15:09:08 RRSAgent has joined #webrtc 15:09:08 logging to http://www.w3.org/2017/03/01-webrtc-irc 15:09:18 Zakim has joined #webrtc 15:10:14 Meeting: WebRTC and Media Capture Virtual Interim 15:10:19 Agenda: https://www.w3.org/2011/04/webrtc/wiki/March_1_2017 15:10:50 Chair: Bernard, Harald, Stefan 15:12:52 RRSAgent, make logs public 15:48:48 fluffy has joined #webrtc 15:50:44 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2017/03/01-webrtc-minutes.html vivien 15:54:45 present+ Vivien_Lacourba 15:55:09 present+ Cullen_Jennings, Bernard_Aboba 15:56:00 youenn has joined #webrtc 15:58:52 present+ Misi, Patrick_Rockhill 15:59:50 stefanh has joined #webrtc 16:00:04 present+ Stefan_Hakansson, Sherwim_Sim, Harald_Alvestrand 16:00:04 hta1 has joined #webrtc 16:00:12 sherwinsim has joined #webrtc 16:00:34 present+ Taylor_Brandstetter 16:04:27 present+ Youenn_Fablet, HyukHoon_Shim 16:05:14 present+ Andy_Hutton 16:05:18 jib has joined #webrtc 16:05:34 scribe: stefanh 16:05:43 present+ Jan-Ivar_Bruaroey 16:06:09 hta: Welcome, Intro parts, including IPR policy 16:06:42 ...going to discuss Issues and PRs. Hope to get webrtc-pc to CR real soon, but need the spec to stabilize 16:06:50 Misi has joined #webrtc 16:07:17 ....for each issue/bug we need to decide if it needs fixing now (and if so: how) or if it can wait for a later spec version. 16:07:40 present+ Adam_Bergkvist 16:08:08 ....Going to cover 5 PRs today, hopefully we can decide to merge as many as possible of them and some Issues where we need more discussion to determine what to do. 16:08:17 WebRTC-PC Pull Requests 16:08:19 ...Let's start with PRs. 16:08:24 Topic: Issue 116/PR 1030: Sender and Receiver getStats Selectors (Jan-Ivar) 16:08:44 J-I: PR 1030/Issue 116: 16:09:03 ....(see slide 7) 16:09:08 -> https://github.com/w3c/webrtc-stats/issues/116 Issue 116 16:09:23 -> https://github.com/w3c/webrtc-pc/pull/1030 PR 1030 16:09:25 ....uses sender and recevier as selectors rather than track. 16:09:42 ....plus a selector algorithm 16:09:56 ....described in the slide. 16:11:12 ....note that Inbound and Outbound in the slide are mixed up (may be corrected to a later version of the slides before making and uploading a pdf) 16:12:26 ....was looking for language that associated a sender/receiver with its stats object, may need better than I have here in the proposal 16:13:15 hta: trying to remember the name. RTPStream corresponds to an encoding. 16:13:37 J-I: any objections on the concept? (More details one the next slide) 16:14:07 ....Slide 8.... 16:15:31 ....main value of a selector: some users have up to 50 tracks for a peer connection, being able to select on track (or sender/receiver) helps a lot 16:16:23 present+ Randell_Jesup, Shijun_Sun 16:16:51 adambe: Has there been any discussion on deprecating the selector completely and instead have getStats on a sender/receiver? 16:17:07 Cullen: that sounds like a better API to me 16:17:36 hta: Implementation wise it is easier to add a new API than a new selector 16:17:57 ...not speccing a selector would make sense. 16:18:17 J-I: I am open for another API than using a selector. 16:18:44 ...are we talking about sender.getStats etc.? 16:18:55 adambe: yes, essentially? 16:19:11 bernard: how to get ICE stats and so on? 16:19:48 adam: have getStats on PeerConnection would give you ICE stats? 16:20:30 J-I: One way would be to merge this PR and than another to add getStats on sender/receiver. 16:21:01 hta: if we keep track as selector merging this PR makes sense. 16:21:44 bernard: are we adding getStats to other objects (like ICE transport, ....)? 16:22:15 hta: with chairs hat: we don't want to add APIs we do not have requests for. 16:22:29 J-I: filtering in JS is easy. 16:23:21 hta: getStats on new objects would need someone driving it - would be a new a feature. 