16:59:53 RRSAgent has joined #webperf 16:59:53 logging to http://www.w3.org/2017/08/16-webperf-irc 17:00:41 hello! 17:00:52 hey 17:05:04 https://docs.google.com/document/d/10dz_7QM5XCNsGeI63R864lF9gFqlqQD37B4q8Q46LMM/edit# 17:06:42 [hr-time] unload test > Todd will followup w/ Dale 17:07:54 we can publish CR once that lands 17:08:01 [beacon] CORS tests are blocking 17:08:14 Todd: I'll check-in with Brandon, we should have those tests 17:08:25 https://github.com/w3c/beacon/issues/41#issuecomment-322365422 17:09:53 [user-timing] https://github.com/w3c/user-timing/issues/20 17:10:00 Todd will check-in on status 17:11:18 one resource per entry test: https://github.com/w3c/web-platform-tests/pull/6567 17:11:36 yoav: feedback makes sense, we should accumulate the entries, I'll update the test 17:13:50 Device Memory: propose to adopt officially into WG charter 17:13:55 Yoav/Todd: sgtm. 17:15:35 @yoav @xiaoqian will coordinate the move. 17:16:01 Paint Timing: proposal to adopt into WG 17:16:16 shubhie: shipped in Chrome, has TAG approval. 17:16:19 Todd: LGTM 17:16:35 Yoav: will coordinate the transfer 17:17:03 Tim: event timing proposal 17:17:10 https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1tp3VzgekEfEvymx7eG3ABDoocOZUE7ZsHR3fB44y088/edit 17:17:42 Tim: ^ motivation 17:18:35 ... why not long tasks? LT does not associate al the different top-level-tasks that contribute to a long input event --> goal: this input event caused a long frame 17:19:25 ... for every DOM event: report handler duration, and if we "drew", time until draw 17:20:04 ... "drew" is step 4.3 of event loop: "if necessary update the rendering of document..." 17:20:29 ... if it was necessary use the timestamp when update ran, if not do not provide 17:23:18 xiaoqian has joined #webperf 17:23:30 ... show eventTimestamp and when processing starts and ends (e.g. if event processing was blocked) 17:25:05 ... we can polyfill much of this, but performance overhead is prohibitive; had to monkey patch addEventListener 17:26:08 Todd: at first glance, this looks good; some of field names need a more developer friendly name 17:26:33 ... also worried about linking to rendering but not accounting for off-thread work -- e.g. compositing time, etc. 17:27:23 ... a lot of partners I see today, are using raF based polyfills 17:27:44 ... let's say we have this and Long Tasks, are we missing anything? 17:27:53 Tim: frame display time, probably... 17:28:04 ... perhaps more associated event data 17:28:16 Shubhie: we still need slow frames API 17:28:42 Todd: right, we need to find the right balance on that API; we can't / shouldn't report every frame 17:29:40 Todd: event duration signals that something got in the way of paint; Long tasks / long frame help explain what happened 17:30:22 Todd: I like the overall idea and direction here, need to iterate on naming and developer ergonomics 17:30:28 Shubhie: what about mitigations for rendering? 17:30:56 Tim: ... we expose if step 4.3 was executed 17:31:26 ... one possibility is to run 4.3 whenever you hover, not sure if it provides full coverage 17:31:51 Yoav: how does an analytics provider register for this? 17:32:41 Tim: you register for all events (e.g. type => "event") 17:32:49 Yoav: sgtm 17:33:31 Ilya: do we need to have a conditial 4.3? 17:34:21 Tim: it may be hard to figure out when to record that timestamp, but probably doable 17:35:37 ... the question is whether we can "fake" it well enough 17:37:04 ... I'll do some more thinking on if/how we can do this; the idea is to always report 4.3 and make it indistinguishable 17:37:17 Yoav: what about changing :visited. Alex Russel had a proposal 17:40:10 AI's: iterate on developer ergonomics; investigate rendering steps 17:40:25 ... let's move to WICG to enable feedback and comments 17:40:40 ... timeline: prototype in ~Q4 in CHrome 17:40:54 Custom Events: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1vGE_6wWNBI7Mm4PHLry0L-Hmu4Mg3xco0vKsb0Zrsoc/edit 17:41:10 Tim: motivation ^ 17:41:32 ... right now developers are doing pretty gross things with mark and measure -- e.g. encoding data into name string, etc. 17:41:59 ... arbitrary timestamps is another limitation of UT 17:42:15 ... e.g. if you want to mark something retroactively, UT does not support 17:42:30 .. also, want to provide ability to provide custom data 17:42:52 ... proposal: performance.queueEntry(...) 17:43:21 ... we could probably extend UT mark vs measure 17:43:28 s/vs/or 17:43:50 ... we could expose a constructor, but that's inconsistent with mark/measure 17:43:58 ... that said, we can make either of those work 17:44:04 xiaoqian_ has joined #webperf 17:44:22 ... we can get pretty far with a polyfill, but the value here is providing a shared interface for developers + analytics 17:45:50 ... there may be merit in providing filtering capabilities in v2+, don't think this is strictly required in v1 17:51:27 Todd / Ilya: filtering is more of a generic PO function, let's separate that from this proposal 17:52:26 Shubhie: an explicit difference from mark and measure is that you have to provide timestamps 17:53:28 Todd: need to look at this some more; Nolan wanted arbitrary data and more; the downside is that it requires that you write more JS 17:54:33 Tim / Todd: mark and measure have some benefits, we should think about how much we can extend and improve them 17:54:48 ... Tim: we could probably easily build a shim to implement mark and measure on top of this 17:55:45 Todd: this looks great, just need to iterate on shape and timeline 17:56:12 ... if you can get this up on WICG, then we can start iterating; I'm very supportive of this, because it provides clear value to the web 17:56:43 AI: get the spec on WICG 17:58:06 ... next call: Aug 30. 17:58:56 RRSAgent, make minutes 17:58:56 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2017/08/16-webperf-minutes.html xiaoqian_ 17:59:14 RRSAgent, make log public please 17:59:40 zakim, bye 17:59:40 Zakim has left #webperf 17:59:47 RRSAgent, bye 17:59:47 I see no action items