13:51:30 RRSAgent has joined #dxwg 13:51:30 logging to http://www.w3.org/2017/07/31-dxwg-irc 13:51:49 Zakim has joined #dxwg 13:51:59 rrsagent, make minutes public 13:51:59 I'm logging. I don't understand 'make minutes public', kcoyle. Try /msg RRSAgent help 13:53:31 rrsagent, make logs public 13:58:19 RubenVerborgh has joined #dxwg 13:58:26 present+ 13:59:03 present+ 13:59:11 roba has joined #dxwg 13:59:19 present+ 14:00:08 antoine has joined #dxwg 14:01:17 present+ antoine 14:01:46 newton has joined #dxwg 14:01:48 Makx has joined #dxwg 14:02:11 alejandra has joined #dxwg 14:02:12 annette_g has joined #dxwg 14:02:21 present+ Dave_Raggett 14:03:01 Caroline has joined #DXWG 14:03:11 Present+ Caroline 14:03:13 present+ newton 14:03:29 scribenick: dsr 14:03:30 I can scribe 14:03:34 present+ 14:03:46 annette_g has joined #dxwg 14:04:00 Present+ annette_g 14:04:11 +q 14:04:18 Topic: Approval of last week’s minutes 14:04:26 ack alejandra 14:04:53 alejandra: I am still waiting on seeing the acknowledgement on the catering for the Oxford minutes 14:05:15 Ixchel has joined #dxwg 14:05:19 present + Ixchel 14:05:20 SimonCox has joined #dxwg 14:05:32 riccardoAlbertoni has joined #dxwg 14:05:41 Karen: we’re still working on the F2F minutes. 14:05:45 present+ SimonCox 14:06:13 If there are no adjustments to last week’s teleconference minutes let’s vote on that 14:06:20 riccardoAlbertoni has joined #dxwg 14:06:24 was not present 14:06:32 present+ riccardoAlbertoni 14:06:56 'NOTUC' == No Objection to Unanimous Consent 14:06:59 https://www.w3.org/2017/07/24-dxwg-minutes 14:07:11 Resolved: we accept the minutes for 24 July 2017 teleconference. 14:07:28 present+ Makx 14:07:53 Karen: I don’t see any new people today, so I think we’ve covered everyone. 14:08:02 Topic: next F2F 14:08:41 Our next face to face will be a TPAC on November 9-10, which will take place near to San Francisco airport. 14:09:09 Everyone should note that there is a fee to support W3C’s hosting costs for TPAC. 14:09:39 See https://www.w3.org/2017/11/TPAC/ 14:09:40 Topic: Use cases and requirements 14:09:42 s/a TPAC/at TPAC/ 14:09:52 http://htmlpreview.github.io/?https://github.com/w3c/dxwg/blob/gh-pages/ucr/index.html 14:10:04 AndreaPerego has joined #dxwg 14:10:12 q+ to ask how to edit 14:10:19 Rob acknowledges the contribution by Jaroslav who can’t attend todays call 14:11:09 Rob: I’ve started on the de-duplication process, and there is a fair bit of work to be done there, and would appreciate a sanity check before I get too stuck in 14:11:51 There are some notes in the draft that describe the main discussion points. 14:11:56 q+ to ask about duplicated links across UCs 14:11:58 present+ AndreaPerego 14:12:30 ack RubenVerborgh 14:12:30 RubenVerborgh, you wanted to ask how to edit 14:12:32 Probably two days more work on the de-duplication of requirements 14:12:55 Ruben: if we have editors how should be provide those, as a pull request? 14:13:03 s/editors/edits/ 14:13:31 5.8 has been edited in the wiki since this was set up. 14:13:37 +q 14:14:09 agenda: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-dxwg-wg/2017Jul/0095.html 14:14:22 agenda: https://www.w3.org/2017/dxwg/wiki/Meetings:Telecon2017.07.31 14:14:28 RRSAgent, draft minutes v2 14:14:28 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2017/07/31-dxwg-minutes.html AndreaPerego 14:14:57 RRSAgent, make logs public 14:15:00 RRSAgent, draft minutes v2 14:15:00 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2017/07/31-dxwg-minutes.html AndreaPerego 14:15:08 It should be accepting the pull request 14:15:41 Meeting: Dataset Exchange Working Group Teleconference 14:15:46 Rob: the pull request hasn’t yet propagated despite it being about 5 hours ago 14:15:48 chair: kcoyle 14:15:51 RRSAgent, draft minutes v2 14:15:51 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2017/07/31-dxwg-minutes.html AndreaPerego 14:16:10 Dave: that feels like something’s gone wrong as it should be quicker than that 14:16:23 https://w3c.github.io/dxwg/ucr/ 14:16:28 it should be shown there 14:16:33 with the latest changes 14:16:39 s/5 hours/10 hours/ 14:16:47 regrets+ Thomas D'haenens, Lars, Dave Browning, Peter Winstanley, Jaroslav 14:16:49 RRSAgent, draft minutes v2 14:16:49 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2017/07/31-dxwg-minutes.html AndreaPerego 14:17:12 Maybe a different page got updated? 