13:00:53 RRSAgent has joined #shapes 13:00:53 logging to http://www.w3.org/2017/02/01-shapes-irc 13:00:55 RRSAgent, make logs rdf-data-shapes 13:00:55 Zakim has joined #shapes 13:00:57 Zakim, this will be SHAPES 13:00:57 ok, trackbot 13:00:58 Meeting: RDF Data Shapes Working Group Teleconference 13:00:58 Date: 01 February 2017 13:01:14 present+ 13:01:36 present+ 13:02:22 present 13:03:25 chair: ipolikoff 13:03:40 present+ 13:03:41 present+ 13:06:28 TallTed has joined #shapes 13:07:11 pano has joined #shapes 13:08:43 https://www.w3.org/2009/CommonScribe/manual.html 13:09:05 scribenick: Nicky 13:09:30 ipolokoff: Opens the meeting 13:09:31 PROPOSED: Approve minutes of the 25 Jan 2017 Telecon: https://www.w3.org/2017/01/25-shapes-minutes.html 13:10:04 +1 13:10:06 present+ 13:10:06 +1 13:10:14 +1 13:10:14 present+ 13:10:16 +1 13:10:19 RESOLUTION: Approve minutes of the 25 Jan 2017 Telecon: https://www.w3.org/2017/01/25-shapes-minutes.html 13:10:46 ipolikoff: Three issues opened since last meeting 13:10:49 ISSUE-220: defining shapes in a shapes graph 13:10:49 Notes added to ISSUE-220 defining shapes in a shapes graph. 13:11:22 PROPOSAL: OPEN ISSIUE-220 13:11:30 +1 13:11:31 +1 13:11:37 +1 13:11:50 RESOLUTION: OPEN ISSIUE-220 13:12:35 hknublau: proposal to close it, because the definition has been formilised already 13:12:42 PROPOSAL: CLOSE ISSIUE-220 as addressed in section 2.1 13:12:56 +1 13:12:57 +1 13:13:04 +1 13:13:31 PROPOSAL: CLOSE ISSUE-220 as addressed in section 2.1 13:13:34 s/RESOLUTION/RESOLVED/ 13:14:23 RESOLUTION: CLOSE ISSUE-220 as addressed in section 2.1 http://w3c.github.io/data-shapes/shacl/#shapes 13:15:02 +1 13:15:10 s/RESOLUTION/RESOLVED/ 13:15:20 ISSUE-221: Simplify the class hierarchy of shapes 13:15:20 Notes added to ISSUE-221 Simplify the class hierarchy of shapes. 13:15:30 issue-221? 13:15:30 issue-221 -- Simplify the class hierarchy of shapes -- raised 13:15:30 http://www.w3.org/2014/data-shapes/track/issues/221 13:15:36 q+ 13:15:56 PROPOSAL: ISSUE-221 13:16:17 PROPOSAL: OPEN ISSUE-221 13:16:31 hknublau: Question: we can close this one and open 211, since these are related 13:17:15 Dimitris: Does it make a difference if we do it via 211? 13:17:59 hknublau: We should do it via 211, since if we revisite one part we should reviste through the whole issue 13:18:54 0 13:18:55 +1 open 221 13:19:20 0 it makes no difference with which issue we track it with 13:19:34 +1 13:19:36 +0.5 13:19:42 ipolikoff: I think that it is clean to open issue 211, since there already has been a chain of emails about 211. 13:19:59 RESOLUTION: OPEN ISSUE-221 13:20:22 s/RESOLUTION/RESOLVED/ 13:20:26 https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-data-shapes-wg/2017Feb/att-0001/SHACLmetamodelhistory.pdf 13:20:52 dimitirs: I sent a mail this morning about the current version 13:21:35 dimitris: latest model improved the language, everthing is more lingual. 13:21:42 dimitris: still some problems 13:22:44 dimitris: it doenst make sense what type of shape it is. Therefore a simpeler hierarchy is created instead of different shape types 13:23:20 dimitris: propertyshapes and nodeshapes makes SHACL more complex than only just useshapes 13:23:26 q+ 13:23:34 ack hknublau 13:23:55 dimitris: is there is no reason for it (type of shapes not used in the model), it makes it only confusing for the user 13:24:49 q+ 13:24:54 ack pano 13:25:04 pano: See the problem, tradeoff between semanic enrichment and simplicity 13:25:44 ack hknublau 13:25:52 pano: semantic enrichtment makes the model a better sophisticated model, removing parts of this will make it more confusing 13:27:19 hknublau: returning all violations of the shapes important 13:27:47 hknublau: difference in violations between property and node shapes is important, because violation handling are determined by design 13:28:29 hknublau: possible to rename nodeShapes to just node, to resolve the asymmerty 13:29:30 ex:Class a owl:Class ; owl:onProperty ex:property ; owl:minCardinality 1 . 13:30:29 hknublau: The change is unhelpfull if we would remove the subclasses, because it is a normal way of defining the it with subclasses 13:30:47 hknublau: Owl and rdfs are working in the same way 13:31:28 Holger, we can't hear you 13:32:36 Tallted: hknublau proposal would be to change the range to only node shapes 13:32:57 ipolikoff: I find the current model clear 13:33:21 ... with the different constraintnodes 13:34:11 Tallted: I think we would to read the versions side by side 13:34:20 PROPOSAL: CLOSE ISSUE-221 by renaming sh:shape to sh:node and changing its range 13:34:37 CRAP! My meeting crashed 13:34:53 I talked 3 minutes to myself. Rejoining... 13:36:22 Webex crashed again. I will reboot. 