17:03:50 RRSAgent has joined #social 17:03:50 logging to http://www.w3.org/2017/07/18-social-irc 17:03:52 RRSAgent, make logs public 17:03:52 Zakim has joined #social 17:03:53 present+ 17:03:54 Zakim, this will be SOCL 17:03:54 ok, trackbot 17:03:55 Meeting: Social Web Working Group Teleconference 17:03:55 Date: 18 July 2017 17:03:59 present+ 17:03:59 present+ 17:03:59 present+ 17:04:07 present+ 17:04:16 (irc only though) 17:04:17 scribenick: cwebber2 17:04:38 present+ 17:04:51 ;) 17:05:06 i'll try to scribe the the AP section if needed, i don't know if i'll have to leave early or not though 17:05:48 topic: review previous meetings' minutes 17:06:08 eprodro57: looks like we have two weeks of minutes to review. I think for the 6-27 we have the wrong minutes... looks like the CG minutes... 17:06:31 ajordan: we do have some CG minutes that are missing 17:06:46 eprodrom has joined #social 17:06:53 https://www.w3.org/wiki/Socialwg/2017-06-27-minutes 17:07:03 cwebber2: I think the CG can deal with the CG's missing minutes part 17:07:53 ben_thatmustbeme: I volunteer to track down the minutes for later 17:08:06 eprodrom: ok instead of proposing to review the minutes for 6-27 let's review the minutes for 7-11 17:08:38 PROPOSED: Accept https://www.w3.org/wiki/Socialwg/2017-07-11-minutes as minutes of the 2017-07-11 meeting 17:08:42 +1 17:08:42 +1 17:08:44 +0 17:08:47 +1 17:08:57 +1 17:09:15 RESOLVED: Accept https://www.w3.org/wiki/Socialwg/2017-07-11-minutes as minutes of the 2017-07-11 meeting 17:09:34 I'll chase down those 17:09:38 eprodrom: so we have to shake down the 6-27 minutes and I guess we'll have to do that 17:09:41 I thin kthat was a sandro scribing week 17:09:45 eprodrom: one thing about minutes we can see who did what 17:09:48 its clearly the 6/28 minutes there 17:09:52 from the CG 17:09:53 eprodrom: do we have the raw minutes? 17:10:00 Give me 5 mins I'll find it 17:10:17 eprodrom: I'd like to move forward 17:10:18 rhiaro++ 17:10:26 eprodrom: let's talk about the next item which is august dates 17:10:27 TOPIC: August meeting dates 17:10:42 Last week everyone voted, and we have results, but for a couple pending Evan's opinion 17:10:44 :) 17:10:56 eprodrom: in august we have 5 tuesdays, we talked about doing every other week? 17:10:58 q+ 17:11:09 ack cwebber 17:11:20 CANCELING July 18, ug 8, Aug 22 17:11:20 for sure: 7/25, 8/15, 8/29. 8/1 contingent on Evan chairing 17:11:53 cwebber: I propose we do meetings every week because we seem to wanting to cut down meetings and are not able to 17:11:55 -1 as i feel like most of the meetings are things that should be done async anyway 17:12:10 eprodrom: it's just at tough time to have frequent meetings, but 17:12:22 Loqi has joined #social 17:12:58 PROPOSAL: cancel meetings for 8/9 and 8/22 17:13:10 PROPOSAL: cancel meetings for 8/8 and 8/22 17:13:15 +1 and +1 from sandro in absentia 17:13:17 +1 17:13:25 cwebber2: -0 but i won't fight it 17:13:29 +1 17:13:52 +0 17:14:10 RESOLVED: cancel meetings for 8/8 and 8/22 17:14:46 TOPIC: PTD 17:15:10 eprodrom: tantek is not here yet, so I'd like to push PTD to the end of the agenda 17:15:19 eprodrom: let's talk about bridging 17:15:22 https://www.w3.org/wiki/Socialwg/2017-06-27-minutes minutes are corrected 17:15:30 TOPIC: bridging ActivityPub and IndieWeb stack 17:15:36 ajordan: I guess that's me 17:15:51 https://indieweb.org/bridge#ActivityPub 17:16:12 ajordan: this is something that came out of indieweb summit, and basically we think we can find a semi-decent way to bridge activtiypub and the indieweb stack 17:16:38 ajordan: so the simplest by far is micropub, because we think it can be possible to write a website that can transform microformats into an ap activity 17:16:53 ajordan: the tricky thing is mentions, there are two parts of this; AP->IW sites, and