16:02:28 RRSAgent has joined #wot-td 16:02:28 logging to http://www.w3.org/2017/03/06-wot-td-irc 16:02:37 taki has joined #wot-td 16:02:52 dsr has joined #wot-td 16:03:57 agenda: https://www.w3.org/WoT/IG/wiki/WoT_Thing_Description_WebConf 16:05:00 scribenick: dsr 16:05:07 chair: Sebastian 16:05:33 present: Dave, Kaz, Daniel, Taki, Zappa 16:06:59 present+ Sebastian 16:09:26 sebastian has joined #wot-td 16:09:53 kaz has changed the topic to: https://mit.webex.com/mit/j.php?MTID=m86b6434aa31aadccf9319a5e6a16f5bb 16:14:13 -> http://doodle.com/poll/ma5k8u8b8cmwnbiy doodle poll results 16:14:14 Sebastian talks about the results of the doodle poll for the TD meeting slot 16:15:19 The poll results show that there isn’t a single slot that is good for all of those who responded. 16:16:18 achille_zappa has joined #wot-td 16:16:19 I prepared some slides for newcomers. 16:16:35 q+ 16:16:39 i|prepared|-> https://www.w3.org/WoT/IG/wiki/WoT_Thing_Description_WebConf TD agenda wiki| 16:17:26 meeting: WoT Thing Description WebConf 16:17:55 i|Sebastian talks|topic: TD call time| 16:18:00 ack da 16:18:27 Daniel: please send out a pointer to your introductory slides to the list for those people who couldn’t attend today 16:18:38 i|agenda wiki|topic: Agenda| 16:18:56 Sebastian: how widely? To the public IG list or the WG member list? 16:20:07 Dave: fine to send them to public list and to invite people to join the WG to help with the work 16:21:11 Sebastian shows us his slides 16:21:35 Motivation: thing description as equivalent to index.html for web of pages 16:22:02 s/as/as device/ 16:23:28 rrsagent, make log public 16:23:32 What kind of data do you serve? How can I access it? What protocol/encodings do you use? Who are you etc. 16:23:33 rrsagent, draft minutes 16:23:33 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2017/03/06-wot-td-minutes.html kaz 16:24:16 One server pushing a thing for another to consume 16:24:49 Thing description needs to be independent of platforms, programming languages, etc. 16:25:32 The publisher and consumer for a thing may be on different platforms and using different languages. 16:25:33 i|I prepared some|topic: Welcome to the WoT WG's TD TF| 16:26:10 s/I prepared/Sebastian: I prepared/ 16:26:20 rrsagent, draft minutes 16:26:20 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2017/03/06-wot-td-minutes.html kaz 16:26:33 What is the core model we need to standardise? How to enable semantic interoperability? How to support data type definitions? Serialisation formats for thing descriptions. Support for security 16:27:24 s/I prepared/[ slides @@@to-be-added@@@ ]/ 16:28:12 rrsagent, draft minutes 16:28:12 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2017/03/06-wot-td-minutes.html kaz 16:28:41 We need a good framework for end to end security, e.g. to protect the thing description, communication channels, access control etc. 16:29:30 s/[ slides @@@to-be-added@@@ ]/I prepared/ 16:29:33 rrsagent, draft minutes 16:29:33 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2017/03/06-wot-td-minutes.html kaz 16:30:15 Topic: Introductions 16:30:36 We are all old hands, except for Achile 16:31:25 s/Achile/Achille/ 16:31:47 Achile: I am Achile Zappa from the Insight Centre in Galway, Ireland. We’re involved in other W3C groups 16:32:22 s/Achile/Achille/g 16:32:51 We’re interested in the Web of things and its potential, especially in respect to semantic modelling 16:34:14 He knows the rest of us so we skip a full round of introductions 16:34:24 Topic: Logistics 16:35:30 Sebastian asks about the wiki page, is this the same as for the IG, is there a Member only version? 16:35:30 -> https://github.com/w3c/wot-thing-description TD GitHub 16:36:04 Kaz: that is the link to the Thing description github repository 16:36:23 Matthias suggested we use the regular mailing list with the [TD] prefix 16:36:40 So we don’t have a TD specific wiki, right. 