18:26:51 RRSAgent has joined #waicc 18:26:51 logging to http://www.w3.org/2017/05/24-waicc-irc 18:27:10 agenda? 18:28:01 agenda+ Confirm scribe, agenda, subsequent meeting date 18:28:01 agenda+ Milestones, publications, announcements check 18:28:01 agenda+ TPAC, are people registering? Any additional info needed? 18:28:01 agenda+ Updates on WCAG 2.1 comments processing; update on Silver? 18:28:01 agenda+ Updates on horizontal review approach; feedback on checklist? 18:28:04 agenda+ APA upcoming technical review needs; suggestions to join 18:28:06 agenda+ Coordination on digital publishing accessibility work 18:28:08 agenda+ Updates on some charters under review or discussion 18:28:10 agenda+ Announcements, topics, reviews for WAI IG? 18:28:12 agenda+ Any other business? 18:32:53 Judy has changed the topic to: https://mit.webex.com/mit/j.php?MTID=mc4856957289cfcafe16f360757a62dda 18:33:24 Kim has joined #waicc 18:34:22 present+ 18:34:53 AWK has joined #waicc 18:35:05 Kathy_ has joined #waicc 18:35:32 present+ Joanmarie_Diggs 18:36:09 present+ Judy 18:36:16 zakim, pick a victim 18:36:16 Not knowing who is chairing or who scribed recently, I propose Joanmarie_Diggs 18:36:21 zakim, pick a victim 18:36:21 Not knowing who is chairing or who scribed recently, I propose Judy 18:36:24 scribe: MichaelC 18:36:29 chair: Judy 18:36:37 zakim, next item 18:36:37 agendum 1. "Confirm scribe, agenda, subsequent meeting date" taken up [from Judy] 18:37:12 next meeting is 7 June 2017 18:37:20 zakim, next item 18:37:20 agendum 1 was just opened, MichaelC 18:37:24 zakim, close this item 18:37:24 agendum 1 closed 18:37:25 I see 9 items remaining on the agenda; the next one is 18:37:25 2. Milestones, publications, announcements check [from Judy] 18:37:26 zakim, next item 18:37:26 agendum 2. "Milestones, publications, announcements check" taken up [from Judy] 18:37:31 scribe: Judy 18:37:48 MC: similar to last time -- personalization -- as soon as possible 18:38:09 ...cogn accessibility & user research, they needs more time. 18:38:13 tzviya has joined #waicc 18:38:19 ...null delta for WCAG 2.1 18:39:05 ...digipub accessiiblity accessibility api mappings, upcoming next, need to trigger ralph and plh to re-review it, 18:39:34 ...got ralph's advice... 18:40:00 jb: personalization pending for how long? 18:40:15 mc: a while. it references user research and gap analysis 18:40:30 ...joanmarie recommended decoupling them 18:41:09 zakim, next item 18:41:09 agendum 3. "TPAC, are people registering? Any additional info needed?" taken up [from Judy] 18:41:24 scribe: MichaelC 18:41:45 q+ to note that registration is not open 18:42:06 ack me 18:42:06 MichaelC, you wanted to note that registration is not open 18:42:11 mc: registration is not open 18:42:21 we don´t even know what days of the week which groups will meet 18:42:41 jb: they want info about travel concerns 18:43:30 janina has joined #waicc 18:43:34 present+ 18:43:51 mc: people are making hotel reservations 18:44:02 though it took weeks to provide the info needed to do so 18:44:14 only know one person intending not to go because of location 18:44:21 a few others are maybes 18:44:31 gk: planning to go 18:45:01 jb: MC did you ask planners for info? 18:45:07 mc: several times, expect they hate me 18:45:41 jb: was expectation that registration would be open by now? 18:45:43 mc: no 18:45:48 zakim, next item 18:45:48 agendum 4. "Updates on WCAG 2.1 comments processing; update on Silver?" taken up [from Judy] 18:45:49 agenda? 18:47:15 awk: have some SC finalizing their way through the pipe 18:47:32 none made it for the May publication but expect to have a few for June 18:47:50 jb: are you worried people will misunderstand why May pub didn´t happen? 18:48:08 awk: possible to misinterpret 18:48:20 jb: cleanup lots harder than proactive statement 18:48:51 awk: can update timeline 18:48:51 mc: and status wiki 18:49:53 awk: those are the same 18:50:14 jb: what about silver? 18:50:26 present+ 18:52:27 mc: information on Silver TF wiki 18:52:32 seems to be pretty current 18:52:36 they are on track at the moment 18:52:46 George has joined #waicc 18:52:59 planning a draft prototype in time for next year´s CSUN 18:53:06 present+ George 18:53:19 +AWK 18:53:35 jb: where is that info for Mobile? 