16:24:10 present+ Maire_Reavy 16:24:44 J-I: if we modify this PR to just get the algorithm in, and merge, would that be OK? 16:25:28 hta: conclusion: merge algorithm, keep track as selector, treat getTrack proposals for other object as new feature request. 16:26:00 Cullen: we also need to fix the selector algorithm to make it correct in terms of SSRC 16:26:15 Done with that one. 16:26:42 Taylor: hybrid OAUTH solution. 16:26:44 Topic: Issue 714/PR 1033: “Hybrid” OAuth Solution (Taylor) 16:26:45 -> https://github.com/w3c/webrtc-pc/issues/714 Issue 714 16:26:45 -> https://github.com/w3c/webrtc-pc/pull/1033 PR 1033 16:26:54 ....captures the consensus of last meeting 16:27:25 (jan-ivar had to leave the call) 16:28:25 ....160 bit conflict. 16:29:03 ....seems like an Issue 16:29:33 People agree, and proposes this is a bug in 7635 16:29:53 Justin will look into what to do about 7635 and 160 bit 16:30:12 Taylor 16:30:22 ....slide 11 16:30:53 Cullen: we should just decide we need crypto agility 16:31:03 present+ Justin_Uberti 16:32:03 Taylor: we need a standardized way to truncate a key. To be done at IETF side? 16:32:24 Cullen: we should decide in IETF that we truncate, and how. 16:32:33 Justin: we need this written down. 16:32:53 hta: any target at IETF we can ask to sort this? 16:33:38 Action on Taylor and Justin to sort things out with IETF. 16:33:38 Error finding 'on'. You can review and register nicknames at . 16:33:48 -> https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7635 RFC 7635 Session Traversal Utilities for NAT (STUN) Extension for Third-Party Authorization 16:34:27 hta: if the PR can be modified to work regardless of the solution to the truncating problem we can do that and merge. 16:34:43 Action Taylor and Justin to sort crypto things out with IETF regarding RFC 7635. 16:34:43 Created ACTION-123 - And justin to sort crypto things out with ietf regarding rfc 7635. [on Taylor Brandstetter - due 2017-03-08]. 16:34:44 ...Taylor, do you think that would be possible? 16:35:18 Taylor: yes, and can put a sentence saying truncation is TBD and the rest should be mergable. 16:35:35 Topic: Issue 795/PR 1038: RTCDataChannel id assignment (Taylor) 16:35:35 -> https://github.com/w3c/webrtc-pc/issues/795 Issue 795 16:35:35 -> https://github.com/w3c/webrtc-pc/pull/1038 PR 1038 16:35:35 ....DataChannel Id 16:36:24 ....proposed solution: id returns null until negotiated. 16:36:38 Randell: sounds like a reasonable solution to me. 16:37:13 Bernard: +1, Cullen +1 16:37:27 hta: ready to merge, will do tomorrow 16:38:01 Cullen: do we need anything added to JSEP for datachannel Id? File a bug in that case. 16:38:11 ....unverified media 16:38:13 Topic: Issue 849/PR 1026: Specify an AllowUnverifiedMedia RTCConfiguration property (Fluffy) 16:38:13 -> https://github.com/w3c/webrtc-pc/issues/849 Issue 849 16:38:13 -> https://github.com/w3c/webrtc-pc/pull/1026 PR 1026 16:38:30 ....can happen in some cases 16:39:19 ...receiving media that is valid in some sense, but unclear who sends it 16:40:04 ...with this flag set, it allows this media to be played even though the fingerprint has not been verified 16:40:25 ...the application knows that the media is unverified 16:40:49 s/..../... /g 16:40:53 ....an atacker would be would need to intercept the signaling to launch an attack 16:41:06 ....and can then do a lot of badder things 16:41:43 ....also: I've added a timer, though its value is doubtful 16:42:14 ....we've talked about this before, and deided to write a PR and look at it and that's where we are 16:42:46 s/deided/decided/ 16:42:53 Randell: seems reasonable, not sure we need a timer. Seems simpler to not having to worry about timers 16:43:30 Justin: this is a corner case since most of the time it won't work becuase you need candidates to puch holes 16:43:48 s/becuase/because/ 16:43:59 Randell/Cullen: in some (e.g. corporate) scenarios it works. 