16:40:40 RRSAgent has joined #aria 16:40:40 logging to http://www.w3.org/2017/07/06-aria-irc 16:40:42 RRSAgent, make logs world 16:40:42 Zakim has joined #aria 16:40:44 Zakim, this will be 16:40:44 I don't understand 'this will be', trackbot 16:40:45 Meeting: Accessible Rich Internet Applications Working Group Teleconference 16:40:45 Date: 06 July 2017 16:40:52 RRSAgent, make log public 16:40:52 agenda? 16:41:13 agenda: this 16:41:13 agenda+ Creating a subgroup of ARIA WG to work on Personalization 16:41:13 agenda+ Marking anything as at-risk? (final decision needed) 16:41:13 agenda+ Conclusions regarding aria-errormessage 16:41:14 agenda+ Conclusions regarding aria-roledescription 16:41:15 agenda+ Conclusions regarding exiting and re-entering CR 16:41:18 agenda+ ARIA 1.1 "actions / status" check in 16:41:20 agenda: be done 16:41:29 agenda? 16:41:45 scribeOptions: -final 16:41:56 Rich has joined #aria 16:56:23 present+ Joanmarie_Diggs 16:57:55 tzviya has joined #aria 16:59:28 present+ 16:59:32 present+ 16:59:35 present+Rich_Schwerdtfeger 16:59:47 present+ Rich_Schwerdtfeger 17:01:34 present+ 17:02:08 present+ 17:02:11 lisa has joined #aria 17:02:19 present+ 17:03:06 scribenick: tzviya 17:03:32 zakim take up next item 17:03:42 zakim, take up next item 17:03:42 agendum 1. "Creating a subgroup of ARIA WG to work on Personalization" taken up [from joanie] 17:04:21 MC: We talked last week about creating a TF for personalization semantics 17:04:28 https://www.w3.org/WAI/ARIA/task-forces/personalization/work-statement 17:04:39 ...I have in my queue a few edits to my work statements 17:04:53 MC: My edits are meant to talk about user context 17:05:18 ...In discussion with WAI CC, we identified some pieces of personalization puzzle 17:05:37 looks good michael 17:05:40 mck has joined #aria 17:05:46 ...COGA is part of it, but there is more, such as CSS. This TF would be the best forum for coordination 17:05:58 present+ matt_king 17:06:49 lisa: Statement looks good. Scope for all disabilities, but personalization for all use cases is probably part of that as well. 17:07:39 JD: What are next steps? PWG is definitely interested 17:08:01 RS: You mentioned that this is beyond scope of ARIA. Say more. 17:08:23 MC: This is out of scope of ARIA, but we are singularly focused on the topic 17:08:37 LS: It is important that we have someone from Publishing 17:09:01 MS: We don't need to recharter, but we are changing the name 17:09:25 JS: We may want to consider not using the word "ARIA" in the title, because it might not all be ARIA 17:09:34 s/MS/MC 17:09:43 s/the name/the name of the deliverable from ¨User Context¨ to ¨Personalization Semantics¨/ 17:10:55 MC: one of the things to clarify is that personalization semantics may be within aria or metadata. This may lead to work in other groups. 17:11:24 JS: Obvious example is experimenting with media queries to handle fonts, background color, etc 17:11:44 RS: There are features in CSS. I don't know where they ended up. 17:12:01 RS: Does anyone object to forming a TF? 17:12:27 ...Who will lead it? Who will participate? 17:12:48 LS: I will lead the task force. 17:13:35 TS: I will not join the TF from PWG, but Avneesh Singh will appoint someone from Publishing Accessibility TF to join 17:14:03 RS: Things are currently lumped under cognitive disabilities, but this reaches many more people. 17:14:34 ...Lisa and i presented a white paper about cognitive disabilities and the aging population. 17:15:13 MC: I think we should issue a call for participation 17:15:15 q+ 17:15:18 q+ 17:15:56 ...We need to consider whether this is a joint TF or just ARIA. 17:16:14 JS: I think Judy wants this on the next WAICC call. 17:16:30 RS: We have a rec track deliverable. 17:17:24 RS: Do CGs have the same RF license? 17:17:43 MC: no, but they can prepare a document to present to WG and then do IP review 17:17:57 RS: I don't think we can do the CG now. 17:18:15 MC: We could do a CG for research and coordinate with WG 17:19:44 TS: in Publishing WG, we have a CG for maintenance and incubation and WG for rec track documents 17:20:03 MC: What is scope of the work? Where do we want to address it? 17:20:36 MC: Do we agree that we need to work personalization in a larger context? 