18:53:53 kw: mostly we´d point people to the related GitHub issues 18:53:59 jb: what about general info? 18:55:02 (WCAG 2.1 timeline updated at https://www.w3.org/WAI/GL/wiki/WCAG_2.1_timeline) 18:55:35 should update pages with old status ifno 18:55:42 and improve discoverability of status info 18:55:57 for many of the groups and tfs 18:56:20 q+ 18:57:04 ts: we do summaries of our meetings, not just minutes 18:57:06 which is really helpful 18:57:09 and really time consuming 18:57:33 gk: the time impact on one person saves time on other people 18:57:39 ts: but someone´s gotta do it 18:58:08 agenda? 18:58:11 zakim, next item 18:58:12 I see a speaker queue remaining and respectfully decline to close this agendum, MichaelC 18:58:15 q? 18:58:16 ack t 18:58:18 zakim, next item 18:58:18 agendum 5. "Updates on horizontal review approach; feedback on checklist?" taken up [from Judy] 18:58:59 jb: APA published self review checklist 18:59:08 http://w3c.github.io/apa/fast/checklist 18:59:41 hope this helps orients groups to potential issues 18:59:50 and kick-start issue identification 19:00:17 scribe: Judy 19:00:37 MC: no comments on this yet. but, not sure that it's been announced and promoted yet. 19:00:53 ...I talked with Ralph about the same questions. 19:01:18 ...I wondered whether we need a similar presentation as Richard Ishida did for I18n. 19:01:30 ...maybe brainstorm with I18n folks also. 19:01:59 ...also wanted to explictly engage some of the staff contacts that we interact with frequently, and walk through. 19:02:31 scribe: MichaelC 19:02:38 jb: why not do to chairs as well? 19:03:57 mc: we were talking about existing Team channels 19:04:11 also discussing with Janina doing a TPAC topic about horizontal review 19:04:28 jb: that´s a ways off, think of how to engage 19:04:31 sooner 19:04:41 also, will people in CGs see this? 19:06:26 mc: can discuss with Ralph 19:06:40 don´t know what mechanism we have to draw CG attention 19:07:01 jb: +Coralie who does something with community group council 19:07:12 WAI welcome wagon. 19:07:19 js: put a copy of the checklist on a CG page when the group is created 19:07:32 +1 George... 19:08:34 jb: maybe make available in different places? 19:08:44 js: it´s new, we don´t even know how thorough and accurate it is 19:08:50 q+ 19:09:07 as we gain experience, we can be more comfortable pushing it 19:09:11 q+ 19:09:27 q+ to oppose multiple copies, but to note I18N approach 19:09:55 we hope it will structure ongoing communication 19:10:18 jb: sees joanie wonders if it could be added to the transition-to-cr process? (after much bikeshedding) 19:10:21 ack t 19:10:44 ts: think horizontal review shouldn´t be ¨review¨ but just incorporated procedures 19:10:51 q+ 19:11:11 https://www.w3.org/2016/11/Process-20161109#candidate-rec 19:12:26 mc: I18N have ability to take their checklist and turn into a GH issue where you can check away on checkboxes 19:12:30 ack me 19:12:30 MichaelC, you wanted to oppose multiple copies, but to note I18N approach 19:12:32 ack j 19:12:55 jb: horizontal review expected to be dealt with by the time of ¨wide review¨ 19:13:06 which is a prerequisite for CR transition 19:13:09 https://www.w3.org/Guide/Charter.html#horizontal-review 19:13:23 q+ 19:14:16 this has been there a few years, but groups not taking up consistently 19:14:22 MC should follow up 19:14:36 ack me 19:14:48 https://www.w3.org/wiki/DocumentReview 19:15:19 https://www.w3.org/wiki/DocumentReview#TL.3BDR: 19:16:04 https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-review-announce/ 19:16:51 mc: DocumentReview page has the info, and PLH is increasingly pushing that those steps have been done 19:17:01 and reviews are more frequently announced on public-review-announce 19:17:05 q+ 19:17:19 though in both cases, sometimes with too light a hand or not much real lead time 19:17:20 ack g 19:17:20 agenda? 19:17:44 is the 2 implementations requirement addressed for a11y? 19:17:50 q+ 19:17:56 jb: no explicit requirement 19:18:29 this came up notably in EME recently 19:18:57 there were a11y-impacting features that hadn´t been tested 19:19:26 q+ to say EME testing was just insufficient testing, and it´s easy to overlook that 19:19:36 q+ to see AAMs are part of our strategy for pushing more a11y testing 19:19:56 we eventually found out a11y wasn´t being destroyed 19:20:03 but it hadn´t been tested 19:21:51 s/no explicit requirement/no explicit requirement that one implementation get tested for accessibility, but there every feature of a spec including any specific accessibility features, must be directly tested./ 19:22:18 mc: EME testing was just insufficient testing, and it´s easy to overlook that 19:22:25 AAMs are part of our strategy for pushing more a11y testing 19:23:31 [jb: disagrees that EME testing was just insufficient