IW->AP 17:17:21 ajordan: so AP->IW, my theory is that IW sites should be able to put a static paage on the root of the site 17:17:39 ajordan: so any time an AP site mentions the actor at that site 17:17:53 ajordan: all mutation and stuff will resolve to a bridge service that will construct things on the fly 17:17:57 ajordan: that sort of makes sense 17:18:41 eprodrom: for it would be a facade server doing AP on one side or IW on the other? C2S is simple on this system, you use your preferred provider, and the bridge does transformations 17:19:17 eprodrom: for S2S, what you're saying is that IW servers, if IW servers that support webmention, they should also have a way to expose AP server to server by handing that off to a bridge. that bridge would take anything coming to an inbox and translate it back 17:19:20 eprodrom: so yeah 17:19:22 ajordan: exactly 17:19:32 ajordan: this does require the IW site to put the JSON file at the root 17:19:53 ajordan: I should make it clear we put this at the root and then set the server to ? 17:20:00 JSON file at the root, would be a problem for some 17:20:21 ajordan: if the IW site does not do this, you can have a situtation where you prefix this url with the bridge url, then you query the bridge url and get an actor back and all that 17:20:27 ajordan: so that's a worse UX but it should work 17:20:32 ajordan: even if the IW site hasn't opted in 17:20:58 eprodrom: from my point of view of discovery, if we're not solving on discovery, maybe we could have another discovery mechanism such as link headers, etc 17:21:20 eprodrom: if my site returns html you can do antoher discovery method 17:21:28 eprodrom: you should be able to get the json descriptor currently in AP 17:21:49 eprodrom: so could we expand AP to say in the erroneous situation where they return HTML instead of JSON, this is what you will do 17:21:55 ajordan: what would you do in that case 17:22:05 jaywink, I agree 17:22:15 eprodrom: so link rel=inbox, href=url of bridge, etc 17:22:19 17:22:34 q+ 17:22:51 q- 17:22:53 ajordan: if you're already going to do this if you're already adding this? 17:22:56 evan covered it 17:23:04 eprodrom: if you're adding something with just html but can't do content negotiation 17:23:10 eprodrom: there's a big jump between them, I think 17:23:22 ajordan: I can file an issue about this 17:23:59 q+ 17:24:14 q+ (irc only) 17:24:24 cwebber2: I think it would be nice, but it could be a MAY, it's already a lot of work 17:24:26 q- (irc only) 17:24:28 eprodrom: it could be an extension 17:24:42 q+ to say (typing on irc only) 17:24:45 eprodrom: also you could do rdfa or something similar 17:24:55 eprodrom: you could grab out the AS2 data 17:25:06 eprodrom: probably not the most exciting thing for MF2 folks, but a possibility 17:25:09 present+ 17:25:10 the link rel would parse as rdfa 17:25:17 LDN already got that covered 17:25:23 ajordan: seems like we're agreeing it's either a MAY or an extension 17:25:26 wait why are we talking about theoreticals? ("or even"?) 17:25:29 q? 17:25:36 ack ben_thatmustbeme 17:25:51 ben_thatmustbeme: if you implement it as a MAY, doesn't it break federation? 17:26:06 At this point, it doesn't make any sense to include anything in the spec that's not at least semi-widely implemented / deployed like that 17:26:10 eprodrom: yeah I think that's absolutely right and if that's not something we want to do let's not build two diferent stacks 17:26:30 rather than trying to be politically correct (or we can be politically correct in informative Notes) 17:26:33 q? 17:26:54 ben_thatmustbeme: I don't think this is specific to bridging 17:26:55 q+ 17:27:05 ben_thatmustbeme: if you're going to support it it should be required 17:27:06 1) This bridging stuff can go in SWP if we settle it, not needed in AP 17:27:06 2) Can we timebox this discussion and end it imminently because there's lots of AP stuff to go through? 