15:42:01 RRSAgent has joined #coga 15:42:02 logging to http://www.w3.org/2017/04/03-coga-irc 15:42:18 trackbot, start meeting 15:42:21 RRSAgent, make logs 389 15:42:24 Zakim, this will be 2642 15:42:24 Meeting: Cognitive Accessibility Task Force Teleconference 15:42:24 Date: 03 April 2017 15:42:24 ok, trackbot 15:42:27 rrsagent, make logs public 15:43:28 kirkwood_ has joined #COGA 15:44:57 agenda: this 15:44:59 agenda+ Schedules for Passover and Easter 15:45:00 agenda+ News from wacga - augest deadline and feedback is in 15:45:02 agenda+ process (servay or email) 15:45:03 agenda+ review SC, and timelines show status table.sc status: https://rawgit.com/w3c/coga/master/extension/status.html, 15:45:05 agenda+ Tables https://rawgit.com/w3c/coga/master/gap-analysis/table.html 15:45:07 agenda+ be done 15:45:59 regrets: Mary Jo Mueller,Steve Lee, EA 15:55:55 Top three SC to review - https://na01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.w3.org%2F2002%2F09%2Fwbs%2F35422%2F2017April5_top3&data=02%7C01%7C%7Cb3c3dd6350bd4319fe8808d478369c02%7Cfa7b1b5a7b34438794aed2c178decee1%7C0%7C0%7C636265623318247009&sdata=AEJ8Sq2SPxemO0CeQF%2BK7rN09xf4yQOfg1UK%2BilVU88%3D&reserved=0/ (2 16:00:07 thaddeus has joined #Coga 16:00:15 +present Thaddeus 16:00:54 present+ lisa 16:01:11 zakim, next item 16:01:11 agendum 1. "Schedules for Passover and Easter" taken up [from Lisa_Seeman] 16:03:04 Mike_Pluke has joined #coga 16:03:36 scribe: Mike_Pluke 16:03:55 Sorry my audio seems to be not working but I can hear. 16:04:07 Will do! 16:04:54 I can scribe if you need 16:05:12 Jan has joined #coga 16:05:12 present+ 16:05:44 discussing schedules, Mike to facilitate next weeks call 16:06:21 Next week Lisa is not here 16:06:37 Jim_S has joined #coga 16:07:07 LS: makes sense to cancel next weeks call due to holdays 16:07:07 present + Jim_S 16:07:31 https://rawgit.com/w3c/coga/master/extension/status.html 16:07:55 LS: prefer half hour or an hour after WCAG call for xtra call for any sisues 16:08:18 1 pm est 16:08:31 6pm UK 16:08:32 6pm englan 16:08:33 present + 16:08:34 LS: half hour after WCAG 1PM EST for a call 16:09:31 next ones are Help and Plin language on next weeks call 16:09:33 Yes 16:09:48 Should be “Plain Language” in status btw 16:09:49 Yes OK if you send me the meeting invite for Wednesday 16:10:00 not “Plane language" 16:11:54 LS: Anyone who wants to help getting wording right is welcome to be on call 16:12:30 thanks!@ 16:12:40 no problem 16:13:39 LS: visual presentation and familiar design we had for April 11 but can’t make call. Wants to know if Wednesday is better. The week following 16:14:30 LS: Thad can you make Tuesday the 12th? 16:14:37 Thad: Yes I can 16:14:59 LS: that takes care of familiar design 16:15:23 LS: The week after I’d like to change to Wednesday if possible 16:16:05 LS: The week afer is Andrew Kirkpatrick need to check with him 16:16:17 LS: minimize errors is me 16:16:31 LS: we will schedule all of thos over the next three weeks 16:17:25 LS: next week is passover so going to cancel Moday call but still have call on Wednesday as usual 16:17:39 LS: also have Thursday calls keeping in sync 16:18:02 JM: are we moving calls? 16:18:10 LS: yes 16:18:37 LS: we have meeting on 10th and will facilitate 16:18:51 LS: I will send out an email for proposed schedule of calls 16:19:08 zakim, next item 16:19:08 agendum 2. "News from wacga - augest deadline and feedback is in" taken up [from Lisa_Seeman] 16:19:51 LS: news from WCAG there is two updates. They are adding a deadline midway through August. If things don’t get through then it will not get into 2.1 16:20:07 LS: they only want to look at three per week 16:20:24 LS: therefore almost impossbile to get all in by then 16:20:32 https://rawgit.com/w3c/coga/master/extension/status.html 16:20:42 LS: prioritization becomes very important 16:20:56 LS: please comment 16:21:13 LS: group 2 very unlikely to make it so order is very important 16:22:04 