12:22:34 RRSAgent has joined #poe 12:22:34 logging to http://www.w3.org/2017/04/10-poe-irc 12:22:36 RRSAgent, make logs public 12:22:36 Zakim has joined #poe 12:22:38 Zakim, this will be 12:22:38 I don't understand 'this will be', trackbot 12:22:39 Meeting: Permissions and Obligations Expression Working Group Teleconference 12:22:39 Date: 10 April 2017 12:22:41 agenda: https://www.w3.org/2016/poe/wiki/Meetings:Telecon20170410 12:22:53 chair: Ben 12:23:05 regrets+ Ivan 12:25:53 victor has joined #poe 12:27:46 present+ renato 12:28:32 michaelS has joined #poe 12:28:35 ivan has joined #poe 12:29:39 present+ victor 12:30:48 present+ 12:30:48 Serena has joined #poe 12:31:41 present+ 12:31:44 present+ 12:33:03 smyles has joined #poe 12:33:18 present+ 12:33:44 benws has joined #poe 12:33:54 present+ 12:34:35 present+ 12:34:39 scribe: simonstey 12:34:47 CarolineB has joined #poe 12:34:55 present+ 12:34:59 topic: Admin 12:35:08 present+ CarolineB 12:35:23 benws: last week's minutes 12:35:47 resolution: Last week's minutes at https://www.w3.org/2017/04/03-poe-minutes approved 12:35:47 ... hearing no objections - approved! 12:35:57 Topic: Comments received 12:36:03 https://www.w3.org/2016/poe/wiki/Deliverables 12:36:24 renato: the only thing we are really waiting for is horizontal review 12:36:41 ... which brian's doing 12:36:51 benws: haven't heard back from him 12:37:13 https://github.com/w3c/poe/issues?q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aopen+label%3A%22Wide+Review%22 12:37:18 renato: I don't think we've sent out any other wide review requests though 12:37:38 benws: anything we want to discuss reg. already received feedback? 12:37:47 https://github.com/w3c/poe/issues/123 12:37:55 renato: I tagged related issues with "Wide Review" 12:38:11 ... there's an existing use case for that (uc24) 12:38:58 benws: if we include that term, and at the time the implementation reports come in noone implements it -> do we have to exclude it? 12:38:59 q+ 12:39:06 phila: short answer, yes 12:39:21 q- 12:39:50 ... such terms can be flagged as features "at risk" 12:40:19 ... which is relevant for going to CR 12:41:01 regrets- Ivan 12:41:07 phila: we could also ask them to point us to others using that term 12:41:35 renato: synchronize is becoming more and more relevant for the music industry 12:42:10 q? 12:42:30 https://github.com/w3c/poe/issues?q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aopen+label%3A%22Needs+WG+Decision%22 12:42:32 ... I would like to have an ODRL profile for the music industry in the future 12:42:47 https://github.com/w3c/poe/issues/122 12:43:34 q? 12:44:06 simon: spec says: to get a permission you must fufill duty 12:44:32 ... but some actions are not applicable..such as "uninstall" 12:44:36 benws2 has joined #poe 12:45:05 q? 12:45:18 ...duty does not specify when to perform the duty 12:46:05 ... you should agree beforehand when to perform the duty 12:46:31 q+ 12:47:28 michaelS: having been involved in these discussions, my thinking is -> on the commercial level you e.g. receive a good and have a due that to pay its price 12:47:54 ... under the assumption that the price will be paid 12:48:18 ... so that's a real use case 12:48:46 q? 12:49:00 ack michaelS 12:49:00 ack m 12:49:33 "must be satisfied" is time neutral, namely, it can refer to both a future and a past action. 12:53:25 q? 12:54:21 [discussing details on duties and their satisfiability] 12:54:41 q+ 12:55:36 simon: the permission is only valid only after the duty is fulfilled 12:57:32 simon: suggestion: if there is not specific time in a constraint, the semantics are you agree to delete the asset, then the permission is valid 12:59:21 ... change the semantics of the vocab term (eg "has agreed to delete") 13:00:38 benws: another approach would be to say that as long as a duty doesn't have a temporal constraint attached 13:00:46 ben: or add "..unless the duty constraint has a temporal conditions" 13:01:11 ... you can only agree to do respective duty 13:01:31 q? 13:01:46 q- 13:03:21 simon: you fulfil the duty if you agree what the duty says 13:04:38 simon: ..indicate a requirements that is *agreed* to be satisfied 13:05:06 