17:27:07 ack rhiaro 17:27:07 rhiaro, you wanted to say (typing on irc only) 17:27:11 ^^^^ 17:27:29 No 17:27:43 I think it can be in SWP if it's figured out, the point of the discussion is spec impacts 17:27:51 it's not figured out AFAIK 17:27:53 q+ 17:27:57 q? 17:28:01 ack cwebber2 17:28:05 ack cwebber 17:28:46 ack tantek 17:28:52 q? 17:29:04 cwebber2: I think this shouldn't be rdfa, it could be embedded as json-ld as is done in schema.org things etc 17:29:14 tantek: +1 on not doing rdfa, we shouldn't do normative text that's not deployed 17:29:27 tantek: I agree with moving to SWP when it's figured out 17:29:54 tantek: that's what I'm interested in, if it requires spec changes then it needs to be figured out asap 17:30:02 call dropped 17:30:02 Rhiaro made 1 edit to [[Socialwg/2017-06-27-minutes]] https://www.w3.org/wiki/index.php?diff=103817&oldid=103706 17:30:06 bridging++ 17:30:06 bridging has 1 karma 17:30:17 q? 17:30:27 eprodrom, you dropped out, tantek is temporarily saying we're moving on 17:30:30 Let's move on to the next topic 17:30:39 TOPIC: CR to PR items 17:30:40 cwebber2: yep 17:30:52 eprodrom: we didn't discuss IndieWeb -> ActivityPub (the other direction) but it's at https://indieweb.org/bridge#ActivityPub and pretty clear if you want to look at it 17:31:13 https://github.com/w3c/activitypub/issues/242#issuecomment-315645158 17:31:13 [strugee] Link to the Etherpad from the Mumble call: https://public.etherpad-mozilla.org/p/activitypub-implicit-explit 17:31:13 Someone correct me if I'm wrong but I believe this was the consensus: 17:31:13 1. sharedInbox is used only for public and followers delivery, ev... 17:31:24 scribenick:ben_thatmustbeme 17:31:59 cwebber2: we are basically seeing DB / storage issues bleed in to spec 17:32:20 ... we have a public inbox vs private inboxes 17:32:39 to allow for delivery to large sets of users 17:32:51 s/private/shared/ 17:33:26 :D 17:34:13 cwebber2: i would like to rename to shared inbox 17:34:42 q? 17:34:42 (request coming) 17:34:45 PROPOSAL: Rename publicInbox to sharedInbox and allow it to both post public posts and posts to followers 17:34:49 ajordan: which summary in github? 17:35:00 tantek: https://github.com/w3c/activitypub/issues/242#issuecomment-315645158 17:35:01 [strugee] Link to the Etherpad from the Mumble call: https://public.etherpad-mozilla.org/p/activitypub-implicit-explit 17:35:01 Someone correct me if I'm wrong but I believe this was the consensus: 17:35:01 1. sharedInbox is used only for public and followers delivery, ev... 17:35:02 https://github.com/w3c/activitypub/issues/242#issuecomment-315645158 17:35:02 [strugee] Link to the Etherpad from the Mumble call: https://public.etherpad-mozilla.org/p/activitypub-implicit-explit 17:35:03 Someone correct me if I'm wrong but I believe this was the consensus: 17:35:03 1. sharedInbox is used only for public and followers delivery, ev... 17:35:14 sandro: my one concern is if someone posts to this, thats malformed, it doesn't end up public when they didn't want it to 17:35:39 sandro: the implicit action that creates, is that also true on this 17:35:47 cwebber2: thats only on client to server 17:35:52 sandro: no problem then 17:35:55 PROPOSAL: Rename publicInbox to sharedInbox and allow it to both post public posts and posts to followers 17:36:03 +1 17:36:06 +1 17:36:08 +1 17:36:41 this is a breaking change to all implementations, right? 17:37:01 all implementatins that implemented publicInbox which I don't think is required..? (correct me..) 17:37:04 aaronpk: not technically 17:37:17 we're changing semantics but we're also changing the name, and the existing publicInbox is a MAY 17:37:47 tantek: where is the actual change to the spec here 17:38:13 cwebber2: this is allowing for if you are posting to all of your (millions of) followers but not posting publicly 17:38:32 is this implementable? prototyped? 