07:55:15 RRSAgent has joined #dxwg 07:55:15 logging to http://www.w3.org/2017/07/18-dxwg-irc 07:55:17 RRSAgent, make logs public 07:55:17 Zakim has joined #dxwg 07:55:19 Zakim, this will be 07:55:19 I don't understand 'this will be', trackbot 07:55:20 Meeting: Dataset Exchange Working Group Teleconference 07:55:20 Date: 18 July 2017 07:55:42 s/Teleconference/Oxford F2F Day 2/ 07:55:51 chair: Karen, Caroline 07:56:27 LuizBonino has joined #dxwg 07:57:42 newton has joined #dxwg 08:02:38 newton has joined #dxwg 08:03:21 DaveBrowning has joined #dxwg 08:03:44 present+ DaveBrowning 08:03:48 antoine has joined #dxwg 08:03:55 present+ antoine 08:05:48 annette_g has joined #dxwg 08:08:22 Caroline_ has joined #DXWG 08:08:25 Present+ 08:08:29 kcoyle has joined #dxwg 08:09:21 SimonCox has joined #dxwg 08:10:51 present+ 08:10:59 annette_g has joined #dxwg 08:11:07 Ine has joined #dxwg 08:11:09 Present+ annette_g 08:11:22 Present+ Ine 08:11:38 present+ 08:12:41 Thomas has joined #dxwg 08:12:49 present+ 08:13:19 Scribe annette_g 08:13:48 present+ 08:14:03 PWinstanley has joined #dxwg 08:14:19 present+ PWinstanley 08:14:34 LarsG has joined #dxwg 08:14:38 kcoyle: no need to revise the agenda 08:14:43 present+ 08:14:44 prewent+ 08:14:53 present+ Dave_Raggett 08:14:56 Makx has joined #dxwg 08:14:58 s/prewent+/present+/ 08:15:09 present+ Makx 08:15:13 rrsagent, set logs publc 08:15:15 Jaroslav_Pullmann has joined #dxwg 08:15:15 ic 08:15:21 present+ 08:15:28 danbri has joined #dxwg 08:15:28 rrsagent, set logs public 08:15:34 kcoyle: the first group are gathered under "dataset distributions". Some may be more pertinent than others. Start with use case 1. 08:15:45 Topic: Dataset Distributions 08:16:29 Makx: a lot of people produce zip files as distros. But you don't know what's in it. What kind of formats have been packaged in it? 08:17:09 alejandra has joined #dxwg 08:17:51 Makx: a lot of people argue that the right way to do that is to have zip files within zip files. We got into a discussion where you have an extra field "representation technique" to explain that. Is there a way to describe packaging better? 08:17:57 q+ to ask about URI params for addressing inside zip files 08:18:05 ack dsr 08:18:05 dsr, you wanted to ask about URI params for addressing inside zip files 08:18:10 present+ 08:18:36 Dsr: it sounds like something could be done in DCAT where you talk about the kind of distribution. 08:18:38 q? 08:18:39 zakim: who is present? 08:18:46 present+ 08:18:58 q+ 08:19:04 Makx: I have no opinion on how to do it. 08:19:09 present+ 08:19:22 q? 08:19:34 Makx: the issue is that just getting a zip file requires them to download before they can know what's in it. 08:19:39 epos_ingv_team has joined #dxwg 08:19:47 zip file might contain xml, which follows the OMXML application of GML - is it zip, xml, gml or omxml?? 08:20:11 q+ 08:20:21 Makx: the solution could be to have a required field that tells what's in the zip file. 08:20:26 ack Jaroslav_Pullmann 08:20:42 present+ 08:21:02 Jaroslav_Pullmann: the issue is the type of file 08:21:31 q+ 08:21:32 Makx: the media type is not the issue, you need to say what's inside 08:21:53 ack SimonCox 08:22:18 q+ to say that OMXML is propile of GML that is a profile of XML 08:22:39 SimonCox: taking an example fro geospatial data, if you have observational data in GXML, that might all be zipped up. So even a serialization description can use four different file types. If you impose too rigid a number of levels, you can get tied up in knots. 08:22:53 q? 08:22:59 SimonCox highlights the issue of profiles within a serialisation within a package 08:23:06 ack antoine 08:23:45 antoine: Makx , do you think one might do a csv distribution that is explicitly listed as containing csv? 08:23:52 q+ 08:23:55 q+ 08:23:55 q+ 08:23:57 q? 08:24:18 ack LarsG 08:24:18 LarsG, you wanted to say that OMXML is propile of GML that is a profile of XML 08:24:21 ack dsr 08:24:30 Lars: oops, I missed that, can you fill it? 08:24:45 q? 08:24:58 q+ to note a design that came up in packaged webapps - https://www.w3.org/TR/2013/WD-app-uri-20130516/#fragment 08:25:01 lars: this is media type vs content type 08:25:07 SimonCox: there's also overlap with the use case from yesterday about dataset types 08:25:22 ack LarsG 08:25:27 ack SimonCox 08:25:34 ack LuizBonino 08:25:50 q+ 08:25:55 LarsG: Just iterating myself, SimonCox's point is about media types vs profiles and then in this particular case we have the packaging, too 08:26:01 ack danbri 08:26:01 danbri, you wanted to note a design that came up in packaged webapps - https://www.w3.org/TR/2013/WD-app-uri-20130516/#fragment 08:26:02 LuizBonino: we should focus on the actual data we want. We could have the distribution layered, so that the top layer explains the content format. 08:26:13 q? 08:26:14 q+ 08:26:15 This sounds like a question of the model around metadata for datasets, distributions and data record. If we don’t want to model the structure of the resources in DCAT, we need a way to identify the profile/schema language that can, e.g. as a hierarchy of typed resources 08:26:36 ... and I could add that content type should indicate the media type, not the packaging 08:26:39 multipart mime-types? 08:26:39 q+ to talk about Web publications 08:26:41 danbri: schema.org tried to handle this. URI scheme for pointing into the contents of a zip file. 08:26:46 ack Keith 08:27:07 ack Jaroslav_Pullmann 08:27:12 Keith: consider content negotiation 08:27:30 Jaroslav_Pullmann: it could be integrated into it 08:27:31 ack phila 08:27:31 phila, you wanted to talk about Web publications 08:27:56 -> https://www.w3.org/publishing/groups/publ-wg/ Publishing Working Group 08:28:08 annette_g, rather - at Google we tried to build something using DCAT-or-Schema.org and CSVW, but when we had *multiple* linked CSV tables and a csvw-meta.json file - we didn't understand how to model those as a "distribution" unless it was zipped into one file. 08:28:20 Phila: a new WG is starting, publishing working group. They want a single URI for a whole package. 08:28:50 q+ 08:29:10 ack Makx 08:29:17 (here's a sketch of csvw for a *single* table treated as the main topic of a Dataset ... not sure if it is better done as a distribution or distributions. https://gist.github.com/danbri/154e1b98240fe7fe60c26bd5c04d1325 ) 08:30:10 q? 08:30:16 Makx: I just have this simple use case that people are actually struggling with. We can address that or try and solve everything. Do we want to provide a simple solution for simple cases, or not? 08:30:29 kcoyle: are we ready to vote? More comments? 08:30:33 Silence ensues 08:30:46 PROPOSED: Accept UC ID1 08:30:49 +1 08:30:50 +1 (to accept all use cases ;-) ) 08:30:54 +1 08:30:54 +1 08:30:54 +1 08:30:54 +1 08:30:55 +1 08:30:57 +1 08:30:58 +1 accept all use cases 08:30:59 +1 08:30:59 +1 08:31:01 +1 08:31:02 kcoyle: +1 08:31:03 0 (not currently empowered to vote) 08:31:13 following Phil's link, -> https://www.w3.org/2017/04/publ-wg-charter/ "Packaged Web Publications" -> https://w3ctag.github.io/packaging-on-the-web/ for TAG work on this. 08:31:15 +1 08:31:22 +1 08:31:40 RESOLVED: Accept UC ID1 08:31:41 Maybe we should change the motion to 'move on to brief discussion of next use case' ;-) 08:31:48 +1 08:31:51 +1 08:32:02 RRSAgent, draft minutes v2 08:32:02 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2017/07/18-dxwg-minutes.html phila 08:32:08 Just noting that the discussion of content vs packaging is essentially http Content-Type vs Content-Encoding 08:32:27 kcoyle: next is use case 25, synchronized catalog information 08:32:27 RRSAgent, make logs public 08:32:31 RRSAgent, draft minutes v2 08:32:31 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2017/07/18-dxwg-minutes.html phila 08:33:30 Jaroslav_Pullmann: this is about how the data might be published and whether there are restrictions. 08:33:38 q+ 08:33:47 It would prevent copying of the dataset without paying a license fee, etc. 08:34:13 q+ 08:34:14 We talked to some customers who are interested in this. 08:34:30 This holds for the open data domain as well. 08:34:31 ack PWinstanley 08:35:02 q+ to talk about ResourceSync 08:35:03 (more re dataset packaging, https://w3ctag.github.io/packaging-on-the-web/#downloading-data-for-local-processing ) 08:35:06 PWinstanley: events for transitions are relevant here 08:35:07 q+ 08:35:25 kcoyle: are you offered get to create a use case? 08:35:37 ACTION: Peter will create a use case for event,transition 08:35:38 PWinstanley: I guess I am 08:35:38 Created ACTION-21 - Will create a use case for event,transition [on Peter Winstanley - due 2017-07-25]. 08:35:44 q? 08:36:12 Makx: Jaro, are you really talking about dataset descriptions or the data itself? 08:36:24 Usually people don't mind having descriptions shared. 08:36:30 q- 08:36:37 ack ma 08:36:51 ack me 08:36:51 phila, you wanted to talk about ResourceSync 08:36:54 Jaroslav_Pullmann: this is regulating access to the metadata. And distribution of it. 08:37:15 -> http://www.openarchives.org/rs/toc ResourceSync 08:37:44 phila: I went to Geneva and while there somebody gave a tutorial about "resource sync", which enables you to have a master an distributed copies with access control. 08:38:02 q+ 08:38:08 I think that would be outside the scope of DCAT, but it's a useful discussion point to say here's how to do this. 08:38:28 ack antoine 08:38:38 s/somebody/Herbert van de Sompel/ 08:38:43 riccardoAlbertoni has joined #dxwg 08:39:05 Makx: wonders whether we should mention this in data identifications. 08:39:25 phila: yes, it does link to that, that would be another way to do it. 08:39:33 q? 08:39:47 S/Makx/Antoine/ 08:40:16 https://www.w3.org/TR/ldn/ 08:40:26 q+ 08:40:33 kcoyle: do we want to vote to accept or to declare it out of scope? 08:40:36 ack Keith 08:40:37 s/data identifications/Linked Data Notifications/ 08:40:38 s/this in data identifications/Linked Data Notifications 08:40:43 q+ 08:40:47 Keith: to what extent can we use license and rights for this? 08:41:09 In theory it should be possible to specify with license and rights. 08:41:17 q+ to talk about licensing of metadata 08:41:24 Jaroslav_Pullmann: it's harder to get it to apply to the metadata 08:41:35 present+ 08:41:52 q? 08:41:55 ack ma 08:41:58 q? 08:42:29 Makx: reacting to Keith, the licenses and rights in DCAT are for the data, not the metadata. You can assign through catalog records, but that's not correctly done. 08:42:45 q? 08:43:00 Keith: what about considering a catalog as a dataset? 08:43:08 Makx: catalogs are not datasets. 08:43:14 q+ is redhat linux v5 a dataset or a catalog? 08:43:24 Phila: that's fighting words ;) 08:43:34 q+ to ask whether redhat linux v5 is a dataset or a catalog? 08:43:35 q? 08:43:40 q+ 08:43:41 ack LarsG 08:43:41 LarsG, you wanted to talk about licensing of metadata 08:43:58 ack danbri 08:43:58 danbri, you wanted to ask whether redhat linux v5 is a dataset or a catalog? 08:44:18 danbri: is red hat distribution number 5 a dataset or catalog or both? 08:44:20 q- 08:44:26 Makx: I don't know 08:44:58 If you have an edge case, then you have to look at it. But it doesn't help to start mixing up the hierarchy of DCAT. 08:45:16 LuizBonino: isn't that what we are doing here`? 08:45:28 kcoyle: well, we don't want to break what already exists 08:45:39 Makx: right, we don't want to upset people 08:45:42 q? 08:45:58 PROPOSED: Accept ID25 08:46:01 +1 08:46:08 +1 08:46:18 +1 08:46:20 -1 it think it's out of scope 08:46:23 I'm not interested to tear everything up and start over - I just want to know how to apply DCAT to a fairly obvious use case - packaged sofware distributions. It is totally fine to conclude that DCAT cannot handle this. 08:46:24 -1 08:46:27 -1 08:46:31 -1 08:46:31 My point is that in several cases, people are using DCAT in a certain way exactly because things are not clear or incomplete, and if we are block because of this the situation will persist. 08:46:47 +1 08:46:50 -1: neds further work 08:47:01 0 08:47:04 -1 08:47:08 +1 08:47:12 +1 08:47:14 @dan, we weren't talking about packing right now 08:47:27 s/packing/packaging 08:47:44 -1 08:47:48 Jaroslav_Pullmann: there is no statement of whether dataset metadata might be freely distributed. 08:48:38 Makx, I took you to be suggesting that Catalog and Dataset should be treated as owl disjoint forever. But we can pick this up elsewhere, you're right it's not core to this UC. 08:48:38 +1 08:48:42 Phila: resourcing and subscribing are application specific 08:48:53 q+ 08:49:33 phila: this is important, and we could publish a note on it if we want. 08:50:08 That would be valuable. But it is out of scope for updating DCAT and profiles work 08:50:18 PROPOSED: UC ID25 is out of scope 08:50:22 +1 08:50:25 q+ 08:50:26 +1 08:50:28 -1 08:50:28 -1 08:50:28 +1 08:50:33 -1 08:50:39 -1 08:50:39 q? 08:50:40 +1 08:50:43 -1 08:51:01 -1 meaning I think it is in scope 08:51:07 -1 08:51:18 Dsr: looking at the text, you have catalogs and datasets. I given resource may appear in multiple categories. This use case seems orthogonal. 08:51:27 ack dsr 08:51:29 q+ 08:51:30 ack alejandra 08:51:37 S/I given/A given/ 08:51:52 q+ 08:52:27 alejandra: if the use case is just about synchronization, I agree that it's out of scope. 