17:20:54 RS: I think we need to talk to larger world for user context 17:21:09 Stefan has joined #aria 17:21:15 present+ 17:21:53 q+ to ask how we get developer buy in. 17:22:29 q+ 17:22:47 q? 17:22:51 TS: From a publishing perspective, the assumption is that there will be the ability to adjust font size, bg color, etc 17:23:12 ...this is for people with disabilities as well as someone who just likes large fonts 17:23:38 LS: If we open this up like that, maybe it's not just about learning disabilities but learning styles as well 17:23:39 q- 17:23:52 ack l 17:24:02 MC: my feeling is that we want to continue develop personalization semantic spec 17:24:18 ...We may want to explore user context as well - apart or together 17:24:47 ...BEcause we already have rec-track doc, we should move forward and coordinate with other groups as needed 17:25:02 ...have in mind that this might spin out into another entity 17:25:36 ...CG is obvious place to take over. Coordination group could be another option 17:25:58 scribe: Rich 17:26:13 q? 17:26:23 q? 17:26:45 Michiel: I was quite impressed about the personalization presentation at TPAC 17:27:03 Michiel: How do we get developers interested in this? 17:27:18 q+ to say it's critical to use technology we can control, e.g. plugins 17:27:48 scribe: Lisa 17:28:53 rich: compliance was used for aria, but with the delay with 508 there is pushback. we should build the buisness case, inovation approuch 17:29:46 Rich: aging , education market (including higher education) from knowbility smposium, inovation and inclusion is the big interest 17:30:06 wcag.21 scedules are killers, 17:30:20 so go for the opertunity and the complience 17:30:32 not the compliance 17:30:57 but we need to work out how to get out the message. 17:31:25 MS is dealing with brouder includsion (such as the MS stuff) 17:32:14 also think about things like alexia and bots 17:33:07 Michael: also this can be an add on for wcag 17:33:20 scribe: Rich 17:33:37 Lisa: There is an add-on in the WCAG space. 17:34:04 Lisa: We are trying to get something into 2.1 in either AA or AAA. But, what we are going to manage well is a supplement to WCAG 17:34:29 Lisa: We can make it has usable to as many people with disabilities as is possible 17:34:34 q? 17:34:43 tzviya has joined #aria 17:34:54 Lisa: A deliverable of the task force should be the business case. 17:35:20 Lisa: Synchronization with IMS and others would be well slotted 17:35:31 ack me 17:35:31 MichielBijl, you wanted to ask how we get developer buy in. 17:35:37 Janina: I think it would be smart to look at a bird in the hand vs. more birds in the book. 17:35:39 q+ 17:35:43 ack janina 17:35:43 janina, you wanted to say it's critical to use technology we can control, e.g. plugins 17:35:55 Janina: Nothing in the US before 2020 and I think everyone knows why 17:36:17 Janina: is doing here best to do thi via a Chrome plugin 17:36:44 Janina: leveraging the immediate need by the community should be the first focus 17:36:55 Janina: we should show viability via a plugin 17:37:04 Janina: e.g. e-book readers 17:37:22 Lisa: It seems to me we need the next step - a call for participation 17:37:55 Lisa: then we can make as straw poll as to when people can make a call 17:38:10 Lisa: We can reach out to digital publishing and Microsoft 17:38:25 anytime Michiel :) 17:38:38 janina: we already reached out to digital publishing but we should reach out via the WAI CC call. 17:38:50 q+ To ask if we're blocking any CfC on WAI 17:39:04 q- 17:39:42 janina: I think I would follow through in WAI CC before the subgroup starts. 17:40:32 q+ 17:40:33 michael: I know Judy wants a CC call but I want this on a predictable time frame 17:40:55 Michael: We should refin the work statement and who is interested before the CC call. 17:41:04 Michael: the CC call is in 2 weeks 17:41:30 Michael: We should have a triage of features that require a real engineering effort 17:41:56 Lisa: There are values I would add to. 17:42:18 Michael: What happens in WCAG is a separate discussion. 17:42:43 Michael: I doubt this will be recommended by WCAG 2.1 17:42:57 s/this will be/this spec. will be/ 17:43:27 Lisa: We should kick off the task force next week. 17:43:54 Michael: we should get more dpub involvement first 17:44:23 Lisa: I agree let’s take a look at the work statement 17:46:08 Rich: should we triage features before the task force starts? 17:46:21 Janina: Let’s see who will join this? 17:47:13 i will go on mute now 17:47:16 :) 17:48:37 Zakim, next item 17:48:37 I see a speaker queue remaining and respectfully decline to close this agendum, joanie 17:48:42 q? 17:48:46 q- lisa 17:48:46 scribe: Rich 17:48:49 Zakim, next item 17:48:49 agendum 2. "Marking anything as at-risk? (final decision needed)" taken up [from joanie] 17:48:53 https://github.com/w3c/aria/issues/588 17:49:56 Joanie: only aria-keyshortcuts and aria-details are at risk 17:50:41 Joanie: we are not going to get a UIA implementation in time for CR 17:51:47 Rich: I have no objections to aria-details and aria-keyshortcuts being at risk. 17:53:04 Joanie: We can always move things to 1.2 if we don’t make these for CR 17:53:38 Rich: we need to have 2 implementations 17:54:01 michael: Apple could fail to object and also fail to implement so it is the same issue 17:54:42 Michael: If Apple formally objects the director could force us to remove a feature 17:56:05 Michael: We should not mark something at risk because an individual company might object 17:56:33 Rich: Separate implementations on separate browsers 17:58:07 Joanie: we have Chrome support for aria-details. 