17:38:39 cwebber2: the receiving server will see that this is to their followers collection and it knows who the followers are on your server 17:38:52 cwebber2: you can already do that, but you currently also have to post it publicly 17:38:52 tantek: I'm not sure about implementations but Mastodon has made it clear that they need this 17:38:55 and are planning to do it 17:39:25 tantek: i'm a little concerned that we are making changes to a CR that no one has implemententd 17:39:46 cwebber2: mastodon is already implmenting it, and puckipedia is implementing it 17:40:17 tantek: thats a good thing to capture in an issue, not to make it a change in the CR 17:40:34 before it was all just theory 17:41:02 tantek: you think this is a change to existing functionality, not adding? 17:41:11 q+ 17:41:17 q? 17:41:22 cwebber2: it is a slight add of being able to not post publicly 17:41:23 ack ajordan 17:41:29 cwebber2: it is breaking 17:41:30 tantek: I'm back, can chair from here 17:41:43 ajordan: afaict its not breaking 17:41:55 ... it was a may before and its a may now 17:42:28 ... so any that didn't do it before, it doesn't matter, and anyone who did it before will still be compliant (just without that feature) 17:42:55 ... we both shared the same concerns as you (tantek) had, but its really just refining this feature 17:43:11 tantek: i am not questioning the Why at all, i am just trying to make sure we do the right thing for our CR 17:43:27 sandro: your concern is that we are making this change but we are going to have to change it back 17:43:43 tantek: i think we may need to change it again 17:44:03 ... in order to minimize issues, its better to implement it before it goes in to the CR 17:44:09 If we made this change now and had to fix it in a month, or if we wait a month and make it then, it doesn't make any difference to CR. 17:44:26 tantek cwebber2 ^^? 17:45:15 tantek: you can land the text in the ED of how this will work 17:45:38 ... but before it lands in CR, it should have prototypes 17:45:56 rhiaro: by "make this change" do you mean the WD or the published CR? 17:46:08 PROPOSED: for https://github.com/w3c/activitypub/issues/242 rename publicInbox to sharedInbox and allow sending to followers only 17:46:17 ajordan: CR 17:46:22 right 17:46:23 +1 17:46:49 PROPOSED: for https://github.com/w3c/activitypub/issues/242 , group supports renaming publicInbox to sharedInbox and allowing sending to followers only IFF implementation support 17:46:53 +1 17:46:54 +1 17:46:58 +1 17:47:05 tantek: in general thats a good bar for AP changes at this point 17:47:06 +1 17:47:07 +1 17:47:16 sandro: +1 17:47:50 but it can still land in the editors draft to not confuse current wip version? 17:47:53 tantek: thank you 17:48:00 eprodrom: is it okay if we defer 244? 17:48:01 tantek++ 17:48:03 tantek has 66 karma in this channel (370 overall) 17:48:04 [cwebber] #242 sharedInbox / siteInbox type endpoint (publicInbox, but not just for public posts) 17:48:04 [cwebber] #242 sharedInbox / siteInbox type endpoint (publicInbox, but not just for public posts) 17:48:19 I can't stay 17:48:21 i cannot stay late on audio 17:49:03 TOPIC: WebSub 17:49:10 scribenick: cwebber2 17:49:26 aaronpk: I think the only topic is the one in the notes 17:49:28 rejoining 17:50:18 https://git.postactiv.com/postActiv/postActiv/issues/139#note_1690 17:50:21 aaronpk: the person does not want to submit an implementation report because they're unhappy with EME 17:50:43 sandro: I think there's not a lot we can do about it and we should move on 17:51:05 q+ 17:51:56 ack ben_thatmustbeme 17:52:47 ben_thatmustbeme: on another point, as in terms of websub