12:13:27 RRSAgent has joined #poe 12:13:27 logging to http://www.w3.org/2017/08/07-poe-irc 12:13:29 RRSAgent, make logs public 12:13:32 Zakim, this will be 12:13:32 I don't understand 'this will be', trackbot 12:13:32 Meeting: Permissions and Obligations Expression Working Group Teleconference 12:13:32 Date: 07 August 2017 12:14:00 Agenda: https://www.w3.org/2016/poe/wiki/Meetings:Telecon20170807 12:14:11 Regrets: Caroline 12:20:17 Chair: Ben 12:20:22 present+ 12:24:38 present+ 12:30:12 benws_ has joined #poe 12:30:26 present+ 12:31:25 michaelS has joined #poe 12:31:42 Serena has joined #poe 12:32:05 present+ 12:33:42 present+ 12:34:36 victor has joined #poe 12:34:36 hi 12:35:03 scribe: michaelS 12:35:09 scribenick: michaelS 12:35:18 topic: last meetings minutes 12:35:32 resolution: last week's minutes were accepted 12:35:55 https://github.com/w3c/poe/projects/1 12:35:57 Topic: Editor's drafts 12:37:24 renato: he has worked on all the open issues 12:37:40 Linda_B has joined #POE 12:37:49 ... and worked on the two major issues: remedy and making profiles mandatory 12:38:07 q+ 12:38:13 ... The IM and Vocab draft of 3 August cover all these issues. 12:38:37 ben: Both look good 12:38:47 renato: no feedback from anybody yet 12:38:57 present+ 12:39:39 ben: do these document cover all raised issues of the past 2 years? 12:39:48 renato: yes 12:39:56 ack ivan 12:40:38 ivan: who propose the "proposed solutions"? 12:41:22 renato: first an issue is discussed then the editor changes the document and if a major change 12:41:52 ... is included this change is communicated to the WG. 12:42:10 ivan: we have a few "to be closed" issues 12:42:44 present+ Linda_B 12:43:24 renato: suggested to give the people from the WG a period until the end of this week to review the two documents 12:43:26 q+ 12:43:37 victor: asked to extend this to 2 weeks? 12:43:51 ack victor 12:44:32 ivan: these documents must go the the Candidate Recommendation state at the start of September. 12:44:54 ... this makes him concerned to keep the editing open for 2 weeks. 12:46:00 ... what we should decide today: we declare an absolute feature freeze not and correct only typing errors. 12:46:11 s/not/now 12:47:06 ben: underlined: not substantial changes anymore - minor corrections only 12:48:18 q? 12:48:26 ack i 12:48:33 benws_: The situation of the Information Model document is quite clear - any comments? 12:48:49 (no comments were raised) 12:49:17 renato: on the Vocabulary document: updated the XML and the JSON-LD 12:49:39 benws_: any bigger changes to XML? 12:50:04 renato: attributes were added and some elements (e.g. consequence) - no major changes 12:50:37 UPM will only work with RDF exclusively 12:51:03 same for INRIA 12:51:21 same for TR ... 12:51:22 benws_: Who has implemented XML - AP? 12:51:33 michaelS: could be the case. 12:52:08 renato: could we vote on the Editor's Draft next week? 12:52:38 Proposed: Provided the outstanding 5 issues under the "proposed solution" column in the github project are accepted, the group accepts the model/vocab documents as Candidate Recommendation. Deadline is one week from now, ie, 14th of August. 12:53:01 ivan: could we vote on the proposed things today? 12:53:07 as a last comment... is it still ok if I send during the day an alternative model for the "consequence"? Comparing this to deontic logical frameworks, I find having that the consequence of not fullfilling a Duty can by not means be other Duty. 12:53:28 if deadline is one week, then it should be ok 12:54:09 benws_: supports victor's comment 12:55:13 victor: will share his comments early this week - to be discussed by the WG 12:55:31 topic: Test Cases 12:56:09 benws_: this is his issue, just returned from holiday but will work on that this week 12:56:18 q+ 12:56:32 q+ 12:56:53 ... will share a proposal to get it discussed by the WG next Monday 12:57:22 ivan: what do we have in terms of test environment? 