08:52:39 catalogues need to remain in sync with the data sets they describe, but the possibility that a given dataset/distributions are in multiple catalogues is orthogonal to that. 08:52:55 Jaroslav_Pullmann: representing the relationship would be in scope. 08:53:07 q+ 08:53:18 ack Keith 08:53:35 S/Jaroslav_Pullman/Alejandra/ 08:54:23 Keith: the relationships can be very complex, and that's quite typical. People do that to get exposure. I think it is a relevant use case. 08:54:39 ack Thomas 08:54:46 q+ 08:55:49 Thomas: is trying to find a way to address the example of when you want to describe the current state of something that has a history. 08:55:49 ack antoine 08:57:21 antoine: I made this to address policy aspects, like encryption. We only have one case on access policies (17), and maybe that's a bit too narrow. The problem of having the dataset in different catalogs may also create situations that need to be addressed. This wasn't about synchronization. 08:57:40 @Jaroslav, happy to help on ID25 08:57:43 ack Jaroslav_Pullmann 08:57:56 kcoyle: maybe Jaroslav_Pullmann can edit 08:58:23 thanks Makx! I'll supply a new proposal 08:58:29 @Jaroslav, happy to help on ID25 08:58:34 ACTION: on Jaroslav_Pullmann to edit and bring back to group 08:58:34 Error finding 'on'. You can review and register nicknames at . 08:58:38 phila: There was a paper/talk on duplicate entries in catalogues at the SDSVoc workshop by the folks working on the EU data portl https://www.w3.org/2016/11/sdsvoc/agenda#p24 08:58:52 kcoyle: next is 32, relationships between datasets 08:59:00 q? 08:59:21 alejandra: this relates to the previous discussion, relationships between datasets. 08:59:25 riccardoAlbertoni_ has joined #dxwg 08:59:54 q? 08:59:56 We need the ability to represent relationships and aggregations, etc. 09:00:04 Versioning is also related to this. 09:00:08 q+ 09:00:40 Thomas: how generic do you see this use case? 09:00:46 ack t 09:00:56 q+ 09:01:08 Jaroslav_Pullmann_ has joined #dxwg 09:01:15 alejandra: it may not be possible to identify all the relationships in advance, but some are known. 09:01:47 Thomas: we will need some guidance on this. I'm worried about everyone adding all relationships. 09:01:54 q+ 09:02:05 ack DaveBrowning 09:02:08 kcoyle: the question is whether we need to have some control over at least a core of relationships 09:02:09 http://patterns.dataincubator.org/book/qualified-relation.html 09:02:09 q+ to talk about relationship management 09:02:55 DaveBrowning: this is somewhat like provenance. 09:03:08 q+ 09:03:15 I don't see how this would end up being expressed in the same way. 09:03:19 q- later 09:03:40 Thomas: it's a nightmare for governance 09:03:46 q+ 09:03:48 q+ 09:03:49 kcoyle: we don't have to have an answer today 09:03:59 ack ma 09:04:00 ack Makx 09:04:23 Makx: this is one of the most hairy issues for application profiles. We were hoping this group would have an answer for it. 09:04:40 +1 to Makx 09:04:49 q? 09:04:52 DCAT doesn't consider any relationship between datasets. This is an opportunity. 09:04:55 Makx, where's the dcat-ap mailing list archive? 09:04:55 Q+ 09:05:01 ack me 09:05:01 phila, you wanted to talk about relationship management 09:05:03 ack phila 09:05:48 ack Jaroslav_Pullmann_ 09:05:50 q+ 09:05:54 phila: +1 to Makx. The relationships are important to state, but they may not be the same across domains. We do have to say something. We provide a framework and a few explicit ones, then it's up to profiles 09:06:05 q? 09:06:15 +1 to Makx. We shouldn't shy out because things are complex. In my opinion is better to face complexity and try to come up with a generic and elegant solution than to over simplify and come up with a useless solution. 09:06:24 Jaroslav_Pullmann: DCAT so far does not have structure within the datasets, like aggregation of data. 09:06:29 Q- 09:06:32 q+ to ask about a core set of relation types 09:06:40 ack Keith 09:07:02 Keith: I agree with phila. A framework can have the role and temporal bounds. 09:07:07 ack alejandra 09:07:43 q+ 09:07:44 alejandra: I put a link for data cite. They have some things that we could consider as solutions. 09:07:46 ack LarsG 09:07:46 LarsG, you wanted to ask about a core set of relation types 09:07:51 q+ 09:08:19 LarsG: do we define a few datatypes or leave everything to profiles? Maybe we adopt what datacite already has. 09:08:23 ack Thomas 09:08:57 ack Keith 09:09:03 Thomas: I agree with Phil, we define a few and let people describe in profiles. 09:09:22 Keith: reasons of privacy and security say you should keep that stuff separate. 09:09:33 annette_g: I think LarsG said relation-types, rather than datatypes? 09:09:48 PROPOSED: accept ID32 as in scope 09:09:50 +1 09:09:52 +1 09:09:52 +1 09:09:52 +1 09:09:53 +1 09:09:53 +1 09:09:53 +1 09:09:54 +1 09:09:55 S/datatypes/relation types/ 09:09:55 +1 09:09:56 +1 09:09:58 +1 09:10:01 +1 09:10:02 +1 09:10:11 +1 09:10:20 RESOLVED: accept ID32 as in scope 09:10:54 kcoyle: ID34 is next 09:11:02 More about relationships 09:12:13 https://www.w3.org/2017/dxwg/wiki/Use_Case_Working_Space#ID34 09:12:23 Actually, I don't agree that a CSV and the Excel file it came from are the same, *unless* the annotations are copied in the CSV as well 09:12:28 q? 09:12:46 q+ 09:12:47 q+ 09:13:02 q+ 09:13:09 q+ 09:13:10 ack Jaroslav_Pullmann_ 09:13:11 q- 09:13:27 scribe: Caroline_ 09:13:33 I think that it is related to how strict is the definition of dataset. For instance, if a distribution of a dataset contain different data points, wouldn't be different datasets or version of the dataset? 09:13:43 Jaroslav_Pullmann_: this is a distribution but it is not a change of the dataset 09:13:48 scribeNick: Caroline_ 09:13:49 the data should remains the same 09:14:11 q? 09:14:19 a subset of the data is prefigure 09:14:32 q+ 09:14:36 I support the idea that the data should remain the same because the distribution is just the interface 09:14:37 ack DaveBrowning 09:14:45 DaveBrowning: I agree with Jaroslav_Pullmann_ 09:14:57 annette_g_ has joined #dxwg 09:15:20 q? 09:15:44 q+ 09:15:44 we introduced the idea that all the distributions of datasets ?? 09:15:45 q- 09:15:57 it does make easier to discover 09:16:10 the same thing in each dataset 09:16:30 the distributions telling you in different ways seems to work 09:16:43 q? 09:16:44 relationships among distributions 09:16:46 q+ 09:16:51 I think this is important 09:17:08 DaveBrowning: we need to be quite clear about what we intend 09:17:08 ack LarsG 09:17:10 we need to be clear in the DCAT about what we intend and what we don't intend to people doing here 09:17:25 LarsG: we have the problem of publishing the same dataset in two different formats 09:17:30 LarsG: we publish the same datasets in two different forms 09:17:40 I can scribe now 09:17:43 the datasets contains the same entities but the descriptions can vary 09:17:58 scribenick: annette_g_ 09:18:08 q? 09:18:09 q+ 09:18:10 q+ 09:18:19 There is a question whether those are the same dataset of not. 09:18:20 ack Makx 09:18:35 Makx: I'm in favor of what Dave said, too. 09:18:45 q- 09:18:52 q+ 09:19:17 Makx: I don't want to blame anybody. But I"m very much in favor of what DAve said 09:19:17 ack LuizBonino 09:19:46 LuizBonino: when we have a distribution composed of many different loose files, the summation of files composes the distribution. 09:19:46 ack Keith 09:20:04 Keith: does it help to think of physical terms? 09:20:05 ack Jaroslav_Pullmann_ 09:20:45 Jaroslav_Pullmann: yes, they are physical, and there is an interaction logic. We don't have push semantics here. They can differ in serialization and interaction logic. 09:20:55 Kc 09:21:00 I said distributions are physical, all distributions of one dataset have the same conceptual, we can discuss logical 09:21:05 kcoyle: are we ready to vote? 09:21:08 More silence ensues 09:21:10 PROPOSED: accept ID34 as in scope 09:21:11 +1 09:21:13 +1 09:21:14 +1 09:21:14 +1 09:21:14 +1 09:21:15 +1 09:21:15 +1 09:21:16 +1 09:21:18 +1 09:21:19 +1 09:21:19 +1 09:21:19 +1 09:21:20 +1 09:21:22 alejandra has joined #dxwg 09:21:28 +1 to Jaroslav's point, that's how we got stuck trying to document how to integrate multi-file CSVW dataset distributions for Google dataset search 09:21:31 +1 09:21:32 and +1 for vote 09:21:33 +1 09:21:34 +1 09:21:44 +1 09:21:51 RESOLVED: accept ID34 as in scope 09:22:55 After the break? 09:23:26 ID7: https://www.w3.org/2017/dxwg/wiki/Use_Case_Working_Space#ID7 09:23:26 Let's look at ID7 while Simon is here 09:23:39 ^that was kcoyle 09:23:40 s/After the break?/ 09:23:45 s/ˆ/ 09:24:21 S/Dan briber/danbri/ 09:25:13 q? 09:25:49 SimonCox: can we tease out some more of the semantics about what's inside a dataset? Schema.org introduced ?? 09:25:52 SimonCox - yes - I can see SOSA-in-Schema.org replacing that 09:26:18 q+ 09:26:22 q+ 09:26:26 One of the most important things for discovery is that a single dataset may have more than one format in it. 09:26:47 http://pending.schema.org/variableMeasured was a tiny step towards a complex topic, consider it a "stop gap" 09:26:57 ack Jaroslav_Pullmann_ 09:26:59 related issue in schema.org: https://github.com/schemaorg/schemaorg/issues/1471 09:27:12 q+ to ask whether an example for any dataset would answer ID7 09:27:44 Jaroslav_Pullmann: was wondering about the "entity of interest", if this is not part of the context. The socioeconomic context is important, the time, space, society. 09:28:08 LuizBonino: I would love to see this included, but I don't think it's in the scope of core DCAT. 09:28:27 q? 09:28:28 We can use a profile to deal with it. 09:28:33 ack LuizBonino 09:28:50 +q 09:28:56 ack phila 09:28:56 phila, you wanted to ask whether an example for any dataset would answer ID7 09:28:56 q+ 09:29:07 Phila: I understand the requirement, and I wonder if a generic field "example" would do it? Like VOID has. 09:29:15 ack alejandra 09:29:39 'dimension' is OK - comes from QB world 09:29:40 alejandra: we had this same issue and created a new entity that we call "dimension" but not "variable". 09:30:00 q? 09:30:00 q? 09:30:06 ack si 09:30:14 q+ 09:30:22 AndreaPerego has joined #dxwg 09:30:25 ack SimonCox 09:31:20 q+ 09:31:28 SimonCox: phila and Jaroslav_Pullmann were challenging the feature "entity of interest". The observable variables are important. 09:31:38 Certainly for observational data 09:31:43 present+ AndreaPerego 09:31:46 ack LuizBonino 09:32:03 q+ to ask SimonCox if "a dataset record" is on the underlying structure of records (e.g. rows in a multi-tabular distribution), or the real world entity descriptions that they encode. 09:32:30 RRSAgent, draft minutes v2 09:32:30 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2017/07/18-dxwg-minutes.html AndreaPerego 09:32:45 q? 09:32:48 LuizBonino: to clarify, one example of a description that I would like is to have a dataset with info about genes and diseases, and to see that there is a gene/disease relationship in the dataset, and that it has an open license, find grained search possibilities. 09:33:11 Can't hear - interference on line 09:33:20 s/Scribe annette_g/scribenick: annette_g/ 09:33:22 RRSAgent, draft minutes v2 09:33:22 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2017/07/18-dxwg-minutes.html AndreaPerego 09:33:29 Jaroslav_Pullmann: can you comment on the distinction. Properties are part of semantics, what do you think about considering the entity of interest as part of the context? 09:33:38 We are still missing this reference. 09:33:53 q? 09:33:58 scribe: annette_g 09:33:59 ack Jaroslav_Pullmann 09:33:59 RRSAgent, draft minutes v2 09:33:59 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2017/07/18-dxwg-minutes.html AndreaPerego 09:35:34 q? 09:36:19 Jaroslav_Pullmann: is it maybe worth having a new use case? 09:36:52 q? 09:37:23 Geospatial 'Leaking into W3C world?' More like making sure we're not just relying on osmotic pressure to ensure mixing :-) 09:37:37 SimonCox: the use case was made general, and I think we have to accept that any time we're developing a record, there's a prerogative of the indexer/cataloguer, as to what descriptors will help users. The goal was to provide some practices or some hooks that allow people to be as expressive as they choose. 09:38:12 Jaroslav_Pullmann: but the world phenomena are not part of the semantics but the context 09:38:37 Reference to the socioeconomic environment is not covered in an other use case. 09:39:05 ack danbri 09:39:05 danbri, you wanted to ask SimonCox if "a dataset record" is on the underlying structure of records (e.g. rows in a multi-tabular distribution), or the real world entity 09:39:07 q? 09:39:08 ... descriptions that they encode. 09:39:25 danbri: I'm generally massively supportive of this use case. Google wants to make datasets easy to find, allow one to look deeply inside them, to solve real problems. 09:39:56 What this working group does is going to be more conservative. We do care about records and entities. 09:40:28 SimonCox: I'm not sure I"m getting the nuance of the question. 09:41:10 danbri: imagine a dataset of public toilets. Are we interested in the number of rows or the number of tables? 