15:58:31 RRSAgent has joined #pbg 15:58:31 logging to http://www.w3.org/2017/07/18-pbg-irc 15:58:38 Zakim has joined #pbg 15:58:42 present+ 15:59:09 mateus-teixeira has joined #pbg 15:59:13 laurentlemeur has joined #pbg 16:00:04 present+ Avneesh 16:00:30 present+ 16:00:40 present+ wolfgang 16:01:17 present+ 16:01:51 pbelfanti has joined #pbg 16:01:55 present+ 16:02:00 Bill_Kasdorf has joined #pbg 16:02:00 graham has joined #pbg 16:02:08 present+ 16:02:24 present+ 16:02:42 jkamata has joined #pbg 16:02:52 graham has left #pbg 16:04:05 George has joined #pbg 16:04:45 takeshi has joined #pbg 16:04:53 present+ George 16:05:30 Present+ Takeshi_Kanai 16:05:44 scribenick: Tzviya 16:06:07 topic: Pub Summit Update 16:06:13 mikebaker has joined #pbg 16:06:25 Bill_Kasdorf: Request for Proposal deadline was July 15 16:06:34 garth has joined #pbg 16:06:39 present+ Garth 16:06:46 ...We did not get that many proposals, but we reached out to many speakers. 16:06:56 leslie has joined #pbg 16:06:56 present+ 16:07:00 ...We have to allot topics and schedule the whole program 16:07:19 cristina has joined #pbg 16:07:37 ...I have to add a few items to the spreadsheet where we've gathered info 16:08:31 ...The committee's main task is to sort through the proposals and figure out how to combine speakers and such 16:08:54 ...We plan to confirm the program by end of July 16:08:56 present + 16:09:37 present+ Karen 16:09:41 scribe: Karen 16:09:56 Paul: Waiting to see if Rick joins 16:10:01 ...Let's look at summer schedule 16:10:11 ...We are having the Business Group meeting today 16:10:27 ...Neither group will meet between July 25 and August 15th to account for summer schedules 16:10:28 graham_ has joined #pbg 16:10:38 ...Steering Committee reconvenes on August 22nd 16:10:53 ...Next Publishing Business Group meeting will be August 29, with same logistics as today 16:11:03 ...and then continue with regular every other week schedules with those dates 16:11:18 ...I think this has already been communicated via emails, but wanted to reconfirm 16:11:39 ...Other items on agenda were EPUB for Education 16:11:50 ...We need Rick to report out on the IMS Global conversations he has had 16:11:53 ...and the Q3 priorities 16:12:01 ...and Q4 Steering Committee were the other items 16:12:12 ...Is there any other new business to bring forward to this group 16:12:18 ...See if Rick shows up in the mean time 16:12:19 q+ 16:12:45 ack k 16:13:17 q+ 16:13:35 Karen: Taking a pulse question for the community 16:13:43 ...are people clear about what we're doing? 16:13:51 ...tools, groups, etc. 16:14:01 Brian: A regular cadence would be good 16:14:11 ...the BISG event on 1 August will be good 16:14:20 Tzviya: Agree we need to keep educating 16:14:38 ...for example, the "join" button is not clear what to do, whom to contact when things don't work 16:15:00 Paul: Do some work in reiterating and documenting the different groups and sub-groups 16:15:07 ack t 16:15:18 ...even as a co-chair with this group, there are meetings I likely should attend or direct staff to attend and have lost track of 16:15:23 Brian: I think the other thing to add 16:15:29 ...a webinar or time-shifted format is good 16:15:44 ...going to live and inperson is good, but great to have a webinar 16:15:55 ...Karen had a presentation for IDEAlliance that was good 16:16:02 ...pointing to webinar is good 16:16:08 Paul: Great point 16:16:12 Leslie: I have a question 16:16:20 ...I listened in on the WG meeting 16:16:28 ...Tzviya was assigning tasks to people 16:16:31 ...seemed like a big group 16:16:46 ...Was this a big cast of characters, or were there new people coming in on a technical level? 16:16:55 Tzviya: We have some new people, but not as many as I had hoped 16:17:09 ...A lot of people who were the work horses in the past are still the work horses 16:17:19 ...Like I have Dave and Matt which is great; we do have some new members 16:17:32 Paul: At least those work horses are not spread out among parallel efforts 16:17:41 Tzviya: We do have some new people so that's good 16:17:45 Leslie: thanks, no names needed 16:17:56 George: After this burst of skeleton work we want to have done by TPAC 16:18:08 ...that that skeleton spec or area of work will encourage others and clarify 16:18:12 ...organizations to get involved 16:18:20 ...some organizations need more information before they can jump in 16:18:26 ...Hopefully this document will enable that 16:18:30 Tzviya: Excellent point 16:18:46 BillK: Of the new people who joined, are any outside the traditional trade publishing? 