12:19:45 RRSAgent has joined #poe 12:19:45 logging to http://www.w3.org/2017/02/06-poe-irc 12:19:47 RRSAgent, make logs public 12:19:47 Zakim has joined #poe 12:19:49 Zakim, this will be 12:19:49 I don't understand 'this will be', trackbot 12:19:50 Meeting: Permissions and Obligations Expression Working Group Teleconference 12:19:50 Date: 06 February 2017 12:19:56 RRSAgent, make logs public 12:20:07 agenda: https://www.w3.org/2016/poe/wiki/Meetings:Telecon20170206 12:20:17 present+ renato 12:20:22 chair: ben 12:26:11 present+ 12:26:20 Serena has joined #poe 12:30:33 present+ 12:30:54 regrets: Caroline 12:31:34 regrets: Sabrina 12:31:39 present+ 12:32:36 Brian_Ulicny has joined #poe 12:32:39 regrets: michael 12:32:40 present+ 12:33:25 victor has joined #poe 12:33:30 present+ victor 12:33:32 present+ 12:34:27 [I am amidst a flu process and I'd rather not to scribe] 12:35:30 scribe: Brian_Ulicny 12:35:35 scribeNick: Brian_Ulicny 12:35:36 https://www.w3.org/2017/01/30-poe-minutes.html 12:35:44 Topic: Last week's minutes 12:35:53 Agenda item 1: Everyone okay to approve last week's minutes? 12:35:59 benws_ has joined #poe 12:36:03 +1 12:36:07 +1 12:36:13 The URL in the minutes is incorrect. Noted. 1 week off. 12:36:19 I'll fix that error, no probs 12:36:32 Minutes approved. 12:37:25 https://github.com/w3c/poe/issues/98 12:37:48 Discussion on: "IsNecessaryFor" operator. 12:38:01 Now referred to as an "and sequence" 12:38:43 A comment was added that this and sequence primarily is intended for temporal expressions. 12:38:50 Implementations need to be aware of this. 12:39:25 Information model was tidied a bit. 12:39:32 Any comments on the changes? 12:40:27 Question for Simon: Are any of the issues serious holdups? 12:40:54 Simon: "Apologies for handwriting. Two things need to be addressed." 12:41:23 "Whenever there is a list of attributes with an inconsistency between the attributes listed and properties available." 12:42:35 "Would assume to have target property, not asset for permission" 12:42:52 "I would like to have this addressed." 12:43:25 present+ 12:43:31 q? 12:43:51 "second issue: non-normative attributes" 12:44:12 "Which stuff is normative, and which isn't?" 12:45:08 Renato: "permission list of asset and party are used in the xml directly." 12:45:29 "written in the days when XML was the only representation" 12:46:26 Simon: "the same style of listing attributes and relations (the same in RDF), ..." 12:46:46 Renato: "we can look at the use of the word 'relation' here" 12:47:01 Simon: "Why do I need to have asset explicitly mentioned here?" 12:47:28 "How do I link to that asset explicitly?" 12:48:47 Renato: "Let's say the permissioned entity has the following attributes..." 12:49:40 q+ 12:50:07 Simon: "Let's move target up from generic relation" 12:51:07 Simon: "let's get rid of capital letter" 12:52:03 "Party has a relation that points to something of type Party" 12:52:14 (not sure I got that right) 12:53:11 Ben: "returning to and sequence predicate, the temporal context is a subset of the complex constraints we want to cover" 12:53:31 https://w3c.github.io/poe/vocab/#term-andSequence 12:53:55 "Should we say both constraints must be met rather than the left constraint must be met before the right" 12:54:25 Renato: "if you remove the sequence, then it is just an and operator" 12:54:40 "not qualifying then" 12:54:59 Ben: "in payment, the unit qualifies the amount to be paid" 12:55:49 Ben: "can we still express embargo without a temporal order? I don't know the answer." 12:56:22 Renato: "embargo use case is different then 30 minutes after match" 12:56:28 Ben: "Is it?" 12:57:37 Ben: "if we step away from how the processor will implement it, we can avoid the temporal aspect. Not our concern." 12:58:25 Ben: "How can we do unit of currency without additional constraints?" 12:59:03 Renato: "the unit doesn't constrain. Really just an and" 12:59:55 REnato: "you could have a constraint amount constrained by 10 and another constraint currency AUD so you get 10AUD" 13:01:04 as for time constraints, I still think we should just use http://w3c.github.io/sdw/time/#time:TemporalEntity 13:01:05 Renato: "you are compensating me in both a quantity and currency" 13:02:10 Ben: "Could we change wording to remove temporal ordering?" 13:03:03 Simon: "without temporal ordering, for 30 minutes after, the constraint is trivially fulfilled after 30 minutes" 13:03:36 RRSAgent, draft minutes 13:03:36 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2017/02/06-poe-minutes.html phila 13:04:19 Renato: "we need to point to a temporal entity, not just a datetime" 13:04:47 regrets+ Caroline 13:05:23 q? 13:05:28 Ben: "Brian, can't you do this in SPARQL?" 