17:01:44 RRSAgent has joined #social 17:01:44 logging to http://www.w3.org/2017/08/15-social-irc 17:01:46 RRSAgent, make logs public 17:01:46 Zakim has joined #social 17:01:48 Meeting: Social Web Working Group Teleconference 17:01:48 Date: 15 August 2017 17:01:51 present+ 17:01:54 present+ 17:01:57 present+ 17:01:59 present+ 17:02:02 present+ 17:02:03 present+ 17:02:10 present+ 17:02:36 hold on I'll look up how to do it 17:03:13 present+ 17:03:35 okay let's do this thing 17:03:43 Chair: tantek 17:03:46 https://www.w3.org/wiki/Socialwg/2017-08-01-minutes 17:03:51 i can scribe in the mean time 17:03:54 TOPIC: minutes 17:03:56 scribenick: ajordan 17:04:01 nevermind 17:04:41 PROPOSED: approve https://www.w3.org/wiki/Socialwg/2017-08-01-minutes minutes 17:04:44 +1 17:04:48 +1 17:05:10 +1 17:05:18 eprodrom has joined #social 17:05:23 present+ 17:05:39 +1 17:05:49 most important part is to review for resolutions that you might not have been there for and want to raise issue with i believe 17:06:30 +1 17:06:31 +1 17:07:00 +1 17:07:08 tantek: I'll declare the minutes resolved; I'll have to read about the yak shaving later 17:07:13 ... is that meta yak shaving? 17:07:34 RESOLVED: PROPOSED: approve https://www.w3.org/wiki/Socialwg/2017-08-01-minutes minutes 17:07:46 oh dear 17:07:56 we hereby resolve to propose to resolve... 17:07:57 RESOLVED: approve https://www.w3.org/wiki/Socialwg/2017-08-01-minutes minutes 17:08:14 TOPIC: CR to PR 17:08:23 tantek: let's start with ActivityPub 17:08:28 ... cwebber2: how's it doing? 17:08:38 cwebber2: good news! test suite is up at last and I can demo it live 17:08:40 \o/ 17:08:44 https://test.activitypub.rocks/ 17:08:49 woo hoo Chris! 17:08:51 ... last two weeks I was complaining about yak shaving, I had to fix stuff in my language 17:08:52 https://chaos.dustycloud.org/u/tester 17:08:57 ... I have a terrible plunger in place 17:08:57 JNbn70qGRGTlYm8ZHPmVzQwtfj5ahAHnz9JVpwsy 17:09:09 ... you can visit this, put in this username, and give this token 17:10:02 Tantekelik made 1 edit to [[Socialwg/2017-08-15]] https://www.w3.org/wiki/index.php?diff=104065&oldid=104039 17:10:09 Wonderful job cwebber2! 17:10:15 cwebber2 17:10:17 cwebber2: things are working for c2s and s2s 17:10:24 cwebber2++ imts 17:10:24 cwebber2 has 97 karma 17:10:33 ... c2s and ??? has to be done but I have the general framework and am moving forward 17:10:43 ... even better news, apparently Mastodon has AP mostly implemented 17:10:50 ... they are working on testing things out now and that's also good news 17:10:51 q+ 17:11:04 ack eprodrom 17:11:05 ... things are moving along, 2/3 good news things but I'll pause for Evan 17:11:23 eprodrom: cwebber2 I want to make sure, Mastodon is just doing the s2s protocol right? 17:11:26 cwebber2: correct 17:11:32 eprodrom: so we can't test what Mastodon is doing 17:11:48 cwebber2: yes, I've tested puck's stuff and have seen things succeeding and failing for logical reasons 17:11:51 eprodrom: fantastic news 17:12:10 cwebber2: anyway I'll work on getting the s2s tests, I'll try to prioritize those over c2s especially because of Mastodon 17:12:13 tantek: one more clarification 17:12:27 ... the tests, in the UI there was the c2s test and the s2s test and then a separate federation test? 17:12:31 https://www.w3.org/TR/activitypub/#specification-profiles 17:12:38 cwebber2: these are the different spec profiles in the AP spec 17:13:10 ... c2s client -> clientside, c2s server -> API, s2s API 17:13:20 ... currently working on c2s because that's the easiest to do 17:13:38 ... I wanted to make sure I did the one that gave me confidence things were working 17:13:53 tantek: so you have the c2s clientside ones done? 17:13:59 cwebber2: it's the c2s server ones 17:14:27 ... there's some server stuff worked in there because clients can do some addressing