15:27:24 RRSAgent has joined #coga 15:27:24 logging to http://www.w3.org/2017/05/15-coga-irc 15:27:54 zakim, this will be WAI_CogTF 15:27:54 ok, lisa 15:31:12 agenda: this 15:31:14 agenda+ review SC https://rawgit.com/w3c/coga/master/extension/status.html, 15:31:15 agenda+ the supplement - next steps 15:31:17 agenda+ accessible authentication 15:31:18 agenda+ personlization? 15:31:20 agenda+ What have we missed for issues page 15:31:22 agenda+ be done 15:31:32 regrets: Pietro , jan 15:55:23 JohnRochford has joined #coga 15:56:59 kirkwood has joined #coga 16:02:51 present+ JohnRochford 16:03:03 present+ 16:03:06 scribe: kirkwood 16:03:06 Indoor Wayfinding issue paper = https://w3c.github.io/coga/issue-papers/wayfinding-indoors.html 16:03:12 Mike_Pluke has joined #coga 16:03:17 present+ 16:03:30 present+ Mike_Pluke 16:03:34 Agenda+ i ndoor Wayfinding issue paper = https://w3c.github.io/coga/issue-papers/wayfinding-indoors.html 16:03:44 zakim, next item 16:03:44 agendum 1. "review SC https://rawgit.com/w3c/coga/master/extension/status.html," taken up [from lisa] 16:05:24 Lisa: discussing first item on page, which ones ready for and which number in wCAG and other userful details 16:05:34 https://rawgit.com/w3c/coga/master/extension/status.html 16:06:27 LS: Minimimize uyschecker areas now have new wrding people should 16:06:28 wcag issue 13 16:06:39 LS: people should check 16:06:44 https://github.com/w3c/wcag21/issues/13 16:07:20 LS: we’ve got a new version of wording and Mike and I thought it would go through but feedback wasnt good 16:07:40 LS: work with Mike G to try to work it out 16:08:00 LS: timed events got food feedback but didn’t go through 16:08:16 LS: try to put together a consensus call 16:08:43 Mike: where should we be looking 16:09:13 Sherry: is there anyone sharing a screen, wondering what should see 16:09:21 LS: we are on IRC channel 16:10:14 shari has joined #coga 16:10:24 https://github.com/w3c/wcag21/issues/13 16:10:27 https://rawgit.com/w3c/coga/master/extension/status.html 16:10:50 LS: this is the link with all SC and what we are thinking of doing next 16:11:44 LS: the plan of what we want to do next for the next two week the plain language one, accessible authentication and help are the most important ones 16:12:00 LS: accessbile authentifcation for help 16:12:32 JR: last week offered to creat ammaterial and sent to mike when he comes up for ait can continue 16:13:01 https://github.com/w3c/wcag21/issues/23 16:13:14 LS: we have sent it to survey and “accessbile authentification” 16:13:40 plain lang, provide support, authifcation, personlization 16:13:50 LS: plain language, provide support, accessible authentification and personalization are the most important , Do we agree? 16:13:54 https://rawgit.com/w3c/coga/master/extension/status.html 16:14:04 LS: take a look at status document 16:14:25 +1 16:15:15 LS: is anything here is more important than the ones above that we are chosing? 16:15:23 present+ 16:15:53 Sherry: what is meant my critical features? 16:16:17 LS: if we devide clear purpose into two might be better 16:16:40 LS: if divide into two might be better to get it through 16:16:50 LS: issue 26 16:17:20 LS: i think we agree that this is the ones we should look at right now 16:18:30 action: lisa to explain the plain lang sc to wcag 16:18:30 Created ACTION-211 - Explain the plain lang sc to wcag [on Lisa Seeman-Kestenbaum - due 2017-05-22]. 16:18:41 LS: plain language is going to survey now, it will get difficult feedback. There is stuff that needs to be clarified and may be o Hoping we can do that. Maybe write an cation to explain plain language success crtieria 16:19:00 LS: we will see how it goes after tomorrows call 16:19:07 BRB 16:19:32 LS: provide support we need clarity and what is a long document. 