09:42:23 imagine a distribution consisting of 4 tables which combine to describe 142 public toilets in Bristol City Council area. There might be 22 rows, 100 rows, 12 rows and 8 rows in those tables. Which are the records? The 142 toilet-descriptions, or the set of (different sized) rows? 09:43:07 scribenick: Caroline_ 09:43:17 I'd suggest it's "in scope for dcat" in that dcat should explain where it fits on this spectrum and allow CSVW, Data Cube etc to cover more details. 09:43:37 q+ 09:43:42 annette_g__ has joined #dxwg 09:43:43 SimonCox: i'd be happy if we got that much in DCAT 09:44:04 kcoyle: is this a decision that will be taken as the work is done? 09:44:05 kcoyle: I'm wondering if this is something we need to decide today 09:44:12 q+ 09:44:15 +1 to danbri . I'd like to see a hook in DCAT to whatever description mechanism of the record will be 09:44:16 scribenick: annette_g__ 09:44:19 s/kcoyle: is this a decision that will be taken as the work is done?/ 09:44:23 +1 to luiz 09:44:34 q? 09:44:36 SimonCox: I see a lot of what we're doing is patterns and practices 09:45:14 q? 09:45:23 ack Makx 09:45:56 Makx: on the last point that Simon made, we also filed requirements to promote stuff that is in data cube, like dimensions and measures, to dataset description. 09:45:57 (the caveats discussion also fits here ... attachment points for caveats exist all along the spectrum) 09:46:02 ack Keith 09:46:50 PROPOSED: accept ID7 as in scope 09:46:53 Keith: I think it's in scope, and important, and what we're talking about is formalizing description. I would hope that what exists in DCAT is useful for Dublin core purposes, and the profiles can handle this differently by domain. 09:46:53 +1 09:46:54 +1 09:46:56 +1 09:46:57 +1 09:46:57 +1 09:46:59 +1 09:47:00 +1 09:47:00 +1 09:47:00 +1 09:47:01 +1 09:47:01 +1 09:47:02 +1 09:47:02 +1 09:47:03 +1 09:47:03 +1 09:47:03 +1 09:47:04 +1 09:47:07 +1 09:47:07 +10 09:47:24 RESOLVED: accept ID7 as in scope 09:47:35 RRSAgent, draft minutes v2 09:47:35 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2017/07/18-dxwg-minutes.html AndreaPerego 09:47:36 Good-o 09:47:37 RRSAgent, draft minutes v2 09:47:37 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2017/07/18-dxwg-minutes.html phila 09:48:29 ----Break for 30min---- 09:48:45 annette_g___ has joined #dxwg 09:49:08 RRSAgent, draft minutes v2 09:49:08 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2017/07/18-dxwg-minutes.html AndreaPerego 09:49:37 Keith, SimonCox et al - did you see https://www.w3.org/TR/2015/REC-csv2rdf-20151217/ ? e.g. https://github.com/w3c/csvw/blob/gh-pages/examples/simple-weather-observation.md shows it used to map weather data into qb:, ssn:, qudt: based graph structures. 09:51:51 alejandra: http://www.greggkellogg.net/2015/04/implementing-csv-on-the-web/ 10:00:18 danbri: yeah - skimmed it a year or so ago. Very Jeremy. Very much for the RDF true-believers. 10:01:08 Jeremy is so cute when he gets all pedagogical. 10:04:23 RobA is at band practice (trumpet!) He intends to join the call 45 minutes from now. 10:06:51 I'm going to leave the call now to continue my recovery (i.e. get horizontal) 10:07:03 zakim, who is present? 10:07:03 I don't understand your question, SimonCox. 10:07:52 zakim, who's here? 10:07:52 Present: DaveBrowning, antoine, Caroline_, SimonCox, annette_g, Ine, newton, Thomas, LuizBonino, PWinstanley, kcoyle, Dave_Raggett, Makx, Jaroslav_Pullmann, alejandra, phila_, 10:07:57 ... riccardoAlbertoni, AndreaPerego 10:07:57 On IRC I see AndreaPerego, riccardoAlbertoni_, danbri, Makx, LarsG, PWinstanley, Ine, SimonCox, antoine, DaveBrowning, LuizBonino, Zakim, RRSAgent, phila, dsr, Keith, trackbot, 10:07:57 ... rhiaro 10:22:13 kcoyle has joined #dxwg 10:22:15 Caroline_ has joined #DXWG 10:22:23 Present+ 10:22:28 newton has joined #dxwg 10:23:46 chair: Caroline_ 10:24:02 Topic: Use cases for profiles 10:24:10 annette_g___ has joined #dxwg 10:24:13 RRSAgent, draft minutes v2 10:24:13 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2017/07/18-dxwg-minutes.html phila 10:24:26 danbri has joined #dxwg 10:24:32 scribenick: danbri 10:24:36 scribe: Dan Brickley 10:24:39 https://www.w3.org/2017/dxwg/wiki/Use_Case_Working_Space#ID41 10:25:18 Karen: This is probably not complete. I looked at UCs, didn't see coverage around profiles. This comes from both Dublin Core's work around application profiles, and also work around RDF validation. 10:25:30 kcoyle: This is probably not complete. I looked at UCs, didn't see coverage around profiles. This comes from both Dublin Core's work around application profiles, and also work around RDF validation. 10:25:49 ... profile doc should include info such as mandatory-ness, cardinality, dependencies, and/or/not etc in dataset. 10:25:51 s/Karen: This is probably not complete. I looked at UCs, didn't see coverage around profiles. This comes from both Dublin Core's work around application profiles, and also work around RDF validation./ 10:25:53 q+ to talk about base assumptions as requirements 10:26:08 ... possibly leads us to being able to derrive both input forms as well as validation rules from the vocabulary. 10:26:09 ack me 10:26:09 phila, you wanted to talk about base assumptions as requirements 10:26:22 alejandra has joined #dxwg 10:26:37 s/derrive/derive/ 10:26:56 phila: This looks like either "we haven't a UC for doing this so let's write it". But you sort of have in that the charter (based on earlier consultations). No need to invent a UC since we're chartered for it. 10:26:58 Thomas has joined #dxwg 10:27:07 present+ 10:27:07 karen: there was a need to say more about what a profile is 10:27:28 q? 10:27:32 phila: ok to include within it assumptions that were there [in the charter]. Otherwise you end up writing UCs to make explicit absurd things like "we'll use the Web". 10:27:37 annette_g___ has joined #dxwg 10:27:41 q+ 10:27:46 caroline: any more comments? 10:27:48 ack AndreaPerego 10:28:19 AndreaPerego: to say that my understanding of this UC is that we may need to make a kind of recommendation for provision of documentation, cardinality etc in data schema. 10:28:26 ... this is not always the case esp. with RDF vocabularies 10:28:47 ... this is indeed included in the charter, but would be nice [...] description of the constraint to be used 10:28:49 q? 10:29:18 caroline: noting that it's in the charter, assuming we'll keep the use case? (q to AndreaPerego ) 10:29:42 q? 10:29:44 +1 10:29:44 AndreaPerego: I am supportive of the UC. It goes a bit beyond the requirements from the charter. 10:29:55 ack ja 10:30:09 s/ack ja/ 10:30:17 q+ 10:30:25 Jaroslav: If we are going to negotiate profiles and kinds of data, we'll need something like this to discover profiles. They are not predefined, they are custom. 10:30:28 ack kcoyle 10:30:35 Jaroslav_Pullmann has joined #dxwg 10:31:06 s/Jaroslav/Jaroslav_Pullmann 10:31:09 kcoyle: I don't think that the UC gives you a way to discover profiles. It is about the content of the profile document. We will talk about conneg later. 10:31:25 Jaroslav_Pullmann: [missed - can't hear from here] 10:31:51 q+ 10:32:05 kcoyle: 10:32:17 UC41 discussion continues. 10:32:19 s/kcoyle:/ 10:32:23 ack kcoyle 10:32:39 Q+ 10:32:52 kcoyle: how are we going ... these are some ideas, functions that I feel are needed in a profile document, there are probably others. How are we going to tease those out? 10:32:57 ack Ine 10:32:59 q+ to talk about ODRL 10:33:07 annette_g___ has joined #dxwg 10:33:09 Ine: I have comments from colleagues. Sees need to make profiles more structured. 10:33:17 q+ to talk about the EDM case 10:33:18 Ine: ... part of this usecase. 10:33:18 ack LarsG 10:33:19 LarsG, you wanted to talk about ODRL 10:33:20 q+ 10:33:46 -> https://w3c.github.io/poe/model/#profile 10:33:47 LarsG: wanted to point to another WG at W3C, Permissions/Obligations/Expressions (POE). They also talk of profiles in context of how you describe different rights and their extensions. 10:34:30 ... they also talk about profiles, they have some interesting use cases for profiles that we should look at as well. Similar - extending a core vocabulary, making certain restrictions, what you can/can't do. It is nice in that you are not restricted to use RDF, but can use plain JSON and XML representations also. 10:34:37 ack antoine 10:34:37 antoine, you wanted to talk about the EDM case 10:34:40 ... not hard-coupled to a particular validation language. 10:35:14 antoine: Similar remark. Probably could be useful to have a look at the various profiles that are around. People in this WG may have their own, e.g. DCAT-AP. 10:35:36 ... we have tried to include some of these elements under the Europeana data model. 10:35:40 RRSAgent, draft minutes v2 10:35:40 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2017/07/18-dxwg-minutes.html phila 10:35:56 ... could be useful to understand some evidence of what is needed in an ecosystem [like europeana's] 10:35:59 q? 10:36:03 ... also some links to the DCMI work 10:36:04 ack Jaroslav_Pullmann 10:36:20 Jaroslav_Pullmann: wondering if there is not a formalization of the constraints e.g. a schema or an expression constraint language. 10:36:33 ... to explore constraints in a machine processable way. 10:36:46 kcoyle: I assumed it would be machine processable but didn't say that here. 10:36:56 Jaroslav_Pullmann: There could also be free text restrictions. 10:37:33 kcoyle: if I sat and made a handful of UCs, one would be the possibility of generating human user documentation from the profiles. 10:37:42 ... should be readable, easily creatable by non-coders. 10:37:49 ... I can add those as usecases. 10:37:57 ... definitely what we looked at in the validation area. 10:38:02 q+ to mention I18N 10:38:05 An initial SHACL expression of DCAT-AP was recently published, see https://joinup.ec.europa.eu/node/146653/ 10:38:09 roba has joined #dxwg 10:38:12 ack danbri 10:38:12 danbri, you wanted to mention I18N 10:38:13 newton has joined #dxwg 10:38:50 q+ to talk about the difference between profiles and schemas 10:38:50 danbri: That last piece, going from machine readable to human readable, is good for i18n, but we should be aware that there may not be a 100% correlation 10:38:52 present+ roba 10:39:08 q+ 10:39:21 kcoyle: whole other discussion, about how this relates to the 2 RDF validation systems active around W3C, SHACL and SHEX. 10:39:30 ... do we require that profiles be in RDF 10:39:51 danbri: DCAT is RDF? 10:40:02 phila: Yes and no! See line in the charter. 10:40:07 "That would be an ecumenical matter." 10:40:38 phila: DCAT is currently an RDF vocabulary. "DCAT is formulated as an RDF vocabulary... etc" 10:40:57 see https://www.w3.org/2017/dxwg/charter 10:40:58 ack LarsG 10:40:58 LarsG, you wanted to talk about the difference between profiles and schemas 10:41:09 phila: noting that POE is RDF-oriented. 10:41:21 LarsG: profiles and schemas are not the same 10:41:36 ... shacl works at an rdf level, you could also have an xml schema 10:41:40 schemas also need profiles to set content rules 10:42:39 phila: RDF and XML schema names are unfortunately similar, can we blame someone in the room? 10:42:42 ack LuizBonino 10:42:51 danbri: [gracelessly blames saintly Ralph Swick] 10:43:01 q+ 10:43:08 LuizBonino: .... can use shex/shacl to verify compliance 10:43:08 ack DaveBrowning 10:43:23 DaveBrowning: q re context/organization. What is the relationship between the profile work in POE and here? 10:44:18 phila: ODRL/POE ... ODRL has notion of profiles since 2002. Not a new concept. What I said to them: this WG is defining what W3C means by a profile. [of ODRL] 10:44:35 phila: ODRL has a tiny core and is essentially unusable without using a profile. 10:44:58 Caroline_: Thanks for the discussion. Let's vote on whether UC41 is in scope for our work. 10:45:10 proposal: UC41 is in scope. 10:45:16 +1 10:45:18 +1 10:45:19 +1 10:45:20 +1 10:45:20 +1 10:45:20 +1 10:45:21 +1 10:45:21 +1 10:45:21 +1 10:45:21 +1 10:45:21 +1 10:45:22 +1 10:45:23 +1 10:45:23 +1 10:45:25 +1 10:45:28 +1 10:45:30 +1 10:45:33 +1 10:45:36 +1 10:45:41 +1 10:45:47 RESOLVED: UC41 is in scope for DXWG. 10:46:37 ACTION: kcoyle to complete set of profile use cases 10:46:38 Created ACTION-22 - Complete set of profile use cases [on Karen Coyle - due 2017-07-25]. 10:46:56 * here hear 10:47:02 topic: Discover available content profiles [ID5] 10:47:07 https://www.w3.org/2017/dxwg/wiki/Use_Case_Working_Space#ID5 10:47:07 https://www.w3.org/2017/dxwg/wiki/Use_Case_Working_Space#ID5 10:47:22 s/https://www.w3.org/2017/dxwg/wiki/Use_Case_Working_Space#ID5/ 10:47:44 RRSAgent, draft minutes v2 10:47:44 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2017/07/18-dxwg-minutes.html AndreaPerego 10:48:13 roba: ID5: If a dataset itself can also conform to profiles just as DCAT's specification can be profiled, datasets themselves might be available via multiple encodings, and also by multiple schemas in slightly different profiles (but same basic dataset). 10:48:45 roba: considered in DCAT terms, consider a catalog of DCAT instances which are datasets, ... multiple profiles of DCAT that can be served by that catalog. So the catalog would need to be able to say which profiles are supported. 10:49:06 q? 10:49:08 ... so as long as profiles have identifiers, it should be possible to have at some stage a property which tells you which profiles are supported. 