13:05:33 ack b 13:05:49 Brian: "we need to work through example. Didn't have chance last week" 13:06:22 Ben: "What else do we want to bring up from model document?" 13:06:50 Ben: "Can we bring draft to meeting next week?" 13:07:18 Simon: "How about before meeting, so we have chance to read?" 13:07:31 Ben: "let's move on to vocab expression doc" 13:07:46 Renato: "outstanding issue is context" 13:08:02 "We want to create a JSON-LD context for this." 13:08:09 q+ 13:08:14 +q 13:08:20 "need this before working draft." 13:08:49 smyles has joined #poe 13:09:02 "Need to find someone who knows JSON-LD." 13:09:52 Renato: "if we can get JSON-LD context done, we can vote on the doc" 13:09:56 q? 13:09:58 q? 13:10:01 q+ 13:10:32 present+ 13:10:37 -> http://json-ld.org/playground/ Playground 13:10:38 Phil: "there's no valid JSON-LD example in the docs." 13:10:52 ODRL JSON-LD context freelancing: https://www.upwork.com/job/Create-JSON-Context-Definition-for-ODRL_~0156ff5fdb318c478f/ 13:11:18 Ivan: "without a context file, the JSON-LD will not be valid" 13:11:20 Make $$ fast ;-) 13:12:17 Simon: "example 14 has a column missing after target" 13:12:23 q? 13:12:39 ack p 13:12:45 q+ 13:12:46 q- 13:12:48 "action": "odrl:display" 13:12:48 ack s 13:13:13 ack sim 13:13:18 Simon: "why do we need namespace for odrl:display?" 13:13:30 q+ 13:13:34 "action": "odrl:print" 13:13:38 Ivan: "not necessary for what we would call object properties" 13:14:00 Simon: "typo in example 14" 13:14:02 q? 13:14:04 q? 13:14:26 Stewart: "discussing posting?" 13:14:36 "is someone going to do the work?" 13:14:52 "no one has applied" 13:15:10 Renato: "Do we know a JSON-LD expert?" 13:15:51 Phil: "I should just tweet a link to the post" 13:16:08 q? 13:16:14 ack sm 13:16:24 s/should just tweet/have just tweeted/ 13:16:37 Ben: "wide review campaign" 13:17:05 Renato: "we need to track who sent what to whom, responses, etc. Need a wiki page." 13:17:14 Ben: "what was the hit rate? 13:17:36 Phil: "hit rate was not high. More important for director to see that you tried." 13:17:47 Ivan: "it is unpredictable." 13:18:04 https://www.w3.org/2016/poe/wiki/Deliverables 13:18:07 q? 13:18:27 Renato: "we need to have enough people listed." 13:19:05 Ben: "a number of W3C people said they'd follow when we were chartered. Let's follow up with them, if we can find the list." 13:19:46 q? 13:20:00 Ben: "how far off are we from publishable use case requirements doc?" 13:20:18 Simon: "can have for next meeting." 13:20:41 Ben: "would be nice if we could publish vocab, use cases and info model at same time." 13:21:06 REnato: "def two weeks, given JSON-LD issue" 13:21:22 q? 13:21:33 Ben: "Ok, let's aim for two weeks." 13:21:56 Ben: "semantics doc?" 13:22:25 Renato: "let's start actively working on that in 2 weeks." 13:23:00 Victor: "we plan to submit doc in next week" 13:23:15 Simon, Sabrina, Victor are editors of the formal semantics doc. 13:23:34 Ben: "are we all pretty happy with timing of semantics doc" 13:24:25 Ben: "model is stabilized enough to make a first pass" 13:24:43 http://w3c.github.io/poe/bp/ 13:24:50 +q 13:24:56 q+ to talk about AC review results 13:25:13 Victor: "we can start on best practices doc" 13:25:36 Ben: "I will start laying out examples for best practices." 13:26:13 Renato: "James Birmingham will be another useful editor" 13:26:29 "they are doing technical examples using ODRL" 13:26:38 Ben: "what about paul jessup?" 13:26:57 Ben: "moving on, other business?" 13:26:58 q? 13:27:04 ack simonstey 13:27:32 Simon: "is the ontology a different doc than the vocabulary? are they both recommendations?" 13:28:42 Phil: "the formal publications appear in 'tr space'. Can't touch. That's not the same as the namespace document, which is a list of terms, autogenerated. Treated differently." 13:28:59 "the ns doc can be edited sensiblly" 13:29:21 Phil: "how many can see the AC review?" 13:30:05 -> https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/33280/PandOE/results AC Review results (member linbk) 13:30:14 Ben: "running short on time. is there anything on London f2f?" 13:30:14 s/linbk/link 13:30:46 please notify via wiki if you plan to attend. At TR London. 13:30:50 -> https://www.w3.org/2016/poe/wiki/Meetings:London2017 Please add your name/regrets here 13:30:54 https://www.w3.org/2016/poe/wiki/Meetings:London2017 13:31:01 RRSAgent, draft minutes 13:31:01 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2017/02/06-poe-minutes.html phila 13:31:05 q? 13:31:13 q- 13:31:19 Thanks! 13:31:24 RRSAgent, draft minutes 13:31:24 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2017/02/06-poe-minutes.html phila 13:31:28 benws_ has joined #poe 15:31:21 Zakim has left #poe