11:49:13 RRSAgent has joined #wot 11:49:13 logging to http://www.w3.org/2017/06/07-wot-irc 11:58:15 McCool has joined #wot 11:59:05 yamada has joined #wot 11:59:48 elena has joined #wot 12:00:02 taki has joined #wot 12:01:31 yingying has joined #wot 12:02:17 ktoumura has joined #wot 12:03:19 mjkoster has joined #wot 12:03:37 Meeting: WoT IG/WG 12:03:46 uday has joined #wot 12:04:17 naka has joined #wot 12:04:27 yongjing has joined #wot 12:04:43 dape has joined #wot 12:04:45 nwidell has joined #wot 12:04:52 present+ Kaz_Ashimura, Elena_Reshetova, Feng_Zhng, Johannes_Hund, Kunihiko_Toumura, Michael_Kster, Michael_McCool, Niklas_Widell, Taki_Kamiya, Tomoaki_Mizushima, Uday_Davuluru, Yingying_Chen, Yongjing_Zhang, Zoltan_Kis 12:05:28 Agenda: https://www.w3.org/WoT/IG/wiki/Main_WoT_WebConf#Agenda 12:05:32 DarkoAnicic has joined #wot 12:05:42 present+ DarkoAnicic 12:06:09 present+ Niklas_Widell 12:06:23 present+ Daniel_Peintner 12:06:26 present+ Taki_Kamiya 12:06:47 ohura has joined #wot 12:06:50 present+ Yongjing 12:07:31 present+ Victor_Charpenay 12:07:43 victor has joined #wot 12:07:46 dsr has joined #wot 12:09:06 ryuichi has joined #wot 12:09:46 present+ Katsuyoshi_Naka 12:10:05 zakim, pick a scribe 12:10:05 Not knowing who is chairing or who scribed recently, I propose Kaz_Ashimura 12:10:19 zakim, pick a scribe 12:10:19 Not knowing who is chairing or who scribed recently, I propose Victor_Charpenay 12:10:44 horus has joined #wot 12:10:50 present+ Ryuichi_Matsukura 12:11:01 present+ Johannes 12:11:36 present+ Elena_Reshetova 12:11:45 topic: OCF liaison 12:12:34 McCool (MC): focus on 2 devices: light, motion sensor. Definition of prot. bindings 12:12:59 s/McCool (MC):/McCool(MC):/ 12:13:01 present+ Yingying_Chen 12:13:18 MK: PR on the thing description, still to do 12:14:01 topic: oneM2M liaison 12:14:22 -> https://github.com/w3c/wot/blob/master/PRESENTATIONS/WoT%20Intro%20for%20oneM2M%20TP29%20Industry%20Day%20(May%202017).pptx Yongjing's slides 12:14:30 YC: presentation two weeks ago 12:15:21 in China, in front of local organization bodies. Same time as oneM2M's F2F. 12:15:52 s/YC:/YZ:/ 12:16:35 integration of WoT within oneM2M. Common scenarii, as shown in the last PlugFest 12:17:04 topic: ETSI's IoT Week (23 – 26 October 2017 in ETSI HQ) 12:17:29 -> http://www.etsi.org/etsi-iot-workshop-2017/call-for-presentations Call for Presentations 12:17:42 -> http://www.etsi.org/etsi-iot-workshop-2017/call-for-showcases Call for Demos 12:17:59 YZ: someone from WoT? I'll be there (on behalf of oneM2M, at least) 12:18:32 present+ Masato_Ohura 12:18:33 MK: is in the calendar of IRTF T2T. Not sure anybody is going, though 12:19:19 YZ: calls for presentations/demos. They might expect something from WoT 12:19:28 present+ Nan_Wang, Takeshi_Yamada, Kazuaki_Nimura 12:19:38 Deadline for presentations: June, 20th 12:20:24 JH: What topic do you expect to be discussed there? 12:20:53 tokuyama has joined #wot 12:21:05 [johannes, there is some description at: http://www.etsi.org/etsi-iot-workshop-2017/call-for-presentations ] 12:21:23 YZ: main idea would be to encourage SDOs to collaborate. Collaboration WoT/oneM2M to put forward. 12:21:51 MC: I'll see if I can make a pres. But somebody in Europe might be better? 12:22:33 YZ: also call for demos. Focus on oneM2M. Can we showcase alignment with WoT? 12:22:46 [ call for showcases: http://www.etsi.org/etsi-iot-workshop-2017/call-for-showcases ] 12:24:27 MK: along those lines, specifying precisely what parts of oneM2M are of interest for WoT might be useful. 12:24:57 topic: presentations 12:24:58 none 12:25:04 topic: TF reports 12:25:21 MC: TF TD? 12:25:42 TK: I moderated the last call (Sebastian is in vacation). 