Accessibility Conformance Testing Teleconference

16 Feb 2017

See also: IRC log


Wilco, MaryJo, Moe, Alistair, Shadi

Wilco, MaryJo


Draft section 4.2 Accessibility Support Data https://github.com/w3c/wcag-act/pull/32/files?diff=split

Draft section 6.2 Rule Aggregation https://github.com/w3c/wcag-act/pull/46/files?diff=split

Current week's survey results https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/93339/ACTTF15Feb2017/results

Draft section 6.2 Rule Aggregation https://github.com/w3c/wcag-act/pull/46/files?diff=split

wilco: shadi's question - do we need aggregation
... have you seen my response on that?

My call's dropped

Can someone take over minuting - I have an issue with phone.

<MoeKraft> Wilco: A rule can have multiple results for each match in the content.

<MoeKraft> Shadi: I still think that this section needs to be, at least the last sentence, combining all the results to aggregate a final result for the rule is confusing.

<MoeKraft> Shadi: The rule is run several times or can return several results. We need to return a single result or combined into a single result. Is aggregation the correct word here?

<MoeKraft> Shadi: I think of aggregation is an overall score.

<MoeKraft> Wilco: Might be too much of a loaded term.

<MoeKraft> Shadi: Yes. Aggregation could be combining results of all rules into a single result

<MoeKraft> Wilco: Yes. It could be that.

<MoeKraft> Shadi: If we're okay with aggregation then I am fine with it. Don't have a better word.

Shadi: If aggregation is the right word, then OK.

<MoeKraft> Wilco: Alistair, have you had a chance to review this pull request?

<MoeKraft> Alistair: No. I have not.

Alistair: I have not have a chance to look at aggregation.

Wilco: Is there another way to word this; or another way to do this.

Shadi: What is the this?

Wilco: The list of pass / fails into a higher result.

Moe: What about cummulative.

Wilco: Does that not imply things happening over time.

Shadi: It's also how you do the logic. With earl you had multiple assertions. You had one result with multiple pointers.
... It passed and here are the things we checked.
... The same rule could be fired several times.

Moe: There could be several test cases per rule.

Wilco: We haven't looked at test cases yet.
... Maybe we should look at that when we review test cases.
... Want to point out - output format being proposed is different from earl.
... Earl is set up to provide 1 result with a bunch of pointers.
... This new method has one pointer.

Shadi: If the same content is tested you should be one set of results.

Wilco: Shadi, you are not opposed to making this change.
... What about the format.
... JSON link data format.

<Wilco> https://github.com/w3c/wcag-act/pull/46/files?diff=split%22#diff-7e52b0c9a47dd6941c123f45c8f6d1f5R171

Wilco: This would be a good way to compare tools.
... If a client wants to see the tool does what we say it does they could use this format.

Shadi: We are talking about output format.

Wilco: If I understand Alistair, no we don't need a common format.
... We can either get all tools to output in the same format.
... Or, if you are developing software you would use assertion libraries.
... You don't need a format to do that.
... I work with aXe. We use unit tests; run a single rule on a code snippet; and look at the expected result.

Alistair: We take the unit test approach.

<MoeKraft> I have to drop. ttyl

Shadi: Having a format for the output of test is possibly outside of the rule format.

Wilco: The reason we need aggregation is that it allows benchmarking.
... Tester tests a page. Page fails on this, passes this, others non-applicable. We run the tools against that page. How do we check the rule is accurate.
... We can't compare them without a mapping to a success criteria.

Alistair: Using a test suite which we all agree on is the best way from my perspective to benchmark.

Wilco: We don't know if a test catches all the issues. How do we find these issue.
... If we compare the results from loads of people writing reports - we could see where they disagree with our rules.

Shadi: Good discussion. We have different thoughts in the group, which is good.

Summary of Action Items

Summary of Resolutions

[End of minutes]

Minutes formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.147 (CVS log)
$Date: 2017/02/22 18:47:20 $