and they don't know if it works, so that's marked as unknown 17:14:38 tantek: re: other variants, do you have an estimate? next week or two? 17:15:00 cwebber2: trying to go as fast as I can, it's difficult because I'm best man in a wedding 17:15:16 ... think we'll have s2s tests up within the next month and client tests should be really fast to do after that 17:15:38 tantek: let's do that third thing 17:15:50 cwebber2: I wanted to publish a new... there've been some non-normative change 17:16:04 ... and we've talked about some normative changes 17:16:04 https://w3c.github.io/activitypub/ 17:16:15 https://w3c.github.io/activitypub/#changes-9-may-to-present 17:16:25 ... thought it would be good to publish a CR with a lot of non-normative typo fixes before that 17:16:42 ... these are all non-normative changes 17:16:51 ... some stuff added to the security considerations but those are non-normative 17:17:01 ... fixed some typos of "actor" as "author" 17:17:19 tantek: that sounds like a good idea, it's been four months so that's another reason 17:17:23 cwebber2, note that some of those changes are duplicates 17:17:36 ... these changes are all non-normative and won't affect implementations? 17:17:43 q? 17:17:52 cwebber2: yes, security considerations might affect implementations but they're non-normative 17:18:06 remove last two entries in that change log (duplicates) :P 17:18:21 someone using an IBM Model M keyboard? 17:18:51 AHA 17:18:59 PROPOSED: Publish an updated AP CR with only editorial/non-normative changes https://w3c.github.io/activitypub/#changes-9-may-to-present 17:19:29 also: s/E.1 Changes from 13 April 2017 to present/E.1 Changes from 9 May 2017 to present 17:19:47 +1 17:19:50 +1 17:19:51 +1 17:20:00 +1 17:20:06 +1 17:20:10 +1 17:20:10 I'm not seeing the Apr. 13 change showing up on GitHub Pages? 17:20:20 yeah I'll take care of it 17:20:26 s/I'm not/ I'm not/ 17:20:27 +1 17:20:32 ajordan, ??? 17:21:01 tantek: I think because it's a CR we still need staff to turn the cranks for us 17:21:35 ... I think we noted that in the agenda, presumably rhiaro... yeah August 22nd publications resume 17:21:48 ... because it's a CR we have to send an email for approval to update 17:21:51 that should be okay 17:21:59 ... rhiaro do you think you could do that? 17:22:00 RESOLVED: Publish an updated AP CR with only editorial/non-normative changes https://w3c.github.io/activitypub/#changes-9-may-to-present 17:22:10 cwebber2: so do I basically email rhiaro? 17:22:14 cwebber2: just remind me if I forget 17:22:19 tantek: I believe rhiaro said she was just going to take care of it 17:22:38 ... so we'll expect that published Tuesday morning of next week 17:22:46 ... we don't have a meeting but at least something happens for us! 17:22:53 ... any issues you wanted to discuss for normative changes? 17:23:07 cwebber2: no, I want to make changes that we discussed last meeting and then discuss those 17:23:14 ... I've been pretty busy with the test suite 17:23:20 tantek: have new issues come up? 17:23:24 cwebber2: no, not really 17:23:45 tantek: I notice informally you've been steering people towards extensions, that's good for the CG 17:23:49 ... that takes us to WebSub 17:23:53 TOPIC: WebSub 17:24:06 tantek: okay, aaronpk, how are we doing with websub? 17:24:26 ... I believe last time we met we discussed waiting until about now to collect impl. reports for trying to transition 17:24:38 aaronpk: Google submitted an implementation report 17:24:49 ... so pubsubhubbub.appspot.com now has a report in here 17:24:58 ... it's their official hub and it passes all the tests 17:24:58 https://github.com/w3c/websub/blob/master/implementation-reports/HUB-pubsubhubbub-appspot-com.md 17:25:03 ... they used the test suite to confirm everything 17:25:06 ... here's their report 17:25:20 ... this morning tantek snuck in a report for Falcon, as a publisher 17:25:26 ... so we're doing pretty good on number of reports now 17:25:42 tantek: great, I have this vague memory of Gargron doing a live impl. report in IRC for Mastodon 17:25:48 ... does someone have a ??? for that? 17:25:56 s/???