IRC log of forms on 2017-05-10

Timestamps are in UTC.

12:57:42 [RRSAgent]
RRSAgent has joined #forms
12:57:42 [RRSAgent]
logging to
12:57:44 [trackbot]
RRSAgent, make logs public
12:57:44 [Zakim]
Zakim has joined #forms
12:57:46 [trackbot]
Zakim, this will be
12:57:46 [Zakim]
I don't understand 'this will be', trackbot
12:57:47 [trackbot]
Meeting: XForms Users Community Group Teleconference
12:57:47 [trackbot]
Date: 10 May 2017
12:57:56 [Steven]
12:58:06 [Steven]
Steven has changed the topic to: Agenda:
12:58:39 [Steven]
Chair: Steven
13:00:00 [pfennell]
pfennell has joined #forms
13:00:58 [Steven]
Present: Alain, Erik, Philip, Steven
13:01:27 [Steven]
Topic: ACTION-2118: Simplify deferred update text.
13:01:27 [Steven]
13:01:39 [Steven]
Steven: This is from the last meeting.
13:02:08 [Steven]
Steven: Please check how deferred updates have been treated in the new text.
13:02:21 [Steven]
Topic: <update/> (two questions)
13:02:21 [Steven]
13:02:21 [Steven]
13:02:37 [Steven]
Steven: Since we agreed to add an <update/> action, should we add an update()
13:02:37 [Steven]
method as well?
13:02:56 [Steven]
Steven: Does <update/> need a matching event, or can it make do with the existing
13:02:56 [Steven]
rebuild, recalculate, and revalidate?
13:03:41 [Steven]
Steven: My feeling is that we need the first one.
13:04:04 [Steven]
Erik: The methods are not in general very useful; either we should deprecate, or make it consistent.
13:04:24 [Steven]
ACTION: Steven to add update() method
13:04:25 [trackbot]
Created ACTION-2119 - Add update() method [on Steven Pemberton - due 2017-05-17].
13:06:30 [Steven]
Steven: recalculate etc. events cause the thing to happen.
13:06:56 [Steven]
Erik: You don't really need the event if the action already does the work.
13:08:08 [Steven]
... hmm, it's not even clear when the events are dispatched,
13:08:40 [Steven]
ACTION: Steven to research the relationship between the recalculate (etc) events and the actions
13:08:40 [trackbot]
Created ACTION-2120 - Research the relationship between the recalculate (etc) events and the actions [on Steven Pemberton - due 2017-05-17].
13:08:58 [Steven]
Topic: The copy Element
13:08:58 [Steven]
13:09:30 [Steven]
Steven: I have made the change so that they send the event to the same element
13:09:51 [Steven]
Topic: @incremental
13:09:51 [Steven]
13:10:57 [Steven]
Steven: I will tryt and formulate new text to describe what actually happens.
13:11:03 [Steven]
13:11:16 [Steven]
ACTION: Steven reformulate text for @incremental
13:11:16 [trackbot]
Created ACTION-2121 - Reformulate text for @incremental [on Steven Pemberton - due 2017-05-17].
13:11:32 [Steven]
Topic: Validation and optional fields
13:11:32 [Steven]
13:12:29 [Steven]
Steven: I think this would be a beneficial backwards-incompatibility.
13:12:52 [Steven]
... existing forms would still work (because they program around it), and new forms would be easier to write
13:13:45 [Steven]
Erik: It could be noticable if the field is say an integer, but isn't explicitely 'required'.
13:14:36 [Steven]
... then the missing field used to be a type error.
13:15:22 [Steven]
... It could be many fields are required, without having the required mip, just because of the type.
13:16:07 [Steven]
... We will add this behaviour; not sure exactly how, with respect to backwards compatibility.
13:16:30 [Steven]
Steven: We could use the @version attribute
13:18:04 [Steven]
... on model
13:19:27 [Steven]
Erik: We could say that the xforms version 2.0 triggers the new behaviour.
13:20:08 [Steven]
... that would be one way
13:20:15 [Steven]
Steven: Let's think about it for a week.
13:20:43 [Steven]
... when I read your email, I was kicking myself that we didn't do it before.
13:21:31 [Steven]
Topic: Dynamic dependencies
13:21:31 [Steven]
13:21:31 [Steven]
[Awaiting an example]
13:21:37 [Steven]
Steven: Just a reminder
13:21:44 [Steven]
Erik: It's on the top of the list.
13:21:46 [Steven]
Topic: AOB
13:21:53 [Steven]
13:22:17 [Steven]
13:22:22 [Steven]
rrsagent, make minutes
13:22:22 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate Steven
13:23:36 [Steven]
s/recalculate etc. events cause the thing to happen./recalculate etc. events cause the thing to happen, but not the other way round./
13:23:38 [Steven]
rrsagent, make minutes
13:23:38 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate Steven
13:24:18 [Steven]
13:24:22 [Steven]
rrsagent, make minutes
13:24:22 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate Steven
15:01:39 [Zakim]
Zakim has left #forms
16:02:13 [ebruchez]
ebruchez has joined #forms