12:23:18 RRSAgent has joined #poe 12:23:18 logging to http://www.w3.org/2017/07/03-poe-irc 12:23:20 RRSAgent, make logs public 12:23:20 Zakim has joined #poe 12:23:22 Zakim, this will be 12:23:22 I don't understand 'this will be', trackbot 12:23:23 Meeting: Permissions and Obligations Expression Working Group Teleconference 12:23:23 Date: 03 July 2017 12:23:34 RRSAgent, make logs public 12:23:46 Agenda: https://www.w3.org/2016/poe/wiki/Meetings:Telecon20170703 12:23:56 present+ 12:24:06 Chair: Ben 12:24:14 Regrets: Ivan 12:26:11 Regrets: +Caroline 12:27:53 benws has joined #poe 12:28:25 Hi Renato - what's the pw? 12:28:32 webexpoe 12:28:39 Thanks 12:28:45 michaelS has joined #poe 12:31:26 simonstey has joined #poe 12:31:37 present+ 12:33:52 present+ 12:34:32 present+ 12:36:01 Sabrina has joined #poe 12:36:40 present+ Sabrina 12:37:03 scribe: simonstey 12:37:11 chair: benws 12:37:14 topic: admin 12:37:59 benws: approval of last week's minutes 12:38:09 ... hearing no objections 12:38:16 ... accepted 12:38:36 topic: github issues 12:38:59 benws: let's start with an easy one 12:39:18 https://github.com/w3c/poe/issues/204 12:39:42 q? 12:39:52 ... I made a comment regarding inheriting status property 12:40:03 ... but since we disallow that anyway 12:42:21 simonstey: explaining the rationale behind it 12:42:25 benws: shall we take a vote? 12:42:47 PROPSAL: accept simonstey's proposal https://github.com/w3c/poe/issues/204 12:43:28 RESOLUTION: accept simonstey's proposal to remove inheritallowed and allow multi-inheritance 12:43:34 q? 12:43:58 michaelS: https://github.com/w3c/poe/issues/206 12:45:01 ... I feel atomic/compound constraints are exactly defined like one would define subclasses 12:45:06 but they currently aren 12:45:17 ... but they currently aren't 12:45:58 benws: I met a number of instances where a set of constraints were connected with ORs 12:46:47 q+ 12:47:24 ... I'm proposing that left/rightoperand are subclasses of operand and allow an arbitrary number of those operands in compound constraints 12:48:08 q? 12:48:15 ack m 12:48:25 https://www.w3.org/TR/shacl/#core-components-logical 12:48:56 +q 12:50:46 odrl:or (:c1 :c2 :c3) 12:51:14 ack s 12:52:49 odrl:constraint [ 12:52:56 odrl:or (....) 12:52:58 ] 12:53:08 odrl:constraints [ 12:53:11 odrl:leftOp 12:53:18 odrl:operator odrl:eq 12:53:25 odrl:rightOp .. ] 12:54:13 (:c1 :c2 :c3) 12:55:01 simonstey: [giving examples] 12:57:55 benws: what about andsequence? 12:57:58 q? 12:58:14 ... we could have them as atomic constraints 12:58:30 michaelS: but rightoperands can't be resources 12:58:38 ... the current spec says literal 12:58:46 benws: well that's over restrictive 13:01:41 simonstey: suggested to open up the rightOperand to more than just literal values 13:02:02 simonstey: if you restrict rightoperands to literals, having a URI as value is basically nothing more than a string 13:03:11 q? 13:05:04 benws: shall we subclass them? 13:07:06 simonstey: [discussing differences of contraint types] 13:07:47 benws: we should raise 2 issues; one for clarifying the range of rightoperands 13:08:09 ... one for the compound constraints 13:09:06 topic: model clarification 13:10:10 benws: we have two issues here, 1. what duties on a policy level mean 13:10:18 q? 13:14:12 ... 2. policy conflicts & duties 13:19:31 we would need - consequences 13:21:02 q+ 13:21:47 Sabrina: I always found it strange that duties were so tightly coupled to permissions 13:22:12 ... if you have a regulation, there are not really any permissions 13:22:22 ... you have obligations that you have to fulfill 13:22:39 ... and there are consequences if you don't do that 13:23:14 https://www.w3.org/community/odrl/model/2-1/#section-5# 13:25:50 renato: but is it as simple as adding a new property to duties? 13:26:00 Sabrina: well.. hasConsequence yes 13:26:05 ... but remedy not 13:26:31 q+ 13:26:36 ack Sabrina 13:26:45 ... you can't just pick either or 13:27:16 benws: what are your thoughts on representing regulations with ODRL sabrina/simon? 13:27:50 benws: what about moving it to a profile? 13:27:55 Sabrina: meh 13:28:29 q? 13:28:35 ack s 13:30:24 simonstey: I don't think it is such a big deal - we just need to add duties to the policies 13:30:31 benws: renato & michaelS are you comf. with giving 2 weeks time for coming up with a reasonable explain. for that? 13:30:55 renato: this group really has to finish this year 13:31:07 ... we don't have many implementors 13:31:25 ... if we don't meet the dec. deadline, we might get into trouble 13:33:10 q+ 13:34:01 RRSAgent, draft minutes V2 13:34:01 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2017/07/03-poe-minutes.html renato 13:34:46 benws: if we could have a proposal in 2 weeks time, we can consider having it 13:35:23 RRSAgent, draft minutes V2 13:35:23 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2017/07/03-poe-minutes.html renato 13:35:34 michaelS has left #poe