15:31:09 RRSAgent has joined #coga 15:31:09 logging to http://www.w3.org/2017/07/17-coga-irc 15:43:11 JohnRochford has joined #coga 15:44:37 agenda: this 15:44:39 agenda+ review SC, and timelines show status table.sc status: https://rawgit.com/w3c/coga/master/extension/status.html, issues: https://github.com/w3c/wcag21/issues?q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aopen+label%3ACOGA 15:44:40 agenda+ proposed new wording personlization : https://github.com/w3c/wcag21/issues/6 15:44:42 agenda+ proposed new wording undo: https://github.com/w3c/wcag21/issues/38 15:44:43 agenda+ wording for understanding sections 15:44:45 agenda+ new issue papers!! updates on bots and navigation 15:44:46 agenda+ proposed new wording 15:44:48 agenda+ the supplement, moving forward 15:56:41 Pietro has joined #coga 16:02:44 zakim, next item 16:02:44 agendum 1. "review SC, and timelines show status table.sc status: https://rawgit.com/w3c/coga/master/extension/status.html, issues: 16:02:45 AWK has joined #coga 16:02:46 ... https://github.com/w3c/wcag21/issues?q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aopen+label%3ACOGA" taken up [from lisa] 16:03:54 shari has joined #coga 16:04:32 scribe: kirkwood 16:04:45 present+ JohnRochford 16:05:05 i will ping u 16:05:36 Present+ Pietro 16:05:45 present+ 16:05:52 I'm connected only by IRC because I'm travelling by train 16:06:14 first action item what success criteria dealing with 16:06:17 https://rawgit.com/w3c/coga/master/extension/status.html 16:07:03 not hearing echo 16:07:59 LS: interupitons and successful authenitification 16:08:15 LS: talkeabout undo and support personalization 16:08:28 correction: accessible authentication 16:09:19 LS: the one for next week thinking of putting for confirm important information 16:09:31 LS: its something feel we can get through 16:09:34 That one is https://github.com/w3c/wcag21/issues/33 16:09:40 LS: the other is error prevention 16:09:41 Mike_Pluke has joined #coga 16:10:00 LS: Andrew said would help put together time to help work onit 16:10:06 gowerm has joined #coga 16:10:07 Present+ Mike_Pluke 16:10:10 present+ MikeGower 16:10:31 LS: anything else needed to go forward? 16:10:37 q? 16:10:41 EA has joined #coga 16:10:56 LS: next item 16:11:32 LS: put link to attachment here in irc 16:11:41 zakim,next item 16:11:41 agendum 2. "proposed new wording personlization : https://github.com/w3c/wcag21/issues/6" taken up [from lisa] 16:11:45 https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-cognitive-a11y-tf/2017Jul/0023.html 16:12:05 application/octet-stream attachment: Support_Personalization_proposal.docx 16:13:07 Personalization Metadata (AAA)For pages that contain user interface components, personalization metadata is used to provide contextual information for content, except where the technologies being used do not support personalization metadata. 16:14:05 Andrew: we have found having conversation on working group calls is difficult. We suggested and Lisa agreed that a few should get together on what issues are and what to accomplish in order to move forward. Ultimately think the vision is in line with what the COGA group wants. As Lisas says not whole lot of disagreement there 16:14:14 Jan has joined #coga 16:14:56 Andrew: currently you can used some semantics to get some amount of personlization. aira landmark elements, specialized tools can provide a wide vairiety of transformation 16:15:24 ANdrew: if you have paragraphed content tools should be able to replace complex words or make sentence structure simpler 16:15:42 Andrew: there are things possible today but maybe poor toooling 16:16:25 Andrew: todo more there are addtional challenges revolve around additional semantics in dradft documsnt tha tmy be farmiliar with if involved with ARIA group 16:17:05 Andrew: showing reduction of list of items. we don’t have standardized ways of acccomplishing that 16:17:16 Andrew: testability concern 16:17:49 Andrew: there is no way you could fail if author needs to demonstrate pass or fail, some concerns about that 16:18:09 Andrew: best approach in end four things one look closely at existing crtieria 16:18:32 Andrew: wor creating new techniques were existing criteria 16:18:48 Andrew: clarification document for current SCs 16:19:22 LS: not taling about changing the wording on the document 16:19:35 Andrew: understanding documents are for people implementing WCAG 16:20:00 Andrew: in praticular relations and vaule can do more to dclarify to benefit user with cognintive diwsabioites 16:20:22 LS: information and relationships 16:20:43 LS: coud you extend it sto say the help page? 16:21:02 LS: 1.3.1 if you have a link to help text for example 16:21:38 LS: if available in text need extra support here, but completely conforms 1.3.1. 