15:51:22 RRSAgent has joined #apa 15:51:22 logging to http://www.w3.org/2017/06/07-apa-irc 15:51:24 RRSAgent, make logs world 15:51:24 Zakim has joined #apa 15:51:26 Zakim, this will be 15:51:26 I don't understand 'this will be', trackbot 15:51:27 Meeting: Accessible Platform Architectures Working Group Teleconference 15:51:27 Date: 07 June 2017 15:52:00 agenda? 15:52:04 agenda+ Welcome & Brief Participant Intros 15:52:04 agenda+ Accessibility at the VR Workshop -- Charles? 15:52:04 agenda+ VR Deliverables Overview 15:52:04 agenda+ Anticipated VR Accessibility Challenges Discussion 15:52:05 agenda+ Is our Checklist helpful? http://w3c.github.io/apa/fast/checklist 15:52:07 agenda+ Develop Prioritized Coordination Plan 15:52:09 agenda+ Other Business 15:52:12 agenda+ next and future meetings 15:52:14 agenda+ be done 15:52:30 zakim, next item 15:52:30 agendum 1. "Welcome & Brief Participant Intros" taken up [from janina] 15:57:15 jeffs has joined #apa 15:57:24 [waves hello] 15:57:47 present+ 15:57:51 oh goodie! Zakim our old friend is here! 15:58:06 Michiel, can you scribe today? 15:59:34 present+ 15:59:38 anssik has joined #apa 15:59:48 present+ 16:00:08 Present+ Anssi_Kostiainen 16:00:18 leweaver has joined #apa 16:01:00 JF has joined #apa 16:01:05 present+ Joanmarie_Diggs 16:01:08 Present+ Dominique_Hazael-Massieux 16:01:15 IanPouncey has joined #apa 16:01:23 present+ JF 16:01:36 Present+ Jeff_Sonstein 16:02:02 present+ 16:02:09 Present+ Diego_Marcos_(Mozilla) 16:02:27 scribe: JF 16:02:34 tink has joined #apa 16:02:40 present+ 16:02:42 present+ Léonie 16:02:42 agenda? 16:03:27 zakim, take up item 1 16:03:28 agendum 1. "Welcome & Brief Participant Intros" taken up [from janina] 16:03:49 Judy has joined #apa 16:03:52 JS: Welcoming comments to memebers of the Virtual Reality participants - Welcome! 16:04:50 s/memebers/members 16:05:00 [Dominique Hazael-Massieux, W3C, here from the WebVR perspective as organizer of the Web & VR workshop last year] 16:05:11 Hi, I'm Janina Sajka, Chair of APA, and a beneficiary of good accessibility technology personally. 16:05:23 Prof. Jeff Sonstein from RIT, coming from the VR side 16:05:29 Jason White - Educational Testing Service - participant in APA and Facilitator of the Research Questions Task Force. 16:05:30 Michiel Bijl, TPG / The Paciello Group 16:05:33 present+ 16:05:34 Hi, JF (John Foliot) member of APA, WCAG, and other accessibility efforts at W3C (and today's scribe) 16:05:37 Anssi Kostiainen, Intel Corporation, co-chair of the W3C's Web & VR workshop 16:05:43 Joanmarie Diggs, Igalia S.L., co-chair of ARIA working group, member of APA. 16:06:03 Judy Brewer, WAI Director (in IRC) 16:06:20 DigiTec has joined #apa 16:06:20 MichaelC_ has joined #apa 16:06:23 Jeff Sonstein: also worked on W3C Mobile Web Initiative for a number of years 16:06:33 Michael Cooper, APA staff contact 16:06:36 davidb has joined #apa 16:06:38 Lewis Weaver and Nell Waliczek - Microsoft WebVR & Windows Mixed Reality 16:06:49 David Bolter, Mozilla, last minute addition from accessibility, (once connected haptic devices to VRML 1000 years ago) 16:07:23 micro__ has joined #apa 16:07:52 zakim, take up item 3 16:07:52 agendum 3. "VR Deliverables Overview" taken up [from janina] 16:07:56 [For VR Workshop Accessibility session, see https://www.w3.org/2016/06/vr-workshop/report.html#accessibility ] 16:08:19 Justin Rogers, Oculus, Engineering Manager for Oculus Browse and general standards guy for our web efforts. 16:08:24 JS: asking VR Group for an overview of Deliverables 16:08:36 DOM: will give a brief explanation of web VR 16:08:54 an API that allows browser to detect VR headset devices 16:08:58 ? 