14:11:06 RRSAgent has joined #webfonts 14:11:06 logging to http://www.w3.org/2017/05/10-webfonts-irc 14:11:08 RRSAgent, make logs world 14:11:08 Zakim has joined #webfonts 14:11:10 Zakim, this will be 3668 14:11:10 ok, trackbot 14:11:11 Meeting: WebFonts Working Group Teleconference 14:11:11 Date: 10 May 2017 14:11:15 Chair: Vlad 14:11:48 Present: Rod, Sergey, Chris, Ned, Vlad 14:12:00 present+ 14:12:09 ned has joined #webfonts 14:12:17 (we have some issues with webex call being cancelled) 14:12:39 scribenick: ChrisL 14:13:18 Vlad: old issues on google woff2 decoder are still there causing two test fails 14:13:28 kuettel has joined #webfonts 14:13:36 present+ kuettel 14:13:53 Vlad: Khaled said it was an easy fix to the code 14:14:30 rsheeter: looks easy to fix but have not had time to do it until after Google io next week 14:15:07 action: rsheeter to fix the two google woff decoder issues, due in 4 weeks 14:15:15 Error creating an ACTION: could not connect to Tracker. Please mail with details about what happened. 14:15:29 ok come on, trackbot 14:16:41 Vlad: how do we move to next state? Need two implementations 14:16:54 ChrisL: 4 browsers, great interop, no second implementation 14:16:57 present+ 14:17:27 present+ 14:17:42 scribe: rsheeter 14:18:37 ChrisL: some online tools don't fully support ttc, some convert it to multiple woff2s 14:18:41 online conversion tools either fault on collections, or convert to individual woff2 files one per simple font 14:20:45 ChrisL only path to two implementations now is hiring someone to build a second that nobody would use 14:22:29 *virtual hat passed around* 14:22:37 which seems pointless waste of time 14:24:54 rsheeter: have not tried doing code coverage tests 14:25:08 Vlad: could be used as an argument that the code is well reviewed 14:25:24 rsheeter: we have an internal fuzzer and also goggles OS fuzzer 14:25:38 ... and as part of chrome 14:25:43 Fuzzed internally, by https://github.com/google/oss-fuzz, and I believe as part of Chromium too 14:26:07 We also have a unit test suite internally. For whatever reason I don't think we ever released it to github. 14:27:14 woff2 ua tests now part of WPT 14:29:18 not clear what to do for font tests themselves, last time for woff1 we ran the validator on them from each foundry and they said like 88 fonts tested all passed, that sort of thing 14:29:47 rsheeter: we can come up with numbers on % of wefonts being served as woff2 14:30:23 kuettel: we can shaere % of sites serving as woff2 through http archive for top 500k homepages 14:30:31 ... over next week or so 14:31:02 ... like we did for the font media type 14:31:16 ... just need to dig up the right query 14:31:38 action kuettel to dig through http archive for woff2 deployment numbers 14:31:39 Created ACTION-204 - Dig through http archive for woff2 deployment numbers [on David Kuettel - due 2017-05-17]. 14:32:04 https://fonts.google.com/analytics 14:32:05 kuettel: we publish traffic by browser, we could send that 14:32:48 action: Rod to fix the two google woff decoder issue 14:32:48 Error finding 'Rod'. You can review and register nicknames at . 14:32:59 action: Sheeter to fix the two google woff decoder issue 14:32:59 Created ACTION-205 - Fix the two google woff decoder issue [on Roderick Sheeter - due 2017-05-17]. 14:33:22 Vlad: that is all on my agenda list 14:34:30 to fix the two google woff decoder issue 14:34:39 https://blogs.windows.com/msedgedev/2016/05/03/woff2-fonts-in-microsoft-edge/#cmdQ846EmWC26XJQ.97 14:36:06 https://github.com/Fyrd/caniuse/issues/2976 Safari supports WOFF2, but on Sierria onwards 14:36:49 https://webkit.org/blog/6643/improved-font-loading/ 14:39:10 Regrets: Ken_Lunde 14:39:18 rrsagent, make minutes 14:39:18 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2017/05/10-webfonts-minutes.html ChrisL 16:32:10 Zakim has left #webfonts