/permalink 17:26:02 aaronpk: good question, I don't remember the date but I do remember him braindumping a report into IRC 17:26:10 ... just doing a checklist on IRC instead of GitHub 17:26:13 ... it's in the logs somewhere 17:26:21 ... once I find that I'll convert it into a proper report on GitHub 17:26:28 tantek: was that selfreported or did he use the test suite? 17:26:40 aaronpk: I believe selfreported cause he was doing it pretty quickly 17:26:53 ... he thought it would be a quick thing, just fill out the report, but it wasn't 17:27:07 tantek: we need to decide as a group if we're ready to ask for PR transition 17:27:16 ... sandro, any updates on when it'd be good to start that ball rolling? 17:27:25 ... now? can we do it in two weeks? September? 17:27:39 sandro: I think we're a while from the deadline but I don't see a reason to wait 17:28:02 tantek: I thought we were waiting for the Google report and the Mastodon report so assuming aaronpk can dig up that IRC report I think that satisfies the previous conditions we had set 17:28:31 ... for past CR to PR transitions we've started a wiki page for the specs we had to do that for with a bunch of different items to make sure we'd done 17:28:39 ... aaronpk you should start that, if you haven't already 17:28:54 q? 17:28:55 ... that's transition request I belive, it's got a bunch of fields you have to fill out/qs to answer 17:29:06 ... let's open the floor to discussing if the group thinks we're ready to take WebSub to PR 17:29:14 ... anyone have any objections? 17:30:18 ... actually before I ask that, aaronpk are there any outstanding normative issues we need to resolve? 17:30:21 ... that really should be zero 17:30:26 aaronpk: there's a couple things open for discussion 17:30:38 ... there's a note from tantek from this morning about clarifying the publisher relationship 17:30:47 ... more explicitly documenting that there isn't anything specified 17:30:52 ... not normative obviously 17:30:53 https://github.com/w3c/websub/issues 17:31:14 https://github.com/w3c/websub/issues/110 17:31:15 [julien51] #110 Topics 17:31:16 tantek: so looking at this list... there's something about topics, is that a feature request? 17:31:19 aaronpk: yeah 17:31:35 tantek: presumably that's for a future version? or are we trying to figure out how the spec could implement it as-is 17:31:45 aaronpk: I think it's a new enough thing it'd be better as a future version 17:31:57 ... especially if our goal is to keep things compliant with PuSH 17:32:08 tantek: any other opinions, has anyone else had a chance to look at this issue? 17:32:23 ... we'll I'll ask for a group resolution based on that 17:32:38 PROPOSED: Accept websub issue 110 as a future feature request, not for current version of WebSub. 17:32:55 +1 17:33:01 +1 17:33:03 +1 17:33:10 +1 17:33:13 +1 17:33:20 +1 17:33:35 RESOLVED: Accept websub issue 110 as a future feature request, not for current version of WebSub. 17:33:41 +0.5 (sounds good but i haven't thought about it much) 17:33:49 tantek: aaronpk if you could update that issue commenting the resolution that'd be great 17:34:07 ... I saw the other issue from Manton 17:34:14 ... looks like a doc issue rather than a change-the-spec issue 17:34:28 aaronpk: it was a change-the-spec issue but at the end he said there wasn't a conflict like he thought 17:34:36 https://github.com/w3c/websub/issues/106 17:34:37 [Alkarex] #106 Suggestion: Use HTTP 410 Gone 17:34:41 tantek: that then takes us to 410 Gone? where did we end with that 17:35:00 aaronpk: this resulted in a change that we added a while ago so we're just waiting for the commenter to confirm that then 17:35:07 https://github.com/w3c/websub/pull/118 17:35:08 tantek: okay, so nothing outstanding for us to do then 17:35:08 [dissolve] #118 add implementation report on diasporas behalf 17:35:26 tantek: looks like the last thing we have in normative is the... oh! 17:35:32 https://github.com/w3c/websub/issues/97 17:35:33 [aaronpk] #97 Discussion for Host-Meta feature At Risk 17:35:38 ... host-meta feature? 