16:37:14 i|Sebastian asks|-> https://www.w3.org/WoT/IG/wiki/WoT_Thing_Description_WebConf TD wiki 16:37:15 Sebastian is happy with the TD GitHub 16:37:48 The member only mailing list is to be used for technical discussions 16:38:10 non-technical info could be shared on the public list 16:38:53 We will stick with the #wot-td IRC channel 16:39:21 I want to clarify the scribe before each call and announce this in advance 16:40:00 and I will rotate people for this in a fair way 16:42:34 We should use the GitHub issue tracker for our TD issues 16:44:36 dsr has joined #wot-td 16:45:19 q+ 16:45:45 -> https://w3c.github.io/wot-thing-description/ HTML rendered version 16:46:24 dape: relationship between this WG deliverable area and the old area? 16:46:40 i/dape:/scribnick: kaz/ 16:46:53 ... assume both the github areas are public 16:48:34 dsr: we should be careful to handle contributions from non-Members 16:48:37 kaz: right 16:48:51 ... that's why we use ash-nazg for the GitHub repos 16:49:08 ... there are already CONTRIBUTING.md and LICENSE.md 16:49:31 -> https://github.com/w3c/wot-thing-description/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md CONTRIBUTING.md 16:50:44 -> https://www.w3.org/2003/12/22-pp-faq.html#non-participants W3C Patent Policy FAQ 6 16:50:56 Sebastian: OK 16:51:12 ... (and repeats the date/time for this TD call) 16:51:43 rrsagent, draft minutes 16:51:43 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2017/03/06-wot-td-minutes.html kaz 16:51:58 topic: Outcome of the Santa Clara F2F Meeting 16:52:23 s/scribnick:/scribenick:/ 16:52:27 rrsagent, draft minutes 16:52:27 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2017/03/06-wot-td-minutes.html kaz 16:52:54 -> https://www.w3.org/2017/02/06-09-wot-minutes.html Santa Clara F2F Minutes 16:53:09 Sebastian: first discussion on the TD model 16:53:35 I note that UML entity relationship diagrams such as with the tool preferred by Johannes, don’t deal with disjunctions 16:54:22 Sebastian: grouping mechanism such as "#include" 16:55:31 ... collaboration with IETF JSON Schema group (Henry Andrews) 16:56:32 s/disjunctions/disjunctions which are definitely needed for a grammar for thing descriptions/ 16:57:27 ... TD model is very important 16:57:38 ... and would like to discuss that for next weeks 16:57:43 q+ 16:58:06 ack da 16:58:10 ack dsr 16:58:25 dsr: how we formally capture the requirements? 16:58:43 ... actual documents? or something on the GitHub? 16:58:53 seba: requirements for the deliverables? 16:59:00 q+ 16:59:20 dsr: where the requirements for the spec came from 16:59:40 ... e.g., due to OCF 1.1 spec we need something 17:00:24 seba: requirements could show up directly in the spec draft 17:00:55 dsr: it's usual to have use cases/requirements separately 17:01:37 ... explain why we have which features 17:02:22 seba: requirements/use cases could be an issue on GitHub 17:02:51 dsr: I have another question 17:03:05 ... diagram about UML entity relationship 17:03:10 ... not complete yet 17:03:27 ... what is the role of the diagrams? 17:04:23 seba: one day we need formal definition 17:04:53 ... but most people would understand using diagrams 17:05:09 ... the model can be powerful with formal definition, though 17:05:40 ... diagrams are key tools 17:06:12 ... and we should not require people special drawing mechanism 17:06:31 q? 17:07:29 seba: Dave, you already have your idea for the model 17:07:35 ... I also have some similar idea 17:07:53 dsr: we can invites Maria from the LD TF as well 17:07:58 s/invites/invite/ 17:08:03 ... if you want 17:08:20 ... we need to be careful about the contribution, though 17:09:02 s/contribution/contribution for the WG deliverable/ 17:09:14 seba: ok 17:09:31 ... will be not available next week, so would like Taki to moderate the call 17:09:40 Dave sends regrets for next week - I will be in Berlin for an EU project meeting 17:09:50 ... Dave, can you contact Maria, etc.? 17:10:06 dsr: will contact them 17:10:14 ... but regrets from myself 17:10:55 -> https://www.w3.org/2017/03/06-wot-minutes.html scripting notes 17:11:00 Achille sends regrets for next week - I will be in Berlin for an EU project meeting too 17:11:11 -> https://github.com/w3c/wot-scripting-api/issues/6 Nimura-san's issue 17:12:09 kaz: there was a similar discussion on use cases/requirements during the Script TF call 17:12:26 ... they will start with the GitHub issue above 17:12:49 ... but may have a separate document for use cases/requirements 17:13:07 ... might be an updated version of the existing use cases/requirements document 17:13:23 [ adjourned ] 17:14:04 rrsagent, draft minutes 17:14:04 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2017/03/06-wot-td-minutes.html kaz 17:14:48 s/rendered version/rendered version of the TD draft/ 17:14:50 rrsagent, draft minutes 17:14:50 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2017/03/06-wot-td-minutes.html kaz 17:15:33 s/Sebastian is happy/Sebastian: happy/ 17:15:35 rrsagent, draft minutes 17:15:35 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2017/03/06-wot-td-minutes.html kaz 17:17:10 agenda? 19:34:36 Zakim has left #wot-td 19:58:24 zkis has joined #wot-td