12:57:31 RRSAgent has joined #rax 12:57:31 logging to http://www.w3.org/2017/03/10-rax-irc 12:57:41 meeting: rax 12:58:06 chair: christian 12:58:14 scribe: philr 12:58:33 rrsagent, make log public 12:58:42 present+ philr 13:03:37 Christian has joined #rax 13:04:07 clange has joined #rax 13:04:48 present+ Christian 13:07:37 topic: Best Practices Documentation 13:07:51 Word document sent out by Christian 13:09:00 Document information as use case based rather than technical 13:10:44 ...Christian talking through the document 13:12:57 re. XSLT in-source documentation: see XSLTdoc https://www.pnp-software.com/XSLTdoc/index.html (original version), https://www.npmjs.com/package/xsltdoc (maybe the same but more recent?) 13:13:13 Commercial version of Saxon supports XSLT 3.0 13:13:31 ...others are somewhat behind 13:13:38 open source version of Saxon supports a subset of XSLT 2.0 13:13:50 all other free processors (AFAIK) only support XSLT 1.0 13:14:56 Saxon homepage: http://saxonica.com/ 13:15:39 Feature comparison (HE = home edition is open source): http://saxonica.com/products/feature-matrix-9-7.xml 13:19:01 Christian willing to work on the Introduction 13:23:41 I can take XLIFF 13:27:26 Volunteers for various sections captured also in word doc and will be published after meeting 13:29:47 Audience would be general public with a view to promoting the group and gathering additional members 13:32:56 Proposed draft ready by start of April 13:33:11 ...as a goal 13:35:39 The word doc will be placed as a template on the wiki for parallel working by all volunteers 13:36:15 Next meeting: 24th March 13:37:57 rrsagent, draft minutes 13:37:57 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2017/03/10-rax-minutes.html philr