19:55:47 RRSAgent has joined #sdw 19:55:47 logging to http://www.w3.org/2017/03/08-sdw-irc 19:55:49 RRSAgent, make logs world 19:55:49 Zakim has joined #sdw 19:55:49 ahaller2_ has joined #sdw 19:55:51 Zakim, this will be SDW 19:55:51 ok, trackbot 19:55:52 Meeting: Spatial Data on the Web Working Group Teleconference 19:55:52 Date: 08 March 2017 19:57:02 Present+ eparsons 19:57:13 RRSAgent, make logs public 19:57:27 agenda: https://www.w3.org/2015/spatial/wiki/Meetings:Telecon201700208 19:57:37 Chair: eparsons 19:58:53 Regrets:Linda, Clemens, Payam, Chris, Andrea, Sefki, Francois, Bill, Rachel 19:59:42 kerry has joined #sdw 19:59:55 present+ kerry 20:00:11 ScottSimmons has joined #sdw 20:00:29 Good evening everyone !! 20:00:44 present+ 20:01:08 present+ ahaller2 20:01:14 DanhLePhuoc has joined #sdw 20:01:22 present+ ScottSimmons 20:01:47 present+ DanhLePhuoc 20:03:11 jtandy has joined #sdw 20:03:19 ByronCinNZ has joined #sdw 20:03:22 RaulGarciaCastro has joined #sdw 20:03:37 present+ ByronCinNZ 20:05:02 scribe: roba 20:05:09 LarsG has joined #sdw 20:05:16 scribenick: roba 20:05:21 present+ 20:05:32 present+ RaulGarciaCastro 20:05:35 SimonCox has joined #sdw 20:05:43 MattPerry has joined #sdw 20:05:46 Topic : Approve last week's minutes 20:05:46 present+ jtandy 20:05:53 present+ MattPerry 20:05:55 https://www.w3.org/2017/02/22-sdw-minutes 20:06:01 +1 20:06:08 +1 20:06:11 +1 20:06:12 +1 20:06:14 +1 20:06:15 +0 (I wrote them - hopefully correct) 20:06:20 +1 20:06:20 +1 20:06:27 RESOLUTION : Approve last week's minutes 20:06:30 Topic : Patent Call 20:06:46 https://www.w3.org/2015/spatial/wiki/Patent_Call 20:07:10 TOPIC: BP Decisions for wider consideration 20:07:34 present+ 20:08:07 jtandy: reviews summaries of BP discusses as per email 20:09:15 Proposal: we shall we remove BP12 "Include search capability in your data 20:09:15 access API" 20:09:23 +1 20:09:29 +1 20:09:29 +1 20:09:34 +1 20:09:36 +1 20:09:38 +1 20:09:40 +1 20:09:42 +1 20:09:45 +1 20:09:47 +1 20:09:51 Resolved : we shall remove BP12 "Include search capability in your data 20:09:51 access API" 20:09:52 +1 20:10:35 q+ 20:11:04 As long as there is a specific cross-reference ... 20:11:22 ack next 20:12:32 Proposal: we remove BP13 "Provide subsets for large spatial datasets" because DWBP already says enough? 20:12:43 +1 20:12:44 +1 20:12:47 +1 20:12:51 +1 20:12:52 +1 20:12:54 +1 20:12:55 +1 20:13:20 +1 20:13:39 roba: notes QB4ST work is based on RDF-QB which provides mechanisms to describe subset relationships to data sets, but that this hasnt been fully explored for spatial case, and its emergent practice anyway, not BP. 20:13:40 +1 20:13:55 Resolved: we remove BP13 "Provide subsets for large spatial datasets" because DWBP already says enough 20:14:19 SimonCox_ has joined #sdw 20:14:30 present+ 20:15:00 @SimonCox can you minute your point and the response - i was following up request to minute my own comment :-( 20:16:47 Wanted to clarify that for this issue (subsetting) since we are delgating the BP to DWBP, we must be sure to retain an explicit cross-reference in the SDWBP document - it is important to give the guidance even if the details are elsewhere 20:16:50 q? 20:19:13 Proposal: we remove BP2 "Provide context required to interpret data values" 20:19:18 +1 20:19:22 +1 20:19:22 +1 20:19:24 +1 20:19:24 +0 20:19:25 +1 20:19:30 +1 20:19:30 +1 20:19:30 +1 20:19:33 +1 20:19:39 +1 20:19:42 My connection is clearly too slow 20:19:46 Resolved: we remove BP2 "Provide context required to interpret data values" 20:20:15 ahaller2_: that would be _envious_ 20:20:31 @ahaller2_ only because we agree not to go there... 20:22:41 q+ 20:23:27 +1 to non calculable relations / qualitative is needed 20:25:38 ack next 20:25:41 q+ 20:26:25 kerry: agrees qualitative relationship is needed - samePlaceAs wont be an established BP 20:27:02 ... in common english "the same place" used, but dont carry geometry meanings 20:27:45 +1 to kerry 20:27:46 ack next 20:27:55 ...need to offer a solution - we have the power to solve this problem 20:28:22 ByronCinNZ: supporter of idea - not sure if its thought through enough... 20:29:03 ...get problematic quite quickly - cites example of hotel moved location.,, 20:29:32 q+ 20:29:42 q+ 20:29:43 q+ 20:29:43 ...its an emergent issue 20:29:47 ack next 20:30:42 ack next 20:30:43 +1 to ed 20:30:47 eparsons: "place" is different from "location" - and this is useful - can we park it and move on 20:31:59 ack next 20:32:14 jtandy: lots of people us owl:sameAs badly - "tis' would be "less wrong" 20:32:54 kerry: samePlaceAs has correct social context, colocation is specific about geometry and not what we need 20:33:28 jtandy: will draft something for F2F discussion 20:33:32 Action jtandy to add to F2F agenda discussions of this issue 20:33:33 Created ACTION-281 - Add to f2f agenda discussions of this issue [on Jeremy Tandy - due 2017-03-15]. 