16:09:19 once connected, it allows for the creation of 3D views in real time on the headset 16:09:48 q? 16:09:53 These data headsets are gathering data and combined with outher technologies allows for the creation of massive VR experiences 16:10:08 s/outher/other 16:10:22 JS: have some questions about those headset 16:10:25 [note: all VR is not immersive/headset-based] 16:10:41 [the WebVR API https://w3c.github.io/webvr/spec/latest/ ] 16:10:57 ddorwin has joined #apa 16:11:13 questions related to visual versus sonic expeience 16:11:45 q? 16:11:56 also: there are other external influences (wind directions, poximity sensing, etc.) - how advanced are these issues? 16:12:02 q? 16:12:04 MichaelC has joined #apa 16:12:11 q? 16:12:12 DOM: we are currently limited by what is on the market (i.e. mostly haptic feedback) 16:12:27 so for today, it detects the movement of the headset 16:12:50 in more advance setups, there are controls that can allow further sensory experiences (i.e. movement) 16:12:59 some controllers alsohave vibration capacity as well 16:13:08 but these are all limited in scope and capability today 16:13:27 q? 16:13:44 currently the Web VR API is not focussing on these additional possibilities 16:14:01 Gottfried has joined #apa 16:14:02 q? 16:14:15 Just: we are thinknig about the problem. it comes down to providing the appropriate centers in the device 16:14:33 s/Just:/Justin 16:14:51 working on the Web VR 2 spec to allow for those types of inputs 16:15:07 q? 16:15:28 audio exposure is currently tied to Web Audio API - no specific work happening there yet 16:15:31 q? 16:15:38 clapierre has joined #APA 16:15:46 also exploring 3rd party camera integration 16:15:57 Looking from the APA group on what needs would be 16:15:58 present+ Charles_LaPierre 16:16:04 IMHO it is A Good Thing to use other APIs rather than adding to a monolithic VR API 16:16:34 s/DOM:/Dom:/ 16:16:50 tdrake has joined #apa 16:16:52 present+ tdrake 16:16:52 zakim , take up Item 1 16:17:06 zakim, take up item 1 16:17:06 agendum 1. "Welcome & Brief Participant Intros" taken up [from janina] 16:17:20 Zakim, take up item 2 16:17:20 agendum 2. "Accessibility at the VR Workshop -- Charles?" taken up [from janina] 16:17:29 https://www.w3.org/2016/06/vr-workshop/slides/VR-Accessibility.pdf 16:17:30 zakim, close item 1 16:17:30 agendum 1, Welcome & Brief Participant Intros, closed 16:17:32 I see 8 items remaining on the agenda; the next one is 16:17:32 2. Accessibility at the VR Workshop -- Charles? [from janina] 16:17:33 zakim, take up item 2 16:17:33 agendum 2. "Accessibility at the VR Workshop -- Charles?" taken up [from janina] 16:18:03 -> https://www.w3.org/2016/06/vr-workshop/report.html#accessibility Summary of the accessibility session at the VR workshop 16:18:22 CL: will share slides and note when done 16:18:34 gave the accessibility overview at the workshop 16:18:40 we got the slides URI, no need to read them to us 16:18:56 q? 16:20:51 [Charles reviews the presentation with the group] 16:21:54 judax has joined #apa 16:22:03 outlining various types of supplimental data that would be required. 16:22:44 example: online/VR purchase of clothing: description of both the garmet, but also the ability to describe tactile information (feeling of the material), etc. 16:23:01 Hello everyone, Iker Jamardo from Google's Daydream WebXR team (Technical Leader). I have been in the call from the beginning over a phone call. 16:23:07 s/garmet/garment 16:23:31 welcome, Iker 16:24:15 CL: recognition that accessibility must be integrated, and not bolted on 16:24:26 q? 16:24:35 q+ 16:24:48 JS: we can take questions during the next agenda item 16:25:06 present+ 16:25:10 present+ 16:25:20 present+ 16:25:45 Ted Drake, Intuit, Accessibility . Part of APA group 16:25:50 JW: interest in educational efforts and VR 16:25:59 I am an invited expert of APA - computer scientist 16:26:00 present+ 16:26:18 q+ 16:26:30 JW: it was suggested that the APIs are being impacted by what is available in the