10:49:10 q+ 10:49:15 ack phila 10:49:15 ack me 10:49:24 phila: Rob, are you thinking Web capabilities service? 10:50:10 roba: Not necessarily. UC could be DCAT instances polymorphic. E.g. an instance inside Frence geological agency will have content to meet French agency needs, plus INSPIRE 10:50:12 Q+ 10:50:20 q+ 10:50:41 ... you'll see same pattern inside every dataset. I don't think a separate service is needed beyond the DCAT records. 10:50:42 q+ 10:50:44 q? 10:51:01 annette_g___ has joined #dxwg 10:51:06 q- 10:51:07 phila: We debated earlier whether catalogs can be datasets. 10:51:09 -1 10:51:15 ack Ine 10:51:17 roba: I hope so, they have same characteristics. 10:51:31 Makx: (remotely in IRC), -1 to this (as elaborated earlier). 10:51:49 q+ 10:52:08 Ine: A need ... thinking of new version of DCAT, to describe rich version, also of DCAT itself. 10:52:24 q? 10:52:27 phila: You need to know which version of DCAT, 1.0 vs 1.1 etc. 10:52:31 ack Jaroslav_Pullmann 10:52:55 Jaroslav_Pullmann: (to Rob) I'm wondering how in the profile def'n and request of having dataset info retrieved according to a particular profile relates to a distribution. BEcause there's a part of the info already in there. 10:53:02 s/rich version/which version/ 10:53:28 s/BEcause/Because 10:53:42 roba: Generally speaking it is impossible to fully describe a dataset well enough. Hope we will make some progress. Generally datasets are described by what datatype(?) specifications they belong to. Easiest way is to say that it conforms to a Profile. 10:53:59 ... it is seen eg. in CDF world. Vital to know whih profiles are relevant to understand applicable tooling. 10:54:14 S/CDF/netCDF/ 10:54:16 roba: need to label/tag how a dataset behaves is generally more useful than providing fine grained descriptions of all its assets. 10:54:36 roba: need to be able to make a declaration that a dataset conforms 10:54:56 Jaroslav_Pullmann: if we are talking about meeting constraints that relates to specific representations, it may better be expressed at the distribution level. 10:55:20 ack antoine 10:55:24 roba: yes, that may be true. Distributions are still aspects of the dataset. If it turns out that the requirement is to declare per-distribution what profile it supports, that meets the UC. 10:55:51 antoine: Q for clarification. Rob, the title of the UC, is a metonym. You mean data represented according to a profile, not the profile itself. 10:55:56 roba: yes. we could refine title. 10:56:29 antoine: Well, I wonder whether the UC relates to [discovery?]. e.g. I am looking at some data(set), profile tells me what I can ... get 10:56:42 (missed a bit there antoine - feel free to clarify for minutes) 10:56:54 antoine: could be useful to know that there are relationships at level of profiles that can guide your discovery. 10:57:30 roba: I think that is correct. I wonder if the profile that the catalog conforms to might list the profiles that the datasets conform to. Not sure that there is any global register of profiles. 10:57:49 roba: Like any other property of DCAT you want to know what vocabulary it is bound to, i.e. vocab of supported profiles. 10:58:00 q? 10:58:02 roba: profile is just a facet of the catalog dataset which are bound to a vocabulary. 10:58:04 antoine: yes, probably 10:58:17 q? 10:58:38 Proposal: UC 5 is in scope. 10:58:40 +1 10:58:44 +1 10:58:44 +1 10:58:44 +1 10:58:44 +1 10:58:45 +1 10:58:45 +1 10:58:45 +1 10:58:46 +1 10:58:46 +1 10:58:47 +1 10:58:48 +1 10:58:48 +1 10:58:49 +1 10:58:49 s/[discovery?]/discovery of profiles in the first place/ 10:58:52 +1 10:58:54 +1 10:58:56 +1 10:58:58 +1 10:59:04 RESOLVED: UC1 is in scope. 10:59:08 +1 10:59:09 s/UC1/UC5/ 10:59:18 RRSAgent, draft minutes v2 10:59:18 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2017/07/18-dxwg-minutes.html AndreaPerego 10:59:23 s/profile tells me/and I get information about various alternatives (profiles)/ 10:59:38 annette_g has joined #dxwg 10:59:55 s/(missed a bit there antoine - feel free to clarify for minutes)// 11:00:39 topic: Metadata Guidance Rules (UC42) 11:00:40 https://www.w3.org/2017/dxwg/wiki/Use_Case_Working_Space#ID42 11:00:49 ack kcoyle 11:00:53 RRSAgent, draft minutes v2 11:00:53 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2017/07/18-dxwg-minutes.html antoine 11:01:17 kcoyle: I'm putting this out there to see if anyone beyond libraries has this need. In library world, within same data format, you may have had data created using different semantic rules. 11:01:39 ... these things determine e.g. how you present titles, whether it was just as on the book or made up, how you formulate names 11:01:45 s/what I can ... get/I can get access to/ 11:01:48 do guidance rules = profiles (is this the same as UC5?) 11:02:00 kcoyle: super detailed, you need to know which rules were used 11:02:05 (stuff like http://www.aacr2.org/ ...) 11:02:07 q+ 11:02:11 q+ 11:02:15 kcoyle: I don't know if this is a broader need. 11:02:16 q+ 11:02:26 Q+ 11:02:28 q+ to talk about methodology 11:02:30 kcoyle: these are not things you can then validate. 11:02:35 q+ to ask about stats 11:02:42 q- 11:02:50 q+ 11:03:11 DCAT-AP guidelines https://joinup.ec.europa.eu/node/148075/ 11:03:12 LuizBonino: sometimes in [missed context] you create data according to a specific protocol, could be covered by a profile. Rules/structures to indicate what you used to create your data. 11:03:18 q+ 11:03:22 kcoyle: it may make more sense to call it "protocols" 11:03:26 protocols is overloaded in thos context 11:03:28 ack Makx 11:03:30 DaveBrowning: data standards? 11:04:25 Makx: I wanted to support Karen's point. Even if the library world is very well organized, ... even doing DCAT-AP in EUrope, we have this profile described in text, PDF file, partly also in a SHACL file, ... there are little things people wonder about e.g. contact info (how do I "use vcard"). 11:04:41 Makx: we are looking at a cascade of the questions that arise during implementation. 11:04:52 Makx: not just things like ordering of names. 11:05:09 q? 11:05:10 Makx: see URL for the guidelines we have begun, https://joinup.ec.europa.eu/node/148075/ 11:05:14 ack roba 11:06:05 roba: Yes I think this is v similar to the previous usecase, perhaps expressed in different terms. These guidance rules or protocols, different words overlap in scope. Profiles may be partially validatable, supported by guidance. We see in geospatial domain, the need to profile in this way. 11:06:23 ack annette_g 11:06:25 roba: Usually combination of docs, tools, cookbooks. Seems basically the same. 11:06:31 -1 11:06:45 s/-1/g-/ 11:06:52 q- 11:06:58 annette_g: What I see in a scientific domain - national lab - we see lots of different ways of saying what a term means. I see a need for this in profiles. 11:07:04 ack danbri 11:07:04 danbri, you wanted to ask about stats 11:07:52 ack PWinstanley 11:07:52 danbri: feels like same things as staticians following protocol rules 11:07:57 ack PWinstanley 11:08:20 PWinstanley: possibly a role for controlled natural language, e.g. cucumber/gurkin approach - behaviour driven development 11:08:31 q+ 11:08:58 ... another aspect: rule-based controlled natural languages, that people are beginning to put together to compile rule sets that have a natural language reading 11:09:05 danbri: and to point to, rather than standardize here! 11:09:45 PWinstanley: absolutely. You might use a CNL (controlled natural language) rather than pages and pages of prose. Even RelaxNG in an XML world. Or cucumber/gurkin. 11:09:49 q? 11:10:20 PWinstanley: Other things like regelspraak(?sp) for the expression of rules in areas of public administration - customs, finance etc. 11:10:25 ... we can earn a lot from that. 11:10:28 ack alejandra 11:11:07 https://www.brcommunity.com/articles.php?id=b622 11:11:21 alejandra: I was wondering in terms of the guidance rules for libraries, you talk more about how to express the titles, the names etc. Seems like a distinction between rules and representation. In biological domain, there is a distinction between the content you expect, the vocabularies, versus the processes that produced the data - clinal etc. 11:11:33 http://www.ejhbaars.nl/ 11:12:03 ... when I read it, it seemed more like the reporting guidelines, ... what content you expect to describe for different experiments. Typically word/pdf doc, so not very structured. Different communities have gone further eg. XML Schemas. 11:12:04 https://github.com/cucumber/cucumber/wiki/Gherkin 11:12:22 q+ 11:12:41 s/gurkin/gherkin/ 11:13:00 s/clinal/clinical/ 11:13:08 n.b. cucumber is a controlled natural language for describing tests for software, see https://cucumber.io/ 11:13:30 kcoyle: 2 things here. 1.) is whether this is about the creation of the profile or the data. I was intending the latter - creation of the data. Even though communities vary, I think same thing: what are the protocols for creating your data. While some might emphasise cardinality, exact data formats, ... in my mind it is better if you stick to one thing, not everyone will be able to make the same distinctions. Considering DCAT and profiles I suspect that such 11:13:38 ... distinctions wouldn't be clearly followed 11:13:53 alejandra: Is this just a link to a doc that describes a protocol? 11:13:54 object property.. 11:13:56 ack newton 11:14:02 kcoyle: ... or to an identifier that describes that protocol 11:14:36 newton: We have a usecase around dataset publications online from statistical dept, they have many terms from stats domain. They want to publish with the dataset a kind of guidance on how to use those datasets. 11:15:05 ... e.g. role of natural language tags. A different kind of analysis can have a very different (and incorrect) result. Metadata for this kind of guidance would be very useful. 11:15:11 ack phila 11:15:39 phila: I'm suprised that this discussion has moved to talking about profiles. I saw it more in terms of provenance (whether described in nat language or PROV). 11:15:51 Just to note that we discussed yesterday about provenance / lineage. 11:15:58 phila: but I agree it is just about the data not the metadata. 11:16:10 profiles is how data "behaves" - it may possibly declare what you may do (functions) 11:16:18 annette_g has joined #dxwg 11:16:24 PROPOSAL: 42 is in score 11:16:27 +q 11:16:30 s/score/scope/ 11:16:33 s/score/scope/ 11:16:34 Yhe use case is explicit : "ules determine choices made in creating the metadata" 11:16:50 And also "how to use the data" is mentioned in one of the use cases discussed yesterday - https://www.w3.org/2017/dxwg/wiki/Use_Case_Working_Space#ID9 11:17:14 alejandra: can we discuss more details. In terms of UC, ... to me, ... I am not sure if it is the same to point to the protocol. In which case it is closer to provenance. 11:17:14 q+ 11:17:18 ack alejandra 11:17:19 ack AndreaPerego 11:17:25 s/ack AndreaPerego/ 11:17:27 ack alejandra 11:17:34 kcoyle: It would be helpful to me to get usecases from other communities 11:17:42 kcoyle: LuizBonino can you provide something? 11:17:59 alejandra: if it is as I understood, related to data standards, maybe it also falls into other UC regarding compliance to standards. 11:18:29 kcoyle: yes, I thought about that --- one difference --- problem that I see ... some compliance is about does it comply to schema vs do the semantics comply 11:18:40 q? 11:18:41 ack danbri 11:18:42 @kcoyle, is this relevant for UC42: https://joinup.ec.europa.eu/node/148075/ 11:18:50 ack danbri 11:19:13 Q+ 11:19:20 danbri: For the original library scenario, is this a very pernickity definition of each term? That might be prov or it might be detailed term def 11:19:39 kcoyle: It's rules for 2 humans to create consistent data 11:19:43 surely the point is that consistent rule-controlled data improves precision and recall in retrieval and interoperability 11:19:58 kcoyle: It has to do with content, not format 11:20:00 yep - schema compliance is rarely sufficient - need semantic compliance. Provenance may give clues, but we want a declarative statement of what specific purposes the data is fit for 11:20:40 ack annette_g 11:20:53 kcoyle: the fact that it in library world content based doesn't mean it doesn't align to format-based protocols in other environments 11:21:02 annette_g: [missed that, sorry] 11:21:16 kcoyle: if you took a library catalogue and put it out there to download, it's the data 11:21:24 .... e.g. CKAN has a lot of library datasets 11:21:46 ... you'd want to say what the rules were e.g. if the german rules were used the canadian libraries mightn't want it (or vice-versa). 11:22:03 q+ to ask if this is a case for the over-used dcterms:conformsTo? 11:22:12 annette_g: people generating the dataset aren't going to be aware of all the rules... 11:22:24 q+ 11:22:27 kcoyle: ... but they will care about whether it meets *their* needs. Discoverability and selection. 11:22:42 LarsG: Common usecases in libraries, ... are those 2 books the same? described with same rules? 11:23:23 ack phila 11:23:23 phila, you wanted to ask if this is a case for the over-used dcterms:conformsTo? 11:23:32 q+ 11:23:47 phila: if it isn't provenance, maybe it is dc conformsTo? a property that is massively over-used and ambiguous. But maybe relevant. 