20:33:50 TOPIC : Upcoming F2F in Delft agenda bashing part 2 20:34:51 ...monday is BP stuff only day jtandy can be present 20:35:47 SimonCox has joined #sdw 20:36:19 jtandy: need to cover "open issues" - last sprint now! - all public comments need to be responded to 20:36:47 ...planning, review UC, samePlaceAs 20:37:28 q+ 20:37:39 ack next 20:37:43 +1 for an early start on tuesday 20:38:37 https://www.w3.org/2015/spatial/wiki/Meetings:F2F6 20:40:25 I'm the end of string in North Hobart 20:40:59 q+ 20:41:04 Need to provide list by 15th march - https://www.w3.org/2015/spatial/wiki/Attending_F2F6 20:41:05 Engagement on Time has been limited - I warned about level of effort that could be expected when I took on editing. CHris has done even less. 20:41:21 ack next 20:41:35 Has mostly been done by email. 20:42:13 simon do you need time at the F2F ? 20:43:08 TOPIC: Namespace for SOSA and SSN ontology Part 2. 20:43:45 https://www.w3.org/2015/spatial/wiki/Integration_Issue 20:44:13 ahaller2_: took on board feedback - wiki page authored options - still in discussion - votes in wiki - f2F topic 20:44:51 Option 1: If you care about that every term has the same namespace, but don’t mind that the stronger axiomatisation of a term may not be directly accessible in a linked data fashion you will like Option 1. 20:45:31 Option 2: If you like Option 1 and would want direct access to every term in a linked data fashion, but don’t mind that terms that are precised in SSN will get an additional namespace, you like Option 2. 20:46:08 rrsagent, draft minutes 20:46:08 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2017/03/08-sdw-minutes.html eparsons 20:46:15 Option 3: If you care about the global consistency of terms on the Web, but don’t mind that some instances of SOSA are not valid SSN instances you will like Option 3. 20:47:05 SimonCox_ has joined #sdw 20:47:15 present+ 20:47:27 Option 4: If you care about a common namespace for SSN and SOSA and being able to access terms directly in a Linked Data fashion, but don’t mind to have three namespaces, one of which is the common namespace that only introduces terms (their labels) you will like Option 4. 20:48:32 Option 5: If you care about the same reuse mechanism of terms as in Option 1, but don’t mind to have two namespaces and that the stronger axiomatisation of a term may not be directly accessible in a linked data fashion you will like Option 5. 20:49:09 Option 6: If you like Option 2 and care about direct access to terms in a linked data fashion, but don’t mind having a common namespace at all, you will like Option 6. 20:49:45 q+ 20:49:56 ack next 20:50:05 Option 7: If you like Option 4, but don’t mind that the stronger axiomatisation of a term may not be directly accessible in a linked data fashion you will like Option 7. 20:50:49 Option 8: If you like Option 5 and you want to be able to access the stronger axiomatisation of a term in a linked data fashion, but don’t mind that SOSA imports an expressive OWL ontology, you will like Option 8. 20:52:38 q+ 20:53:15 ack next 20:53:28 q+ 20:54:46 q+ 20:54:51 ack next 20:55:30 roba: generally - number of options - because different concerns 20:55:44 kerry: doubts we have time for option 8 20:55:50 ...scalability 20:55:51 ack next 20:56:01 ...traversability 20:56:09 ...server requirements 20:56:48 kerry: option 8 looks good but worried it may be harder to realise in time frame 20:57:32 q? 20:57:34 ahaller2_: technical details not for the end user 20:57:56 q+ 20:58:01 ack next 20:58:36 eparsons: whats the decision making process 20:58:53 ahaller2_: in F2F - please join in 20:59:04 ...and indicate pref on wiki 20:59:46 TOPIC: Timezone changes for the last time ! 21:00:21 Panicked for a moment then that you needed some work on timezones in OWL-Time 21:00:27 https://www.timeanddate.com/time/dst/2017a.html 21:00:32 current time: https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?msg=SDWWG+Call&iso=20170308T20&p1=1440&ah=1 21:00:42 old time: https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?msg=SDWWG+Call&iso=20170308T20&p1=1440&ah=1 21:00:44 thanks! 21:00:49 bye 21:00:49 Bye! 21:00:51 bye 21:00:53 rrsagent, draft minutes 21:00:53 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2017/03/08-sdw-minutes.html eparsons 21:00:57 bye 21:01:15 thanks Roba 21:01:18 rrsagent, draft minutes 21:01:18 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2017/03/08-sdw-minutes.html eparsons 21:31:58 mlefranc has joined #sdw 21:34:06 ahaller2_ has joined #sdw 21:34:51 ahaller2 has joined #sdw 21:54:46 ahaller2 has joined #sdw 23:11:52 Zakim has left #sdw