q? 13:05:11 https://github.com/w3c/poe/issues/22 13:05:13 benws: moving on to inheritance and overriden entities 13:05:19 TOPIC: issue 22 13:05:53 renato: simonstey raised this issue 13:06:05 ... proposing to remove "inheritRelation" from the core model 13:07:28 q? 13:09:06 I have never used inheritance relations and have no opinion on that. 13:09:39 smyles: I'm fine with it being removed.. I've never seen a pratical use of it anyway 13:09:45 michaelS: agreed 13:10:14 renato: we'll then remove it 13:10:45 q+ 13:11:08 RESOLUTION: remove odrl:inheritRelation from ODRL 13:12:09 ack v 13:12:24 victor: do we plan to include SHACL shapes to the ODRL ontology? 13:12:29 q+ 13:13:51 ack me 13:14:03 phila: although you can have valid/invalid policies, it's not a good thing to be dependend on other WG 13:15:17 TOPIC: formal semantics 13:16:00 ivan: I haven't gotten any invites for a call tmrw 13:16:12 victor: same time as today? 13:16:22 12.30 GMT then? 13:16:28 ivan: should work for me 13:16:32 simonstey: +1 13:16:51 +1 13:16:52 q? 13:17:13 ivan: but we don't have a Webex set up either 13:17:25 ivan: I'll set one up and notify the group 13:18:14 TOPIC: best practices 13:18:27 benws: victor and myself had a call last week 13:19:01 ... we tried to indentify what ODRL profiles actually want to be 13:19:38 q? 13:19:38 ... it's important to emphasize that ODRL policies do not replace actual contracts 13:20:07 q+ 13:20:34 ack me 13:20:46 phila: yes, that's very important stuff 13:21:00 ... we need to be both careful and confident at the same time 13:21:58 benws: the best practices document will talk about challenges of using ODRL for expressing e.g. licenses 13:22:22 ... it will only use fragments of licenses 13:23:05 phila: so you probably need ficticious licenses for examples 13:23:21 CC-BY ! 13:23:24 ... I want to have CC-BY 13:24:33 https://w3c.github.io/poe/model/#provenace 13:24:35 You may want to check this: 13:24:38 http://purl.oclc.org/NET/rdflicense/cc-by2.0.ttl 13:24:48 benws: probably just talking about adding PROV-O concepts 13:25:05 q+ 13:25:25 q+ 13:25:52 By comparison, you may want to use the CreativeCommons version, which can obtained as RDFa at the official URI. 13:27:15 phila: thanks for the example, I wouldn't include all of the license text though 13:27:51 ... maybe also have something in the title that explicitly states that this is Victor's interpretation of CC-BY 13:28:20 You may want to see the Turtle extracted by the W3C RDF distiller of the same license by the original CreativeCommons publishers if you click here: https://www.w3.org/2012/pyRdfa/extract?uri=https%3A%2F%2Fcreativecommons.org%2Flicenses%2Fby%2F2.0&format=turtle&rdfagraph=output&vocab_expansion=false&rdfa_lite=false&embedded_rdf=true&space_preserve=true&vocab_cache=true&vocab_cache_report=false&vocab_cache_refresh=false 13:28:46 renato: [mentions smart contracts in that context] 13:29:44 UK's Open Government Licenses are also machine-readable 13:29:45 https://www.w3.org/2012/pyRdfa/extract?uri=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.nationalarchives.gov.uk%2Fdoc%2Fopen-government-licence%2Fversion%2F3%2F&format=turtle&rdfagraph=output&vocab_expansion=false&rdfa_lite=false&embedded_rdf=true&space_preserve=true&vocab_cache=true&vocab_cache_report=false&vocab_cache_refresh=false 13:30:18 -1 13:30:19 q+ 13:30:23 +1 13:30:25 ack me 13:30:27 PROPOSED: Move meeting back an hour 13:30:31 benws: should we have a quick strawpoll regarding meeting time? 13:30:34 Serena has joined #poe 13:30:57 +0 13:31:08 0 (I don't mind) 13:31:21 0 13:31:26 +1 13:32:29 0 (I don't mind) 13:32:31 benws: discuss again enxt week 13:32:41 PROPOSAL: not accepted (for now) 13:32:59 Serena has left #poe 13:33:09 RRSAgent, make logs public 13:33:19 RRSAgent, draft minutes v2 13:33:19 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2017/04/10-poe-minutes.html phila 13:36:12 benws has joined #poe 14:04:49 benws has joined #poe 14:08:34 benws2 has joined #poe 14:29:56 benws has joined #poe 15:01:35 benws has joined #poe 15:55:59 Zakim has left #poe 16:38:24 benws2 has joined #poe 19:25:30 benws has joined #poe 19:29:16 benws2 has joined #poe