12:57:59 benws_: agreed - this is not absolutely clear. 12:58:21 ... has to check how this sections has to be rewrited. 12:58:42 ... will write down evaluation criteria 12:59:00 s/rewrited/rewritten 12:59:15 iv 12:59:56 the trick is the meaning of "understand" 13:00:08 ivan: the (W3C) director will ask: are there tests regarding interoperability 13:00:31 agree with ben, "understand=pass test" 13:00:54 benws_: basic issues will be covered but will not go deep into details. 13:01:17 ... this is covered by the concept of Profiles - and they will not be tested. 13:02:26 renato: we need to cover the potential different views by creators and consumers of Policies? 13:02:31 ivan: yes 13:04:26 q? 13:04:27 ... he would like to see that a party creates Policies and e.g. Thomson Reuters has to understand them in a real case. 13:04:40 ack i 13:05:07 benws_: this evaluation should be domain independent? 13:05:10 ivan: yes 13:06:26 benws_: aims at creating truth tables - and an evalutation does not need to fully understand all details. 13:06:36 s/evaluation/evaluator 13:08:28 +1 13:08:59 benws_: an evaluator will only check what is defined by the IM and a profile but will not cover all possible options - is this approach ok? 13:09:20 ivan: would prefer to see that in writing to review it 13:09:42 https://github.com/w3c/poe/blob/gh-pages/test/cr-exit.md 13:10:33 benws_: asked renato to add to the exit criteria what has been changed/added recently. 13:12:13 ivan: a goal is that each feature will be used by two cases 13:13:29 ... and the policy should be generated by a different party than the one receiving and evaluating the policy 13:14:13 benws_: we should be careful that Profiles will be different for different business areas - will we have so many parties? 13:14:44 q? 13:14:56 q- 13:15:29 ... an issue is: the Core Profile covers only very few terms, e.g. Actions. A Policy without a Profile will not be close to reality. 13:15:53 i fully agree with Ivan: the more diverse the sources of policies, the richer the testing will be 13:16:30 ivan: clarified: the cross-testing should be done by the end of the CR phase. 13:17:18 Topic: List of potential implementers 13:17:33 benws_: the current list is empty 13:17:43 https://github.com/w3c/poe/blob/gh-pages/test/implementors.md 13:18:34 ivan: we should divide between receivers and creators of Policies 13:18:51 benws_: do implementors have to be W3C members? 13:18:53 ivan: no 13:19:04 +1 13:19:38 benws_: suggested to name them publishers and implementors 13:20:02 https://w3c.github.io/poe/model/#odre 13:20:46 renato: should this be rewritten? 13:20:57 topic: Update on NOTEs 13:21:58 victor: we have some documents which could be moved into NOTEs - any time limit? 13:22:46 ivan: no, NOTES could be published at the end of the WG work - could be in February. Suggested to set a time limit to early December. 13:23:41 benws_: RightsML Profile? 13:24:01 I would be happy to see these policies, in any case 13:24:23 michaelS: IPTC plans to work on that from September on. 13:24:47 Topic: Open Actions 13:25:17 renato: we need a PHP programer for some features of creating the vocabulary 13:27:38 benws_: went over the Open Actions list 13:28:13 benws_: Action-44 can be closed? 13:28:18 renato: agreed to closing it 13:28:42 thanks! Hear you by then! 13:28:50 rrsagent, draft minutes 13:28:50 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2017/08/07-poe-minutes.html ivan 13:28:56 Serena has left #poe 13:28:57 michaelS: regret for next call 13:29:00 trackbot, end telcon 13:29:00 Zakim, list attendees 13:29:00 As of this point the attendees have been renato, ivan, benws_, michaelS, Serena, victor, Linda_B 13:29:08 RRSAgent, please draft minutes 13:29:08 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2017/08/07-poe-minutes.html trackbot 13:29:09 RRSAgent, bye 13:29:09 I see no action items