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Is this API available for in-app payments? 16:20:34 Q. What's the expected impact on cart adoption/conversion? 16:20:48 IJ: I would mention autofill data from google, doing better than that, and don't have much data yet 16:20:58 andrew: +1 to shared narratives 16:21:34 Ken: Another approach I took relates to the value of a 1-click button 16:21:38 ...and impact 16:21:57 ...I found some data (not sure how reliable) that showed the difference in conversion rates on a site with 1-click v other sites 16:23:26 Ian: +1 if we can link to public data 16:24:25 Ken: there is also public information re: cart abandonment 16:24:35 ..that's another piece of business case for why doing this 16:25:12 https://www.shopify.com/blog/8484093-why-online-retailers-are-losing-67-45-of-sales-and-what-to-do-about-it 16:26:45 Ken: I have seen this worldpay chart a lot 16:26:59 ...this one is aging; would be good to find more recent 16:27:28 IJ: +1 to looking at document reasons for abandonment and how this helps 16:27:46 https://www.w3.org/Payments/IG/wiki/Web_Payments_WG_Charter_FAQ 16:27:53 https://www.w3.org/Payments/IG/wiki/Web_Payments_WG_Charter_FAQ#Who_will_benefit_from_these_standards.3F 16:28:32 Ken: +1 to throwing it out there and let people contribute other questions and more recent/relevant data 16:28:42 Q. How/when will this solution scale? 16:28:49 IJ: Can you say more about what that one mean? 16:28:54 Andrew: Two elements to this one 16:29:05 Source: http://www.formisimo.com/blog/shopping-cart-abandonment-rate/ 16:29:08 ...merchants want to know where they fit into the timeline..and when they will see others using it 16:29:48 ...the other piece of this is from ecommerce platforms who support lots of merchants ...how scalable is it for their platform 16:29:52 IJ: Let's ask shopify! 16:31:11 IJ: +1 to highlighting scalability, easy support for new payment methods 16:32:40 Andrew: I have a 2016 chart...but not as familiar with the source 16:33:04 Ken: We can also see whether there is consistency across years 16:33:32 ...and in particular the stubborn hold outs that we think that the spec addresses them 16:33:44 Guest91 has joined #wpwg 16:33:48 Andrew: For some people I've spoken with, they get the conversion topic 16:34:41 Ken: Segmentation changes the speaking points 16:35:34 ...there are also different topics such as user experience, security 16:35:48 ..you need a diverse set of benefits and value proposition to address the diverse needs of each group 16:39:10 Topic: Drafting text 16:40:37 IJ: Happy to draft; but I can't do this for 10 days or so 16:41:26 Andrew: Not sure I could answer all the questions right now; would like to see them 16:41:33 Ken: I can take a shot at answering some of them 16:41:48 ..I can also point to who I think should be answering them 16:44:04 IJ: would be great to come up with a strategy for answering each question 16:44:11 Ken: We also need diagrams 16:44:53 ...or rather imagery for business/marketing people 16:45:34 ...here's how you could adopt it into what you have 16:46:14 ...maybe organized by segment 16:46:28 ...some scenarios like (1) one button (2) small number of buttons 16:48:29 [IJ notes two graphics: what the checkout page looks like (buttons); what the app selection looks like] 16:52:20 Q. What payment methods work with W3C's API? 16:56:39 Q. What wallets do I need to support? 16:56:47 (IJ got that question at CNP last year) 17:02:04 Topic: FTF meeting goals 17:02:08 - Developer portal feedabck 17:02:14 - Support for a shared brand 17:06:38 zkoch has joined #wpwg 17:07:33 present+ zkoch 17:08:28 present+ Molly 17:10:31 Ken: PCI involvement might also provide some assurances to merchants 17:11:04 ...forward motion from pilots would also provide incentive and motivation 17:11:21 ...illustrate this is taking off 17:11:53 https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-payments-strategy/2017Feb/0007.html 17:12:10 https://github.com/w3c/payment-request-info 17:12:57 topic: Brand 17:13:08 zkoch: Still working on it 17:15:52 https://github.com/w3c/payment-request-info/wiki/FAQ 17:16:24 zkoch: There are three columns 17:16:28 1) How do I use the API 17:16:33 (technical questions) 17:16:41 2) Marketing questions 17:16:53 (benefits, impact on conversinos, who has launched, etc.) 17:17:03 3) User experience flow questions 17:17:12 ..here's my checkout, how is this supported? 17:17:16 ...I need coupon cods 17:21:08 Molly: also fundamental questions v. edge 17:21:12 ...+1 to tech v. user experience 17:21:29 zkoch: On the question of "how we think this will end up" 17:21:49 ...we have a long integration guide, lots of technical details and subtleties 17:22:03 ...it's long and we get lots of questions anyway 17:22:12 ...so I think we should break them out 17:22:51 ...also helpful to breakout across audiences (on multiple pages) 17:23:35 zkoch: part of the goal is to also have browser vendors get behind single documentation site 17:27:50 zkoch: I think that there are incentive structures such as "PR API supporting tokenization with easy UX" 17:30:54 Ken: clarity around PCI would help 17:31:17 ...visibility of a partnership would help 17:32:07 They moveā€¦.slower? 17:32:08 ;) 17:32:59 Ken: Beyond developer guides, we need business-level value proposition 17:34:31 (Revisiting other topics) 17:34:34 - graphics 17:34:43 - value proposition 17:36:35 IJ: Got any visual? 17:38:11 Ken: I'm happy to contribute to building visuals 17:38:16 ...creating a few different examples 17:38:24 ...e.g., if you are a large merchant with a single buy button 17:38:38 ...or if you are a merchant with your own pay button but have also committed to other brands , how does it work? 17:39:09 Molly has joined #wpwg 17:40:36 ACTION: zkoch to look at whether there are reusable mockups 17:40:37 Created ACTION-53 - Look at whether there are reusable mockups [on Zach Koch - due 2017-03-03]. 17:40:58 1) The flow 17:41:12 2) impact on merchant checkout sites for various segments 17:41:21 2) impact on user experience of data entry / choosing how to pay 17:44:38 zkoch: I will check out our pitch deck 17:46:05 [Recap] 17:46:07 Prep for FTF 17:46:09 - visuals 17:46:16 - FAQs 17:46:18 - brand questions 17:46:32 Topic: Next call 17:47:05 Proposed: 8am PT on 3 March 17:47:08 zkoch: that's sort of early 17:47:19 :D 17:47:31 Proposed: 9am PT on 3 March 17:47:32 Ken: +1 17:47:36 Molly: +1 17:48:09 Zach: +1 17:48:16 ...but I am out 3 March 17:48:56 RRSAgent, make minutes 17:48:56 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2017/02/24-wpwg-minutes.html Ian 17:49:00 RRSAgent, set logs public 17:51:30 betehess has joined #wpwg 18:03:27 Guest91 has joined #wpwg 18:04:46 betehess has joined #wpwg 18:45:23 Guest91 has joined #wpwg 19:09:33 Guest91 has joined #wpwg 19:47:47 betehess has joined #wpwg 19:52:31 Guest91 has joined #wpwg 20:45:31 Guest91 has joined #wpwg 21:13:20 betehess has joined #wpwg 21:26:17 Guest91 has joined #wpwg 21:30:27 betehess has joined #wpwg 21:49:43 betehess has joined #wpwg 22:42:27 Guest91 has joined #wpwg 22:54:00 betehess has joined #wpwg 23:09:05 nicktr has joined #wpwg 23:49:23 betehess has joined #wpwg