaz: +1 12:44:43 q? 12:44:46 ack k 12:45:08 zkis provides a status report on the scripting task force 12:45:36 We had a discussion on whether to provide an interface to access the thing description 12:45:59 -> https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Member/member-wot-wg/2017Aug/0020.html Scripting report 12:46:15 We also discussed the role of explicit API vs objects with methods with the same names as the thing’s actions etc. 12:46:54 q? 12:47:33 We could have a two layered approach, e.g. including a means to support software updates. 12:47:52 q? 12:47:58 We need to clarify the benefits of standardising the scripting API 12:48:34 We talk a lot about interoperability but not so much about negotiation 12:48:38 q+ 12:49:28 McCool: in my updates to the thing description, I’ve made it clear that the fundamental standard is for thing descriptions, and scripting is perhaps secondary 12:50:02 We need to ensure that the thing description and scripting documents are aligned and consistent 12:51:44 Please help by reviewing the documents. 12:52:43 zkis: we need about two weeks to deal with ourstanding issues on the scripting draft 12:52:48 q? 12:52:56 ack kaz 12:53:44 kaz: we might want to think about Matsukura-san’s ideas for the plugfest and its implications for our various documents 12:53:45 -> https://github.com/w3c/wot/issues/346 Matsukura-san's proposal 12:54:09 McCool: I will put this on the agenda for next week’s WoT main call. 12:55:47 McCool: the binding templates task force met. 12:56:20 The security task force is rescheduling its teleconference and working on the structure of the document 12:56:43 kaz: I will send a reminder on the poll for the new time slot 12:56:58 q? 12:57:22 s/slot/slot mentioning the 2 preferred slots (Mon. 9pm and Wed. 10pm) 12:58:02 … meeting adjourned … 12:58:10 rrsagent, set logs public 12:58:19 rrsagent, make minutes v2 12:58:19 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2017/08/16-wot-minutes.html dsr 13:13:35 rrsagent, stop 16:16:22 RRSAgent has joined #wot 16:16:22 logging to http://www.w3.org/2017/08/16-wot-irc 16:16:28 rrsagent, draft minutes 16:16:28 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2017/08/16-wot-minutes.html kaz 17:05:48 naomi has joined #wot 18:20:44 zkis has joined #wot 18:50:19 naomi has joined #wot 21:33:33 naomi has joined #wot 22:17:39 Karen has joined #wot 23:28:01 naomi has joined #wot