17:35:50 ... left it open deliberately to try to see if anyone still cares 17:36:01 ... we have to resolve this before going to PR, that's what the CR period is for 17:36:07 ... what's the proposed resolution for this one? 17:36:26 aaronpk: right now there are a couple votes in support of dropping it, haven't seen much discussion in support of it except for Julien's last comment about leaving it 17:36:44 tantek: did we get any hints from impl. feedback... did anyone check the "we implement this" box for host-meta? 17:36:49 ... that's the evidence we should be using 17:36:50 no publishers 17:36:52 aaronpk: lemme check 17:37:26 ... ironically we have the least amount of reports from subscribers, which is where this would come in 17:37:32 tantek: well I think it would be publishers depending on it 17:37:35 aaronpk: true 17:37:42 ... these three publishers do not publish at all on host-meta 17:37:50 tantek: so not only do they not depend on it, they don't support it at all 17:37:59 aaronpk: correct, none of the three have advertised the hub via host-meta 17:38:04 sandro: well it's just that they don't use it 17:38:12 ... not a surprise they don't implement it if they don't want 17:38:25 aaronpk: the need for this would be if a publisher was *only* able to publish via host-meta 17:38:31 ... that's the current argument for keeping it in the spec 17:38:49 ... currently in the three reports none of them even advertise host-meta, much less depend on it 17:39:01 sandro: well they wouldn't advertise it if they need it? 17:39:17 aaronpk: well you advertise which one you use 17:39:24 sandro: well you can't bootstrap out of nothing 17:39:37 ... can't rely on host-meta if no one supports it 17:39:42 .. 17:39:58 aaronpk: as a publisher you can advertise your publisher, _always_, with any of them 17:40:31 sandro: only reason for host-meta is for publishers who can *only* do host-meta 17:40:50 tantek: I thought for some reason diaspora did but the impl. report that ben_thatmustbeme just submitted doesn't have it? 17:40:50 FYI Diaspora report: https://github.com/w3c/websub/pull/118/files 17:41:05 aaronpk: Mastodon uses webfinger for other things but not for hub discovery 17:41:17 tantek: okay so people use host-meta for other things but not for websub 17:41:44 tantek: okay, at this point there seems to be overwhelming evidence there's not even an indication of implementors 17:42:00 sandro: I think there's evidence people would want it but there's no way to do it 17:42:06 ... you can't bootstrap this yourself 17:42:17 ... I think it would be a good thing but I think we should probably drop it 17:42:35 tantek: I have a difference of opinion on experiments sandro but generally I agree with you 17:42:49 ... e.g. supporting random feed formats no one consumes yet has been known to happen 17:42:57 doesn't pubsubhubbub support it, and so any existing subscribers from push 0.4 would have supported host-meta 17:43:06 PROPOSED: close issue 97 with dropping at-risk host-meta feature from WebSub https://github.com/w3c/websub/issues/97 17:43:08 [aaronpk] #97 Discussion for Host-Meta feature At Risk 17:43:11 +0 17:43:19 +0 17:43:26 +1 17:43:29 +1 17:43:38 +1 17:43:41 +0 no opinion 17:43:49 +1 sadly not seeing alternative 17:44:00 +1 17:44:10 RESOLVED: close issue 97 with dropping at-risk host-meta feature from WebSub https://github.com/w3c/websub/issues/97 17:44:11 [aaronpk] #97 Discussion for Host-Meta feature At Risk 17:44:26 tantek: aaronpk go ahead and note the summary on the issue and make the edits to the spec 17:44:27 aaronpk: ok 17:44:41 tantek: ok, that takes us to... I think that's it for the normative issues on WebSub? 