17:59:24 Michael: I don’t think there is a point in worrying 18:00:18 Joanie: we have aria-keyshortcuts support in Chrome as they wanted it. 18:00:39 Rich: Chrome and Firefox are both IA2 18:02:46 Joanie: we are testing implementability and collecting support. 18:03:04 Rich: so nothing is at risk 18:03:42 Rich: so far 18:04:21 agenda? 18:04:42 zakeim, takeup item 4 18:04:48 zakim, takeup item 4 18:04:48 I don't understand 'takeup item 4', Rich 18:05:05 zakim, next item 18:05:05 agendum 3. "Conclusions regarding aria-errormessage" taken up [from joanie] 18:05:40 https://rawgit.com/w3c/aria/issue-500/aria/aria.html#aria-roledescription 18:05:52 joanie: I have proposed changes that must show up in the spec. I have buy-in from Google and Mozilla. They could wait until 1.2 18:06:26 https://rawgit.com/w3c/aria/issue-587/aria/aria.html#aria-errormessage 18:06:59 joanie: just because the spec. does not have this as a requirement the implementation will be as described. 18:07:55 Joanie: we have 2 implementations that reflect the changes to aria-erromessage 18:08:34 joanie: this needs to be a change to the aria spec. 18:11:07 michael: I don’t think it is critical to go back to CR for this. 18:12:46 joanie: Apple and Google agree this needs to be in there 18:13:13 Michael: postponing to 1.2 is something that others might do. 18:13:15 https://github.com/w3c/aria/issues/500 18:13:26 I have to leave for another meeting, but I do think issue 558 should be considered wrt the enter/exit CR decision. 18:13:28 https://github.com/w3c/aria/issues/558 18:13:29 We mmay be able to do the same approach; get functional implementations and then let the spec later catch up, but that should be an explicit decision. 18:13:46 joanie: with respect to roledescription we trying to be restrictive but we went too far 18:13:51 https://rawgit.com/w3c/aria/issue-500/aria/aria.html#aria-roledescription 18:14:37 joanie: James made that suggestion. but needs to be more prescriptive 18:14:38 https://rawgit.com/w3c/aria/issue-500-jd/aria/aria.html#aria-roledescription 18:14:59 joanie: made a comment about using standard controls and others agreed at the last call 18:15:04 User agents must not expose the aria-roledescription attribute if the value of aria-roledescription is empty or contains only whitespace characters. 18:15:12 so I am making the “above” proposal 18:15:26 User agents must expose the aria-roledescription attribute if a valid value is applied to a host language interactive control. 18:16:49 Rich: how do you determine validity 18:17:30 joanie: it is valid if it isn not empty or has only whitespace characters 18:17:48 If aria-roledescription is applied to a host language container element, user agents must not expose aria-roledescription unless the author also defines an explicit WAI-ARIA role value, or the host language has explicitly identified the element as supporting aria-roledescription. 18:18:37 joanie: James said he wants to be able to put a roledescription without a role attribute 18:19:20 joanie: nobody can figure out a host language description of semantically meaninful 18:20:25 https://github.com/w3c/aria/commit/0c47c14 18:22:06 10313 is too restrictive. It puts a lot of extra work on the host language specs. E.g. this would be supported on role="main" but not
until HTML made a change... This would also not be supported on most SVG elements, where is may be most useful. 18:24:31 Michael: you should post our comments and there was an unsuccessful effort to solicit a response the director would take that into account 18:25:27 michael: the github issue provides enough documentation 18:28:34 Michael: Are we going back into CR? 18:28:51 Rich: put new roledescription language in but at risk 18:29:27 joanie: branch or master 18:29:33 joanie: ? 18:29:43 michael: I would branch off of master 18:30:31 joanie: should I put this in master knowing we will do a new CR from master 18:30:36 Joanie: ? 18:30:58 michael: we can put the feature at risk in the satus section 18:31:25 michael: I will reference the status 18:31:58 joanie: i will put the error message and the roledescription change in the branch 18:32:31 RRSAgent, make log public 18:32:37 RRSAgent, draft minutes 18:32:37 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2017/07/06-aria-minutes.html Rich 18:32:42 chair: Joanie 18:32:58 chair Joanmarie_Diggs 18:33:17 chair: Joanmarie_Diggs 18:33:24 RRSAgent, draft minutes 18:33:24 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2017/07/06-aria-minutes.html Rich 19:31:37 janina has joined #aria 22:22:48 MichaelC has joined #aria