LS: I want to suggest a slightly diffeent process. At least group 1 prioritize them to the WCAG list 16:22:22 LS: until we answere current comments don’t want to waste time 16:22:41 LS: do we have enough to take a look at SC we got and then work on new wording 16:22:54 LS: dont want to ask to revew and re review 16:23:31 MP: notice that help in the first in the list which is currently an existing SC 16:23:43 LS: we changed it to make ti a new stand alone 16:24:39 MP: need to make new wording on mine. Chang on request” points to 3.2.5 wondering if same problem with help 16:25:05 LS: if anyone wants to sche3dule to get improved wording i’m happ to do that 16:25:30 LS: might redo table to get in sync 16:25:36 Pietro has joined #coga 16:25:47 Present+ Pietro 16:25:56 LS: piece we are missing is how far away and need to balance with importance 16:26:33 LS: help and plain language have had a lot of criticism on onw hand on the other they are realy inportant not sure how to balance them 16:27:20 JS: i think with plain language we are discussing tomorrow. the major objection is in the testing. The fact the word clear is in it. 16:27:33 LS: the bullet points aren’t so subjective 16:28:03 JS: the thing that stands out is the instruction. We will be discussing timorrow. 16:28:05 q+ 16:28:13 q+ to talk about how people read things 16:28:20 q+ to talk about overlaps 16:29:04 q+ to say avoid overlaps between different levels of same things 16:29:07 JS: the only real diffence is error messages force user to stop but we will get a better idea tomorrow. A and AA difference discussed 16:29:22 LS: essential information is very different 16:30:13 MC: let me offer a few thoughts. One of the factors the weay WCAG group reviews the criteria, is the way ouside group reads them. 16:30:39 MC: people may not understand it and the working group might not understand 16:31:22 MC: regarding overlaps we werent to worried about the overlaps and shouldnt spend to much time unless its 100 percent overlap. It will be reviewd and timeframe understand that 16:31:50 MC: in those cases AA shoudn’t repeat A and add something. It should only adds omething 16:32:30 LS: it will be clearer I’d like EA to be on that call 16:33:28 JS: might be useful to get a German involved because doesn’t make sense in other language bring up case of double negative and interntinalizing things as much as possible 16:34:01 LS: can we handle different languages through excaptions 16:34:18 Content is provided that helps users understand complex information, long documents, numerical information, relative and cardinal directions, forms and non-standard controls. 16:34:23 MP: top of the list help seems almost unfixable in language 16:34:36 MP: every single element is slightly fuzzy 16:35:04 MP: do we explain everything? 16:35:41 MP: we got queries on things like 300 workds, why three hundered etc. it will be a struggle for these 16:36:12 LS: we got rid of them as techniques. becasue it simportant then we have a clall to address it. if we cant address it we back burner it 16:37:01 LS: the deadline for feedback has passed think it was end of last week. we should have much more comments now. Intitial view is that comments are mixed 16:37:02 q+ 16:37:13 q+ to talk understanding / techniques 16:37:18 q+ to repeat how people read things 16:37:19 LS: seems people didn’t fully read it 16:37:57 Pietro has joined #coga 16:38:17 ack me 16:38:17 MichaelC, you wanted to talk about how people read things and to talk about overlaps and to say avoid overlaps between different levels of same things and to and to talk 16:38:18 MC: one of the issues is how people read things. If they read things a certain way that is an issue for us. I’m workign to get us setup. People still have to click through and address misunde3rstandings we have 16:38:21 ... understanding / techniques and to repeat how people read things 16:38:36 LS: sometimes we need to explain 16:38:55 Pietro has joined #coga 16:39:49 LS: how can we tell if subjective or proven, the only subjective element, to say completel sujective there is a balance here is how you do it in a way that isn’t subjecitve. 