market today - and this is logical 16:26:56 q? 16:27:01 however there are some technologies that PwD may use, they are not intended for gernal audience but rather specialty auciences 16:27:39 given that, there will be requirements that should be contemplated when developing new APIs 16:27:42 zakim, item 4 16:27:42 I don't understand 'item 4', JF 16:27:51 ack jasonjgw 16:27:51 ack ja 16:27:53 zakim, take up item 4 16:27:53 agendum 4. "Anticipated VR Accessibility Challenges Discussion" taken up [from janina] 16:27:59 ack tink 16:28:02 bajones has joined #apa 16:28:18 http://www.gamasutra.com/blogs/IanHamilton/20161031/284491/VR__accessibility.php 16:28:21 LW: should have a chat with ____ Hamilton - very active in VR gaming 16:28:43 provides some interesting high-level possibilities and thinking 16:28:45 Hi all! Brandon Jones doing my intro line. :) 16:28:51 q? 16:29:03 thoughts around VR and real-time description 16:29:03 q+ 16:29:12 tnx for the link tink ;^} 16:29:20 ack a 16:29:26 Anssik: question for APA 16:29:42 haven't followed issues around canvas lately - any updates? 16:29:59 LW: Canvas, in and of itself is not accessible 16:30:18 thus there is no semantic content in canvas 16:30:36 there are strategies today, but they are limited 16:30:46 q? 16:30:49 q+ 16:30:53 s/followed issues/followed a11y issues/ 16:31:08 there is potentially more accessibility coming forward with SVG rather than canvas 16:31:26 anssik: it seems we are inheiriting many of the same issues 16:31:29 ack ja 16:32:00 JW: there is some ability to use ARIA (role) in some instances 16:32:03 q? 16:32:18 s/inheiriting/inheriting/ 16:32:31 JW: WebVL - making accessible is quite difficult 16:32:39 s/WebVL/WebGL/ 16:32:46 s/thoughts around VR and real-time description  /Wonder about the possibility of bringing together neural networking and Web VR to create real-time audio description/ 16:33:07 have seen "hacky" solutions such as a dupicate HTML version postioned off-screen, and that copy ahs the ARIA and HTML semantics included 16:33:13 q? 16:33:46 this creates a maintenance issue to maintain 2 copies 16:33:49 in sync 16:34:04 q? 16:34:11 LW: from Web Plat perspective, unaware of any specific work here 16:34:32 [for those in VR not familiar with what ARIA is: https://www.w3.org/WAI/intro/aria ] 16:34:39 but to use ARIA here would require a new taxonomy for the world (describing things in VR) 16:34:53 q? 16:35:07 Joanine: unaware of any other canvas/accessibility work outside of what jason and leonie have suggested 16:35:13 16:35:28 s/Joanine/Joanie/ 16:35:31 q+ 16:35:43 ack di 16:36:25 Justin: one general question is: there is a way to impact the accessibility tree to place content in the DOM 16:36:51 there are emergent descriptive languages that would allow for this to describe things, rather than using metadata on the side (etc.) 16:37:06 q+ to mention the AOM 16:37:07 q+ 16:37:08 q? 16:37:37 Q? 16:37:45 present+ 16:37:47 Current scene description languages that could expose some accessibility meta-data. React VR, Three.js, Babylon.js, A-Frame. 16:37:51 present+ 16:38:06 ack ti 16:38:06 tink, you wanted to mention the AOM 16:38:10 Justin: in the short-term we'll likely need to continue creating duplcate (side) content, but can we move forward from there? 