14:17:43 danbri has joined #dxwg 14:18:15 Rob: I will look into this with Dave, but if you clone the document you can view it locally. 14:18:31 ack antoine 14:18:31 antoine, you wanted to ask about duplicated links across UCs 14:18:43 Rob: if you have edits, please generate a pull request 14:18:46 pull-request, assign to editors 14:19:13 Antoine: I’ve seen some duplicated links across UCs, 35, 36 … 14:20:08 q+ to say that there are similar issue on id23 id24 14:20:12 ack alejandra 14:21:03 alejandra: if we could have some label to know which requirements have been addressed that would make it easier to focus on those that are still to be clarified 14:21:30 present+ danbri 14:22:07 ack riccardoAlbertoni 14:22:07 riccardoAlbertoni, you wanted to say that there are similar issue on id23 id24 14:23:45 riccardoAlbertoni: there are similar issue on id23 id24 14:24:35 Rob: any help that you can provide on checking the use cases would be appreciated 14:25:03 Karen: we have an agenda item on how to move forward … 14:25:46 +1 to put the tags to the requirements 14:26:23 Rob: I am happy to provide tags for easier tracking 14:27:53 Karen: we haven’t yet made clear the responsibilities … 14:28:37 Rob: we ought to bring work together on the same page relating to profiles 14:29:06 Karen: the other group report we’re looking for is on the DCAT group work 14:29:45 +1 to setting up a doodle poll ;) 14:29:54 alejandra: we’re considering a doodle poll to find a timeslot for the discussions on that 14:30:03 +1 doodle 14:30:12 q+ 14:30:21 The work is dependent on getting the requirements, so we can’t do a lot just yet 14:31:32 q? 14:31:36 action: alejandra to get the DCAT group to do an analysis of the current profile 14:31:37 +q 14:31:37 Created ACTION-32 - Get the dcat group to do an analysis of the current profile [on Alejandra Gonzalez Beltran - due 2017-08-07]. 14:31:51 q- 14:32:13 Karen: the DCAT group hasn’t yet been formally defined, but we have some expressions of interest from a few people 14:32:30 q+ 14:32:32 We did select editors at an earlier meeting 14:32:39 EoI Makx for DCAT 14:32:46 me! 14:33:01 editors selected before: Peter, Simon, Thomas and me 14:33:04 q? 14:33:13 ack SimonCox 14:33:14 but yes, hopefully everyone will contribute 14:33:28 Simon has volunteered to be an editor 14:33:46 Phil created an empty template document for us to work with. 14:33:58 here the skeleton of the document: https://w3c.github.io/dxwg/dcat/ 14:34:01 newton has joined #dxwg 14:34:28 q? 14:35:15 +q to suggest adding the editors for each deliverable in the group wiki page 14:35:20 Antoine: I am reassured, it is looking good for me. 14:35:20 ack antoine 14:35:26 ack riccardoAlbertoni 14:35:26 riccardoAlbertoni, you wanted to suggest adding the editors for each deliverable in the group wiki page 14:36:10 riccardoAlbertoni: we should add he editors for each deliverable in the group wiki page 14:36:37 SimonCox_ has joined #dxwg 14:37:20 At some point, there will be only editors 14:37:32 q+ 14:37:40 Q+ 14:37:41 q+ 14:37:44 Topic: Open action items 14:37:56 ack RubenVerborgh 14:38:55 Ruben: 27 was about links, I’ve put some text on the wiki, if you want a pull request let me know 14:39:45 so, do we stop using the wiki and we start using github for UCR work? 14:40:00 Ruben: 28 I’ve completely rewritten the