18:09:17 RRSAgent has joined #webauthn 18:09:17 logging to http://www.w3.org/2017/02/01-webauthn-irc 18:09:19 RRSAgent, make logs public 18:09:19 Zakim has joined #webauthn 18:09:21 Zakim, this will be 18:09:22 Meeting: Web Authentication Working Group Teleconference 18:09:22 Date: 01 February 2017 18:09:22 I don't understand 'this will be', trackbot 18:09:30 present+ JeffH, Rolf, vgb, weiler 18:10:42 present+ Christian, Alexei 18:11:36 present+ gmandyam, nadalin, rbarnes, jcj_moz 18:13:11 chair: nadalin, rbarnes 18:13:35 present+ 18:13:38 https://mit.webex.com/mit/j.php?MTID=m4b6298f29a6183c57dc77f6400c6c415 18:14:26 nadalin has joined #webauthn 18:14:43 scribenick: nadalin 18:15:03 apologies, i may have to leave early today 18:15:20 alexei-goog has joined #webauthn 18:15:32 no update on 314 18:15:32 present+ 18:17:13 present+ JFontana 18:17:14 JC wants to move 314/319 to hold status or close them 18:17:30 present+ Ketan 18:17:51 jeff wants to leave open but tage these so we can track 18:14:43 scribenick: JeffH 18:19:55 vgb: webauthn has issue with u2f authnr because presently need to call authnr twice in order for it to have the data it needs 18:20:27 vgb: he & alexei are a "design team" working on how to address it 18:21:55 vgb: will post to list before next week's call... 18:23:35 where the above is from this comment on PR #321: https://github.com/w3c/webauthn/pull/321#issuecomment-273609901 18:24:47 * Thanks, JeffH 18:14:43 scribenick: nadalin 18:25:45 vjb: will work on 333 and merge 18:33:09 scribenick: weiler 18:30:47 Angelo would like feedback on issue 334 18:31:04 topic: https://github.com/w3c/webauthn/issues/334 18:33:00 topic: https://github.com/w3c/webauthn/issues/331 18:33:30 Is the RT through cloud related to googles demo last week? 18:34:06 nadalin: I don't see this tied to the use cases. 18:34:12 topic: https://github.com/w3c/webauthn/issues/330 18:35:22 giri: there is reason to not handle this. c.f. webcrypto: they kept their examples less tied down... 18:35:31 ... you don't want to get too detailed here. 18:35:57 nadalin: not in our scope to HAVE TO produce that. 18:36:31 giri: I suggest closing this out. 18:37:22 people please read 334 and comment 18:39:06 https://apiant.com/connect/GitHub-Repository-Forks-to-W3C-Web-Authentication 18:40:03 .... discussion of "what is this?" 18:40:07 ... no one knows. 18:40:58 Zakim, list participants 18:40:58 As of this point the attendees have been JeffH, Rolf, vgb, weiler, Christian, Alexei, gmandyam, nadalin, rbarnes, jcj_moz, alexei-goog, JFontana, Ketan 18:48:52 RRSAgent, generate minutes 18:48:52 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2017/02/01-webauthn-minutes.html weiler 18:48:58 RRSAgent, make log public 19:02:02 RRSAgent, generate minutes 19:02:02 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2017/02/01-webauthn-minutes.html weiler