16:20:39 Sheey: have done quite a bit of reasrch an trying to define what a long document is. It is defined based upon a partiuclar population. We are looking at the drfinition of an abstract. which is defined as 120 words or less. 16:21:11 Seey / Sherry 16:21:41 Sherry: haven’t had a lot of luck 16:22:07 Sherry: originally 300 words or more was definition of a long document 16:22:31 Sherry: anyone else have suggestions? I’m kinda tapped out 16:23:11 Rochford: I think I have everything you want and more. I have a wealth of articles and research about this. If you want a separte call I could do that 16:23:25 Sherry: how are they defining long documents? 16:23:40 Rochford: don’t have answer off hand but could do a separate call 16:24:34 LS: all we are asking for rtally is one or two keyword identified, when does it need help, a summary, or something that helps people. Abstracts starting at 150 words could be a start 16:25:08 LS: going up to three hundred words is a long dcoument. We hust need evidence backing things up 16:25:20 hust/just 16:25:32 https://github.com/w3c/wcag21/issues/32 16:25:54 LS: haven’t submitted review just needs to be done 16:26:26 Rochford: as long as link to most recent, 16:26:35 LS: provide clear support 16:26:37 action: John send us some reserch on what is a long document for providing support https://github.com/w3c/wcag21/issues/32 16:26:37 'John' is an ambiguous username. Please try a different identifier, such as family name or username (e.g., jfoliot, jkirkwoo, JohnRochford). 16:26:45 action: JohnR send us some reserch on what is a long document for providing support https://github.com/w3c/wcag21/issues/32 16:26:45 Error finding 'JohnR'. You can review and register nicknames at . 16:26:55 action: JohnRochford send us some reserch on what is a long document for providing support https://github.com/w3c/wcag21/issues/32 16:26:56 Created ACTION-212 - Send us some reserch on what is a long document for providing support https://github.com/w3c/wcag21/issues/32 [on John Rochford - due 2017-05-22]. 16:27:23 LS: review latest draft in issue 32 which i think i9s provide support 16:27:49 kirkwood: the shortname in table is help and it might need to be changed 16:28:19 action: JohnRochford to review https://github.com/w3c/wcag21/issues/32, https://github.com/w3c/wcag21/issues/30 16:28:20 Created ACTION-213 - Review https://github.com/w3c/wcag21/issues/32, https://github.com/w3c/wcag21/issues/30 [on John Rochford - due 2017-05-22]. 16:28:26 LS: i think plain language is ussue 32 16:29:35 LS: John and Mike on accessible authentification to work on it 16:30:17 LS: set a time and need to draft soonish 16:30:36 JohnR: i have drafted it and thats what I said to Mike 16:30:50 LS: review WCAG surveys 16:31:21 review the sureys at https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/showq 16:31:57 https://www.w3.org/WAI/GL/minutes-history 16:32:55 LS: the titles are difficult search through emails with keywords to fins survey. Strongly recommend finding the right survey 16:33:54 action: JohnRochford and Mike to get new draft of accessible authtification 16:33:55 Created ACTION-214 - And mike to get new draft of accessible authtification [on John Rochford - due 2017-05-22]. 16:34:48 LS: there is a good chance after looking at survey and have a bit of a call about plain language tomorrow. If so what do we put forward of those really important ones? 16:34:58 LS provide support or help 16:35:09 LS: going to get rid of complex contante 16:35:23 LS: just need to define how something is ‘long' 16:36:16 LS: John if you can get theat to the list to Sherry and Me tomrrow so we have anouth SC to put forward in case plain language doesn’t move forward 16:36:50 LS: send the long defintiion document to the list 16:36:59 LS: the COGA list 16:38:03 I'm departing now before I am assigned another action item. 16:38:07 LS: in the meantime Sherry think what I will do is write c a comment about the different things we looked into put them into the gitub issue so can see the research and if necessay will close that issue and that this is an outstanding thing what the right number is 16:38:17 Sherry: thant make sense 16:38:22 action: lisa to add comment on long dosument to issue 32 16:38:23 Created ACTION-215 - Add comment on long dosument to issue 32 [on Lisa Seeman-Kestenbaum - due 2017-05-22]. 