13:37:10 ipolikoff: one other issue to deal with, on pre-binding 13:38:21 ... should dimitris proposal be rewritten 13:38:32 Tallted: no it is clear enough 13:39:29 hknublau has joined #shapes 13:40:15 ipolikoff: what is in the specs now, there should be one name changing and one range changing 13:40:53 ipolikoff: dimitris proposal is clear, the otherone should be clear as well 13:41:02 q+ 13:43:07 hknublau: Single concept of a shape has already been achieved in the current design by the subclasses of a shape 13:43:20 ... we do not gain anything by deleting the subclasses 13:43:31 ... it is a matter of taste 13:43:58 tallted: no body is looking for the argument at this moment 13:44:35 ... understand the clear definition in the draft for bookkeeping purposes 13:45:04 Proposal: rename sh:shape to sh:node, the values of sh:node must be well-formed node shapes. 13:45:22 ... unfortunatly a pdf instead of WIKI, WIKI could be easily edited by other users 13:46:05 ... it is clear what the situation was (like the scope and thoughts) while do the editing 13:46:20 ack Dimitris 13:46:34 ... by changing again the specs, this is causing all the reopens op closed issues 13:47:12 q+ 13:47:22 pano: I think it is not true, that the different shape type have other behavioral. 13:47:59 pano: using sh:property has a other behaviour than using sh:shape 13:48:35 q+ 13:48:37 s/// 13:48:45 s/pano: using/ Dimitris: using/ 13:49:06 ack pano 13:49:20 s/s\/pano/s pano 13:49:25 ack hknublau 13:51:07 hknublau: the difinitions of the different shape types are clear defined in the model 13:51:33 ... you can create invalid things everywhere 13:51:57 ipolikoff: we have to propose both 13:53:00 ipolikoff: strawpoll to know how people feel about the different proposals 13:53:34 STRAWPOLL: CLOSE ISSUE-221 by renaming sh:shape to sh:node and changing its range, the values of sh:node must be well-formed node shapes. 13:53:43 +1 13:55:26 STRAWPOLL: a) CLOSE ISSUE-221 by renaming sh:shape to sh:node and changing its range, the values of sh:node must be well-formed node shapes. b) do nothing c) removing sh:NodeShape and removing sh:propery 13:55:41 a) +1 b) +0.8 c) -1 13:55:44 s/removing sh:NodeShape and removing sh:propery/removing sh:NodeShape, sh:PropertyShape and removing sh:propery 13:56:35 a +1 b +0.5 c 0 13:56:41 a) 0 b) +1 c) 0 13:56:50 a) +.5 b) +.5 c) -.8 13:56:56 a) +1 b) 0 c) -0.5 13:57:14 a) -0.9 b) -0.8 c) +1 13:58:13 ipolikoff: A seems to have the most votes 13:58:35 s/a) -0.9 b) -0.8 c) +1/a) -0.8 b) -0.9 c) +1 13:59:09 PROPOSAL: CLOSE ISSUE-221 by renaming sh:shape to sh:node and changing its range, the values of sh:node must be well-formed node shapes. 13:59:16 PROPOSAL: CLOSE ISSUE-221 by renaming sh:shape to sh:node and changing its range, the values of sh:node must be well-formed node shapes. 13:59:18 +1 13:59:23 +1 13:59:23 +1 13:59:25 +1 13:59:32 -.8 13:59:33 +1 13:59:47 RESOLUTION: CLOSE ISSUE-221 by renaming sh:shape to sh:node and changing its range, the values of sh:node must be well-formed node shapes. 14:00:12 q+ 14:00:14 ISSUE-222: Response to "On pre-binding" 14:00:14 Notes added to ISSUE-222 Response to "On pre-binding". 14:00:15 ipolikoff: Issue 222 this regards email from peter, about pre-binding 14:00:25 ... shall we open the issue? 14:00:31 issue-222? 14:00:31 issue-222 -- Response to "On pre-binding" -- raised 14:00:31 http://www.w3.org/2014/data-shapes/track/issues/222 14:00:37 PROPOSAL: OPEN ISSUE-222 14:00:44 +1 14:00:45 +1 14:00:54 q- 14:00:55 +1 14:00:57 +1 14:01:10 +1 14:01:17 RESOLUTION: OPEN ISSUE-222 14:01:48 hknublau: andy knows this the best 14:02:10 ... good thing peter sent his comments upfront 14:02:42 ipolikoff: action item for andy, to propose additionts to the spec 14:03:09 PROPOSAL: Publish current working draft as (final) public working draft. 14:03:16 +1 14:04:47 nicky: Missing greaterThan and greaterOrEquals is there a reason 14:04:58 hknublau: can use them inverse 14:05:15 hknublau: we can use the lessthan inverse 14:05:30 Tallted: more work for implementation to have both 14:06:51 +1 14:06:52 +1 14:06:53 ipolikoff: we should open an issue so we can get opnions 14:06:55 +1 14:07:08 nicky: not necessary to open an issue, just noticed 14:07:16 +1 14:07:26 0 14:08:55 dimitris: the changed a lot last week, but I dont want to block the publication 14:09:02 RESOLUTION: Publish current working draft as (final) public working draft. 14:09:33 ipolikoff: that the text changed a lot, is the reason why we want to publish it, so more people can take a look at it 14:10:04 ... we publish the spec and we will see what happens 14:10:13 trackbot, end meeting 14:10:13 Zakim, list attendees 14:10:14 As of this point the attendees have been hknublau, Nicky, ipolikoff, Dimitris, TallTed, pano 14:10:22 RRSAgent, please draft minutes 14:10:22 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2017/02/01-shapes-minutes.html trackbot 14:10:23 RRSAgent, bye 14:10:23 I see no action items