15:01:59 RRSAgent has joined #social 15:01:59 logging to http://www.w3.org/2017/05/16-social-irc 15:01:59 eprodrom: tantek left you a message 3 days, 17 hours ago: as ben_thatmustbeme pointed out https://chat.indieweb.org/social/2017-05-12/1494549526970000 as2.rocks appears to be unresponsive / not found - any chance you can fix this? The AS2 PRs (hopefully soon to be RECs) link directly to as2.rocks (as I'm sure you know :) ) 15:02:01 RRSAgent, make logs public 15:02:01 Zakim has joined #social 15:02:03 Zakim, this will be SOCL 15:02:03 ok, trackbot 15:02:04 Meeting: Social Web Working Group Teleconference 15:02:04 Date: 16 May 2017 15:02:11 present+ 15:02:12 present+ 15:02:15 present+ 15:02:19 present+ 15:02:55 present+ 15:02:59 *sigh* 15:03:07 scribenick:ben_thatmustbeme 15:03:39 https://www.w3.org/wiki/Socialwg/2017-05-16 15:03:54 TOPIC:approval of minutes form last week 15:04:14 PROPOSED approve https://www.w3.org/wiki/Socialwg/2017-05-09-minutes as minutes for 9 May 2017 telecon 15:04:18 chair: eprodrom 15:04:24 scribe: Ben Roberts 15:04:28 +1 15:04:45 +1 15:04:51 +1 15:04:52 I think I was chair, other than that +1 :) 15:05:04 who is SV_MEETING_CHAIR?!? 15:05:34 +1 15:06:06 RESOLVED approve https://www.w3.org/wiki/Socialwg/2017-05-09-minutes as minutes for 9 May 2017 telecon 15:07:06 TOPIC: charter extension and rechartering 15:07:35 eprodrom: we voted to request 6 month extension and we feel we would do a better quality of work 15:08:24 sandro: its not going to be as smooth as i was hoping, last week i had the impression it would be a straight forward thing, turns out not to be the case in that... 15:09:25 sandro: A couple years ago there was a rule added that groups cannot be extended past 6 months without talking to the AB 15:09:36 tantek: some other groups have hit this as well in the past 15:09:59 sandro: if you could find examples, that would be helpful 15:10:01 Tantekelik made 1 edit to [[Socialwg/2017-05-16]] https://www.w3.org/wiki/index.php?diff=102993&oldid=102992 15:10:01 Tantekelik made 1 edit to [[Socialwg/2017-05-09-minutes]] https://www.w3.org/wiki/index.php?diff=102994&oldid=102953 15:10:23 sandro: bottom line is we have to ask the AC for this, there is no specified response on how this works 15:10:51 tantek: in the past other groups just rechartered instead of asking for another extension for the AC 15:11:15 ... the only other I can think of is HTML media and that was a whole other issue 15:11:50 ... we might be the first group to try to do this without a charter scope change and without any formal objections in our history 15:12:16 ... it doesn't normally make a lot of sense to just do this short extension again 15:12:55 sandro: i don't feel like its really proper for us to recharter right now as it would mean we have to figure out new scope in the next week 15:13:51 tantek: whats driving this is really increased interest in our existing scope, we've got 2 RECs out, 2 more that are about to become RECs, we're seeing developer interest spiking this calendar year, multiple different specifications 15:14:37 ... so we want to extend our charter to take that developer input into consideration for our specs that are in CR and our specs that are in PR / REC there is a chance to do revisions where developers are evolving that technology 15:14:50 ... i believe that is all in our current scope 15:15:10 ... the specs with additional extensions that developers are working on as well 15:15:22 ... thats how i would explain it to W3M (?) myself 15:15:43 ... the first extension was that we needed time to finish wrapping up our specs, but the situation has changed now 15:16:01 KevinMarks has joined #social 15:16:30 sandro: i have no trouble convincing W3M about that, whats left is we need to convince AC, but there is no precedent for what we need on that 15:16:52 ... unless there is some issue the AC has with it, i think it seems like this will happen 15:17:50 tantek: i think if we can craft the message I think we will mostly see positive response from the AC 15:17:58 sandro: i don't want to take up more WG time on this 15:18:06 ... you and i can work out the details 15:18:28 ... i do feel like with the uncertainty here we should TRY to get to CR exit by the time our charter is up 15:18:39 ... and make our little back-log of things if we get more time 15:18:49 ... i think thats the responsible way to approach it 15:18:53 tantek: i think thats true 15:19:11 sandro: i should be able to get it to the AC, maybe tomorrow 15:19:31 eprodrom: it sounds like we have a plan going forward, is there anything else needed