11:23:59 ... e.g. you could say it conforms to parts of some rule set 11:24:05 ... this is where provenance and profiles overlap 11:24:08 ack Jaroslav_Pullmann 11:24:14 Jaroslav_Pullmann: See also UC43 compliance with standards 11:24:15 q- 11:24:25 ... not really the metadata of the dataset description 11:24:26 +1 this is about conformance 11:24:31 What about DAQ + DUV? 11:24:37 q+ 11:24:47 Caroline_: not a problem having similar usecases 11:25:00 kcoyle: it was added after mine. I suspect it expresses the same thing. 11:25:05 alejandra: that was my q before 11:25:10 which one? 11:25:11 ack AndreaPerego 11:25:22 https://www.w3.org/TR/vocab-dqv/#ExpressConformanceWithStandard 11:25:22 UC43 11:25:28 AndreaPerego: I have impression we have issues covering data quality, we could look at dataset usage vocabulary esp data quality parts 11:25:42 .. this is something around fitness for purpose, how to use the data 11:25:57 q+ 11:26:10 ack antoine 11:26:23 DUV: https://www.w3.org/TR/vocab-duv/ 11:26:38 antoine: see link https://www.w3.org/TR/vocab-dqv/#ExpressConformanceWithStandard on conformance, as mentioned (I think ) by AndreaPerego 11:26:55 kcoyle: but that is conformance of the datasets' metadata? 11:27:05 AndreaPerego: but not so different? just different subject of a similar statement? 11:27:08 kcoyle: I agree, yes. 11:27:26 AndreaPerego: ... since metadata are data as well 11:27:44 antoine: dvq can be applied to either (?was that correct) 11:27:52 q? 11:27:52 proposal: UC42 is in scope 11:27:56 +1 11:27:57 +1 11:27:57 +1 11:27:57 +1 11:27:57 +1 11:27:58 +1 11:27:59 +1 11:27:59 +1 11:27:59 +1 11:28:00 +1 11:28:00 +1 11:28:01 +1 11:28:02 +1 11:28:02 +1 11:28:03 +1 11:28:05 +1 11:28:05 +1 11:28:06 +1 11:28:07 +1 11:28:11 +1 11:28:15 s/dvq/the dqv pattern/ 11:28:16 RESOLVED: UC 42 is in scope 11:28:32 s/(?was that correct)// 11:28:35 ==== LUNCH ==== 11:28:39 RRSAgent, draft minutes v2 11:28:39 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2017/07/18-dxwg-minutes.html AndreaPerego 11:29:07 i have another meeting at 11 - in 1.5 hours, so will probably drop out 11:30:03 requirements.. 11:31:57 newton has joined #dxwg 12:05:50 present+ 12:19:37 dsr has joined #dxwg 12:25:41 kcoyle has joined #dxwg 12:26:46 Makx has joined #dxwg 12:29:40 present+ Makx 12:30:04 sorry missed that first part 12:30:33 scribenick:DaveBrowning 12:30:46 scribenick: DaveBrowning 12:31:27 danbri has joined #dxwg 12:31:37 LuizBonino has joined #dxwg 12:32:22 Thomas has joined #dxwg 12:32:32 phila_ has joined #dxwg 12:32:39 annette_g has joined #dxwg 12:33:25 newton has joined #dxwg 12:34:18 Jaroslav_Pullmann has joined #dxwg 12:34:20 Caroline_ has joined #DXWG 12:34:30 chair: Caroline_ 12:34:30 Present+ 12:34:38 present+ 12:34:38 present+ 12:34:40 Present+ annette_g 12:34:43 present+ 12:34:43 present+ 12:34:46 presenst+ 12:34:47 present+ 12:35:29 Topic: Use Cases for Profiles 12:35:39 https://www.w3.org/2017/dxwg/wiki/Use_Case_Working_Space#ID24 12:35:50 newton_ has joined #dxwg 12:36:12 Thomas: Summarising - describing geospatial datasets but want them to be open 12:36:32 I will have to leave to the airport at 14:50. 12:36:44 Q+ 12:36:49 ... mapping INSPIRE driven oblications to DCAT 12:36:51 alejandra has joined #dxwg 12:37:13 s/oblications/obligations/ 12:37:21 q+ to talk about GeoDCAT and Lieven Raes' work 12:37:35 ... can we bring geospatial data into the open world? 12:37:37 ack Ine 12:37:55 newton__ has joined #dxwg 12:38:09 Ine: Is work on geoDCAT-AP not enough? 12:38:29 Thomas: Not in our experience 12:39:27 ... want to describe only once and publish in multiple forms but geoDCAT-AP wasn't deep enough 12:40:05 ack phila_ 12:40:05 phila_, you wanted to talk about GeoDCAT and Lieven Raes' work 12:40:07 ... multiple standards bodies (ISO, others) 12:40:29 q+ to ask that we collect URLs of all the DCAT-focussed email lists 12:41:04 phila_: Work in OGC that should be in this space? 12:41:42 ... perhaps if they need changes in DCAT then communication should be fairly straightforward 12:41:57 ack danbri 12:41:57 danbri, you wanted to ask that we collect URLs of all the DCAT-focussed email lists 12:41:59 ...though that may not mean they completely align 12:42:23 newton has joined #dxwg 12:42:33 q? 12:42:38 annette_g has joined #dxwg 12:43:18 danbri: shall we collect all the DCA lists? 12:43:56 actions: danbri to pull together a list of all the DCAT-focussed lists 12:44:24 @dan I have lots of links 12:44:31 action: danbri to pull together a list of all the DCAT-focussed lists 12:44:31 Created ACTION-23 - Pull together a list of all the dcat-focussed lists [on Dan Brickley - due 2017-07-25]. 12:45:09 Makx - can you help us collect up URLs for any DCAT email lists you know about? (it doesn't matter if public or closed so long as we understand who can join and what the focus is). 12:45:55 Scope is that we try to find each other as much as possible and we don't go creating competing standards (because I feel there's a risk of that happening) 12:46:00 proposal: accept ID24 as is 12:46:00 dan I ll 12:46:21 dan i can give you what i have 12:47:09 no sound 12:47:42 webex should be back now 12:48:30 Makx, thanks! 12:49:22 q+ 12:49:40 Thomas: Implication of the vote - should not create recommendations that are based only on one strand (e.g. INSPIRE, DCAT) - talk to each other 12:49:45 ack Makx 12:49:49 newton_ has joined #dxwg 12:50:15 Github or W3C for actions? e.g. https://www.w3.org/2017/dxwg/track/actions/23 or should I echo it into https://github.com/w3c/dxwg/issues 12:50:35 proposal: accept ID24 as is 12:50:37 +1 12:50:39 +1 12:50:39 -1 DCAT and INSPIRE are for very different purposes and there are convertors via DCAT-AP 12:50:40 +1 12:50:41 +1 12:50:44 +1 12:50:44 +1 12:50:45 +1 12:50:47 +1 12:50:48 +1 12:50:49 0 12:50:53 +1 12:50:53 +1 12:50:54 +1 12:50:55 +1 via additional document 12:50:58 +1 12:51:22 +1 to consider other vocabs but not to try to create a vocab that reflects them all 12:51:49 Keith: INSPIRE and DCAT have different uses/audiences 12:51:51 0 (not sure to understand what is wrong with geodcat and I am afraid of duplications..) 12:52:21 q+ 12:52:52 ack phila_ 12:52:52 Thomas: But people in the field are active in both fields, and mapping between them 12:53:01 q+ re two IDs (main landing page URL in Web and/or DOIs for those who doi...) 12:53:33 phila_: "You cannot make people use the standard the way you want...." 12:54:02 ... if building geo-portal you will follow ISO, if more general then DCAT 12:54:06 newton__ has joined #dxwg 12:54:53 q+ 12:54:55 ... Can't make one into the other but equally undesirable to allow one to damage the other 12:55:16 ack dan 12:55:16 danbri, you wanted to discuss two IDs (main landing page URL in Web and/or DOIs for those who doi...) 12:55:19 q? 12:55:28 ack danbri 12:56:05 danbri: Different kinds of diversity - some are more annoying than others. 12:57:06 ... some things aren't too damaging 12:57:16 q+ to talk about bijections between vocabularies 12:57:39 Thomas: perhaps could be covered in a cookbook so that people are aware of the decisions needed 12:57:41 ack Ine 12:58:14 Ine: we're not talking about replacings - but how do we serve all the needs? 12:59:09 newton has joined #dxwg 12:59:23 ack LarsG 12:59:23 LarsG, you wanted to talk about bijections between vocabularies 12:59:40 ... multiple groups doing very similar mapping activities - a more 'aware' approach would be beneficial 13:00:24 LarsG: Are the semantics the same? If not then mapping is unreliable... 13:00:49 Thomas: My colleagues use INSPIRE as the 'primary' 13:01:01 q? 13:01:12 Caroline_: Seems we have no consensus 13:01:15 q+ 13:01:39 q+ 13:01:40 ack kcoyle 13:01:44 Thomas: Propose that we take the effort to make people aware and start a dialog 13:02:03 kcoyle: What's the action on this group? 13:02:11 q+ 13:02:26 q+ to talk about a cookbook 13:03:48 (is http://lov.okfn.org/dataset/lov/vocabs/dcat any use to show the nearby/related vocabularies?) 13:03:58 kcoyle: Would a cookbook approach fulfill what the UC says? 13:05:14 q+ to say "competing" is too loaded; if they share underlying vocabularies, they are complimentary. 13:05:31 s/complimentary/complementary/ 13:05:32 q- 13:05:41 s/if more general then/if more general than/ 13:05:44 ack antoine 13:05:58 tks AndreaPerego 13:07:17 ack Makx 13:07:41 antoine, I was just noting that they've tried to show some basic relations amongst vocabularies. I think it shows only subtype/subproperty etc declarations within schemas/ontologies, rather than co-occurrence in instance data. 13:07:42 antoine: suggestion to avoid divergent effort [Apols - missed the detail] 13:08:16 Makx: community experts best to write the cookbook relevant to there community 13:08:34 ... (schema.org perhaps a special case) 13:08:37 +1 to Makx 13:08:44 ack phila 13:08:44 phila, you wanted to talk about a cookbook 13:08:46 danbri: yes this goes in the right direction. What we would need is something for profiles. A profile can be made without creating a new ontology so it would be currently missed by LOV 13:08:53 Makx, re SDMX, I'd hope this group could make a cookbook for datacube/dcat happen (similarly csvw) 13:09:02 ...maybe with collaborations 13:10:42 +1 to phila about the note 13:10:46 danbri http://lov.okfn.org/dataset/lov/vocabs/dcat might be; I'm personally disappointed that INSPIRE eg isn't linked to DCAT within LOV... 13:11:08 annette_g has joined #dxwg 13:11:21 phila: Group planned on geo, joint standards meeting on geo. DXWG remit includes cookbok/guidance - something like liknksets for machines/human interpretation would be well received 13:11:37 resolved: ID24 not in scope 13:11:47 @danbri, this group i 13:12:09 Jaroslav_Pullmann: Do we publish a note? 13:12:17 q+ 13:12:34 @danbri, this group will not be able to write sdmx mappings, ever 13:12:58 phila: We can publish any guidance.... but guidance on multiple linksets 13:13:15 not even sure about data cube mapping 13:13:38 ... would be a good idea if the bandwidth/enthusiasm existed 13:13:59 ack PWinstanley 13:14:23 q+ 13:14:37 q- 13:14:54 Makx, that's why I said "make ____ happen" rather than "make."; I agree relevant expertise is needed. 13:15:09 phila: To clarify, I'm saying that the charter foresees the possibility of the WG creating some sort of primer/cookbook, if it has the capacity to do so. *Separately*, I think a doc on how to publish linksests/mappings would be a very good thing for this WG to do, again, if it has the capacity. 13:15:35 PWinstanley: re: cookbooks/notes - never really completed. Good idea to make a start with this - some kind of skeleton to provide framework - contextualised with the rest of our work 13:16:12 Topic: Use Case ID37 13:16:57 RRSAgent, draft minutes v2 13:16:57 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2017/07/18-dxwg-minutes.html AndreaPerego 13:18:13 antoine: summarises europeana effort aggregating existing vocabularies 13:18:46 ...two flavours of EDM - internal & external 13:19:43 ... others doing similar work eg US Digital Public library, with some reuse of EDM, some extensions 13:20:24 ... UC looks for guidance that what's happening here is being done appropriately, also on publication, profile selection 13:20:50 q? 13:20:58 ... both for europeana users and by Europeana when ingesting other info 13:21:15 q+ 13:21:28 ack phila 13:21:36 ack kcoyle 13:21:46 phila: this seems very close to what the charter requires 13:22:08 q+ 13:22:38 kcoyle: Does this imply nested profiles? 13:23:00 antoine: Yes - performing arts area is doing exactly this 13:23:14 q+ 13:23:18 q+ 13:23:20 annette_g has joined #dxwg 13:23:54 ack LuizBonino 13:23:55 q+ to ask about modularity 13:24:01 ack Makx 13:24:02 q+ 13:24:07 LuizBonino: this nesting is something we envisage needing 13:24:11 About nested profiles, you could do that in SHACL. 13:24:32 interesting something like tracking the profile composition 13:24:40 Q+ 13:24:42 Makx: DCAT-AP has this with European profile vs national variants/extensions 13:24:44 q- 13:24:58 Maybe SHACL could be used to validate entries against the profiles 13:25:25 q- 13:25:27 ... Also now looking across such extensions for common extensions not in the base 13:25:29 q+ to ask whether, when foo extends bar, we mean "foo is stricture and more exclusive than bar" or vice-versa. 13:25:33 ack LarsG 13:25:33 LarsG, you wanted to ask about modularity 13:25:39 s/stricture/stricter/ 13:26:17 q+ 13:26:29 q+ to talk about conflict resolution in ODRL 13:26:29 ack alejandra 13:26:46 LarsG: we do see vocabularies being used inside DCAT that would be candidates for modular 'insertions' 13:26:53 q+ 13:28:29 ack annette_g 13:29:34 q- later 13:29:46 annette_g: Need to ensure that profiles remain focussed on the solid needs, and not go off building general/abstract profiles chains 13:29:55 q? 13:30:26 ack dan 13:30:26 danbri, you wanted to ask whether, when foo extends bar, we mean "foo is stricture and more exclusive than bar" or vice-versa. 13:30:28 +q 13:31:38 ack ant 13:31:40 s/stricture/stricter/ 13:31:41 ack antoine 13:31:52 danbri: We should avoid building formal algebra of profiles (role for machines) rather than substantive focuc 13:32:00 s/focuc/focus 13:32:16 antoine: Agree with danbri 13:32:35 maybe https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Composition_over_inheritance is another way to couch the issues? 