12:25:50 discussion around serialization formats 12:26:28 also TD namespace, asked W3C experts. 12:26:38 q+ 12:26:48 MC: question in the OCF liaison: TD templates? 12:27:17 TK: examples to collect from the past PlugFests, maybe? 12:27:42 ack k 12:28:00 -> https://www.w3.org/WoT/IG/kaz/protocol-binding.png Kaz's diagram 12:28:17 Kaz: last TD call, proposal about protocol bindings 12:28:57 I have to submit a PR for it. Make sense to submit an issue first? 12:29:15 MC: good idea 12:30:46 MK: encapsulation as proposed here is good (separate prot. bindings, encapsulation of hypermedia controls) 12:31:12 TK: other topic was how to use semantics (e.g. for discovery & orchestration) 12:31:38 Michael Koster defined use cases, Darko proposed something based on that 12:32:17 MK: need a follow-up (issue) 12:32:28 DA: please let me know, so that I can comment 12:32:47 TK: that was all. 12:32:59 MC: LD TF? 12:33:11 DA: nothing new, no telco last week. 12:33:18 k_nimura has joined #wot 12:33:27 MC: Security TF? 12:33:44 ER: threat model available 12:34:04 examples still to provide 12:34:20 tokuyama_ has joined #wot 12:34:22 PR for that. 12:34:43 MC: procedure to merge PRs in the IG? (Not WG) 12:35:52 Kaz: Yongjing (chair) should decide. TF leaders should approve. Elena needs to be part of the editors 12:36:12 (to add) 12:36:51 s/Yongjing (chair) should decide./co-Chairs like you (McCool and Yongjing) can make the decision about the procedure./ 12:37:21 s/TF leaders should approve./I think the TF leaders should have permission to approve pullrequests./ 12:38:11 s/(to add)/MC: let's have discussion offline later./ 12:38:20 MC: Scripting TF? 12:38:44 JH: could not moderate last call. Zoltan? 12:39:02 ZK: issue regarding synchronization 12:39:28 common call with security next Monday 12:40:15 topic: F2F Logistics 12:40:36 -> https://www.w3.org/WoT/IG/wiki/F2F_meeting,_9-13_July_2017,_D%C3%BCsseldorf,_Germany f2f wiki 12:41:11 MC: registration page is up. 12:41:39 -> https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/1/WoTF2F201707/results Registration results so far 12:41:40 please register. 12:42:51 still no recommended hotel 12:43:52 Uday: Still waiting for the list. Will update right after the meeting with other alternatives 12:44:14 s/the meeting/this meeting/ 12:44:45 Quick update: separate payment for the restaurant (+ tour). Could articipants pay cash at the venue? 12:44:56 MC: amount? 12:45:11 s/articipants/participants/ 12:45:20 Uday: deadline for registration is June, 12th 12:45:45 Needed for the Düsseldorf Congress Center 12:46:18 MC: last time, last minute registration for the Open Day. Should be avoided for meeting days. 12:48:01 Uday: external attendees: CEO of Lemonbeat will present. Matthias spoke about someone from SigFox? 12:48:58 MC: agenda for the Open Day should be set soon 12:50:17 topics? 12:50:32 MK: is iot.schema.org in the scope? 12:50:36 MC: sure 12:51:42 JH: reached out to somebody from Microsoft (about Azure/WoT API). Still early 12:52:36 topic: AOB? 12:53:06 MC: iot.schema.org is something we could discuss? Or is it too early? 12:54:07 MK: is a good idea. Intention is that anybody (not only semantic geeks) uses it. Raise awareness in our group might be a good idea. 12:54:42 either next call or the one after. 12:56:57 MC: end of the meeting 12:57:39 ktoumura has left #wot 12:58:13 rrsagent, make log public 12:58:18 rrsagent, draft minutes 12:58:18 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2017/06/07-wot-minutes.html kaz 14:34:17 Zakim has left #wot 14:36:40 dsr has joined #wot