16:18:47 Dan_Sanicola has joined #pbg 16:18:58 Tzviya: Some new interest in text book and academic publishing 16:19:10 ...we have not had much interest yet from UA and browser world 16:19:14 ...we need to get interest from the wider web 16:19:18 Present+ 16:19:29 George: I had a call with an online magazine distributor 16:19:39 ...and put him in touch will Bill McCoy about getting involved 16:19:41 +1 GEorge 16:19:59 BillK: Can you say which magazine distributor? 16:20:03 George: I'll paste it in 16:20:22 BillK: Many of the magazine publishers are in IDEAlliance, wondering if Karen's presentation had an immediate effect? 16:20:32 Leslie: Following up on Tzviya's question about browser participation 16:20:37 ...are there specific people identified? 16:20:45 Tzviya: Garth is talking to people at Google 16:21:02 ...Like George said, we are going to wait until after we have the first draft to solicit more interest 16:21:15 ...Bill have been talking to people at Edge; I'm talking to people at Mozilla Firefox 16:21:26 ...get more of an idea and wrap our hands around this 16:21:32 ...If anyone has more contacts, let us know 16:21:40 ...or reach out yourselves 16:21:50 The magazine distributor is turn-page.com 16:22:42 Paul: Other items on agenda 16:22:54 ...besides update on EPUB for Education is Q3 priorities for the Business Group 16:23:07 ...and reminder about Q4 and Steering Committee elections towards the end of the year 16:23:26 ...part of that is over the course of the next several months, we should clarify the role of the Steering Committee, and whether it should continue at all 16:23:44 ...one of the purposes of the BG was to sort out and make sure the existing CG activities as we form these new Working Groups 16:23:54 ...and related entities that everything found a home that needed to find a home 16:23:59 ...I think we accomplished that 16:24:14 ...There was some discussion in SG meeting, about what is the most useful role that this BG can take on 16:24:19 ...I think we want to discuss that aspect of it 16:24:32 ...what does the group itself feel are the most useful functions it can perform 16:24:36 ...We got some feedback from WG 16:24:52 ...less strategic direction needed and more help needed with resources and communications 16:24:55 q+ 16:24:57 Tzviya: yes 16:25:05 q+ 16:25:06 Brian: This is a good time to be boots on the ground 16:25:13 ...consistent with more comms and more frequent comms 16:25:18 ...BISG can be more helpful 16:25:25 ...We have dedicated one of our upcoming webinars 16:25:32 ...Karen is going to share more information 16:25:50 ...specific requests would be helpful; we can find a way to get things done 16:25:57 Paul: Clarify on the work and who is doing it 16:26:04 q+ 16:26:11 ...muster additional resources and manage comms as effectively as possible should be the primary goal 16:26:20 George: Also, I believe the CG when they develop product 16:26:34 ...the notion is that they would submit to Publishing BG for review and blessing/approval 16:26:43 ...we could establish how that is going to work 16:26:48 ...We anticipate an update to one of the specs 16:26:57 ...what is the process to handle approval and the on-going marketing of that 16:27:00 Paul: Good point 16:27:10 ...seems to me an appropriate function for this group 16:27:13 +1 George 16:27:15 q? 16:27:21 q+ 16:27:25 ack Avneesh 16:27:27 ack av 16:27:34 Avneesh: I would like to talk about point covered by George 16:27:38 ...we need governance for the CG 16:27:49 ...CG does not fall into the W3C process the way WG does 16:27:59 ...Second thing is BG should be the interface at the grassroots level 16:28:06 ...Specifications are done by technical experts 16:28:11 ...who come from companies