implementation reports, an fyi that diaspora did an implementation of websub but might not submit an implementation report because they may drop OStatus 17:53:15 sandro: I think it would be nice to have impl reports that speak to just that it's compatible with classic PuSH 17:53:20 sandro: for me that's valuable 17:53:22 tantek: good point 17:53:29 eprodrom: that sounds reasonable 17:53:33 sandro++ for seeing the positive. thank you 17:53:34 sandro has 47 karma in this channel (54 overall) 17:53:35 Adding for the minutes that sandro said he will report the EME thing to Team and tantek will report to AB 17:53:41 eprodrom: do we have ways in impl report template for 3rd party supporters? 17:53:57 aaronpk: there's nothing in the template right now but I know there's a line with author / etc 17:54:08 aaronpk: nothing else for websub 17:54:14 http://dissolve.github.io/jf2/#changes-from-27-june-2017-wd-to-this-version 17:54:14 TOPIC: JF2 17:54:35 ben_thatmustbeme: looking for more info for impl reports 17:55:28 PROPOSED: publish new working draft of JF2 based on editor's draft at http://dissolve.github.io/jf2/#changes-from-27-june-2017-wd-to-this-version 17:55:31 +1 17:55:35 +1 17:55:35 17:55:42 +1 17:55:53 +1 17:56:16 tantek: I'm saying validator impl reports linking to jf2.rocks, is that right? 17:56:21 ben_thatmustbeme: that's the landing page for now that links them all 17:56:24 tantek: ok just checking 17:56:28 +1 17:56:40 s/saying/seeing 17:56:50 RESOLVED: publish new working draft of JF2 based on editor's draft at http://dissolve.github.io/jf2/#changes-from-27-june-2017-wd-to-this-version 17:56:54 s/validator impl reports/validator, sample set, implementation reports 17:57:33 tantek: 30 sec update, I'm successfully using JF2 to do social embedding on my site 17:57:36 tantek: just as an FYI 17:57:46 tantek: it's working very well as a transport format 17:57:53 tantek: that's how I'm showing rsvp's on my site 17:58:07 TOPIC: PTD 17:58:58 [tantek] #25 Response Type: consider "reply" for 2nd to last for fallback use-cases 18:02:27 q+ 18:02:32 ack ajordan 18:03:42 scribenick: ajordan 18:03:49 cwebber2: this one's big but it's short 18:03:58 TOPIC: https://github.com/w3c/activitypub/issues/244 18:03:58 [cwebber] #244 Accept / Reject a Follow 18:03:59 ... people want to be able to accept and reject followers 18:04:03 present+ 18:04:08 ... we propose that everyone always sends an accept/reject 18:04:18 ... for people that always want to accept, you just automatically send an accept back 18:04:29 ... this makes it mandatory that you always send an accept/reject to a follow request 18:04:44 eprodrom: what happens to existing impls that don't send an accept or reject 18:04:49 ... can you say they're default accepted? 18:04:57 cwebber2: so this is why we need to make it mandatory... 18:05:14 ... so if you don't hear back you'd know 18:05:15 ... you could possibly check the followers list 18:05:24 sandro: it could take a couple weeks right? 18:05:35 cwebber2: if you don't hear back you'd see a "waiting" type interface 18:05:42 ... I agree that this is a big backwards-breaking change 18:05:52 eprodrom: three states: waiting, accepted, rejected 18:06:06 this sounds like a mix of network stack levels 18:06:06 ... what if I get an update from someone I'm waiting on 18:06:17 ... what if I've been rejected and I receive something 18:06:29 cwebber2: this is tricky because I can add you to my friends list but not my followers list 18:06:32 are we talking about an ACK as i receieved the request? 