16:44:28 Justin: this will add complexity, and is it worth it? 16:45:16 Cullen: NAT pass through will work in many cases 16:45:40 Justin: still unsure (details about ICE and DTLS and stuff) 16:46:16 Cullen: pr_answer will contain ICE stuff but not correct fingerprint 16:46:53 present+ Alexandre_Gouaillard 16:47:07 ...correction: you will have a fingerprint of something but not audio 16:48:12 Justin: you could make this work with pr_answer with the right fingerprint 16:48:46 ....we need a clearer (signaling) example 16:49:19 Cullen: I have presented this several times, and I don't know what would be clearer example 16:50:09 Justin: we need something where the PeerConnection is not killed because wrong fingerprint 16:50:32 Cullen: Ice happens to the gateway 16:51:28 (scribe not keeping up on all details) 16:51:45 ....I can try to draw something more crisp 16:52:22 present+ Peter_Thatcher 16:53:17 (lots of discussion on details) 16:53:18 present+ simon? 16:54:26 Justin/Peter: would like to see more exact info on the offers and answers 16:54:40 Peter: volonteering to work with Cullen on this. 16:54:47 Topic: Issue 305/PR 1023: Describe what happens when media changes (Fluffy) 16:54:47 -> https://github.com/w3c/webrtc-pc/issues/305 Issue 305 16:54:47 -> https://github.com/w3c/webrtc-pc/pull/1023 PR 1023 16:54:54 Cullen: media changes 16:55:15 ...what happens? This PR documents what we agreed at TPAC 16:56:23 ...says what to do when you do need to scale the video 16:57:21 ...we choose to crop off video over black bars 16:57:48 Randell: I'me fine with this 16:57:58 Bernard: OK to merge? 16:58:14 (no objection) 16:58:20 (no one objects - let's merge) 16:58:35 Topic: Issue 1024/PR 1025: Codecs[] can be reordered or removed but not modified (Taylor) 16:58:35 -> https://github.com/w3c/webrtc-pc/issues/1024 Issue 1024 16:58:35 -> https://github.com/w3c/webrtc-pc/pull/1025 PR 1025 16:58:52 Taylor: reorder or remove codecs, but not modify 17:00:26 WebRTC PC Issues 17:00:31 Topic: Issue 1040: Codecs supporting multiple clock rates/packetization-mode (Bernard) 17:00:31 -> https://github.com/w3c/webrtc-pc/issues/1040 17:00:35 Bernard: Issue 1040 17:01:42 ....what do you get on getCapabilities 17:01:52 ....MIME type is not sufficient 17:02:11 ....does not describe packetization mode 17:02:34 ....minimu solution: add stuff according to slide 19 17:02:58 Bernard!!!!!!!!! 17:03:03 s/minimu/minimum/ 17:03:07 ...but if we add attributes, can they be set? 17:03:18 ....or modified? 17:03:44 ...two questions: do we add the attributes, and can they be modified? 17:04:28 back to PR1025: do we accept this? 17:04:36 many: agree. 17:04:43 decided to merge 1025. 17:04:50 back to Issue 1040 17:04:57 s/back to/Harald: point of order, back to/ 17:06:04 (discussion on 1040) 17:07:22 Peter: we can separate two things: the app can ask the browser what it is capable of, and set what is used 17:07:40 ...how much flexibility do we want to offer in 1.0? 17:08:18 Cullen: maybe it is usable with only the MIME type 17:08:43 Randell: good point, the application can live with what the browser negotiated 17:09:09 ...I doubt the application would fiddle 17:09:33 hta: the one use I have for the packetization mode is if the application would want to remove one 17:10:05 ...only case it makes sense is if it talks to someone that supports both but wants to steer which is used 17:10:21 Cullen: SDP munging 17:10:48 Randell: still struggling to find a use use case 17:11:18 Bernard: looking beyond packetization mode, and look at stereo vs. mono 17:11:39 Bernard: do we need additional attributes? 