15:20:42 RRSAgent has joined #coga 15:20:42 logging to http://www.w3.org/2017/06/05-coga-irc 15:20:57 zakim, this will be WAI_CogTF 15:20:57 ok, lisa 15:25:14 agenda: this 15:25:15 agenda+ next SC, and timelines show status table.sc status: https://rawgit.com/w3c/coga/master/extension/status.html, rewording https://rawgit.com/w3c/coga/master/extension/rewroded%20sc%203.html 15:25:17 agenda+ how to fill in surveys for wcag 15:25:18 agenda+ next meetings -can we set a new time? 15:25:20 agenda+ review sc wording for help 15:25:22 agenda+ Moving forward with the next Success criteria and with personlization 15:25:23 agenda+ the supplement, moving forward 15:25:25 15:25:26 agenda+ be done 15:31:09 kirkwood has joined #COGA 15:31:43 Regrets today unable to attend 15:49:45 JohnRochford has joined #coga 15:50:19 kirkwood has joined #COGA 15:55:27 john K i will be showing how to vote on wcag surveys. do you want me to review it on skype with you tomorow? 15:56:53 That would be great. Sorry have a dr appointment now 15:58:01 AWK has joined #coga 16:03:45 scribe: JohnRochford 16:04:03 zakim, next item 16:04:03 agendum 1. "next SC, and timelines show status table.sc status: https://rawgit.com/w3c/coga/master/extension/status.html, rewording 16:04:05 ... https://rawgit.com/w3c/coga/master/extension/rewroded%20sc%203.html" taken up [from lisa] 16:07:58 zakim, next item 16:07:58 agendum 2. "how to fill in surveys for wcag" taken up [from lisa] 16:08:36 John and Mike will work on Accessible Authentication text this week, as quickly as possible. 16:09:57 Lisa: All should fill in the surveys . 16:12:01 John and Mike: We also don't fill out the surveys because we may not agree but don't want to vote against. 16:13:15 Michael: If people don't vote (no), there will be problems down the line. 16:14:07 Andrew: It's better to vote with comments, but also to vote without them. 16:14:12 Pietro has joined #coga 16:14:33 Present+ Pietro 16:15:13 can you here us pietro? 16:15:17 hear us? 16:15:19 I hear 16:15:21 EA has joined #coga 16:15:40 John: To address Lisa's and Andrew's questions, says that one of his concerns, not the primary, is that SC don't go far enough to address user needs. 16:15:49 yes, I voted sometimes 16:16:18 Andrew: Please don't use the term "voting". 16:17:13 Andrew: We aren't voting per se, just collecting feedback for the group to read/react to 16:17:35 My problem is not the process but the time to study topics 16:17:36 Lisa: I want to be sure everyone is not having any technical trouble with completing surveys. 16:18:49 Jan has joined #coga 16:18:56 Jan: I don't have technical trouble. My problem is that I'm not sure my understanding is as good as W3C long-time participants. 16:19:03 present+ JanMcSorley 16:19:13 present+ JohnRochford 16:19:18 +AWK 16:19:44 https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/35422/COGA_help/ 16:19:50 ea can you here us? 16:20:51 zakim, next item 16:20:51 agendum 3. "next meetings -can we set a new time?" taken up [from lisa] 16:20:56 Lisa: It's very relevant that we do vote (answer survey questions) and express any concerns. 16:21:22 Lisa: Is Wednesday a good day for everyone? 16:21:36 Jan: Thursdays better. 16:22:02 Lisa: How about same time on Thursday? 16:22:08 Sadly I am desperately trying to get sound and having no luck. My headphone test on Webex is perfect and I can see you all talking but not nothing is coming out! 16:22:17 I cannot Wednesday, I can Thursday 16:22:28 Lisa: Will send Doodle poll. 16:22:53 ation: lisa make poll for new time 16:23:08 action: lisa make poll for new time 16:23:08 Created ACTION-216 - Make poll for new time [on Lisa Seeman-Kestenbaum - due 2017-06-12]. 16:23:16 sorry ea! 16:23:41 can you press conect to audion? 16:23:46 zakim, next item 16:23:46 agendum 4. "review sc wording for help" taken up [from lisa] 16:23:58 No worries I am reading... yes I have tried it! 16:24:06 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-cognitive-a11y-tf/2017Jun/0009.html 16:24:59 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-cognitive-a11y-tf/2017Jun/0009.html 16:25:02 I will try again ... no panic 16:25:27 Lisa: Before you respond to the survey about the help and support SC, I would like to know of any concerns with it. 16:26:09 Lisa: Example is that we addressed long blocks of text, and we can get more evidence for that. 16:26:49 Long blocks of text: are divide with heading, keywords are visually emphasized or a summary is provided 16:26:51 q+ 16:27:13 Mike_Pluke_ has joined #coga 16:28:15 AWK: I'm reading that long blocks of text can be addressed by *one* of the following. 