16:23:17 Andrew: in that specifi exmaple having object type or link type meta data availble would be of benefit. right now you could have tool that would make a good guess by loooking at text. loike in one of your example sitempa could be site nvigation and tooolls could make guesses by programtic association and add a icon for sitempa, home, or suppport, thatw where havein metat adat standardized it would be valuable 16:23:30 Andrew: probale a s use case that wouldnt get support 16:24:01 Andrew: suggesting AA criteria for three 16:24:22 Andrew suggesting AAA criteria for 3 16:24:43 Andrews: help prepar developers to have SC move up to AAA 16:24:52 Andreew: four thing supplementary doecument 16:24:57 Q? 16:25:49 LS: thanks all for helping us try to work this out. i think in line with 3everything we are trying to do. cn see if put in understanding document and everything elso in a supplement 16:26:11 LS: orignially wanted to be put indraft as roles and taken out and want to ptu it back in 16:26:39 LS: it got voted out on condition we’d get it back in 16:26:54 q+ to say that the group never said " 16:27:20 LS: as can see in gap analysis you cn see proposed techniques. and putting it as a preferrred technique woudl help 16:27:21 q+ to say first let's solve the problems of the blind 16:27:45 LS: don’t think there is any contradiction in saying what we can do in supporting techniques 16:28:10 LS: we wanted to say contextual information is available and then we sxoped it out to reduce author burden 16:28:12 q- 16:28:29 q+ to say that the group never said first let's solve the problems of the blind 16:28:36 LS: we added first bullet point to address Mikes issue we ant relay too much on COGA 16:28:53 LS: use supporting met adat when availble that cogt thrown out 16:29:05 adat/data 16:29:20 cogt/got 16:29:31 LS: I do mind that its a AAA 16:30:15 LS: I think we all agree this is a complex issue. if its down grading to a AA lets get rid of it 16:30:33 LS: I’d be happy to cut that out if gets it down to AA 16:30:48 LS: rather its in rather than not in 16:31:20 John: in terms of getting it in not in cards? 16:31:49 LS: roles has been defined as functionlity 16:31:56 LS: in aria 16:32:22 LS: I am throwing it back to you 16:33:00 LS: do you not see it a problem when first proposed lots of kickback 16:33:23 LS: what has to have contextual information. seems we are ignoring all of Alastair’s feedback 16:33:46 ack AWK 16:33:46 AWK, you wanted to say that the group never said first let's solve the problems of the blind 16:33:50 Andrew: seems broader 16:34:13 Andrfew: working group doesn’t solve issues of blind 16:34:24 LS: ARiA group did at the time 16:35:32 Andrew: proposed woridning for meta data AAA 16:35:41 Personalization Metadata (AAA): For pages that contain user interface components, personalization metadata is used to provide contextual information for content, except where the technologies being used do not support personalization metadata. 16:35:43 present+ 16:35:45 Andrew: I want to get peoples feedback 16:36:16 Contextual information definition: Information which provides additional meaning for an object, such as the object’s purpose, level of importance for page comprehension and use, position in a process, relationship to other objects and processes, etc. 16:36:16 Andrew: its quite broad. it would mean applies to all content on the web conforming with AAA 16:36:38 Q+ 16:36:43 q+ 16:36:48 Andrew: I think it is in line with what the tadk force has duggested 16:36:56 q+ 16:37:16 Andrew: main diffenendce is based on feedback, we’re thinking we can get it through at AAA not AA 16:37:17 ack l 16:37:44 LS: is ther any addtional information such as relative importance that we can do to get it through at AA 16:38:11 Andrew: AAA is less used than AA no doubt. 16:38:25 q+ 16:38:35 Andrew: it from working group calls it is less likely 16:38:39 q+ to talk about stake-in-the-sand and AAA 16:38:46 ack ja 16:38:55 Personalization Metadata (AAA)For pages that contain user interface components, personalization metadata is used to provide contextual information for content, except where the technologies being used do not support personalization metadata. 16:39:58 Jan: sorry came in las reading. like meta data very much. We have at least one other big pary in W3C that gets somewhant involved they may want The publishing working group. There are mulitilple stakelholders and need to civer multiple stkahloders 16:40:11 janina 16:40:21 jan/janina 16:40:26 Jan: good start AA versus AAA doesn’t trouble me as much 16:40:41 q+ to talk about DPUB meeting this morning 16:40:56 jan/janina 16:41:17 ack ja 16:41:54 Pietro has joined #coga 16:42:14 Jan: a SC manager interested in personalization wnated to thank you for taking a shot at rewording and want to stress personlaizaton in education and critical in our industry 16:43:03 Andrew: i haven’t done any of that work but have identified existin that support congintive use case 16:43:39 Jan: i’d like to be involved would