14:54:09 RRSAgent has joined #epubcheck 14:54:09 logging to http://www.w3.org/2017/07/06-epubcheck-irc 14:54:17 Zakim has joined #epubcheck 14:54:27 zakim, make logs public 14:54:27 I don't understand 'make logs public', tzviya 14:54:38 rrsagent, make logs public 14:56:35 duga has joined #epubcheck 14:58:05 title: epubcheck meeting 14:58:14 rrsagent, this is epubcheck meeting 14:58:14 I'm logging. I don't understand 'this is epubcheck meeting', tzviya. Try /msg RRSAgent help 14:58:24 present+ 14:59:08 Naomi has joined #epubcheck 14:59:22 wolfgang_ has joined #epubcheck 14:59:33 present+ wolfgang 15:00:17 present+ dauwhe 15:00:38 present+ duga 15:00:40 garth has joined #epubcheck 15:00:50 present+ Garth 15:01:04 On the bus (as is Brady), so mostly muted. 15:02:38 Julian_Calderazi has joined #epubcheck 15:02:58 clapierre has joined #epubcheck 15:03:04 Okay, I can scribe for at least 30 min. 15:03:17 present+ 15:03:50 Tobias has joined #epubcheck 15:04:18 Betsy_Granger has joined #epubcheck 15:04:59 George has joined #epubcheck 15:05:09 Welcome Betsy :) 15:05:26 present+ George 15:05:37 present+ 15:05:40 *welcome Betsy! 15:06:02 present+ Tobias 15:06:10 scribenic Garth 15:06:12 https://github.com/w3c/publ-cg/wiki/epubcheck-TF-meeting-minutes-and-summaries 15:06:19 scribenik Garth 15:06:32 topic action items review 15:06:43 rdeltour has joined #epubcheck 15:06:47 present+ 15:06:49 scribenick 15:06:56 scribenick: Garth 15:07:41 Word doc with updates to be uploaded tomorrow (packages partiularly). 15:07:57 https://github.com/w3c/publ-cg/wiki/epubcheck-TF-meeting-minutes-and-summaries 15:08:37 EpubCheck 4.1 project: https://github.com/IDPF/epubcheck/projects/2 15:08:48 Maintenance relesae 4.0.1 coming soon without 3.1 support — need marketng support 15:09:08 topic site & test suite cleanup. 15:09:18 Directory structure proposal: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1v7-aSgdA-6dd-5zOTOqwAJGlh2Aa4hYFX1TcCdDesYo/edit#heading=h.ymvhjyrr5mdi 15:09:34 Now all that remains in the work (oh boy!). 15:09:43 test suite cleanup instructions: https://github.com/IDPF/epubcheck/wiki/TestSuiteCleanup 15:09:52 q? 15:10:15 Comfortable with directions currently. 15:10:16 +q 15:10:35 s/4.0.1/4.1/ (above) 15:10:54 Not too much progress on issues, due to vacations. 15:11:10 ack j 15:11:16 Work shouldn’t fall to only a few folks! 15:11:29 Julian can help with 4.1 marketing. 15:11:38 proposed organization of github https://github.com/IDPF/epubcheck/wiki/TestSuiteCleanup#define-a-naming-convention 15:11:59 topic: test suite cleanup 15:12:02 link https://github.com/IDPF/epubcheck/wiki/TestSuiteCleanup 15:12:07 topic test suite cleanup 15:12:24 Romain put together step-by-step instructions. 15:13:21 Phase 1: port the test data (EPUB samples) to new structure (in they are useful and rewrite them using minimal skeleton put together by Dave) 15:13:41 Phase 2: do this work in new branch 15:13:52 s/2/1/ 15:14:20 Phase 1: determine utility of each test and what’s being tested 15:14:42 Phase 1: Perhaps split tests to more atomic versions 15:14:52 Phase 1: discard dups 15:14:56 present+ Betsy_Granger, duga, clapierre, garth, Julian_Calderazi, Tobias, rdeltour 15:14:57 q+ 15:15:01 ack w 15:15:05 Phase 1: rewrite per Dave’s simple sample 15:15:15 Phase 1: migrate to new directory structrure 15:15:16 Dan_Sanicola has joined #epubcheck 15:15:24 present+ 15:15:36 present+ wolfgang 15:15:39 Wolfgang: who does new directory structure? In new branch? 15:16:23 Romain: Skeleton could be created in new branch, or on-the-fly during migration. Skeleton wins. 15:16:52 … more specific questions on email 15:17:30 Romain can do intiial skeleton checkin/branch 15:18:30 Tzviya: github should be no problem (okay, not that), get comfortable before jumping in. 15:19:02 Perhaps folks who are uncomfortbale could send samples over email, others could commit. 15:19:32 good github resources: https://github.com/Roshanjossey/first-contributions/blob/master/README.md 15:19:38 https://guides.github.com/ 15:19:44 Naomi pretty darn familiar. 15:19:45 https://try.github.io/ 15:19:51 https://abookapart.com/products/git-for-humans 15:20:17 O'Reilly has several titles on github; I'll be working through one of them plus the tutorials. 15:20:31 Dave, Charles, Tzviya, comfortbale too. 15:20:51 (and Romain too, of course) 15:21:24 I’m muted — yes git, but less github. 15:22:09 Brady would love to do some work (or something like that). 15:22:35 q+ 15:22:41 Matt can almost certainly help. 15:23:09 Tobias: cross-post to epubcheck mailing list 15:23:20 ack t 15:23:58 … Marketing material for recruiting volenteers. 15:24:13 topic timeline for maint release 15:24:47 Progress being made, 9-ish pull requests await review. 15:25:05 9+ issues remain to be fixed. 15:25:19 (make that 15-ish) 15:26:50 ??? and Romain should have some time to try to knock these off. 15:27:00 s/???/Tobias/ 15:27:07 Thanks! 15:27:28 Tzviya will grovel for other folks to help out. 15:27:44 Goal: finish code in July, release in August. 15:28:54 * congrats, Romain!!!! 15:29:07 “epubcheck@googlegroups.com” I think 15:29:48 Need somebody to document non-package 3.0.1->3.1 issues 15:30:14 I'll take Navigation and Core Media Types as well 15:30:45 Brady/Tzviya can work on random task assignments (for 3.1 issues) 15:30:58 Structure Vocab is tiny as well, I might as well do that too 15:31:14 Call seems to be winding down early — woohoo. 15:32:12 Next meeting Thursday Aug 3rd @ 2:00p Eastern. 15:32:17 Conflict? 15:32:21 TBD 15:32:31 Bye all! 15:32:50 Tzviya, can you accumulate minutes? I don’t want to know how! 15:32:50 :-) 15:32:50 rrsagent, make minutes 15:32:50 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2017/07/06-epubcheck-minutes.html tzviya 15:32:55 clapierre has left #epubcheck 15:32:59 (oh that looked hard) 15:33:53 la la la I hear nothing! 16:00:09 duga has joined #epubcheck 16:14:07 tledoux has joined #epubcheck 16:16:38 tledoux has left #epubcheck 16:57:53 tzviya has joined #epubcheck 17:26:07 Zakim has left #epubcheck 17:34:43 tzviya has joined #epubcheck 20:18:18 dauwhe has joined #epubcheck