16:28:42 AWK: Should we be bumping up the AAA SC that already exists to AA instead? 16:28:42 ack AWK 16:29:21 Lisa: We were told we could not change existing SC. 16:29:40 AWK: You weren't told we could not change the level of SC. 16:30:25 Long blocks of text: are divide with heading, keywords are visually emphasized or a summary is provided 16:30:27 Lisa: Describing problems with existing SC. 16:30:33 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-cognitive-a11y-tf/2017Jun/0009.html 16:30:36 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-cognitive-a11y-tf/2017Jun/0009.html 16:31:29 Lisa: There were a few SC with overlap, but Jan's writing an email with the differences between them. 16:31:37 correct "are divide" into "they are divided" 16:33:39 EA: Some European nations have guidelines / requirements for some explicit way to simplify complex text. 16:34:42 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-cognitive-a11y-tf/2017Jun/0009.html 16:34:52 http://www.gesetze-im-internet.de/bitv_2_0/anlage_2.html 16:34:58 Jan: We are going to get pushback on what's a long doc, which is why we are focusing on long text. 16:35:40 Lisa: We could not find a definition people could live with for long docs. 16:36:16 https://www.lingulab.de/content/barrierefreiheit-bitv-wcag/barrierefreiheit-bitv/ 16:36:36 Mike: This would be especially useful for supplemantary information. 16:37:58 Lisa: People could see a summary of sorts from headings, which are described elsewhere in the WCAG. 16:38:59 Lisa: We are saying for numerical content, that we can do any of these things (headings, summaries, etc.) 16:39:29 Lisa: Should there be an exception for single digits / real numbers. 16:40:15 Lisa: Example - numerical content beyond real numbers 16:40:48 Jan: We should not need an alternative unless there is a need to manipulate the numbers. 16:41:57 Lisa: Jan, would you draft that exception? 16:42:03 Jan: Yes. 16:42:38 Lisa: Does anyone have any objections to the whole SC? 16:43:37 AWK: There's no organizing connections amongst the 3 parts. How could this be tweaked to make sense for more people? 16:44:36 q+ 16:45:10 Jan: Concern is about the cognitive load. I agree we could change the one statement at the beginning, and providing a little more explanation. 16:46:30 AWK: If we are talking about nonstandard controls not having instructions, for example, there may be no dependency on a term such as long document. 16:46:44 q? 16:47:36 AWK: If this should be separated out maybe it could be separate SC. 16:49:37 Lisa: Possibly what we could do is that we could separate into different SC as long as doing so would not need a long timeline, such as 2 months. 16:50:28 Lisa: Should we take out "one or more of the following"? 16:56:40 EA: Why do we need to define "long document"? 16:57:01 Lisa: Because, for example, the SC needs to be testable. 16:57:44 Lisa: To EA, could we have a word count for each language? 16:58:31 Jan: We are going to have trouble finding a research base for that. 16:58:39 EA: Agrees with Jan. 16:59:40 I'm starting a call at the top of the hour so need to drop 17:00:33 Have to go. Bye. 17:07:17 • Long blocks of text are divide with heading, keywords are visually emphasized 17:07:19 • Long blocks of text have a summary is provided 18:59:07 rrsagent, make logs public 18:59:08 rrsagent, create minutes 18:59:08 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2017/06/05-coga-minutes.html lisa 18:59:46 zakim, please part 18:59:46 leaving. As of this point the attendees have been Pietro, JanMcSorley, JohnRochford, AWK 18:59:46 Zakim has left #coga 19:00:07 rrsagent, please part 19:00:07 I see 1 open action item saved in http://www.w3.org/2017/06/05-coga-actions.rdf : 19:00:07 ACTION: lisa make poll for new time [1] 19:00:07 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2017/06/05-coga-irc#T16-23-08