17:44:46 ... anyone know of any other normative issues? 17:44:53 ... before we discuss PR transition? 17:45:18 ... are there any normative changes outside of issues you wanted to bring up? 17:45:24 aaronpk: I don't think so, lemme check the draft thought 17:45:27 s/thought/though/ 17:45:45 tantek: cause I would expect the Director to do a diff 17:45:53 aaronpk: yeah we've talked about all the changes we've done so far 17:45:58 ... they've been captured as issues 17:46:01 tantek: okay, good 17:46:17 ... so the only new issue is the one I brought up 17:46:27 ... I can ask Evan to chair for this one since I brought it up but it's informative 17:46:32 chair: Evan 17:46:34 ... but we can talk about it in case it has normative impact 17:46:37 https://github.com/w3c/websub/issues/117 17:46:38 [tantek] #117 informative NOTE pub->hub protocol unspecified, and examples 17:46:39 eprodrom: okay, yeah 17:46:53 ... so, could you explain what the issue is tantek? 17:47:08 tantek: if you look at seciton 6 it has one very short paragraph on what publishers should do 17:47:55 ... I requested an informative note making it clear that the pub->hub protocol is left unspecified, and explicitly say what some public hubs have been doing 17:48:07 ... which is to send a POST request with some well-known key names 17:48:35 eprodrom: I think this is because we have previously-existing PuSH versions where this was their mechanism for pubisher notification right? 17:48:52 aaronpk: what's happened with the spec is that it never specified how publishers verify hubs because some publishers integrate into hubs 17:49:03 ... like when it's built into your blog, so you don't need an external API 17:49:15 ... Superfeedr and Google happen to implement the same API because they're both external hubs 17:49:25 ... those are the two links tantek dropped into the issue, for service docs 17:49:40 ... it's sort of become a de facto standard because public hubs do it that way 17:49:51 ... best thing we can do is say "this is what the situation is" 17:49:58 ... but we can't make it required without breaking things 17:50:13 q+ 17:50:14 eprodrom: can we mention a mechanism for doing things specific ways and what the parameters are 17:50:24 ... even if we say this is unspecified but this is how you do it... is that a spec 17:50:32 ... it seems simple and pretty clear is the question there 17:50:58 cwebber2: I just noticed in some specs I've been reviewing they've been doing it's RECOMMENDED... instead of SHOULD or whatever you can do RECOMMENDED 17:51:06 ... that seems like a good way to shove people in the right direction 17:51:22 sandro: RECOMMENDED is defined as a synonym of SHOULD in RFC2119 17:51:27 cwebber2: nvm then 17:51:43 aaronpk: I'd like ???, not sure if we can do that 17:51:52 eprodrom: I'd like if it was normative, it seems pretty straightforward 17:51:59 ... you'd need some kind of definition as to what that means 17:52:08 s/???