16:38:16 -> https://github.com/WICG/aom/blob/gh-pages/explainer.md Accessibility Object Model (explainer) 16:38:18 https://github.com/WICG/aom 16:38:33 LW: want to point out the accessible Object model - a JS accessibility API 16:38:53 q+ 16:38:54 the idea of extending a "scene description language" like ThreeJS with std accessibility-oriented data is an interesting one 16:39:16 this will make the accessibility tree a lot more flexible - the ability to query, add to and modify will be easier 16:39:23 ack ba 16:40:19 BJ: in exploring a parallel accessibility tree, we've discussed the possibility of bringing portions of the DOM into the canvas space 16:40:47 ack ja 16:41:00 would be interested n seeing that the accessibility of the DOM tree that is brought over is not lost - not sure how to ensure it is tied to the visuals, but ensuring that it is there would be a useful first step 16:41:07 my $0.02 worth: a parallel anything requiring maintaining two thingies in sync is Not A Good Idea 16:41:58 JW: there are 2 approaches: more direct support to devices and people using those devices (hardware solution), and second: an accessibility tree or DOM derived tree that AT on the client side could process to enhance the VR application 16:42:29 JW: is there a need for both? which would be better n what circumstances? would they / how would they interact wit each other? 16:42:50 +1 to JeffS 16:42:51 q? 16:43:22 q? 16:43:27 q+ 16:43:37 ack ba 16:43:53 Judy has joined #apa 16:44:34 BJ: wanted to explore issues related to accessibility issues in the real world - heavy skew towards sight impairment, but what of height of countertop, or you need to be agile but you are mobility impaired 16:44:53 q? 16:44:56 seems like an unique opportunity here: accessibility that mirros a more reaql-world need 16:45:09 s/mirros/mirrors 16:45:33 q+ 16:45:45 q+ 16:45:55 BJ: so perhaps we might consider introducing a virtual control that raises the floor (as opposed to lowering a counter height), ot the ability to turn cameras even if/when you yourself cannot turn 16:45:57 ack ju 16:46:24 JB: have done some analysis when Second Life was both popular and being investigated by government entities 16:47:08 q+ 16:47:21 it was extraordinary experience - things that were possible to do (i.e. personal flying) was quite interesting 16:47:40 ack ja 16:48:13 q+ 16:48:27 JS: the sensory experience is so rich that evenif you remove one sensory experience, you will still get a lot from the experience 16:48:52 q+ 16:49:22 q? 16:49:32 ack ch 16:50:04 CL: what Janina said resonated. the "look around" mode was quite interesting and useful 16:50:13 q? 16:50:36 also Judy's input around physical limitations versus customized 'virtual experience with the environment adaptable to your needs 16:50:50 Q+ 16:50:55 ack ju 16:51:00 ack cl 16:52:27 JB: so much of VR design is based on visual, but for experiences (imagine a roller-coaster ride) will require more than just visual data (haptic feedback, etc.) 16:52:39 ack ja 16:52:45 the ability to deliberately amplify or extend some of those additional opportunities is exciting 16:53:04 q+ to make a last quick comment on api design goals? 16:53:36 JW: will need to give carefu lconsideration on HOW these things are implemented - little deisre to write all of this from scratch - look at libraries and ensure that a11y features are in the architecture 16:53:54 q+ 16:54:01 also wonder aloud about input handling and generic support for more abstractly defined modes of input 16:54:02 q+ 16:54:20 JW: not sure where those architecture opportunities exist 16:54:33 JS: may be something for further research 16:54:35 ack JF 16:54:49 q- 16:55:00 ack jf 16:55:19 +100 to "next steps", more imp than closure on anything in this initial mtg 16:55:44 ack ju 16:55:44 Judy, you wanted to make a last quick comment on api design goals? 16:55:55 JF: question around movement versus inertia issues 16:55:58 I was going to say that in a recent Code-Sprint / Hackathon at CSUN we worked with PHET and realtime simulations and we prototyped a priority utterance queue to describe things in realtime. 