16:38:25 Sherry: yes its issue 32 16:38:50 https://github.com/w3c/wcag21/issues/32 16:38:53 LS: does anyone have any other comments on that SC ‘help’ latest version 16:40:27 LS: Mike: its unusual to have a broad scope and then something very specific seems out of character 16:40:45 LS: i’d be comfortable putting out and seeing if there is a problem with that 16:41:22 Mike; if someone has a system for navigation think specific language about cardinal dirctions 16:41:42 LS: do we want frms? going back to the issue 16:42:13 LS: just seeing correct for forms and context sensitive help 16:43:43 LS: giving form for former heading, multipage or dynamic forms, maybe this needs to be rethought very critically to see what we could cut 16:44:17 LS: context sensitive help for search form is rather tricky might need to revisit 16:44:35 LS: Sherry would you want to set something up to take this over 16:44:47 Shrry: Jan and I willcontinue to work together on it 16:45:38 LS: probably should have somone else to work on it to get more perspective of what is likely to make it fail consensus 16:45:58 LS: for instance what is on form might be problem 16:46:30 LS: we could do multipage form 16:47:29 LS: think need followon call for this 16:47:50 Sherry: we can set a time now 16:48:04 LS: could do tomorrow before WCAG call 16:48:55 Mike: i think I could do that one 16:49:10 LS: it would be nice if John Rochford to joing 16:49:29 LS: set that time for tomorrow to see if can put in place so it can go to surevey 16:49:46 LS: keep in on skpe 16:49:50 zakim, next item 16:49:50 agendum 2. "the supplement - next steps" taken up [from lisa] 16:50:43 https://docs.google.com/document/d/19CvGpbNn1MecK9iRO7MOhafCaVjIajyV2BjNz2OZZZY/edit 16:50:44 LS: next ttem is supplement which finding link for here 16:51:19 LS: wondering if we want to do any next steps? 16:52:05 LS; there is a question of having nomnitive sections, mobile and low vision don’t need it to look like this, but might want to do them anyway, not sure how it will play out 16:52:39 LS: hope ther will be nomnative sections, don’t know it supplement should be this format 16:53:03 LS: do we want it to look like a nomnative doc 16:53:40 Mike: be careful to change language and might need to do a bit of rewording, 16:54:30 Michaeal; ddon’t think it should be nominitive document. Should be well structured 16:55:25 LS: do we want to wait with supplement until we have a nominite section and non-normanitive section 16:55:44 present+ 16:56:39 Michael: it will slow down, trying to put nomrmnitive into it will just mess us up. thinke attmept will have poor cost benefit. If it turns out can add normnaive we techniclally could add. Don’t see how it work with niminitive section 16:57:04 Janina: this is janina 16:57:57 LS: the other issue there were criteria mad by WCAG doesn’t mean its nomnitive but allow for user testing there is a lot more leway 16:59:26 LS: a supplement could be a place where things are for cognitive issues, its still worth having a well wrtitten document and a company could have some guidance 16:59:54 LS: think personally like to have it be able to incorporate into policy 17:00:41 LS: for critical service do everything that is testable such as critical servies and emergency services 17:01:58 Michael: a few quick reactions, no concerns guidance if we use normnative or conformentce may cost some things. One reason can do supplemental guidance can work foaster and lose speeding up possibilty 17:02:26 LS; need a diffierent name for best practice 17:02:53 LS: ask people like to be usable by policy makers? 17:03:57 Michael: willing to be usable by policy makers, but not written for it 17:04:25 JR: don’t think it should have normative material 17:05:04 we dont have quarum now 17:05:15 pick this up next time 17:05:31 Michael: information as long as we don’t have normative wording 17:06:54 rrsagent, make logs public 17:07:09 rrsagent, create minutes 17:07:09 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2017/05/15-coga-minutes.html lisa 18:00:15 https://w3c.github.io/coga/techniques/ 18:00:22 https://w3c.github.io/coga/extension/ 19:15:37 kirkwood has joined #coga