appreciate to get some people and persopectives from a technical persopecitvie and would be happ to help coordinate 16:43:55 LS: part of ARIA group not WCAG and you are on the list 16:44:09 LS: this is taling about SC for SCAG 16:44:16 taling/talking 16:44:52 LS: using headers help, knowing a link is a link, or a button is a button. what is missing is the context 16:45:06 LS: if we downgrade to AAA can boraden the scope 16:45:12 ack m 16:45:12 MichaelC, you wanted to talk about stake-in-the-sand and AAA 16:45:19 boraden/broaden 16:45:56 q+ l 16:46:19 ack AWK 16:46:19 AWK, you wanted to talk about DPUB meeting this morning 16:46:27 Andrews: the fact that its new will send a message. given goal is to provide a hook at AA can serve reaonably well for that. Hopefully will encourage technology development and in fueture can see to lower conforence level 16:46:40 Andrews/Andrew 16:47:23 Andrew: less about enableing access to content more about enabling descrition to integrate meta data into conformance statements. you may be right about 2.1 16:47:31 ack l 16:48:09 LS: i see we are broading scop and downgrading to AAA means very few sites will do anything 16:48:29 LS: any chance move foreward at AA so people actully get content 16:48:58 LS: think the efffect of helping people on the ground would be negligible 16:49:43 +q 16:50:06 LS: it might help move forward suggest three things option 1 best we can do the second go to WCAG with these proposals and here is the difference 16:50:09 q+ to repeat myself 16:50:35 LS: do you chooose it at AAA or AA 16:50:40 q+ to say even if AAA doesn´t help many users right away, it moves the needle so we can help more sooner 16:51:14 LS: which to you want option 1, option 2 which would be ask WCAG list do they see a way forward at AA 16:51:39 + 16:51:45 q+ 16:51:52 LS: question should we put clear language at AAA 16:51:54 q? 16:52:33 ack Jan 16:52:35 LS: put in at AAA might be best way to proceedc 16:54:37 ack mi 16:54:37 MichaelC, you wanted to repeat myself and to say even if AAA doesn´t help many users right away, it moves the needle so we can help more sooner 16:54:39 Jan: WCAG is not sufficient at a minimal level. we have to meet. Having somehting in at AAA , dont see it is worst thing. do like presseing for AA 16:54:44 Does this mean we can go back to other SCs that failed and try to get them in as AAA? 16:54:54 maybe - trying to find that out\ 16:55:14 +1 to Michael 16:55:29 q? 16:55:38 Miichael: it helps to put a take in the sand if it doesn’t help users right away. not going to issue an opinon on giving up on AA we shoud see values in AA 16:56:17 Janina: content when there isn’t user agent support that bar of AA is possible too low. Don’t think eventially this will bgo to single A 16:57:03 LS: if AAA don’t know if can get funding to get plugins at a deployment level 16:57:15 LS: market driver the content won’t be there 16:58:36 Janina: if you don’t do this thats single A and that we aren’t talking about it isnt ready 16:58:57 LS: I’d like people to vote 16:59:07 LS: should we dslide to AA or puch one more time 16:59:23 I have concerns that our coga users will not be supported in this versions 16:59:29 JR: I’d like to get in at AA 16:59:35 I would like to go ahead and discuss the difference between the AA and the AAA with the WCAG group, but not if people think that it would damage our ability to get it in at AAA. 16:59:36 +1 16:59:44 for AA 16:59:53 +1 for AA 17:00:14 It is hard but we know that so many are missing out at the moment 17:00:24 The +1s are for me saying I think we should push for AA. 17:00:42 LS: see divide between cognitve disability working people and larger group 17:01:20 LS: if you see no further retriction to get us in at AA thaen we go for AAA. if anyone is uncomfortable with me drafting let me know 17:01:33 LS: people could please give feedback today 17:01:38 +1 lisa and happy to read 17:01:40 LS: does anyon abject 17:01:49 LS: i’ll try and get it out in the next hour 17:02:03 LS: people can say if they have an objections to that 17:02:36 LS: we need to mindful of people with cognitive diabilites and no one is going to be completely happy 17:02:54 LS: can we look through ones that failed Mike? 17:03:14 LS: is ther any process Andrew and Mike Cooper if we can have a converation 17:03:35 Andrew: happy to look at it and dig into other topeics not prepared at this moment 17:03:49 LS: Andrew if can help move forward 17:04:09 LS: Andrew Mike thank you and appreciate efforts 17:04:59 rrsagent, make logs public 17:05:07 rrsagent, create minutes 17:05:07 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2017/07/17-coga-minutes.html lisa 17:05:39 zakim, please part 17:05:39 leaving. As of this point the attendees have been JohnRochford, Pietro, kirkwood, Mike_Pluke, MikeGower, janina 17:05:39 Zakim has left #coga 17:05:45 rrsagent, please part 17:05:45 I see no action items