16:56:25 ack ba 16:56:29 JB: often start by looking at weet spots at the W3C, but here ensuring that APIs can extend to meet accessibility needs will be important 16:56:46 BJ: comment regarding different input modalities 16:57:28 s/weet/sweet/ 16:57:33 even without thinking about a11y, we've had to think and work on input modes limited by different types of tech - from simple carboard views to high-end viewers with multiple buttons 16:58:08 BJ: the fact taht we are already dealing with a wide range of devices is almost forcing us to think about a11y 16:58:36 agenda? 16:58:56 zakim, close item 2 16:58:56 agendum 2, Accessibility at the VR Workshop -- Charles?, closed 16:58:57 I see 7 items remaining on the agenda; the next one is 16:58:57 3. VR Deliverables Overview [from janina] 16:59:02 zakim, close item 3 16:59:02 agendum 3, VR Deliverables Overview, closed 16:59:03 I see 6 items remaining on the agenda; the next one is 16:59:03 4. Anticipated VR Accessibility Challenges Discussion [from janina] 16:59:13 zakim, take up item 5 16:59:13 agendum 5. "Is our Checklist helpful? http://w3c.github.io/apa/fast/checklist" taken up [from janina] 16:59:23 zakim, close item 4 16:59:23 agendum 4, Anticipated VR Accessibility Challenges Discussion, closed 16:59:24 I see 5 items remaining on the agenda; the next one is 16:59:24 5. Is our Checklist helpful? http://w3c.github.io/apa/fast/checklist [from janina] 16:59:26 agenda? 16:59:52 -> http://w3c.github.io/apa/fast/checklist Framework for Accessibility in the Specification of Technologies (FAST) 17:00:00 MC: the checklis is in the header. it is divided into sections around features that possible tech might provide 17:00:22 under each section there are related questions to apply 17:00:40 first to see if it is useful, and second we'd love any feedback regarding enahncements 17:00:48 especially related to VR 17:01:00 zakim ,take up next item 17:01:02 Checklist looks great! 17:01:11 zakim, take up next item 17:01:11 agendum 6. "Develop Prioritized Coordination Plan" taken up [from janina] 17:01:23 +1 17:01:26 DB(unspoken): (multiple modalities and the flexible (re)mapping of input and output seems like the long range future here, as well as machine learning based assistance as tink brought up) 17:01:30 (gotta run sorry) 17:01:31 JS: open question - is onging dialog with our research TF make sense? 17:01:40 +1 17:01:53 JS: perhaps we may want to think about this and respond onlne 17:01:55 +1 17:01:58 q? 17:02:09 +1 to RQTF working in the area. 17:02:13 +1 to following up on this topic 17:02:31 bye 17:02:32 Will post minutes to both WG's - thanks for attending today 17:02:42 Thanks JF for scribing. 17:02:47 tink has left #apa 17:02:50 Thank you and bye! 17:02:51 clapierre has left #apa 17:03:19 RRSAgent, make logs public 17:03:34 trackbot, end meeting 17:03:34 Zakim, list attendees 17:03:34 As of this point the attendees have been MichielBijl, janina, jeffs, Anssi_Kostiainen, Joanmarie_Diggs, Dominique_Hazael-Massieux, JF, Jeff_Sonstein, IanPouncey, 17:03:37 ... Diego_Marcos_(Mozilla), MichaelC, Léonie, jasonjgw, Charles_LaPierre, tdrake, Gottfried, davidb, leweaver, ddorwin, judax, bajones 17:03:42 RRSAgent, please draft minutes 17:03:42 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2017/06/07-apa-minutes.html trackbot 17:03:43 RRSAgent, bye 17:03:43 I see no action items 17:03:45 zakim, please part 17:03:45 leaving. As of this point the attendees have been MichielBijl, janina, jeffs, Anssi_Kostiainen, Joanmarie_Diggs, Dominique_Hazael-Massieux, JF, Jeff_Sonstein, IanPouncey, 17:03:45 Zakim has left #apa 17:18:28 RRSAgent has joined #apa 17:18:28 logging to http://www.w3.org/2017/06/07-apa-irc 17:18:31 rrsagent, make log world 17:18:34 rrsagent, make minutes 17:18:34 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2017/06/07-apa-minutes.html MichaelC 17:18:52 chair: Janina 17:18:56 scribeOptions: -final 17:18:59 rrsagent, make minutes 17:18:59 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2017/06/07-apa-minutes.html MichaelC 17:19:04 rrsagent, bye 17:19:04 I see no action items