13:32:57 ... relationship between profiles needs to be more flexible/fluid 13:33:10 q? 13:33:29 ack dsr 13:33:29 ack ds 13:33:37 s/ack ds/ 13:33:48 dsr: More like delegation of responsibilities 13:33:54 ack phila 13:33:54 phila, you wanted to talk about conflict resolution in ODRL 13:34:46 phila: ODRL has inheritance but answer is prohibit/allowed with default if indeterminate 13:35:12 a question of use cases for knowing details about profiles in DCAT. A clean model would only require the minimum information for handing over to the profile which would be responsible for handling any sub-profiles. 13:35:12 ... in this space we would need come conflict resolution 13:35:30 ack alejandra 13:35:33 ... we'd have to prove it.... 13:35:47 s/need come conflict/need some conflict/ 13:36:12 annette_g has joined #dxwg 13:36:14 Q+ 13:36:29 ack annette_g 13:36:41 alejandra: in most cases profiles would just be 'leaves' - but looking across profiles is still a need 13:36:56 q+ 13:37:01 ack kcoyle 13:37:51 (recording a related if old technology: http://www.rddl.org/ was a design for xml namespaces that made a simple HTML page - a bit like a 'profile' - with pointers to machine formats like DTDs, XSDs etc.) 13:38:08 q+ 13:38:15 ack max 13:38:16 kcoyle: Do profile definers find that they are re-using existing elements or extending. 13:38:29 s/ \ack max/ 13:38:34 phila: Usually e.g cardinality 13:38:35 s/ack max/ 13:38:44 s/s/ \ack max/ 13:39:01 ... but profiles stand on their own. (and should stay like that) 13:39:04 ack Makx 13:39:58 Makx: DCAT-AP is standalone, uses DCAT and others, adds rules for cardinality etc 13:40:05 ... so profile complete in itself 13:40:41 proposed: Accept ID37 as is 13:41:29 maybe needs to be revised 13:41:57 q+ to ask about DCAT-AP vs GeoDCAT-AP 13:42:12 +q 13:43:13 antoine: UC is not meant to require inheritance 13:43:45 ack LarsG 13:43:45 LarsG, you wanted to ask about DCAT-AP vs GeoDCAT-AP 13:43:53 annette_g has joined #dxwg 13:44:29 LarsG: what is relation between geoDCAT-AP & DCAT-AP? 13:44:38 ack Makx 13:44:52 q+ 13:45:34 see also OWL/SHACL representation of DCAT-AP, https://joinup.ec.europa.eu/community/semic/news/call-public-review-owl/shacl-expressions-dcat-ap 13:45:50 .... the SHACL seems now to be at https://github.com/SEMICeu/dcat-ap_shacl/tree/master/shacl-latest and is broken into 3 files w.r.t. modularity. 13:45:52 ack Keith 13:45:59 Makx: geoDCAT-AP is DCAT-AP + additional details for geo. No new properties - a separate guideline 13:46:15 ack AndreaPerego 13:46:22 Keith: What new requirement in ID37 13:46:40 AndreaPerego: geoDCAT-AP is as makx said. 13:48:20 q+ 13:48:39 ... no new mandatory terms & vocabs - reuse what pre-existed. Additional terms all optional 13:48:43 ack Makx 13:49:25 Makx: Guideline on DCAT-AP includes instructions on extensions - e.g. cant change mandatory to optional 13:49:47 Maxk - have you got a link for those guidelines please? 13:49:49 annette_g has joined #dxwg 13:50:00 proposed: Accept ID37 as is 13:50:06 -1 13:50:09 put in in several time already 13:50:10 -1 13:50:11 -.02 13:50:11 -1 13:50:22 -1 13:50:25 RubenVerborgh has joined #dxwg 13:50:31 +3.02 13:50:31 Am technologically challenged now, will send later 13:50:31 +0 13:50:33 0 13:50:33 -0 13:50:36 +1 13:50:37 -4 13:50:37 0 13:50:42 present+ 13:50:44 0 13:50:54 -1, put into separate document? 13:51:00 q+ 13:51:02 alejandra, about DCAT-AP extension guidelines: https://joinup.ec.europa.eu/node/150345/ 13:51:10 (It feels like case-study / blog post territory) 13:51:12 thank you AndreaPerego 13:51:16 q? 13:52:25 PWinstanley: It would benefit from breaking it up 13:52:57 i agree with antoine 13:53:20 scribe: newton 13:53:23 scribenick: newton 13:53:35 scribe: Newton 13:53:46 RRSAgent, draft minutes v2 13:53:46 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2017/07/18-dxwg-minutes.html AndreaPerego 13:53:55 Caroline_: suggest to discuss about UC37 in a next call 13:54:11 +1 for github issues 13:54:30 (could we decide issue tracking? otherwise people don't leave the meeting loaded with issues assigned to them...) 13:54:34 +1 for github issues 13:54:46 +1 github issues 13:54:56 q? 13:54:59 +1 for github 13:55:03 q- 13:55:26 q+ to ask if anyone here would prefer to use W3C's Issue Tracker in preference to Github? 13:56:07 Keith: is leaving for a meeting. he thanks for all the fishes. 13:56:33 q? 13:56:41 RDA: https://www.rd-alliance.org/ 13:57:06 danbri: asks about the preference about github issues or w3c issues 13:57:08 s/RDA:/RDA -/ 13:57:09 q+ 13:57:15 ack danbri 13:57:15 danbri, you wanted to ask if anyone here would prefer to use W3C's Issue Tracker in preference to Github? 13:57:18 ack AndreaPerego 13:57:24 I would prefer to use the W3c which tracks conversations in the mailing list ... 13:57:38 AndreaPerego: w3c issue tracker can be integrated to the mailing list 13:57:56 annette_g has joined #dxwg 13:58:01 +1 13:58:02 PROPOSAL: We use Github for tracking issues. 13:58:03 +1 13:58:06 +1 13:58:08 +0 13:58:09 0 13:58:09 +1 13:58:10 +1 13:58:11 0 13:58:12 +1 13:58:12 0 13:58:13 +1 13:58:14 0 13:58:19 +1 13:58:21 0 13:58:30 0 13:59:00 +1 to vote for the other one 13:59:45 q+ 14:00:19 Lars asks actions vs issues (w3c vs github) 14:00:27 LarsG: asks if we will use w3c for actions and gh for issues 14:00:39 q- 14:00:56 DXWG GH repo - https://github.com/w3c/dxwg 14:01:30 Caroline_: some of the members are not used to github, so the group will help 14:01:55 riccardoAlbertoni - can you clarify? 14:02:02 or are you ok with Github for issues? 14:02:44 riccardoAlbertoni_: the w3c issue tracker is very useful 14:03:01 W3C has some basic support materials for Github -> https://www.w3.org/2006/tools/wiki/Github#Using_issues 14:03:08 ... it was useful for tracking discussions about the issues 14:03:37 Caroline_: anyone else wants to comment or can we have a resolution? 14:03:52 q+ 14:04:34 Caroline_: asks danbri to explain the advantages of using github issue tracker 14:04:37 scribe: newton 14:04:45 scribeNick: newton 14:05:14 danbri: the downside is the lack of integration with w3c tools 14:05:39 danbri: you can create tags to classify issues 14:05:59 q+ 14:06:13 kcoyle: when creates an issue on github you receive an email? 14:06:18 dsr: yes 14:06:57 dsr: dealing with issues on github is easy 14:07:25 ... you can write using markdown syntax 14:09:00 action: dsr to check if it's possible to give the power of creating issue to every member of github repository 14:09:00 Created ACTION-24 - Check if it's possible to give the power of creating issue to every member of github repository [on Dave Raggett - due 2017-07-25]. 14:09:43 https://github.com/w3c/dxwg/issues 14:09:45 antoine: I used both systems 14:10:26 ... asks if there's notification by email on the list if someone comments on the issue 14:10:48 Caroline_: let's decide to use github then 14:11:04 RESOLVED: We use Github for tracking issues. 14:11:13 Topic: UC 43 14:11:49 RRSAgent, draft minutes v2 14:11:49 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2017/07/18-dxwg-minutes.html AndreaPerego 14:12:10 Caroline_: it's necessary to raise the issue about last discussion 14:13:22 action: kcoyle to create issue on github about the discussions on ID37 14:13:22 Created ACTION-25 - Create issue on github about the discussions on id37 [on Karen Coyle - due 2017-07-25]. 14:14:13 q? 14:14:22 q- 14:14:22 ack antoine 14:14:23 alejandra: similar to uc42 14:14:24 ... his is also related to validation, but there is another use case for that 14:14:34 s/his/this 14:14:44 q? 14:15:26 Caroline_: anyone else thinks there's a big difference and wants to mention 14:15:53 PROPOSED: UC43 is in the scope 14:15:56 +1 14:15:57 +1 14:15:58 +1 14:15:58 +1 14:15:58 +1 14:15:59 +1 14:15:59 +1 14:16:01 +1 14:16:02 +1 14:16:02 +1 14:16:04 +1 14:16:04 +1 14:16:06 +1 14:16:07 +1 14:16:20 RESOLVED: UC43 is in the scope 14:16:24 +1 14:16:31 Topic: UC44 14:16:54 Jaroslav_Pullmann: based on the discussion about citing data or reference to subset of data 14:16:58 s/Topic/UC 14:17:47 ... suggest the need to linking to particular version of a distribution 14:18:12 ... dereferencing the distribution 14:18:14 q? 14:18:21 q+ 14:18:24 ack phila 14:18:43 phila: are you talking about splitting dataset into chucks? 14:18:53 s/chucks/chunks/ 14:19:09 Jaroslav_Pullmann: not necessary 14:19:27 ->https://www.w3.org/TR/dwbp/#ProvideSubsets DWBP's comments on subsets 14:19:40 ... about linking to particular version of the subsets 14:19:51 phila: there's a BP related to this 14:20:42 http://w3c.github.io/dwbp/bp.html#dataVersioning BP 7 14:20:44 ... it's not a good idea when using query strings 14:21:20 Jaroslav_Pullmann: we discussed yesterday if an API can retrieve a subset of the dataset 14:21:21 s/http://w3c.github.io/dwbp/bp.html#dataVersioning BP 7/ http://w3c.github.io/dwbp/bp.html#dataVersioning Best Practice 7: Provide a version indicator 14:21:32 ... and having an URI to that subset 14:22:09 phila: it's not so good to use URI based on query string, because you may eventually change your system and it may break 14:22:10 This means it is strictly relying on persistent URIs. 14:22:17 annette_g has joined #dxwg 14:22:20 q? 14:22:20 Q+ 14:22:24 ack annette_g 14:22:52 annette_g: there are two questions: one about versioning 14:23:07 ... another about subsets 14:23:27 Jaroslav_Pullmann: maybe the subset could be considered a new dataset not a version 14:23:35 q+ 14:23:42 ack alejandra 14:24:16 alejandra: what's the difference between identifying a dataset or a subset of it? 14:24:26 phila: Identifiers don't have semantics!!! 14:24:39 q+ to say we might try to have PROV folk do this (by recording workflow log of transformations such as subsetting/slicing) 14:25:01 Jaroslav_Pullmann: when you're citing a dataset you may want to reference to a specific part of the dataset 14:26:57 Jaroslav_Pullmann: because a dataset is abstract 14:27:19 ... what happens if you want to cite concrete data, data within the distribution 14:27:48 alejandra: suggest to rephrase UC44 14:28:44 alejandra: the identifier is different from the downloadURL 14:29:22 ack danbri 14:29:22 danbri, you wanted to say we might try to have PROV folk do this (by recording workflow log of transformations such as subsetting/slicing) 14:29:25 Jaroslav_Pullmann: if it's in scope should be an action to rephrase it 14:29:49 q- 14:30:09 Caroline_: suggests to keep the discussion on the mailing list 14:30:20 q+ to note that how this can be done is very much domain specific 14:30:33 ack AndreaPerego 14:30:33 AndreaPerego, you wanted to note that how this can be done is very much domain specific 14:30:42 (there's looking inside a dataset/distrib to understand what's in there; there's slicing out chunks of it by some facet/param or identifier; and there's identifiers for all aspects of this) 14:30:58 AndreaPerego: it's specific for a particular domain 14:31:17 ... maybe there's not a solution that covers all domains 14:31:34 Jaroslav_Pullmann: asks for a possible general solution 14:32:09 AndreaPerego: the discussion is similar to that we had yesterday about the data service 14:32:47 ... want to discuss more of this on the mailing list 14:33:07 dcat:Distribution does not have and identifier, so +1 for adding that if the UC points to that 14:34:09 Jaroslav_Pullmann: for purpose of citation how to make URI of distribution resolvable and access concrete parts of a dataset 14:35:04 action: Jaroslav_Pullmann to update UC 44 and share in the mailing list 14:35:04 Created ACTION-26 - Update uc 44 and share in the mailing list [on Jaroslav Pullmann - due 2017-07-25]. 14:35:08 action: update description of UC ID44 and post to the list for further discussion 14:35:08 Error finding 'update'. You can review and register nicknames at . 14:35:45 q+ to just comment on an issue with citing distributions 14:36:25 s/by,/bye,/ 14:36:29 Caroline_: we will discuss about conneg and in the last 30 minutes we will discuss about the next steps 14:36:53 RRSAgent, draft minutes v2 14:36:53 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2017/07/18-dxwg-minutes.html AndreaPerego 14:36:58 Caroline_: we'll stop now and get back at 3:50 PM 14:37:04 bye antoine! 14:37:07 -----break until 3:50 pm------ 14:43:24 alejandra has joined #dxwg 14:51:27 newton has joined #dxwg 14:51:55 scribe: PhilA 14:52:00 scribeNick: phila 14:52:05 topic: Content Negotiation 14:52:12 Caroline_ has joined #DXWG 14:52:18 Present+ 14:52:19 annette_g has joined #dxwg 14:52:29 Present+ annette_g 14:52:34 kcoyle: We have 5 use cases to try nad get through in in hour 14:53:01 https://www.w3.org/2017/dxwg/wiki/Use_Case_Working_Space#ID2 14:53:18 RubenVerborgh: UC2 is saying that a dataset might be available in multiple ways, this is what I have available 14:53:58 ... The server can say what it has available, and the client can say what it prefers 14:54:05 q? 14:54:11 ac, a 14:54:14 ack an 14:54:14 AndreaPerego, you wanted to just comment on an issue with citing distributions 14:54:19 ack annette_g 14:54:30 q? 14:54:31 s/try nad/try and/ 14:54:45 q? 14:54:48 Makx has joined #dxwg 14:55:07 q+ to say that I think it's relevant 14:55:09 q+ 14:55:10 LarsG: I think it's relevant 14:55:38 ack ja 14:55:45 q- LarsG 14:55:46 ack LarsG 14:56:04 Jaroslav_Pullmann: We should align this with, for example, Rob's use case, indicating availability of profiles 14:56:13 Which IDs are these? 