Move the device to run the test.

event deviceorientation (0 received) :
  type: ,
  target: ,
  alpha: null,
  beta: null,
  gamma: null,
  absolute: false

event deviceorientationabsolute (0 received) :
  type: ,
  target: ,
  alpha: null,
  beta: null,
  gamma: null,
  absolute: false

event compassneedscalibration (0 received) :
  type: ,
  target: ,

event devicemotion (0 received) :
  type: ,
  target: ,
  acceleration.x: null,
  acceleration.y: null,
  acceleration.z: null,
  accelerationIncludingGravity.x: null,
  accelerationIncludingGravity.y: null,
  accelerationIncludingGravity.z: null,
  rotationRate.alpha: null,
  rotationRate.beta: null,
  rotationRate.gamma: null,
  interval: 0