16:40:16 LS: its important to invite more people to Monday call 16:40:40 LS: should we switch this Monday to next weeks call to see if we have all the pople we need? 16:40:57 LS: will invite more people to call 16:41:25 zakim, next item 16:41:25 agendum 3. "process (servay or email)" taken up [from Lisa_Seeman] 16:42:21 LS: how do we want to gather all the information? lets get group together for making alternative wording ask people to survey halp and language tomorrow 16:43:16 LS: do people feel we need more comments for WCAG? If we need more feedback on SC ? 16:43:51 JMP: think with all comments we have enough and they address those will probably fix most of the prooblems 16:44:15 JMP/MP 16:44:32 LS: does that sound reasonable? 16:44:35 +1 to reveiwing the SCs by SC managers 16:44:35 zakim, next item 16:44:35 agendum 4. "review SC, and timelines show status table.sc status: https://rawgit.com/w3c/coga/master/extension/status.html," taken up [from Lisa_Seeman] 16:44:44 zakim, next item 16:44:44 agendum 4 was just opened, Lisa_Seeman 16:45:19 LS: next item is the tables and stuff 16:45:33 LS: don’t think we can address them ‘ 16:45:38 https://github.com/w3c/wcag21/issues/30 16:45:57 https://github.com/w3c/wcag21/issues/32 16:45:58 LSL either plain language or help. they are quite tricky 16:46:30 LS: start discussing now 16:46:48 LS: language or provide support? 16:47:18 LS: we have to review all comments wee got for ‘plain language’ 16:47:56 LS: I know there are more comments only see one 16:48:40 MP: take first thing simple text there were more comments, the reality in an SC makes it very difficult 16:49:30 LS: just cange it to use the most common 100 words or phrases. without the simple text or without the double negative and maybe have a ‘should’ sentence. 16:49:58 LS: i think concrete languge is not subjective 16:50:32 MP: we have addefinition and non literal language sam;ples are included in the difintion 16:50:52 LS: might want to get rid of ‘common words’ tfor testing issue 16:51:12 MP: even common words is a problem in speciality words 16:51:26 LS: how about we address that in the language though 16:52:10 LS: we have sdiscussed this a lot. there are scripts that wil give you common words 16:54:48 double negatives do cause confustion 16:54:58 LS: think we’ll probaly lose singe tense 16:55:54 LS: instructions in english use present tense and active voice 16:58:27 JM: could we not just say use present tense and active tense for critical infromation 16:58:48 LS: scope is only navigational elements 16:59:09 JS: unless prohibitied by language? 16:59:34 MP: passive voice is commonly used so its difficult 16:59:43 MP: in german 17:01:24 LS: I know there are more comments here how are we meant to find them 17:02:04 MS: david prepared a table I assume that has references 17:02:20 I have to leave on the hour. I was out for about a week. I will follow-up on all my SC this evening. I sent an email to Andrew and Josh earlier this morning. Have a good day everyone. 17:02:25 MC: its not automatic someboday has to do id 17:02:28 David's table: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1XShLFX8fxHYYLn8A6avDwu37w9JfnZCGWvAKBpK9Xo4/edit#gid=684261396 17:02:29 id/it 17:02:55 LS: i think we need to ask SC managers to put in the references 17:03:11 LS: thank you david for putting all the references in 17:03:46 rrsagent, make logs public 17:03:51 John K scribing but can’t speak. 17:04:16 rrsagent, create minutes 17:04:16 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2017/04/03-coga-minutes.html Lisa_Seeman 17:04:53 zakim, please part 17:04:53 leaving. As of this point the attendees have been lisa, kirkwood, Pietro 17:04:53 Zakim has left #coga 18:02:33 kirkwood has joined #coga