use case following the suggestions from the F2F 14:40:19 Karen: we should put use case 28 back on our agenda for discussion (next week) 14:41:01 SimonCox has joined #dxwg 14:41:01 q? 14:41:13 ack annette_g 14:41:47 annette_g: I had an action for UC 8, and have done that on the wiki, but it isn’t on the github pages. I will make a pull request for it 14:42:02 ack AndreaPerego 14:43:00 Andrea: I can make a pull request from my cloned repo, do we want to follow that or to get everyone write access 14:43:14 q+ 14:43:31 Rob: if everyone has write permission it can make it hard to organise reviews 14:43:44 I think it is better to do Pull Requests and reviews 14:44:18 ack SimonCox 14:44:19 even if everyone has write access 14:44:24 Q+ 14:44:24 Andrea: I can’t do anything to the repo as I don’t have write access 14:45:18 Simon this is controlled by the repo owner 14:45:34 Q- 14:47:05 Simon in the spatial data WG everyone had write access, and we created branches and pushed these to the W3C main repo 14:47:59 Karen: could you please write up how that worked and email it to the public list and we can then see what others think 14:48:02 newton has joined #dxwg 14:48:11 https://www.w3.org/2017/dxwg/wiki/Use_Case_Working_Space#ID37 14:48:19 Topic: Use case 37 14:48:29 Karen: this was previously unresolved. 14:49:14 Karen invites Antoine to summarise where we got to 14:50:16 Antoine: one question is whether UC37 needs to be split and clarified 14:50:30 q? 14:50:32 Karen: any comments? 14:51:02 s/Simon /Simon: / 14:51:03 s/Simon /Simon: / 14:51:39 Antoine: would members of the group be happy if the use case didn’t specifically name … 14:52:08 s/I can’t do anything to the repo as I don’t have write access/I can’t do anything to the repo as I don’t have write access - e.g., add labels to issues and PRs/ 14:52:18 Karen: would people prefer if the use case was generalised in terms of requirements? 14:53:02 Rob: the generalisation is well underway, I am not too worried about duplication, but am not quite sure what to do about the last one 14:53:48 Karen: do people feel comfortable enough to vote on UC 37? 14:54:44 q+ 14:55:12 Rob raises a question about APIs and whether this is in scope for what we’re talking about here? 14:55:19 Q+ 14:55:36 RRSAgent, draft minutes v2 14:55:36 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2017/07/31-dxwg-minutes.html AndreaPerego 14:55:43 q? 14:55:46 ack ant 14:55:50 Karen: you could put this into the requirements and we could then discuss them along with the others and decide which ones are going too far … 14:56:10 Q- 14:56:13 +1 to discussing when we discuss requirements how far we bring each requirements 14:56:16 antoine: I may have over generalized this one. 14:56:43 PROPOSED: accept UC 37 14:56:48 +1 14:56:49 +1 14:56:53 +1 14:57:02 +1 14:57:03 +1 14:57:12 +11 14:57:14 +1 14:57:29 q+ 14:57:33 Karen: we can refine the requirements when we discuss them 14:57:34 +1 14:58:24 RESOLVED: accept UC 37 14:58:34 antoine: one last point - we’re ready to discuss the requirements when you are, if anyone has doubts, pleaae let us know 14:59:05 Q+ 14:59:10 q- 15:00:07 i clicked on the link on the meeting page, no password asked 15:00:13 Karen: we will meet again next Monday, please look at your actions and we will look forward to discussing how we want to use github 15:00:14 Bye! 15:00:15 thank you! Bye 15:00:17 Thanks, and bye! 15:00:19 bye 15:00:19 Bye 15:00:25 … end of meeting … 15:00:32 regrets: Jaroslav 15:00:49 chair: Karen 15:00:53 scribe: Dave 15:01:12 meeting; Data Exchange WG teleconference 15:01:21 rrsagent, make minutes 15:01:21 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2017/07/31-dxwg-minutes.html dsr 15:05:27 rrsagent, make minutes v2 15:05:27 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2017/07/31-dxwg-minutes.html dsr 17:10:09 Zakim has left #dxwg