17:11:52 Peter: I think so 17:13:12 Taylor: packetization mode is different 17:14:23 Jesup: for h264 it's a combination of profile and packetization mode 17:14:36 hta: don't forget assymetry allowed 17:14:58 Peter: can someone make it clear to me how bad it is for h264? 17:16:00 Randell: in real world situations I see in the order of single digits 17:17:43 hta: are we saying that capabilities should have one item for everyting the UA would use a new PT for? 17:17:53 Bernard: yes, essentially 17:18:24 Peter: should we have coded specific attributes? 17:18:50 hta: would like to have it completely symmetrical with the codec description 17:19:15 Peter: what is the full set we want? 17:20:25 bernard: proposing to add only clockRate and sdpFmtpLine at the moment 17:20:54 (People seem to like this) 17:21:14 bernard: second question: can we modify/change? 17:21:31 Peter: no, if you want to change it should be done elsewhere 17:21:59 Taylor: can we add number of channels? 17:22:16 bernard: would not add a new line, but we can add it 17:22:25 Topic: Issue 1022: sdpFmtpLine isn’t very convenient (Taylor) 17:22:25 -> https://github.com/w3c/webrtc-pc/issues/1022 17:22:28 Taylor: Issue 1022 17:23:05 ....can we simplify by adding a dictionary? 17:23:21 Peter: perhaps a list of attributes would be better? 17:25:20 bernard: if we're never going to modify sdpFmtpLines we do not gain much with a dictionary. 17:27:45 skipping to FooError 17:27:47 Topic: Issue 845: “Throw a FooError” steps not consistent (Taylor) 17:27:48 -> https://github.com/w3c/webrtc-pc/issues/845 17:28:01 taylor: just proposing consitent terminology 17:28:23 Many: seems reasonable 17:28:31 Taylor: I can write a PR 17:28:36 Topic: Issue 1021: Parameter for packetization interval (Bernard) 17:28:36 -> https://github.com/w3c/webrtc-pc/issues/1021 17:28:39 Bernard: ptime 17:28:45 ....found by Varun 17:28:58 ....need to mess with SDP 17:29:19 ....question is if Varun talks about ptime or maxptime 17:29:41 Peter: opus supports only certain ptimes 17:29:54 Randell: same in many other codecs 17:30:05 ....who or what actually cares? 17:30:16 ....ptime is advisory anyway 17:31:10 (many) when you want longer frames to reduce overhead, and shorter with networked mikes in conf rooms 17:31:41 Peter: I want the app to be able to pick from ptimes supported 17:32:29 ...maybe out of scope for 1.0 and more an ortc thing 17:32:55 hta: sounds to me that this is not for 1.0 17:33:24 Cullen: it seems reasonable to allow the application to hint what it would want 17:33:44 ...same like turning off VAD 17:33:57 Randell: agree 17:34:23 hta: only thing small enough for 1.0 is a hint (single value). 17:34:35 Randell will draft a PR for us! 17:35:29 end of meeting 17:35:46 (times up, not discussed today are Issues 526 and Issue 763) 17:35:55 RRSAgent, draft minutes 17:35:55 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2017/03/01-webrtc-minutes.html vivien 18:31:33 Zakim, bye 18:31:33 leaving. As of this point the attendees have been Vivien_Lacourba, Cullen_Jennings, Bernard_Aboba, Misi, Patrick_Rockhill, Stefan_Hakansson, Sherwim_Sim, Harald_Alvestrand, 18:31:33 Zakim has left #webrtc 18:31:36 ... Taylor_Brandstetter, Youenn_Fablet, HyukHoon_Shim, Andy_Hutton, Jan-Ivar_Bruaroey, Adam_Bergkvist, Randell_Jesup, Shijun_Sun, Maire_Reavy, Justin_Uberti, Alexandre_Gouaillard, 18:31:36 ... Peter_Thatcher, simon? 20:35:46 stryx` has joined #webrtc 22:56:10 stryx` has joined #webrtc 23:13:19 adamR has joined #webrtc