from the WG? 15:19:35 sandro: i don't think so 15:20:02 TOPIC: meeting next week 15:20:13 +1 to meeting next week 15:20:16 eprodrom: any objections to meeting on the 23rd? 15:20:29 eprodrom: i cannot make it, but tantek would be chairing anyway 15:21:03 eprodrom: with no objections, lets plan on doing next week 15:21:08 TOPIC: PRs 15:21:53 sandro: AS2 and Micropub, amy and i sent of the transition request for those yesterday 15:22:04 i don't see any issue with as2 going to REC next week 15:22:28 micropub might have some small issues, not a lot of response, and one minor, non-formal objection 15:22:29 q+ 15:22:39 sandro: i'll let you know if those turn out to be issues 15:22:46 ack aaronp 15:23:17 aaronpk: i just had a quick quesiton, in terms of not a lot of responses, is there something we can do for that? how can we help? 15:23:33 sandro: if it turns out that its not enough, i will go out and try to get more people to respond 15:23:56 ... in both these cases, if theres a problem, i'll let you know 15:24:35 tantek: its odd in that we don't see much use in member companies, there are things like micro.blog launching with this as their main client API. 15:24:46 ... i've never seen this happen at W3C before 15:25:02 sandro: again, we'll deal with it if it becomes an issue 15:25:21 tantek: its more just a question, for me, of is it good for the web 15:26:24 eprodrom: we have one outstanding issue on AS2, it feels like an either/or issue about breaking out a section of the vocab document. are we at a point where making editorial edits is not worth the work? 15:26:53 sandro: its ok to still do changes, sort-of, its also kind of annoying, so i don't know how important it is 15:27:21 eprodrom: i feel like its useful for adoption, its interesting but not crucial so i will try to resolve this with amy 15:28:02 sandro: if you can do it sooner, the better, i'd like to publish next tuesday 15:28:55 tantek: we don't usually see editorial changes between PR and REC, so its probably better to err on the side of safety and it may be better to leave it to the errata 15:29:57 eprodrom: basically its that amy suggested a primer and one section of the doc has a lot of implementation notes, she suggested we edit those out and move it to a primer 15:30:02 Cwebber2 made 1 edit to [[Socialwg/2017-05-16]] https://www.w3.org/wiki/index.php?diff=102995&oldid=102993 15:30:30 ... the other option is that if we want to create a primer after this, it would be duplicating some of this in a seperate primer 15:31:06 tantek: it think it would be better to not make edits that are not in response to AC comments 15:31:34 eprodrom: i'm comfortable with that, i will discuss it with amy 15:31:51 TOPIC: CRs 15:32:08 tantek: i haven't been able to make any edits on PTD 15:33:05 cwebber2: i have been working on the test suite, i've gotten pretty far on the client to server side stuff, but the test suite succeeded at being a test suite and i found some parts i was missing 15:33:42 ... lets have the goal be to send out requests for people to test out that portion of the test suite next week 15:33:47 eprodrom: next up is websub 15:34:11 https://github.com/w3c/websub/issues/102 15:34:11 aaronpk: for websub, we have 1 issue that i want to talk about, its here (irc link) 15:34:12 [aaronpk] #102 Why should subscribers return 2xx on invalid signatures? 15:34:55 the spec says to always return a 2xx even with invalid signatures 15:35:23 ... no one had any issues with allowing it to return anything, 4xx for issues for example 15:35:30 ... it doesn't effect interop 15:35:47 ... i went ahead and made the change in the spec already 15:36:02 eprodrom: is this change reflected in the test suite? 15:36:04 aaronpk: yes 15:36:19 eprodrom: have you seen any implementors that depended on 2xx reply? 15:36:50 aaronpk: if it has a correct signature, it still requires 2xx, it only effects bad signatures which you can't really test for 15:37:13 and some people wanted it to be able to return 410 gone for example 15:37:40 eprodrom: it makes a lot of sense to me, i've never been in the position of not being able to return accurate error codes, so this makes sense 15:37:45 tantek: makes sense to me too 15:38:05 aaronpk: i don't think we need a full vote, just having it noted in the minutes 15:38:11 tantek: do we need to make a new CR? 15:38:24 q+ 15:38:49 aaronpk: this was merged in 7 days ago, the question is it a normative features 15:39:27 sandro: because its loosening the constraints, it could technically be checking it for that exact error code... 15:39:42 aaronpk: but it would have to