16:03:27 RRSAgent has joined #dnt 16:03:27 logging to http://www.w3.org/2017/07/10-dnt-irc 16:03:29 RRSAgent, make logs world 16:03:29 Zakim has joined #dnt 16:03:31 Zakim, this will be TRACK 16:03:31 ok, trackbot 16:03:32 Meeting: Tracking Protection Working Group Teleconference 16:03:32 Date: 10 July 2017 16:04:00 present+ dsinger 16:04:06 present+ fielding 16:04:16 present+ matthiesen 16:05:59 present+ 16:07:04 scribenick: Bert 16:07:45 https://w3c.github.io/dnt/drafts/tracking-dnt.html 16:08:06 present+ 16:08:06 dsinger: See the URL https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-tracking/2017Jul/0007.html for matthias's e-mail 16:08:23 ... We need to decide on transtion to CR, this week or next. 16:08:24 Matthias has joined #dnt 16:08:41 fielding: We have another week, don't we? 16:08:52 dsinger: But I'm not here this week. 16:09:21 alan: Notify people on mlist? 16:09:41 ... Next week probably also a short meeting, light burden on whoever chairs. 16:10:40 dsinger: If no questions today... Then I'll send e-mail. 16:11:11 mike: I was going to write some stuff after I read Roy's edits. 16:11:26 ... Main thing is Roy's idea to rationalize the API. 16:11:38 ... I'm busy this week, but can do for next week. 16:11:48 ... How do I do that? Edit the spec? 16:12:03 fielding: No, create a Pull Request instead. 16:12:24 mike: OK, a PR, but then not confirm it. 16:12:49 ... Simpler API returns same kind of object in all cases. 16:13:12 alan: a question for Roy: 16:13:22 ... why do you believe the doc. isn't ready? 16:13:45 fielding: Lacking any real impl. in browsers, and no intention to implem. 16:13:57 ... I'm used to no chnages after CR. 16:14:24 ... I'd prefer the chnages I outlines that Mike mentioned and more time to explain them and only then go to CR. 16:14:43 ... Fine with publication as WD, but it doesn't seem a CR to me. 16:15:01 ... I'm used to specs that are implemented by hundreds of peaople. 16:15:12 ... Find out if they work first. 16:15:46 dsinger: Formally, a CR is a request for implem, but I agree we should have more validation. 16:16:10 mike: Why did you say the JS proeprty is redundant? 16:16:41 fielding: Reality with DNT is you want to find out what headers would be sent to 3rd party. 16:17:46 mike: If you have a piece of JS in a subresource browsing context, you cannot know what the status is, without bouncing it. So a property seems necessary. 16:18:01 dsinger: That's the Confirm API. 16:18:12 s/dsinger/fielding/ 16:18:35 mike: it seems we should keep it. 16:18:49 fielding: It is still there, it was just my comment. 16:19:10 dsinger: So no decision today. Adjourned. 16:19:24 RRSAgent, make minutes v2 16:19:24 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2017/07/10-dnt-minutes.html Bert 16:20:55 s/transtion/transition/ 16:21:12 s/here this week/here next week/ 16:21:25 s/mlist/mailing list/ 16:22:05 s/chnages/changes/ 16:22:13 s/chnages/changes/g 16:22:38 s/peaople/people/ 16:22:58 s/proeprty/property/ 16:23:22 RRSAgent, make minutes v2 16:23:22 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2017/07/10-dnt-minutes.html Bert 17:46:23 RRSAgent, bye 17:46:23 I see no action items