18:06:34 ... diaspora-style aspects 18:06:53 eprodrom: maybe if you reject a follower just don't send them anything 18:07:08 ... you've got a lot of cases here and I'm not sure what that complexity buys us 18:07:14 sandro: it buys you a good UI 18:07:31 ... I clicked mastodon's follow button and I was frustrated because it didn't provide any feedback 18:07:41 ... but it was really in the waiting state 18:08:00 cwebber2: there's another reason that we need this in a sense 18:08:01 present+ 18:08:04 ... other social networks provide this 18:08:08 ... Facebook provides this 18:08:09 https://www.w3.org/TR/activitystreams-vocabulary/#connections 18:08:14 ... I think it's necessary 18:08:23 ???: the whole relationship schema is for that 18:08:32 Loqi has joined #social 18:08:35 ... follows/unfollows are for this 18:09:08 https://www.w3.org/TR/activitystreams-vocabulary/#connections 18:09:27 s/???eprodrom/ 18:09:32 cwebber2: that could work... 18:09:43 ... I didn't realize this was in the spec, this seems kind of reasonable 18:09:54 ... I'd move towards figuring out how to do this in the spec 18:10:03 ... it'd be a normative change but wouldn't break backwards compat 18:10:11 ... it'll take time; I'll work on this 18:10:17 isn't a Follow nothing to do with friend request? it's jsut "I follow that person if they send me something they will" 18:10:24 eprodrom: it lets you have a regular following mechanism like other social networks have 18:10:29 ... without all the acks and nacks and stuff 18:10:36 cwebber2: 5 minutes late, I want to get to the one other related thing 18:10:48 ... big debate in e.g. Mastodon/AP as to whether you federate a Block 18:11:02 ... Mastodon *has* to federate a Block because they don't explicitly ??? 18:11:12 ... we had a conversation and realized we were kind of overloading Block 18:11:26 ... there's disallowing side effects, and there's basically a "request to unfollow" 18:11:33 https://www.w3.org/TR/activitystreams-vocabulary/#dfn-block 18:11:38 https://github.com/w3c/activitypub/issues/242#issuecomment-315645158 18:11:41 ... "I don't want to deliver to you anymore" 18:11:43 [strugee] Link to the Etherpad from the Mumble call: https://public.etherpad-mozilla.org/p/activitypub-implicit-explit 18:11:47 Someone correct me if I'm wrong but I believe this was the consensus: 18:11:51 1. sharedInbox is used only for public and followers delivery, ev... 18:12:00 ... I want to get a sense as to what people, especially eprodrom, think about this 18:12:17 ... is this reasonable to put in the spec, should we do this with an Undo, a Reject, etc. 18:12:29 eprodrom: we have an activity type called Block which is specifically to implement social media block 18:12:41 ... it seems to me what would happen in that situation 18:12:48 ... on the sender's server you'd expect to have that kind of mechanism 18:12:56 ... on the receiving server things get trickier, it's advisory 18:13:09 ... if alice and bob are both on example.com and charlie is on foo.example and charlie blocks bob 18:13:22 ... foo.example will still be sending updates to example.com because of alice 18:13:36 ... the expected behavior for example.com is that it not show that info to bob, but if it's hostile it could do that 18:13:38 https://public.etherpad-mozilla.org/p/activitypub-implicit-explit 18:13:42 cwebber2: you've got it exactly 18:13:59 ... one of the things we discussed on this call is that there are two separate things covered by Block and they're separate 18:14:19 ... some people want to send a Block-type thing across the wire to say "don't send my stuff to this person" 18:14:29 ... some people don't want to send something across the network for safety reasons 18:14:46 ... we separated out an ignore-style block and retroactively undoing a follow 18:14:56 ... we want to separate these cleanly into two different things 18:15:06 https://github.com/w3c/activitypub/issues/242#issuecomment-315645158 18:15:07 [strugee] Link to the Etherpad from the Mumble call: https://public.etherpad-mozilla.org/p/activitypub-implicit-explit 18:15:07 Someone