15:04:29 RRSAgent has joined #i18n 15:04:29 logging to http://www.w3.org/2017/06/08-i18n-irc 15:04:37 Zakim has joined #i18n 15:04:42 trackbot, prepare teleconference 15:04:45 RRSAgent, make logs world 15:04:48 agenda? 15:04:48 Zakim, this will be 4186 15:04:48 Meeting: Internationalization Working Group Teleconference 15:04:48 Date: 08 June 2017 15:04:49 ok, trackbot 15:04:52 Regrets+ Steve 15:04:55 present+ JcK 15:04:57 Regrets+ Bert 15:04:58 present+ 15:05:01 present+ 15:05:09 rrsagent, set logs world 15:05:21 present+ 15:05:37 agenda+ Agenda 15:05:42 agenda+ Action Items 15:05:45 agenda+ Info Share 15:05:50 agenda+ Radar 15:06:02 agenda+ Result of TAG review 15:06:12 agenda+ Review of qa-floating-times 15:07:01 zakim, take up agendum 1 15:07:01 agendum 1. "Agenda" taken up [from addison] 15:07:02 agenda? 15:07:20 zakim, take up agendum 2 15:07:20 agendum 2. "Action Items" taken up [from addison] 15:07:35 https://www.w3.org/International/track/actions/open 15:07:49 action-583? 15:07:49 action-583 -- Addison Phillips to Review charmod-norm issues list and propose closure -- due 2017-01-26 -- OPEN 15:07:49 http://www.w3.org/International/track/actions/583 15:08:03 close action-583 15:08:03 Closed action-583. 15:08:44 action-621? 15:08:44 action-621 -- Addison Phillips to File additional issue on imsc related to font selection and "recommended character sets" section -- due 2017-06-01 -- OPEN 15:08:44 http://www.w3.org/International/track/actions/621 15:08:49 close action-621 15:08:49 Closed action-621. 15:09:24 agenga? 15:09:27 agenda? 15:09:33 zakim, take up agendum 3 15:09:34 agendum 3. "Info Share" taken up [from addison] 15:15:03 jck: draft I mentioned has been posted 15:15:14 ... not really i18n, except side-effect 15:15:44 draft-klensin-dns-function-considerations-01 15:17:43 zakim, take up agendum 4 15:17:43 agendum 4. "Radar" taken up [from addison] 15:18:00 https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-international/2017AprJun/0117.html 15:19:30 https://github.com/w3c/i18n-activity/projects/1 15:20:07 zakim, take up agendum 5 15:20:07 agendum 5. "Result of TAG review" taken up [from addison] 15:20:25 https://github.com/w3ctag/design-reviews/issues/178 15:21:28 (addison summarizes) 15:21:43 action: addison: reach out to WebIDL regarding TAG-issue-178 15:21:44 Created ACTION-623 - Reach out to webidl regarding tag-issue-178 [on Addison Phillips - due 2017-06-15]. 15:21:58 zakim, take up agendum 6 15:21:58 agendum 6. "Review of qa-floating-times" taken up [from addison] 15:22:10 http://w3c.github.io/i18n-drafts/questions/qa-floating-times.en 15:23:29 action: richard: publish qa-floating-time for wide review 15:23:29 Created ACTION-624 - Publish qa-floating-time for wide review [on Richard Ishida - due 2017-06-15]. 15:24:43 Topic: AOB? 15:25:27 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2017/06/08-i18n-minutes.html addison 15:25:43 zakim, bye 15:25:43 leaving. As of this point the attendees have been JcK, andrewc, addison, David 15:25:43 Zakim has left #i18n 15:26:03 Chair: Addison Phillips 15:26:07 ScribeNick: addison 15:26:11 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2017/06/08-i18n-minutes.html addison 15:37:56 andrewc has left #i18n 17:21:05 s/trackbot, prepare teleconference// 17:21:13 rrsagent, draft minutes 17:21:13 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2017/06/08-i18n-minutes.html r12a 17:21:30 regrets+ r12a 17:21:34 rrsagent, draft minutes 17:21:34 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2017/06/08-i18n-minutes.html r12a 17:23:44 s/Agenda/Previous minutes https://www.w3.org/2017/06/01-i18n-minutes.html/ 17:23:51 rrsagent, draft minutes 17:23:51 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2017/06/08-i18n-minutes.html r12a 18:10:46 tantek has joined #i18n 18:22:21 behnam has joined #i18n 18:58:14 tantek has joined #i18n 19:17:49 behnam has joined #i18n 20:05:02 behnam has joined #i18n 20:28:25 behnam has joined #i18n 21:56:36 behnam has joined #i18n 22:44:13 r12a has joined #i18n 22:57:04 behnam has joined #i18n 23:49:13 r12a has joined #i18n