14:56:24 present+ Makx 14:56:59 phila: See ID 5 RubenVerborgh 14:57:08 q+ 14:57:24 [May have missed a bit of what Jaroslav_Pullmann said] 14:57:33 q- 14:58:11 Jaroslav_Pullmann: I'd just make a note - it would be good to specify the relation to other use cases that look at profile nego 14:58:22 ... the title is a bit misleading if it's only about media type 14:58:42 RubenVerborgh: That makes sense. ID5 is related, as is 30 14:59:01 Q+ 14:59:08 action: ruben to make links between ID2, 5 and 30 14:59:09 Created ACTION-27 - Make links between id2, 5 and 30 [on Ruben Verborgh - due 2017-07-25]. 14:59:12 ack Ine 14:59:24 Ine: Is the media type part of the profile? 14:59:51 RubenVerborgh: media types of profiles are orthogonal to what the profile says 15:00:11 Ine: I'm confused by the title cf. the requirements 15:00:40 s/requirements/problem statement and requirements/ 15:00:56 RubenVerborgh: Yes, I should clean that up. 15:01:02 q? 15:01:16 q+ to make a suggestion for change of title 15:01:26 RubenVerborgh: For conneg purposes, the profile can be in any serialisation. 15:01:29 q+ 15:01:42 RubenVerborgh: Idea is that it will work with whatever you define 15:01:57 Ine: I think you need to make clear which media type is available 15:02:03 q? 15:02:04 RubenVerborgh: Yes. 15:02:20 RubenVerborgh: If you look at HTTP, you already have conneg by media types 15:02:45 ack LarsG 15:02:45 LarsG, you wanted to make a suggestion for change of title 15:03:04 LarsG: I think I understand what Ine meant about the title of the use case. Maybe we just talk about semantic interpretation 15:03:06 q- 15:03:20 LarsG: I think we should either talk about media type or content type, not both 15:03:27 RubenVerborgh: Yep, I agree 15:03:39 q? 15:03:57 annette_g has joined #dxwg 15:04:10 q+ on profiles and media types 15:04:20 ack r 15:04:20 RubenVerborgh, you wanted to comment on profiles and media types 15:04:23 ack RubenVerborgh 15:04:57 +1 to RubenVerborgh 15:05:01 q+ 15:05:02 RubenVerborgh: AFAIC, there will be a generic mechanism for expressing profiles, not media-type specific 15:05:12 ack and 15:05:38 AndreaPerego: Is it worth clarifying the notion of a profile? 15:06:04 ... I have a use case similar to this one. You can use @rel profile, but this can be used to tell you what is used, it can't be used for conneg. 15:06:54 q? 15:07:57 PROPOSED: Accept ID2, modulo revising the title, linking to related use cases, disambiguate the word profile 15:08:03 +1 15:08:06 +1 15:08:08 +1 15:08:09 +1 15:08:10 +1 15:08:11 +1 15:08:14 +1 15:08:15 +1 15:08:16 +1 15:08:20 +1 15:08:22 +1 15:08:27 +1 15:08:28 +1 15:08:34 RESOLVED: Accept ID2, modulo revising the title, linking to related use cases, disambiguate the word profile 15:08:35 +1 15:08:36 -1 15:08:41 0 15:08:47 About the "profile" link relationship type: https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6906 15:09:17 0 because i came in late and haven't followed 15:09:27 danbri: Do it anyway but... There's a core idea that makes sense, distinguishing more than media type allows 15:09:52 q+ to answer DAn 15:09:55 danbri: I don't think conneg has never succeeded well on the web 15:10:29 danbri: For some reason, the idea of a client saying "I like A, B and c" has captured the imagination of the Sem Web 15:10:34 Keith has joined #dxwg 15:10:37 ... But it hasn't caught on elsewhere 15:10:50 ... It makes fingerprinting easy, since you give more info 15:11:09 ... Google is always asking for all the URLs we should be indexing 15:11:17 ... What do we do here? Ask for all the versions? 15:11:20 +1 15:11:55 +! 15:11:56 +1 15:12:04 danbri: I'm supportive of the idea, but it's not something that search crawlers are going to do 15:12:09 q? 15:12:17 ack ru 15:12:17 RubenVerborgh, you wanted to answer DAn 15:12:36 RubenVerborgh: I understand Dan's point, but the use cases doesn't mention the mechanism 15:12:46 (my prediction re search engines ... it's hard enough to talk re Google, and I can't speak for Bing/Yandex/Yahoo/etc.) 15:12:50 ack RubenVerborgh 15:12:51 q? 15:12:52 ... This is purely about the use case, doesn't mentionion content negotiation 15:13:01 Topic: ID3 15:13:11 RRSAgent, draft minutes v2 15:13:11 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2017/07/18-dxwg-minutes.html AndreaPerego 15:13:11 (the UC mentions https://ruben.verborgh.org/articles/fine-grained-content-negotiation/ which does) 15:13:24 so this is about best practices for linking to specific formats, e.g. via link relations in HTML rather than relying on HTTP content negotiation which can cause problems for finger printing and for search engines 15:13:42 dsr, yes imho 15:13:42 RubenVerborgh: ID3 builds on 2 and asks for client-side implementation 15:13:54 q? 15:13:59 s/imho/imo/ 15:14:10 s/client-/server-/ 15:14:13 q+ 15:14:17 ack p 15:14:29 ack PWinstanley 15:14:39 PWinstanley: Does this relate to what we talked about previously wrt inheritance mechanism for bringing profiles together? 15:14:51 ... If so, we have to be able to join them at the hip 15:14:56 Actually, what I said was: ID3 builds on ID2 by supporting the notions that response can confirm to multiple profiles. 15:15:08 q+ 15:15:09 phila: I don't think it does 15:15:15 s/notions/notion 15:15:19 ack j 15:15:32 Jaroslav_Pullmann: I'm asking myself how this relates to multi-part messages 15:15:47 ... What use would clinents make of such a complex response? 15:16:10 ... A multi-part message has a reasonable detail of how to reassemble 15:16:21 RubenVerborgh: A response might include multiple profiles 15:16:34 ... Profiles are not necessarily orthogonal to each other 15:16:49 Jaroslav_Pullmann: Would it be a statement about how individual profiles relate to each other? 15:17:12 RubenVerborgh, does this UC relate to https://w3ctag.github.io/packaging-on-the-web/#downloading-data-for-local-processing ? 15:17:15 RubenVerborgh: No need for multiple parts, can be a dingle response that conforms to multiple profiles 15:17:47 ... If the client has a list of vocabs it understands, I can say, do you have a dataset expressed in these vocabs? 15:18:31 Jaroslav_Pullmann: It sounds to me a little ... I'm trying to imagine the client. This is technically interesting but I'm looking at the pragmatics 15:18:49 RubenVerborgh: Few RDF datasets use a single vocabulary, they commonly use more than one. 15:18:50 q? 15:19:23 LarsG: I think we need to consider this outside the world of RDF. 15:19:34 ... There are notions of profiles of XHTML etc 15:19:48 ... We have blocks of HTML with different info in them 15:20:05 Jaroslav_Pullmann: But then we have a similar root element. That's missing here 15:20:16 LarsG: It can have, but doesn't have to, which makes it more generic 15:20:40 Jaroslav_Pullmann: There's no sequencing, so oyu can't see which response is for which profile 15:20:54 Q+ 15:20:58 s/so oyu/so you/ 15:21:12 ack annette_g 15:21:27 q+ to talk about "simply create a profile" 15:21:34 annette_g: I may not be understanding the concept but it seems one would create a single profile that covers all the vocabs used 15:21:37 ack RubenVerborgh 15:21:37 RubenVerborgh, you wanted to talk about "simply create a profile" 15:21:39 RubenVerborgh: because it doesn't scale 15:21:52 ... You'd have to make a profile for every combination 15:22:01 annette_g: Example please? 15:22:46 I'm not quite hearing a case of it not scaling 15:23:15 q+ 15:23:21 RubenVerborgh: provides one but ... 15:23:42 annette_g: What domain would that happen, if you're publishing a coherent dataset, you should be able to publish a coherent profile 15:24:14 RubenVerborgh: If everyone publishes their own profile, then we have too many, if they're small they're more reusable 15:24:21 q+ to talk about inheritance 15:24:31 ack Jaroslav_Pullmann 15:24:50 Jaroslav_Pullmann: I can only imagine this working if we stick to RDF that has its own integration 15:24:57 last hour of a 2-day meeting ... brains might be sagging 15:25:20 Jaroslav_Pullmann: I can't see how other sorts of resources would be integrated 15:25:22 ack ph 15:25:22 phila, you wanted to talk about inheritance 15:25:22 ack me 15:26:01 phila: we were talking about this before, and even though we didn't get to a resolution 15:26:14 ... there was kind of agreement that we will have one profile 15:27:01 q? 15:27:26 RubenVerborgh: If we have just one profile, then the problem is how to relate then 15:27:28 q+ 15:27:34 q+ to talk about modular profiles (again) 15:27:42 ack me 15:27:45 ack ph 15:28:03 phila: I don't think we will have such a profusion 15:28:18 q+ to ask whether this might be a matter for shacl/shex modularity e.g. https://github.com/SEMICeu/dcat-ap_shacl/tree/master/shacl-latesthttps://github.com/SEMICeu/dcat-ap_shacl/tree/master/shacl-latest (i.e. the complex contents referenced in profiles have modularity systems) 15:28:20 ... we will get a small number of well-known profiles 15:28:45 ack LarsG 15:28:45 LarsG, you wanted to talk about modular profiles (again) 15:28:51 phila: ... fewer profiles with any number of vocabularies 15:28:58 sorry, https://github.com/SEMICeu/dcat-ap_shacl/tree/master/shacl-latest is url 15:29:00 LarsG: Coming back to my earlier point - profiles might be modular 15:29:30 q? 15:29:36 ... It would be interesting to say "OK, use that profile, but where people are described, they're done like this" 15:29:45 ... So I end up saying this UC is in scope 15:29:48 ack danbri 15:29:48 danbri, you wanted to ask whether this might be a matter for shacl/shex modularity e.g. 15:29:49 My fear is then that profiles will be an underspecification, just like MIME types are at the moment. I.e., the dataset will conform to more than it explicitly indicates, so there still will be a difference between "profile X from provider A" and "profile X from provider B" 15:29:50 ack danbri 15:29:51 ... https://github.com/SEMICeu/dcat-ap_shacl/tree/master/shacl-latesthttps://github.com/SEMICeu/dcat-ap_shacl/tree/master/shacl-latest (i.e. the complex contents referenced in 15:29:51 ... profiles have modularity systems) 15:30:02 so +1 to modularity for me 15:30:14 danbri: I'm fine with the use case, but I suspect the ShEx/SHACL will be at a lower level 15:30:29 ... I see that DCAT-AP is defined in 3 separate SHACL files 15:30:43 https://github.com/SEMICeu/dcat-ap_shacl/tree/master/shacl-latest 15:30:51 q? 15:30:59 q+ 15:31:12 kcoyle: You're saying you might share socially and then put into a SHACL file [Not sure that's accurate recording] 15:31:13 @danbri, there'll be other ones for GeoDCAT-AP and StatDCAT-AP 15:31:13 q+ 15:31:17 ack Keith 15:31:38 phila, I suspect the modularity will be at the shex/shacl lower level (since those languages have explicit re-use systems already designed) 15:31:43 Keith: I wonder whether this use case is a Research Object - combinations of data, software, documentation etc 15:31:54 ack Makx 15:31:59 AndreaPerego: cool! 15:32:01 ... It's a bundle of useful stuff - and I wonder if this use case is getting at that from a different angle 15:32:17 s/AndreaPerego:/AndreaPerego,/ 15:32:27 q? 15:32:46 Makx: Ruben's explanation of clients going around is unclear to me. But as Lars says, I like modular approach, building your profile from different parts 15:32:57 annette_g has joined #dxwg 15:32:58 ... How you do that in SHACL or whatever, then that's for later 15:33:16 I can rewrite ID3 to focus on modularity, as there seems to be interest in that. 15:33:18 Makx: What people do is publish data and they publish it in a specific style 15:33:22 +1 to Makx 15:33:30 q? 15:33:30 ... They don't publish in multiple profiles 15:33:45 ... But I like the idea of reusable profiles but I don't think that's what Ruben is saying here 15:33:47 q+ 15:34:00 ack RubenVerborgh 15:34:02 q+ 15:34:12 RubenVerborgh: I agree with Makx. I'm happy to write the UC in that direction 15:34:14 good ruben 15:34:25 kcoyle: So shall we ask Ruben to revise the UC and bring it back? 15:34:36 q? 15:34:57 +q 15:35:12 ack annette_g 15:35:34 annette_g: Just to remind us of the previous conversation about modularity - it allows change within a module independent of the thing using it. But you're not going to want changes in one module to ripple through without control 15:35:46 ack alej 15:35:49 ... So I am hesitant about inheritance 15:36:30 alejandra: If you want a description of a person, you're likely to want the same things, so having a small library of profiles sounds useful 15:36:50 ... And I think most people will agree on what those profiles would look like 15:37:25 q? 15:37:32 alejandra: As long as you have the same mandatory elements then you can add what you want without necessarily implying inheritance 15:37:48 annette_g: I see a distinction between doing that at the DCAT level and the profile level. 