/it to be a normative part of the spec if that situation applies to you/ 17:52:10 ... my question is, we're in CR right now, we'd be adding an additional "module" to WebSub 17:52:12 personally i would prefer to see it as a seperate note of ways it has been done 17:52:16 ... but it feels like the right time to do it 17:52:32 tantek: the reason I raised this issue was, I was filing my impl. report and going through all the steps 17:52:44 pubsubhubbub.appspot.com uses hub.url instead of hub.topic for example 17:52:47 ... and I realized as I got to the last step that what I was doing wasn't in the spec 17:52:55 ... realized I was following docs from public hubs 17:53:03 ... made sense to at least mention that that documentation exists 17:53:15 ben_thatmustbeme, both superfeedr and google use hub.url 17:53:20 ... but trying to be conservative and not add normative text, instead just ack the current situation 17:53:31 ... I would be _for_ normative text in a *future* WebSub version 17:53:44 i also was working on a hub implementation that uses webmention instead of that methods 17:53:52 ... if it gets more uptake and there are no objections... all the usual spec iteration stuff that involve the broader community, I could see it going into a 1.1 17:54:01 ... in particular I'd like Julien's opinion on any normative change 17:54:16 ... I felt it was still valuable to include an informative short note, stating reality 17:54:24 eprodrom: could I propose a second path? we could have a separate document 17:54:26 ... a Note 17:54:39 ... that defines what the state of the world on pub to hub protocol and refer to that document from here 17:54:48 ... the advantage being that could evolve separately 17:55:03 aaronpk: I support the idea of a Note for specifying that relationship, I think tantek's right that the spec should say *something* 17:55:13 ... "it's unspecified, for example here's one way you could do it" 17:55:21 ... as a reader you're not missing something, it really is not here 17:55:36 eprodrom: do we think we'll be further standardizing this interface? 17:55:45 aaronpk: yeah as a separate future document or as a Note or something 17:55:49 tantek: or as a 1.1 17:56:04 +1 to both a note inline as "this is unspecified, but here is one way that has been used" 17:56:07 eprodrom: for me I'm wondering at one point do we begin the little branch/bud that will become pubhub 17:56:13 and +1 to a later Note doc 17:56:22 ... do we note it here and link to it or just leave it as "two hubs do it this way" and that's it 17:56:27 tantek: we could do both 17:56:45 ... how we capture this kind of protocol, whether it's in a 1.1 or a new pubsub spec 17:56:51 ... I'm ok with either option in whatever form 17:57:03 ... but I think that doesn't preclude us at least mentioning the state of where things are 17:57:07 ... that section in the spec is so short 17:57:19 ... it makes reading the spec seem like there's something missing if we don't say anything here 17:57:23 eprodrom: that makes sense 17:57:26 s/pubsub/pubhub 17:57:30 ... I'm just feeling like this is great CG work 17:57:51 ... I'm trying to figure out the best way to handle that off 17:58:01 rofl 17:58:39 aaronpk: I think I would prefer to add this text as-is instead of preemptively linking to something that doesn't exist yet 17:58:52 ... let's plan on writing that but in the meantime this seems useful 17:59:05 eprodrom: sounds good, aaronpk I assume you'll do some wordsmithing on here 17:59:23 PROPOSED: close https://github.com/w3c/websub/issues/117 by accepting and including informative note as written 17:59:24 [tantek] #117 informative NOTE pub->hub protocol unspecified, and examples 17:59:33 +1 17:59:39 +1 17:59:40 +1 17:59:45 +1 17:59:58 +1 18:00:01 +1 18:00:07 +1 18:00:13 +1 18:00:15 RESOLVED: close https://github.com/w3c/websub/issues/117 by accepting and including informative note as written 18:00:15 [tantek] #117 informative NOTE pub->hub protocol unspecified, and examples 18:00:34 eprodrom: I'd like to hand the floor back to tantek unless there's something else you need? 18:00:37 tantek: that was it! 18:00:46 ... just wanted to get all that on the record 18:01:08 ... I believe that's enough to close all the normative issues on websub 18:01:14 ... most of which we've just been waiting on 18:01:25 ... and to make sure that informative issues don't have any