13:52:43 RRSAgent has joined #wpay 13:52:43 logging to http://www.w3.org/2017/04/17-wpay-irc 13:52:45 RRSAgent, make logs 413 13:52:45 Zakim has joined #wpay 13:52:47 Zakim, this will be 13:52:47 I don't understand 'this will be', trackbot 13:52:48 Meeting: Web Payments Interest Group Teleconference 13:52:48 Date: 17 April 2017 13:53:01 Agenda: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-webpayments-ig/2017Apr/0005.html 13:53:03 Chair: David 13:53:06 Scribe: ian 13:54:44 todd_a has joined #wpay 13:58:08 present+ 14:00:10 present+ 14:00:37 present+ Mark 14:00:38 mark_tiggas has joined #wpay 14:02:45 present+ Todd 14:04:24 present+ Ken 14:04:35 present+ AmyZ 14:04:39 present+ Max 14:05:03 => https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-webpayments-ig/2017Apr/0005.html Agenda 14:05:19 Topic: New Chair Welcome - Dapeng (Max) Liu 14:05:44 dezell: Thanks to Erik Anderson! 14:06:00 ...I'd like to welcome Max as the new co-chair 14:06:20 ...lots of interesting ideas from Alibaba and happy to have Max on board and fresh ideas 14:06:30 Max: Hello everyone! 14:06:41 ...I am very pleased to have this opportunity to work with David as co_Chair of this IG 14:06:56 ...I hope we can come up with some interesting ideas that lead to useful standards 14:08:21 Topic: Virtual reality payments 14:08:31 [Max slides] 14:09:53 [Max will send them after the meeting] 14:10:39 [Slide one shows virtual reality shopping..] 14:10:53 [e.g., user can "try on clothes" in VR shop] 14:11:13 [e.g., user can browse physical store, and also get more information about product] 14:11:53 (Related to this: W3C workshop on virtual reality and the Web => https://www.w3.org/2016/06/vr-workshop/ ) 14:12:18 Max: We have a demo...involves some user authentication 14:12:25 ...but current authentication is name/password 14:12:38 ...in current VR experience, user input is not very convenient 14:12:48 ....typically difficult while wearing VR goggles 14:13:12 ...we have ideas for using biometrics for authentication 14:13:30 ..such as retina scan or fingerprint 14:14:04 ...so for example, if the user is browsing the Web on mobile browser and using VR, there needs to be access to sensors for this authentication 14:14:49 ...Web brings cross-platform interop 14:14:59 {See also VR Workshop report => https://www.w3.org/2016/06/vr-workshop/report.html ) 14:15:34 q+ 14:15:41 ...interop could help connect into SDKs 14:15:46 ack de 14:16:00 dezell: I have some security questions. 14:16:18 ...what are the standardization opportunities you see for W3C? 14:16:53 (For biometrics and strong authentication on the Web, see => https://www.w3.org/TR/2016/WD-webauthn-20160902/ ) 14:17:12 Max: Fingerprint can be stored locally 14:17:16 ...e.g., in secure element 14:17:18 or in TEE 14:17:42 ...for other biometric information, e.g., iris or facial recognition, the computation may have to happen server-side 14:18:11 dezell: You can also do 2-factor authentication 14:18:20 ...e.g., if you are using mobile phone 14:18:29 Max: that already happens in existing products 14:18:37 ...but not common in VR payments yet 14:19:00 q? 14:19:03 q+ 14:19:15 q+ 14:19:33 q- 14:19:34 q+ 14:20:01 ack ian 14:20:07 Today for payments we have: 14:20:11 - Payment Request API 14:20:22 - Web Authentication 14:20:42 - Web NFC 14:20:45 - Web Bluetooth 14:20:49 - Web Crypto 14:21:36 Max has joined #WPAY 14:21:52 IJ: What is missing that we need to be looking at? 14:21:59 Max: That's a question I need more time to study 14:22:20 ...as first steps we can collect the information that you mentioned - what we have already; and then begun a gap analysis 14:22:38 q? 14:23:29 ...e.g., does PR API need to be enhanced with additional authentication bits? 14:23:52 ...could be easier for developers if authentication is integrated 14:24:02 ...but in any case we need to do more research to understand more completely what needs to be done 14:24:04 ack d 14:25:36 dezell: (Note on retail stores losing ground to digital) 14:25:40 dezell: Is WebRTC relevant? 14:26:04 Max: WebRTC is useful for real-time. Might be useful for interactions with retailer 14:26:20 ...and in the future that might involve digital shopping assistants / AI 14:29:12 dezell: Next steps? 14:29:18 Max: I don't have next steps yet 14:29:30 ...other than looking at gaps 14:29:52 ...I will be doing research and looking at related drafts 14:30:09 ...WPIG could develop use cases 14:30:46 ...VR payments show value of biometric auth...but there might be new requirements in a VR setting 14:31:05 .e.g., there might be protocol requirements between phone and VR headsets 14:31:13 ...although that may be beyond scope of w3C 14:31:28 q+ 14:31:36 Max: if anyone is interested, please contact me 14:31:37 If I understand correctly, FIDO would be authentication. There is a separate issue of Authorization (i.e. an additional step). 14:32:11 [From the virtual reality workshop..ideas for next steps] 14:32:12 ==== 14:32:13 Proposed new work for the near term included: 14:32:13 advancing WebVR API currently in incubation to a Working Group, 14:32:13 gamepad extensions, 14:32:13 improving support for 360 media integration in HTML, including 360° media streaming 14:32:14 projecting the DOM into non-rectangular spaces, 14:32:16 VR mode for CSS media queries, 14:32:18 means to customize surroundings of the user while browsing the Web in VR (Skybox API), 14:32:20 standardization of APIs for speech recognition, media synchronization, WebAssembly, and detection of media capabilities. 14:32:23 === 14:32:39 \https://www.w3.org/community/webvr/ 14:33:36 q+ 14:33:42 ack Ian 14:34:11 Ian: there appears to be a lot of work that the WebVR community group is considering. 14:34:20 https://w3c.github.io/vr-workshop/papers.html 14:34:30 Ian: I suggest that as part of the research reaching out to the CG. 14:34:42 IJ: Some resources to check out as you begin research 14:34:43 ack d 14:35:08 dezell: Any other suggestions from people on the call, especially whether the IG should take this up? I think it is interesting. 14:35:35 => https://www.w3.org/Payments/IG/wiki/WebPaymentIGProcess 14:36:35 q? 14:37:10 Ken: Thanks for bringing this forward, Max. I think this is interesting technology and think it may have tremendous impact on shopping experience. 14:37:24 ...when we look at the pain points, they seem to be the same pain points we've identified with other applications or shopping experiences 14:37:39 ...such as authentication, biometrics, security, capturing user information, secure transfer of data, ... 14:37:56 ...I want to encourage the effort...what will be important will be what is unique to VR? 14:39:12 Max: +1 14:39:27 q? 14:39:42 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2017/04/17-wpay-minutes.html Ian 14:39:58 RRSAgent, set logs public 14:40:07 Topic: Next meeting 14:40:15 No meeting 24 April 14:40:35 Next meeting is 1 May 14:40:54 RRSAgent, make minutes 14:40:54 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2017/04/17-wpay-minutes.html Ian 14:40:57 RRSAgent, set logs public 15:04:54 Max has joined #WPAY 16:46:26 Zakim has left #wpay