be sending a bad request 15:39:55 sandro: yeah, this seems to be a non-substantive change 15:40:02 sandro: normative but couldnt-break-anything 15:40:13 tantek: this is non-breaking, non-substative, but still a normative change 15:40:56 aaronpk: there are 2 other issues in that discussion, there are some added text for how to migrate subscribers 15:41:15 https://github.com/w3c/websub/issues/106 15:41:15 [Alkarex] #106 Suggestion: Use HTTP 410 Gone 15:41:38 ... the other potentially problematic one is about (link in irc) which is that hubs recognize 410 15:42:09 ... it comes out of the previous issue of how to handle specific responses from the error after it gets a 410 15:42:19 this would change logic 15:42:35 this would change what hubs are required to do 15:42:38 but it can be an extension as the spec would now allow 410 15:43:28 eprodrom: aaronpk just to be clear 15:43:45 eprodrom: are we looking to a resolution to this? 15:43:59 aaronpk: no, i just wanted to point out that it is an open issue 15:44:16 ... is it even something we should consider to the spec or just leave it as an extension 15:44:24 i'm +1 extension 15:45:03 tantek: again, if this is going to reset our clock perhaps we should leave it as a spec extension until we know for sure we have a group extension 15:45:40 sandro: that makes sense, i'm still waiting to hear, there are a lot of pubsubhubbub implementations out there, i'm waiting to see how many of them are compliant 15:45:54 sandro: i'm looking for ones like github or mastodon 15:46:13 lots of people have used off the shelf pubsubhubbub for years 15:46:24 our goal was to not break things there 15:46:28 q+ 15:46:32 eprodrom: GNUSocial would also be a good one here 15:46:34 q- 15:46:36 ack cwebber2 15:46:52 cwebber2: would this be something good to bring to the community group friday 15:47:07 sandro: the testing against websub, definitely 15:47:33 tantek: i think we should ask ALL implementations showing up to submit implemention reports, since i think they all support it 15:47:45 eprodrom: anything else on websub? 15:47:57 tantek: if we want a new CR, we need a resolution 15:48:07 https://w3c.github.io/websub/#changes-from-11-april-2017-cr-to-this-version 15:48:09 tantek: do you have a changes section? 15:48:32 PROPOSED publish new CR for WebSub based changes listed at https://w3c.github.io/websub/#changes-from-11-april-2017-cr-to-this-version 15:49:00 can we add bit about not resetting the clock 15:49:03 WG believe and this request is contingent on it not restarting CR clock 15:49:24 +1 15:49:24 +1 15:49:25 +1 15:49:26 +1 noting that informative guidelines reflect current webdev discussions of migration being important, and the only normative change is non-subtantive 15:49:30 +1 15:49:31 +1 15:50:12 RESOLVED publish new CR for WebSub based changes listed at https://w3c.github.io/websub/#changes-from-11-april-2017-cr-to-this-version 15:50:28 🎉 15:50:38 eprodrom: any other items? 15:50:48 eprodrom: any other doc statuses? 15:51:16 tantek: assuming we get REC published next week, we should ping amy to update SWP accordingly 15:52:05 tantek: i'm fine giving a blanket, SWP can be updated any time a document status changes 15:52:14 TOPIC: SWICG 15:52:21 https://www.w3.org/wiki/SocialCG/2017-05-19 15:52:26 cwebber2: we have a meeting this friday (link in irc) 15:52:30 https://doodle.com/poll/rnnsf2y2fgmiq8zb 15:52:41 we have also not settles on a weekly time 15:52:58 people voted in the last meeting they want it weekly, but i'd encourage you to fill it in 15:53:08 this would be for every week 15:53:38 eprodrom: that leaves us with, i have a note about cwebber2's representation 15:54:28 cwebber2: i joined the verifiable claims WG, but that does some legal things 15:54:47 ... their call is at the exact same time as this group 15:55:19 sandro: i know we picked this time to allow for amy, but she is on the move now 15:55:38 tantek: she is in japan now then to europe next week, then completely unknown 15:55:47 s/tantek/sandro 15:56:04 +1 15:56:10 eprodrom: we need to set up a poll for our weekly polls 15:56:23 s/polls/meetings/ 15:56:33 thanks! 15:56:36 trackbot, end meeting 15:56:36 Zakim, list attendees 15:56:36 As of this point the attendees have been tantek, aaronpk, ben_thatmustbeme, eprodrom, cwebber 15:56:38 ben_thatmustbeme++ for minuting! 15:56:38 ben_thatmustbeme has 70 karma in this channel (220 overall) 15:56:44 RRSAgent, please draft minutes 15:56:44 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2017/05/16-social-minutes.html trackbot 15:56:45 RRSAgent, bye 15:56:45 I see no action items