13:31:42 RRSAgent has joined #silver 13:31:42 logging to http://www.w3.org/2017/06/13-silver-irc 13:31:44 RRSAgent, make logs world 13:31:44 Zakim has joined #silver 13:31:46 Zakim, this will be 13:31:46 I don't understand 'this will be', trackbot 13:31:47 Meeting: Silver Task Force Teleconference 13:31:47 Date: 13 June 2017 13:32:04 agenda? 13:32:14 agenda+ Research survey core research questions finalized 13:32:21 agenda+ Research project sheet review 13:32:28 agenda+ Poll https://docs.google.com/a/google.com/forms/d/1wjB5ZCvMAIBpMkQELA61czFsRR3-EVdjJbyeaZXNRMY/edit 13:32:29 agenda+ Open action item review https://www.w3.org/WAI/GL/task-forces/silver/track/actions/open 13:42:32 Jan has joined #silver 13:43:32 Zakim, next item 13:43:32 agendum 1. "Research survey core research questions finalized" taken up [from Lauriat] 13:43:37 Finalized on Friday! 13:43:54 Researchers unblocked. 13:43:56 Zakim, next item 13:43:56 agendum 1 was just opened, Lauriat 13:44:04 Zakim, take up item 2 13:44:04 agendum 2. "Research project sheet review" taken up [from Lauriat] 13:46:52 Jan has a project manager who'll join community group and help manage researchers. 13:47:19 Topic: Questions from the COGA TF 13:48:12 As you are probably aware, the COGA task force is being largely unsuccessful in getting any SCs into 2.1. There are many reasons for this, but Lisa wanted me to ask you guys a few questions as part of her effort to plan for the future: 13:48:23 Will the Accessible Platform Architecture (APA) be part of what is potentially pulled into Silver? 13:48:31 Will semantics for Personalization under ARIA be brought into Silver and under what conditions? 13:49:37 Shawn: Jan's response of "we don't know yet". We want Silver to be as inclusive as possible for people with disabilities, but we are in the research phase of the project and do not know the answers to specific questions. 13:50:11 ... Jeanne and I had a conversation with the WCAG chairs about SCs that are not likely to get into 2.1. 13:50:46 ... Silver is not a magic unicorn of a standard that will solve everyone's problems. 13:51:00 ... we want to include people from COGA in the research we are doing. 13:51:26 ... we need to include the research that COGA has already done 13:52:59 ... we need to identify the structural parts of WCAG that need to be changed to better accommodate the needs and use cases of people with disabilities, including COGA. 13:53:21 ... we want to include people from COGA in identifying the structural issues that need to be improved. 14:21:02 Jan: Dr Butler has some time available that she could use to start including the COGA research in our literature review. 14:21:35 Jeanne: Let's add this to the agenda on Friday, and invite Dr Butler to talk about it and start planning it. 14:21:49 Jan: We need to make the research structural sound and discoverable. 14:22:29 s/structural sound /structure 14:22:36 rrsagent, make minutes 14:22:36 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2017/06/13-silver-minutes.html jeanne 14:24:45 Shawn: Another thing we can do right now is to help refine the research topics to insure that cognitive disabilities are including in every project that is addressing needs of people with disabilities. 14:25:28 ... any study that involves the adaptions of WCAG and the success of the structure of WCAG needs to include the needs of people with cognitive disabilities. 14:26:31 Jan: Thank you. The variability of use cases and needs of people with cognitive is broad and complex. I do think it is solvable in a way that does not put an undue burden on authors. 14:27:52 Shawn: This is an incremental process and there has to be an expectation that it will continue to progress. Not everything will be included in the first pass but the priority has to be ensuring that the structure of Silver is not an obstacle. 14:29:54 Jan: We have to have the discussion about the success criteria at the time it is being drafted, so that the needs and use cases of people with cognitive disabilities are included and the tweaking the success criteria is done with people with the expertise. There is duplication and overlap with existing success criteria and proposed success criteria