15:38:12 annette_g: Different research groups provide data in different ways and the interpretation is domain-specific 15:38:47 ... Trying to use modularity in a way that one module could be changed and thereby change your profile, wouldn't be acceptable 15:39:00 kcoyle: We've had this discussion twice now 15:39:22 ... Can we resolve that UC3 needs carefully rewriting by Ruben et al? 15:40:23 action: ruben to rewrite UC3 to take into account discussion at Day 2 of the Oxford F2F meeting 15:40:23 Created ACTION-28 - Rewrite uc3 to take into account discussion at day 2 of the oxford f2f meeting [on Ruben Verborgh - due 2017-07-25]. 15:40:35 RRSAgent, draft minutes v2 15:40:35 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2017/07/18-dxwg-minutes.html phila 15:40:36 RRSAgent, draft minutes v2 15:40:36 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2017/07/18-dxwg-minutes.html AndreaPerego 15:40:40 Topic: ID21 15:40:50 I think Stephen Richard's UCs have been contributed by SimonCox 15:41:23 AndreaPerego: I think we have 2 use cases rom Stephen Richard, contributed by Simon Cox 15:42:08 q+ 15:42:37 phila: The issue described by the charter 15:42:51 ack AndreaPerego 15:42:54 ... It's useful to have the extra support from outwith the group 15:43:17 q+ 15:43:20 AndreaPerego: This is about negotiating the data profile - the distribution 15:43:30 q+ 15:43:31 ... It's not about the metadata 15:43:40 ack r 15:44:01 RubenVerborgh: I don't think we can do more until we know more. It hints at some solutions 15:44:11 ... I don't see it clearly enough to vote. 15:44:14 ack Jaroslav_Pullmann 15:44:21 Jaroslav_Pullmann: I agree this needs a bit of reworking 15:44:38 ... It might just need a more detailed description of the distribution 15:44:46 q+ 15:45:36 kcoyle: Why don't we leave the 2 that are Richard's and move on to Andrea's UC30? 15:45:40 Topic: UC30 15:45:52 AndreaPerego: This is related to some of the issues alreay raised by Ruben and Lars 15:46:10 q+ to propose merging with UC2 15:47:11 ... The use case is reporting what the European data Portal does - harvesting across portals and converting to DCAT-AP 15:47:40 AndreaPerego: We have standard catalogue services able, like Catalogue Service from OGC and OAI-PMH 15:48:16 AndreaPerego: In OAI-PMH you can say what profile you want 15:48:36 ... These interfaces are not compatible as they have different parameters 15:48:58 ... So the Requirement is to have a standardised mechanism to get metadata in a given format and schema 15:49:14 ... HTTP conneg is a possible solution 15:49:58 ... In GeoDCAT-AP we tried to surface the ability to provide data in that within a Catalogue Service 15:50:13 ... This info is included in the HTML representation 15:50:39 ... It's reflecting some of the requirements already presented by Ruben but in a specific application we're facing at the moment. 15:50:50 ack Keith 15:51:33 RubenVerborgh: 3 things to mention. 1 it seems similar so maybe it can be merged with UC2. 2. I think this UC is phrased more in terms of the solution while we need to just look at hte problem for now. 15:51:55 ... 3 It might make sense to keep it separate if we focus on the harvesting part as that is not mentioned elsewhere. 15:52:28 kcoyle: At other times, we have said we're not too bothered by duplicate use cases, we'll de-dupe at the point of requirements. 15:53:04 kcoyle: If you feel we haven't covered harvesting enough then we can have a separate use case. 15:53:12 RubenVerborgh: For me it's the same. WDYT Andrea? 15:53:55 AndreaPerego: I think although we have the same requirements, the starting point is quite different. I agree with Karen that we shouldn't merge use cases unnecessarily, just the reqs 15:53:57 q+ 15:53:59 q? 15:54:03 "harvesting" can mean quite different things to different audiences (eg. global web crawlers vs dedicated dataset aggregators) 15:54:04 ack RubenVerborgh 15:54:04 RubenVerborgh, you wanted to propose merging with UC2 and to 15:54:11 AndreaPerego: For the harvesting bit, OK 15:54:22 I don't see any harm in listing the existing solutions assuming that the use cases are for requirements and not for suggesting solutions, and we will be to adopt or find a new solution when we will discuss how to address the requirements 15:55:06 AndreaPerego: The intention is not to say that this is the solution, just to take into account, we need to be careful if asking for disruptive changes in the existing landscape 15:55:16 ... we can't ask people to change their infrastructure 15:55:28 ... Need to find least-disruptive solution 15:55:49 ... So this solution here is less impactful, just enable conneg, which is already available. 15:56:00 ... But I can try t rephrase it 15:56:08 q? 15:56:10 s/try t/try to/ 15:56:28 annette_g has joined #dxwg 15:56:31 kcoyle: Can we vote on whether we consider this to be in scope 15:56:42 PROPOSED: Accept UC30 as being in scope 15:56:47 +1 15:56:48 +1 15:56:49 +1 15:56:49 +1 15:56:50 +1, I'd just suggest to slightly rephrase the title 15:56:50 +1 15:56:51 +1 15:56:52 +1 15:56:54 +1 15:56:59 +1 15:56:59 +1 15:57:00 +1 15:57:02 +1 15:57:04 +1 15:57:07 RESOLUTION: Accept UC30 as being in scope 15:57:09 +1 15:57:14 Agreed. 15:57:15 +⅔ 15:57:35 hurray 15:57:42 kcoyle: We have gone through the use cases! 15:57:57 kcoyle: With only a few deferred. 15:58:09 Topic: What's Next Mrs Landingham? 15:58:25 kcoyle: We have, I hope, made progress to help the UC editors 15:58:43 ... The UCs aren't yet complete can go in as a draft 15:58:55 Jaroslav_Pullmann: I can go through the meeting notes and work on that 15:59:19 ... We'll create a template and use that 16:00:28 Jaroslav_Pullmann: Describes being able to filter datasets by licence 16:01:30 ... I suggest leave the tags in place so only relevant UCs can be shown through some some sort of JS switching 16:01:57 s/some some sort/some sort/ 16:02:01 kcoyle: So on the homepage of the WG, we have a list of the key dates that came out of a W3C doc showing deadlines for requesting transitions 16:02:18 s/some some sort/some sort/ 16:02:44 kcoyle: August 9th and Nov 1. Between those two, we can produce a document, but we don't before then there will be a gap before we can publish 16:03:09 kcoyle: We're aiming for First Public Working Draft. It's a draft that the WG is sufficient to give people an idea of where we are. 16:03:25 q+ to mention the "sprint" mechanisms used for SDWBP 16:03:26 Jaroslav_Pullmann: I'm on leave at the beginning of August. I'll support Rob and Ixchel 16:03:42 kcoyle: The next task is getting our subgroups going 16:04:13 AndreaPerego: Just to mention an approach used by the Spatial Data WG at the end. They used sprint releases, unofficial targets/deadlines 16:04:30 ... This might be useful 16:04:39 q+ 16:04:43 ack AndreaPerego 16:04:43 AndreaPerego, you wanted to mention the "sprint" mechanisms used for SDWBP 16:04:55 kcoyle: I believe we can do as many drafts as we find useful 16:05:13 q? 16:05:17 ack Caroline_ 16:05:31 Caroline_: It's not clear to me what those dates are? 16:05:45 kcoyle: It's if we don't get it done by 9 August there'll be a gap. 16:06:00 phila: They're 'Publishing Moratoria' - when the webmaster isn't available 16:06:10 Topic: DCAT Subgroup 16:06:30 kcoyle: The first thing we need is whether this gives you enough to begin 16:06:55 PWinstanley: I think, yes. We have worked out what we want to do. Mostly architectural. There are dependencies - mostly from the agreed list of requirements 16:07:06 ... so that our sections point to agreed requirements 16:07:32 RRSAgent, draft minutes v2 16:07:32 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2017/07/18-dxwg-minutes.html AndreaPerego 16:07:44 kcoyle: It seems that the UC group can pull out the reqs 16:07:52 PWinstanley: We've started that from what's in the wiki 16:08:18 action: dsr to ask Ivan Herman about script to help link UCs and Reqs 16:08:19 Created ACTION-29 - Ask ivan herman about script to help link ucs and reqs [on Dave Raggett - due 2017-07-25]. 16:08:44 PWinstanley: We need to be more specific about terminology, esp RFC2119 keywords 16:09:01 ... Once it's version controlled, we can make links 16:09:22 Caroline_: I've started pulling out the Reqs from the UCs on the wiki 16:10:24 Topic: Profiles 16:10:31 kcoyle: I believe Rob said he'd look at profiles 16:10:49 ... At this stage in the day, I think we should bring it up at the next call 16:11:08 kcoyle: There hasn't been any activity on that yet. 16:11:31 ... I think we need to get that started ready for the push-pull between DCAT and profiles 16:11:43 Jaroslav_Pullmann: For structuring the use cases, I think we have a stable template 16:11:55 q+ to talk about smarts 16:12:25 ack phila 16:12:25 phila, you wanted to talk about smarts 16:13:03 +1 to have requirements referenced in the uc so that you have not to rewrite and you can reference to them also in future .. 16:13:25 q+ to ask about subgroup logistics and dates 16:13:30 phila: See, for example, https://www.w3.org/TR/dwbp-ucr/, https://www.w3.org/TR/sdw-ucr/, Jaroslav_Pullmann 16:13:51 dsr: It might be appropriate to think about call timing, give geographical spread 16:14:11 ... Also other ways of working, maybe Google Docs, distributed meetings 16:14:20 kcoyle: And one hour is not a great deal 16:14:25 q+ 16:14:31 fine, thanks for the examples, Phil 16:14:47 kcoyle: We're trying to add a reporting back session in each call 16:15:01 Makx: We talk about sub groups but I'm not aware of where they meet, etc. 16:15:05 ack m 16:15:05 Makx, you wanted to ask about subgroup logistics and dates 16:15:10 q+ 16:15:14 q- later 16:15:29 kcoyle: We only have the use case group active so far 16:15:50 is the teleconf time 14:00 UTC mondays? I see that in the last call agenda but not in https://www.w3.org/2017/dxwg/wiki/Meetings#Teleconference_Agendas_and_minutes 16:15:54 ... We encourage those groups to use the main mailing list with a [topic] in the subject line 16:15:57 q+ 16:16:02 q- 16:16:10 Makx: Do we expect work to start in August? 16:16:12 In SDW, for subgroups we had an IRC channel and WebEx 16:16:19 kcoyle: As an American I never stop 16:16:29 Caroline_: It's winter now.. 16:16:45 Caroline_: We were talking about process with Alejandra... 16:16:52 ... The idea is to have everything on the mailing list 16:17:04 q- 16:17:27 ... Also would be nice if the editors got together, make that public, and when you have the call, use the IRC, take minutes etc. 16:17:34 ack c 16:17:57 kcoyle: if we use IRC off meeting times, does RRS Agent work 16:18:57 dsr: Another thing - think about messaging - at some point we'll want to think about what we want to say. Do we want a single pager, speaking points? Press release? 16:19:41 PWinstanley: Apart from Europe, who else is interested in DCAT? Public catalogues etc. 16:20:17 q+ to talk about Chile 16:20:29 ... Much of our discussion tends to look at academic worlds. If we get administrations, we can get the bodies that they fund. 16:21:35 dsr: These are the sort of questions you need to address before the outreach 16:21:53 ... It might be useful to have a short white paper describing who would use the tech 16:22:01 ... We have a comms team who can help 16:22:08 danbri: I'd like to be counted as part of that. 16:22:11 ack LarsG 16:22:11 ack l 16:22:11 LarsG, you wanted to talk about Chile 16:22:25 LarsG: I've seen interesting work done on legislation data in Chile 16:22:42 PWinstanley: That's important to have those people onboard if poss 16:23:05 danbri: from Google - we have a dozen conversations with early adopters, bioschemas etc. 16:23:10 legislation: look at ELI 16:23:21 q? 16:23:23 ... We're pluralistic about what we'll index - what's there basically. 16:23:35 s/legislation: /legislation -> / 16:23:43 PWinstanley: We can hook it into things like the Share-PSI BPs 16:23:59 RRSAgent, draft minutes v2 16:23:59 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2017/07/18-dxwg-minutes.html AndreaPerego 16:24:02 ... So those who have had that on their radar can see what's happened next 16:24:16 ... All EC states have their guidance docs that can be updated 16:24:32 European Legislation Identifier LarsG 16:24:48 Keith has joined #dxwg 16:24:48 http://eur-lex.europa.eu/eli-register/about.html 16:25:19 PWinstanley: We don't want people to take years to get up to speed because they haven't heard about it. 16:26:36 kcoyle: We should decide very shortly that we're done 16:26:40 Topic: AOB 16:26:44 [None] 16:26:54 kcoyle: meeting adjourned 16:26:58 There is also http://www.godan.info/ for agricultural data (and a strong developing world component) 16:27:09 thanks all! 16:27:13 Thanks, and bye! 16:27:14 kcoyle: Thanks everyone! 16:27:19 LarsG: Thanks the chairs 16:27:31 kudos to kcoyle 16:27:41 +1 16:27:43 annette_g has joined #dxwg 16:27:45 RESOLUTION: Thanks to Alejandra for hosting! 16:27:50 +1 16:27:51 +1 16:27:55 +1 16:27:57 +1 16:27:57 +1 16:28:00 +1 16:28:01 +1 16:28:03 +1 16:28:05 :-) 16:28:05 +1 16:28:07 +1 16:28:07 +1 16:28:13 +1 16:28:24 RRSAgent, draft minutes 16:28:24 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2017/07/18-dxwg-minutes.html phila 16:28:58 present- 16:29:40 present+ alejandra 16:29:47 present+ AndreaPerego 16:29:55 RRSAgent, draft minutes 16:29:55 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2017/07/18-dxwg-minutes.html AndreaPerego