correct me if I'm wrong but I believe this was the consensus: 18:15:07 1. sharedInbox is used only for public and followers delivery, ev... 18:15:10 ... if you look at the issue summary it'd make it so you never have to federate a Block 18:15:30 ... the only thing you'd end up federating is the other one (the "don't forward stuff to the follower's inbox" type thing) 18:15:37 ... and you could choose whether to do that or not 18:15:44 ... does that make sense that there's two separate actions here? 18:15:46 eprodrom: no 18:15:57 ... I don't see the point in teasing out two different things when there's already Block 18:16:12 eprodrom: it's a single activity type and you could just do it 18:16:18 ... I don't see what the additional complexity buys you 18:16:25 cwebber2: scenario from Gargron: 18:16:34 ... people push the block button and then unclick it 18:16:40 ... they call this a "soft-block" 18:17:00 ... it stops the soft-blocked person from following them but still allows them to interact with posts 18:17:30 ... the scenario here is that you don't want them to see the private messages you're sending out to friends and family, but you don't mind if they interact with your posts 18:17:40 eprodrom: currently sends a block and an undo block right? 18:17:51 ... I've been writing social software for 10 years and I don't care about this usecase 18:18:15 cwebber2: the motivator is that currently in our spec for a reason we decided to say don't federate a Block 18:18:32 ... we don't want to put people in danger of knowing that they're blocked by somebody 18:18:46 ... this is a problem because of the way Mastodon does delivery 18:18:52 ... it's an explicit vs implicit problem 18:19:02 eprodrom: my opinion is not only should you federate blocks this is not a good idea 18:19:07 ... complicated and messy and I don't get it 18:19:15 ... I don't see why you wouldn't federate blocks 18:19:24 eprodrom: wait 18:19:35 +0 18:19:38 my audio is totally screwed 18:19:52 eprodrom: I don't want to think about this 18:20:05 I'm gonna have to redial 18:20:21 eprodrom: you want to make a proposal? 18:20:39 cwebber2: not a lot of people on the call 18:21:24 eprodrom: I think I understand why you're trying to not federate blocks, but I don't find it motivating 18:21:28 q+ 18:21:33 ack ajordan 18:22:21 sandro: you implicitly asked my opinion 18:22:31 ... my opinion is that Mastodon users are the bulk of decentralized social media 18:22:35 ... by 10 to 1 18:22:40 ... so we should pay attention to their usecases 18:22:47 eprodrom: that's a compelling argument sir 18:22:55 eprodrom: cwebber2 what do you want to do here 18:23:03 cwebber2: I'd like to draft up an actual PR to describe how this is done 18:23:11 ... I got a sense about how you feel about it which was my main goal here 18:23:23 ... I'll just draft up a PR, we'll see how it is after it's drafted 18:23:50 ... I'll also need to draft up a PR given the accept/reject convo we had earlier 18:24:03 sandro: I hope you mean pushing something to the editor's draft with a note so people don't have to dig through GitHub 18:24:07 cwebber2: uhhh yeah I could do that 18:24:20 eprodrom: thanks for taking extra time here, let's plan on talking next week 18:24:31 ... cwebber2 do you feel like we need a bit of extra time next week? 18:24:35 ... I'll circulate 90 minutes 18:24:44 cwebber2: that would be appreciated 18:24:48 eprodrom: I'll do that then 18:25:29 trackbot, end meeting 18:25:29 Zakim, list attendees 18:25:29 As of this point the attendees have been cwebber, jaywink, ben_thatmustbeme, rhiaro, eprodro, ajordan, tantek, sandro, aaronpk 18:25:37 RRSAgent, please draft minutes 18:25:37 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2017/07/18-social-minutes.html trackbot 18:25:38 RRSAgent, bye 18:25:38 I see no action items