14:30:58 RRSAgent has joined #lvtf 14:30:58 logging to http://www.w3.org/2017/04/13-lvtf-irc 14:31:00 RRSAgent, make logs public 14:31:03 Zakim, this will be 14:31:03 I don't understand 'this will be', trackbot 14:31:03 Meeting: Low Vision Accessibility Task Force Teleconference 14:31:03 Date: 13 April 2017 14:31:21 zakim, clear agenda 14:31:21 agenda cleared 14:31:44 zakim, who is here? 14:31:44 Present: Jim, JohnR, Laura, ScottM, Shawn, Wayne, Marla, Erich, StephenR, JohnRochford, steverep, Glenda 14:31:47 On IRC I see RRSAgent, allanj, shawn, Zakim, trackbot 14:31:56 present+ 14:32:00 zakim, who is here? 14:32:00 Present: Jim, JohnR, Laura, ScottM, Shawn, Wayne, Marla, Erich, StephenR, JohnRochford, steverep, Glenda, allanj 14:32:02 On IRC I see RRSAgent, allanj, shawn, Zakim, trackbot 14:32:29 present- 14:32:38 zakim, who is here? 14:32:38 Present: Jim, JohnR, Laura, ScottM, Shawn, Wayne, Marla, Erich, StephenR, JohnRochford, steverep, Glenda 14:32:40 On IRC I see RRSAgent, allanj, shawn, Zakim, trackbot 14:37:04 present- all 14:37:22 present- all 14:37:24 zakim, who is here? 14:37:24 Present: Jim, JohnR, Laura, ScottM, Shawn, Wayne, Marla, Erich, StephenR, JohnRochford, steverep, Glenda 14:37:27 On IRC I see RRSAgent, allanj, shawn, Zakim, trackbot 14:37:54 present-Jim, JohnR, Laura, ScottM, Shawn, Wayne, Marla, Erich, StephenR, JohnRochford, steverep, Glenda 14:37:58 zakim, who is here? 14:37:58 Present: (no one) 14:38:00 On IRC I see RRSAgent, allanj, shawn, Zakim, trackbot 14:38:06 present+ 14:40:24 Agenda+ only 30min today 14:40:25 Agenda+ AG TPAC survey https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/35422/AGWG_TPAC2017/ 14:40:27 Agenda+ does LVTF want a F2F on other 1 or 2 days during that same week? in person and/or remotely 14:40:28 Agenda+ Find a new meeting time? 14:40:30 Agenda+ MetaData on Hover/Popup 14:40:31 Agenda+ Adapting Text 14:51:27 ScottM has joined #lvtf 15:03:23 ScottM has changed the topic to: https://mit.webex.com/mit/j.php?MTID=mf593f4e1a73476b329f8348e58f53ffd 15:04:16 laura has joined #lvtf 15:05:09 erich has joined #lvtf 15:05:15 present+ Laura 15:05:39 present+ 15:05:44 zakim, who is on the phone? 15:05:44 Present: allanj, Laura, shawn 15:05:53 present+ Erich, Scott 15:05:57 present+ erich 15:05:57 regrets+wayne 15:07:19 Scribe: erich 15:07:19 zakim, open item 1 15:07:19 agendum 1. "only 30min today" taken up [from allanj] 15:07:39 Glenda has joined #lvtf 15:08:30 close item 1 15:08:40 open item 2 15:09:16 TPAC hotels are filling up, if you plan to go, best to book ASAP 15:09:19 I may go 15:09:26 since I am local 15:09:54 open item 3 15:10:06 JA: Do we have many LVTF members going? 15:10:24 I am local to SF Bay Area so I can go 15:11:03 Scott is local, Laura could attend virtually, Glenda plans to go, Shawn is going, Jim is maybe 15:11:09 virtual: jim (?), laura, erich 15:11:46 JA: If we were to have LVTF meeting, it would likely be Weds 15:12:26 SH: Probably good to at least reserve a space, and can change it if needed 15:12:33 JA: OK, I will do that 15:12:40 action: Jim will schedule time for TPAC 15:12:40 Created ACTION-97 - Will schedule time for tpac [on Jim Allan - due 2017-04-20]. 15:12:51 close item 2 15:12:56 close item3 15:13:54 zakim, who is on the phone? 15:13:54 Present: allanj, Laura, shawn, Erich, Scott 15:14:01 present+ Glenda 15:14:37 LC: Meeting before AG call seems a good thing, maybe meeting a little earlier? 15:16:06 JA: earlier could pose challenges for some geographies or time zones 15:16:53 LC: Perhaps the half-hour after AG call 15:17:11 JA: We will try the half hour after AG call for next week 15:18:50 close item 4 15:19:54 defer to next week 15:20:18 close item 5 15:23:44 push for vote. 15:23:56 topic: w3 process 15:24:22 we started with many SC proposals. 15:24:37 is there a history of all that LVTF has done 15:28:07 rrsagent, make minutes 15:28:07 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2017/04/13-lvtf-minutes.html erich 16:13:48 Glenda has joined #lvtf 16:55:25 Glenda has left #lvtf 19:03:12 Glenda has joined #lvtf 19:04:10 Glenda has left #lvtf 19:56:27 shawn 19:56:37 hiya 19:57:04 i cant find where to say lvtf wants to have a meeting. 19:58:03 https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/34786/ChairsTPAC2017/ 19:58:06 that work for you? 19:58:22 thank you. 19:58:43 you'll have to add us in "Reply here with a Group name if not in the list: " since not in the list 19:58:56 Low Vision Task Force of AGWG 19:58:59 got it 19:59:02 ping Jim for above 19:59:04 :)