17:03:05 RRSAgent has joined #webauthn 17:03:05 logging to http://www.w3.org/2017/06/28-webauthn-irc 17:03:07 RRSAgent, make logs public 17:03:07 Zakim has joined #webauthn 17:03:09 Zakim, this will be 17:03:09 I don't understand 'this will be', trackbot 17:03:10 Meeting: Web Authentication Working Group Teleconference 17:03:10 Date: 28 June 2017 17:03:17 regrets+ weiler 17:05:03 present+ 17:05:24 Rolf has joined #webauthn 17:05:26 present+ 17:05:39 present+ 17:07:14 zakim, who's on the call? 17:07:14 Present: selfissued, battre, Rolf 17:07:34 jeffh has joined #webauthn 17:07:53 present+ apowers, angelo, christiaan, jeffh, jfontana, rolf, nadalin 17:08:19 present+ IbrahimDamlaj 17:08:32 Reviewing WD-06 PRs 17:08:37 present+ jeffh 17:08:58 chair: nadalin, jfontana 17:09:12 PR #379 isPlatformAuthenticatorReady - Angelo waiting for more feedback 17:10:19 PR #460 requireUserVerification option - assigned to Mike - expect to work on this week 17:10:38 PR #495 fixup algs cont 2 - JeffH says ready to merge 17:11:32 Tony asks whether we want to take this breaking change now or delay it 17:12:09 Rolf says that existing implementations can't work in this regard, so we wouldn't be breaking them 17:12:23 JeffH says that we should proceed 17:12:57 Tony: This will break WD-05 17:14:02 Tony: If we want to keep server compatibility, with WD-06 being an incremental add-on, then we could delay this 17:14:11 JeffH: This doesn't affect the server side at all 17:15:36 JeffH: #498 won't affect the server either 17:15:53 JeffH: This is in the browser machinery. It doesn't affect the signature format. 17:16:44 Angelo: Edge will wait on this because it may take a long time for it to get done 17:17:00 JeffH: Implementer's should focus on the WD-05 Implementer's Draft 17:17:19 Angelo: It's reasonable to fix the algorithm here 17:17:56 JeffH: Responds to Tony saying that #495 is good to go 17:20:08 We will get another review recruited by Dominic Battre and then merge #495 17:20:28 JeffH: #498 builds on #495 17:20:35 present+ jyasskin 17:21:06 JeffH: There is a bug in threading exposed by #498 17:21:26 ... We can't do some of the things we're doing in the background. This must be fixed for CR. 17:22:21 ... It would be great to get Mike West and Jeffrey Yasskin to look at #498 17:25:57 Tony: We should cancel the call for the week of IETF 17:27:50 PR #499 Rate Limiting definition - JeffH says ready to merge 17:28:57 Tony: Giridhar can merge this 17:29:56 JeffH: There would be an authenticator considerations section referencing others specs for security and certification information - plus SP 800-63 17:31:18 Angelo: Removing the "required" keyword doesn't change anything 17:32:20 JeffH: Removing "required" doesn't do what you want 17:34:31 Angelo: This isn't intended to impact any behaviors 17:37:00 Angelo: Replied to Tony that this is not an immediate issue 17:37:08 JeffH: We shoudl punt to CR 17:37:43 PR #501 Merge sample-scenarios with usecase section 17:38:06 JeffH: I would not do this the way you've done it 17:39:15 JeffH: Vijay was adamant that we don't need decommissioning in the protocol 17:40:26 Angelo: I want to address the TAG review to merge these together 17:40:36 JeffH: There is a separate issue 17:42:01 JeffH: There are multiple audiences for this and the use cases section is currently very high level 17:42:12 ... The current Section 11 is developer oriented 17:42:23 ... I would keep the current use cases section separate 17:42:38 ... Vijay and I thought the roadmap would satisfy the TAG issue 17:42:59 ... I would leave the current use cases section as-is 17:44:28 ... If you deply things, you need to think about decommissioning use cases 17:44:37 s/deply/deploy/ 17:46:30 ... Long discussion between Angelo and JeffH about decommissioning, with no clear conclusions 17:47:07 PR #502 requreResidentKey 17:47:19 JeffH: I have a comment on this 17:47:29 ... We need to fix the ordering 17:49:10 ... Why was authenticator selection added to ignored section? 17:50:28 weiler has joined #webauthn 17:50:37 Tony: This ends the open PRs for WD-06 17:51:01 ... We many not get #379 closed for WD-06 17:52:05 present- 17:52:19 #460 we don't have an answer for but will get one in the next few days - hopefully it can be merged 17:52:31 #495 is ready to go after review 17:52:49 #498 needs some additional review but JeffH is OK if it doesn't make WD-06 17:53:09 #499 is ready to go 17:53:19 #500, #501, and #502 are pushed off 17:53:53 Tony: On #379 there is still controversy. Are you OK pushing this off if you can't spend time on it? 17:54:10 Angelo: Let's wait a week and then decide 17:54:33 Tony: We will decide next week whether to push the button for WD-06 or not 17:55:44 Tony: The call on July 12th is questionable due to travel 17:56:04 (Call ends) 17:56:55 rrsagent, draft minutes 17:56:55 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2017/06/28-webauthn-minutes.html weiler 17:57:02 rrsagent, make log public