normative implications 18:01:38 ... already talked about impl. reports, got enough for publishers and subscribers 18:01:43 ... how many? 18:01:49 aaronpk: 5 hubs, 3 subscribers, 2 publishers 18:01:58 ... not counting Mastodon's since I haven't officially filed that one yet 18:02:05 tantek: and the diaspora one that ben_thatmustbeme filed during the telecon 18:02:16 aaronpk: yeah the diaspora one too, that's a publisher. that makes 3 publishers now 18:02:21 tantek: I thought that was true, great 18:02:25 ... let's propose the transition 18:03:14 aaronpk: sorry, got that mixed up - 5 hubs, 3 publishers, and now 3 subscribers with... I can't count 18:03:30 5 hubs, 3 publishers, 2 subscribers 18:03:40 tantek: did Mastodon submit as a publisher? as a hub? 18:03:41 https://github.com/w3c/websub/tree/master/implementation-reports 18:03:42 aaronpk: I don't remember 18:03:47 ... I just merged ben_thatmustbeme's 18:03:47 5 hubs 4 publishers 2 subscribers 18:04:07 PROPOSED: with edits agreed during telcon, transition WebSub from CR to PR, with aaronpk writing up transition request on the wiki 18:04:14 q? 18:04:20 q- 18:04:30 +1 18:04:34 +0 18:04:46 +1 18:04:49 +1 18:05:21 +1 18:05:26 +1 18:05:41 +1 18:05:45 +1 18:05:53 RESOLVED: with edits agreed during telcon, transition WebSub from CR to PR, with aaronpk writing up transition request on the wiki 18:06:06 tantek: congrats everyone, this is a pretty big transition 18:06:08 scribenick: ben_thatmustbeme 18:06:56 TOPIC: Post Type Discovery 18:07:10 tantek: i don't have anything new on that, i did publish the new draft as agreed 18:07:15 TOPIC: JF2 18:07:44 q+ 18:07:56 ack ajordan 18:08:08 no real updates, just editorial updates thanks to ajordan 18:08:42 ajordan: i have a bunch of other changes queued up on paper, and I don't think i have any normative changes 18:09:13 tantek: i'll leave it to the editor to request an updated WD when he feels its ready 18:09:19 ... maybe in 2 weeks 18:09:23 ben_thatmustbeme: that sounds good 18:09:33 ajordan: i'll bring in those changes soon 18:09:45 TOPIC: Social Web Protocols 18:10:00 tantek: amy, anything you want to give the group a heads up about? 18:10:18 rhiaro: i don't think i have made any changes since the last update to document status 18:10:30 tantek: sounds like that is gated on when we get the websub PR 18:10:39 TOPIC: Any other documents 18:10:49 tantek: anything? 18:11:03 TOPIC: Incubator CG 18:11:31 cwebber2: we have a call tomorrow, i also had a call with another group that is using AS in a really large way, and they are joining the CG 18:11:46 ... as i said, we have a call tomorrow, so it would be great for people to show up 18:12:02 tantek: any other topics? 18:12:29 tantek: thanks everyone for showing up, some major progress 18:12:53 ... with the transition of websub to PR, we are just waiting on the progress on AP and getting that to PR 18:13:03 ... reminder, we have no call next week 18:13:14 https://www.w3.org/wiki/Socialwg/2017-08-29 18:13:15 our next call is 8/29, i believe i am chairing that one as well 18:13:40 hope to see some of you tomorrow at the CG, otherwise see you in 2 weeks 18:13:48 ben_thatmustbeme++ 18:13:48 ben_thatmustbeme has 82 karma in this channel (251 overall) 18:14:21 17 min early from our extended telcon period! 18:14:31 ajordan++ for scribing 18:14:31 ajordan has 16 karma in this channel (17 overall) 18:14:32 aaronpk: lemme look up the phone number thing for you 18:14:35 trackbot, end meeting 18:14:35 Zakim, list attendees 18:14:35 As of this point the attendees have been ben_thatmustbeme, rhiaro, tantek, aaronpk, ajordan, sandro, tsyesika, cwebber, eprodrom 18:14:43 RRSAgent, please draft minutes 18:14:43 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2017/08/15-social-minutes.html trackbot 18:14:44 RRSAgent, bye 18:14:44 I see no action items