with resources 16:28:21 ...but many small companies may not have resources to help develop specs 16:28:34 ...so BG should become a feedback loop to communicate to and from 16:28:54 ...and third to communicate with broader industry; the broader vision, keep groups on track 16:28:56 ...that is all 16:28:59 https://w3c.github.io/publ-cg/ can be used by all groups 16:29:02 Paul: Thank you 16:29:05 ack Crisina 16:29:10 ack Cristina 16:29:19 Paul: I have to jump at 12:30pm now 16:29:23 ...can you pick up chairing now? 16:29:27 Cristina: OK 16:29:31 Paul: I am going to drop now 16:29:38 Cristina: can you hear me? 16:29:45 q? 16:29:47 Cristina: A comment on the role of the group 16:30:03 ...I believe we also need to be the driving point for the business requirements not only the technical requiremetns 16:30:09 ...we need to prioritize the work of the WG 16:30:18 ...and what is needed is to better understand the business needs 16:30:40 ...possibility of digital publishing, the most relevant features right now 16:30:44 Brian has joined #pbg 16:30:51 ...my impression in WG discussion is that it was a lot of technical stuff 16:31:03 ...and difficult to understand the business advantages of some of the technical work 16:31:21 ack b 16:31:27 ack Bill_Kasdorf 16:31:28 present+ dauwhe 16:31:36 BillK: Two quick comments 16:31:40 ...a lot of our communications 16:31:55 ...we are talking about outward comms which is essential at this stage 16:32:12 ...but we also should let publishing industry know that we are their vehicle for communicating with the W3C 16:32:22 +1 16:32:23 ...that goes to the business issues that Cristina was just talking about 16:32:28 ...we can be their voice in the W3C 16:32:32 ...One concrete thing 16:32:38 ...at BISG Content Structure Committee 16:32:40 +1 16:32:54 ...in response to Rick Johnson's sharing the shocking statistic of the persistence of EPUB2 16:33:09 ...he is in a position to do that with Ingram's distribution of content to the supply chain 16:33:20 ...the new EPUBs being submitted are still overwhelmingly EPUB2s 16:33:26 ...Wonder if that is something BISG can do something 16:33:32 ...we can do that in the US market with BISG 16:33:47 ...but there are sister organizations in other countries, BIC, Booknet Canada, etc. 16:33:57 ...W3C is inherently an international organization 16:34:04 ...Probably the first step is research 16:34:21 ...BISG is also working on promoting the transition from ONYX 2 to 3 16:34:23 q+ 16:34:36 Cristina: Agree 16:34:41 ...this is a topic where we can do more 16:34:46 ...implementations of the standards 16:34:47 q? 16:34:53 ack k 16:34:53 ack Karen 16:36:21 Karen: W3C Offices can be helpful in getting these messages out. Brazil Office recently held a Publishing outreach event 16:36:28 Cristina: We also can do more about HTML 16:36:45 ...anyone else on the queue? 16:36:50 ...Any other topics to discuss? 16:37:08 ...Rick is needed for the other topics 16:37:20 ...Any other updates? 16:37:26 ...I could give an update on the ISO issue 16:37:32 ...We were able to organize a call tomorrwo 16:37:38 ...with one of people we asked to report 16:37:46 ...After that I will send an update on what is going on 16:37:56 ...We will have a wider idea after the summer break 16:38:32 ...If no one else in queue, we can end our discussion today and wait for the next meeting? 16:38:46 ...Ok. 16:39:01 ...Let's close the call and wait for the next meeting after the summer break 16:39:09 ...And then there is a Summit call on Friday 16:39:12 ...Thank you everybody 16:39:26 rrsagent, make minutes 16:39:26 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2017/07/18-pbg-minutes.html Karen 16:39:27 rrsagent, make logs public 16:52:20 mateus has joined #pbg 17:05:11 garth has joined #pbg 17:19:21 mateus has left #pbg 17:28:07 tzviya has joined #pbg 17:38:16 Karen has joined #pbg 18:31:02 tzviya has joined #pbg 18:37:48 Zakim has left #pbg 18:47:45 mateus has joined #pbg 18:59:25 Karen has joined #pbg 19:02:23 garth has joined #pbg 20:49:13 garth_ has joined #pbg 21:56:37 garth has joined #pbg 22:51:07 Karen has joined #pbg 23:27:08 garth has joined #pbg