testing; but at this point, it has been covered] 19:23:33 also APA trying to push accessibility impacts sections which call out which features have a11y impacts 19:23:52 which would then indicate testing need 19:24:40 jb: suggest APA collect data on completeness / usefulness of FAST checklist 19:24:44 ask some groups to use it and give feedback 19:25:12 so you feel more confident, so we can be comfortable to promote it, so there´s less review burden later 19:25:14 zakim, next item 19:25:14 I see a speaker queue remaining and respectfully decline to close this agendum, MichaelC 19:25:17 q? 19:25:18 ack me 19:25:19 MichaelC, you wanted to say EME testing was just insufficient testing, and it´s easy to overlook that and to see AAMs are part of our strategy for pushing more a11y testing 19:25:20 zakim, next item 19:25:21 agendum 6. "APA upcoming technical review needs; suggestions to join" taken up [from Judy] 19:25:48 jb: APA needs to review specs 19:25:55 which requires a team of people with diverse skills 19:26:08 over time there is attrition, so need to rotate new people in 19:26:29 what technologies need to review in next 3 - 6 months? 19:26:59 https://www.w3.org/WAI/APA/wiki/Category:Technologies 19:27:49 mc: CSS, HTML, Web Payments, Web of Things, Security 19:28:05 jb: who do you know good in those areas? 19:28:33 q+ 19:28:40 ack t 19:28:53 ts: some PDFa people may be interested in security in a11y 19:30:29 What about people who are at universities that are getting involved with accessibility? 19:31:23 agenda? 19:31:33 zakim, next item 19:31:33 agendum 7. "Coordination on digital publishing accessibility work" taken up [from Judy] 19:32:11 jb: urgent priorities for DPub A11Y? 19:32:40 zakim, close this item 19:32:40 agendum 7 closed 19:32:41 jb: urgent priorities for DPub A11Y? 19:32:42 I see 3 items remaining on the agenda; the next one is 19:32:42 8. Updates on some charters under review or discussion [from Judy] 19:32:45 zakim, next item 19:32:45 agendum 8. "Updates on some charters under review or discussion" taken up [from Judy] 19:33:00 s/jb: urgent priorities for DPub A11Y?// 19:33:07 jb: SVG moving along again 19:34:24 mc: note they propose moving ARIA deliverables out of their group 19:36:16 jd: ARIA chairs willing to accept this 19:37:39 q+ 19:37:45 https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-wai-cc/2017May/0009.html 19:37:55 https://github.com/w3c/strategy/milestone/1 19:39:10 mc: charters needing review in above link 19:39:16 WebVR likely a11y interest 19:39:21 Dom was proactive in engaging us 19:39:25 need to close the loop 19:41:16 https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-wai-cc/2017May/0010.html 19:41:27 agenda? 19:42:05 mc: ^not on our radar afaict 19:42:07 zakim, next item 19:42:07 I see a speaker queue remaining and respectfully decline to close this agendum, MichaelC 19:42:10 q? 19:42:11 ack me 19:42:17 zakim, next item 19:42:17 agendum 9. "Announcements, topics, reviews for WAI IG?" taken up [from Judy] 19:42:19 jb: anything? 19:42:22 zakim, close this item 19:42:22 agendum 9 closed 19:42:23 I see 1 item remaining on the agenda: 19:42:23 10. Any other business? [from Judy] 19:42:25 zakim, next item 19:42:25 agendum 10. "Any other business?" taken up [from Judy] 19:47:59 gk: something big that the scribe didn´t capture 19:48:13 jb: can you send follow up to wai-cc 19:50:56 s/something big that the scribe didn´t capture/In discussion with IMS we were noting that now that use of text to speech is increasing more beyond the blindness community, we're finding less tolerance of mispronunciations. We believe there's a need for better standardization of read-aloud pronunciation, and that W3C WAI might be suited for that. What do you think. 19:51:28 s/can you send/Sounds relevant for the "Strategy Funnel". Can you send/ 22:06:43 rrsagent, make minutes 22:06:43 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2017/05/24-waicc-minutes.html MichaelC 22:06:50 zakim, bye 22:06:50 leaving. As of this point the attendees have been MichaelC, Joanmarie_Diggs, Judy, janina, tzviya, George, AWK 22:06:50 Zakim has left #waicc 22:07:25 rrsagent, make log world 22:07:28 rrsagent, make minutes 22:07:28 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2017/05/24-waicc-minutes.html MichaelC 22:08:29 scribeOptions: -final 22:08:33 meeting: WAI CC 22:08:38 rrsagent, make minutes 22:08:38 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2017/05/24-waicc-minutes.html MichaelC 22:08:40 rrsagent, bye 22:08:40 I see no action items