IRC log of i18n on 2017-01-19
Timestamps are in UTC.
- 15:44:05 [RRSAgent]
- RRSAgent has joined #i18n
- 15:44:05 [RRSAgent]
- logging to
- 15:44:10 [Zakim]
- Zakim has joined #i18n
- 15:44:18 [addison]
- trackbot, prepare teleconference
- 15:44:21 [trackbot]
- RRSAgent, make logs world
- 15:44:24 [trackbot]
- Zakim, this will be 4186
- 15:44:24 [trackbot]
- Meeting: Internationalization Working Group Teleconference
- 15:44:24 [trackbot]
- Date: 19 January 2017
- 15:44:24 [Zakim]
- ok, trackbot
- 15:44:48 [addison]
- Agenda:
- 15:44:52 [addison]
- Chair: Addison Phillips
- 15:44:56 [addison]
- ScribeNick: addison
- 15:45:00 [addison]
- Scribe: Addison Phillips
- 15:45:11 [addison]
- agenda+ Agenda
- 15:45:16 [addison]
- agenda+ Action Items
- 15:45:20 [addison]
- agenda+ Info Share
- 15:45:30 [addison]
- agenda+ Radar and Active Work Review
- 15:45:42 [addison]
- agenda+ For internal review: Styling vertical Chinese, Japanese, Korean and Mongolian text
- 15:45:53 [addison]
- agenda+ Typography Document ready for wide review?
- 15:46:02 [addison]
- agenda+ Charmod-Norm ready for wide review?
- 15:49:23 [fsasaki]
- fsasaki has joined #i18n
- 15:55:47 [JohnO]
- JohnO has joined #i18n
- 15:58:15 [addison]
- Regrets+ David
- 15:58:21 [fsasaki]
- present+ felix
- 15:58:25 [RRSAgent]
- I have made the request to generate addison
- 15:59:17 [JohnO]
- present+ JohnO
- 15:59:40 [addison]
- Present+ Addison
- 15:59:58 [addison]
- Present+ Felix
- 16:00:05 [addison]
- Present Steve
- 16:00:16 [addison]
- Present+ Steve
- 16:00:17 [Steve_Atkin]
- Steve_Atkin has joined #i18n
- 16:01:24 [addison]
- Present+ Richard
- 16:01:46 [najib]
- najib has joined #i18n
- 16:02:25 [addison]
- agenda?
- 16:02:29 [addison]
- zakim, take up agendum 1
- 16:02:29 [Zakim]
- agendum 1. "Agenda" taken up [from addison]
- 16:02:50 [addison]
- zakim, take up agendum 2
- 16:02:50 [Zakim]
- agendum 2. "Action Items" taken up [from addison]
- 16:02:56 [addison]
- 16:03:24 [addison]
- action-358?
- 16:03:24 [trackbot]
- action-358 -- Felix Sasaki to Retire requirements for its 2.0 -- due 2014-11-06 -- OPEN
- 16:03:24 [trackbot]
- 16:03:31 [addison]
- action-412?
- 16:03:31 [trackbot]
- action-412 -- Felix Sasaki to Publish multilingual web usage scenarios -- due 2015-03-12 -- OPEN
- 16:03:31 [trackbot]
- 16:03:42 [addison]
- felix: converted these to respec
- 16:03:49 [addison]
- ... wondering about next step to publish
- 16:04:18 [addison]
- ... one thing is that we should add something say "published as notes"
- 16:04:22 [addison]
- ... won't be worked on further
- 16:04:34 [addison]
- ... published by WG or by ITS-IG?
- 16:04:40 [addison]
- ... currently say IG
- 16:04:49 [addison]
- ... docs in my private github repo
- 16:04:53 [addison]
- ... where do I put them?
- 16:05:11 [RRSAgent]
- I have made the request to generate addison
- 16:05:44 [fsasaki]
- 16:05:55 [fsasaki]
- 16:06:10 [addison]
- richard: are they pub ready?
- 16:06:15 [addison]
- felix: need to check
- 16:06:41 [addison]
- richard: normal pub req
- 16:06:49 [addison]
- ... check valid, checklinks, pubrules
- 16:07:06 [addison]
- ... will set up a separate repo for each
- 16:07:09 [addison]
- ... can set up
- 16:07:27 [addison]
- action: richard: set up two repos for felix's documents from ITS for final publication as Note
- 16:07:27 [trackbot]
- Created ACTION-580 - Set up two repos for felix's documents from its for final publication as note [on Richard Ishida - due 2017-01-26].
- 16:10:24 [addison]
- felix: which group? WG or IG?
- 16:11:14 [addison]
- richard: you'll see some text like this in LReq
- 16:12:07 [addison]
- richard: check ready for pub; I'll create repos; transfer them; then check pubrules; decide who to raise pub req
- 16:13:22 [addison]
- action-541?
- 16:13:22 [trackbot]
- action-541 -- Richard Ishida to Revise issue 159 about modifier keys and make appropriate revisions -- due 2016-07-28 -- OPEN
- 16:13:22 [trackbot]
- 16:13:26 [addison]
- close action-451
- 16:13:26 [trackbot]
- Closed action-451.
- 16:13:33 [addison]
- close action-541
- 16:13:33 [trackbot]
- Closed action-541.
- 16:13:36 [addison]
- action-451?
- 16:13:36 [trackbot]
- action-451 -- Addison Phillips to Respond on csvw issue 617 officially explaining that the wg believes that cldr's values and data structures are needed -- due 2015-07-09 -- CLOSED
- 16:13:36 [trackbot]
- 16:14:14 [addison]
- close action-573
- 16:14:14 [trackbot]
- Closed action-573.
- 16:14:32 [addison]
- agenda?
- 16:14:41 [addison]
- zakim, take up agendum 3
- 16:14:41 [Zakim]
- agendum 3. "Info Share" taken up [from addison]
- 16:14:49 [RRSAgent]
- I have made the request to generate addison
- 16:15:06 [addison]
- zakim, take up agendum 4
- 16:15:06 [Zakim]
- agendum 4. "Radar and Active Work Review" taken up [from addison]
- 16:15:13 [addison]
- 16:18:05 [najib_]
- najib_ has joined #i18n
- 16:18:21 [addison]
- 16:21:30 [addison]
- 16:22:12 [addison]
- richard: meeting of ad hoc scripts cmte
- 16:22:21 [addison]
- ... discussion of nnbsp in mongolian
- 16:22:34 [addison]
- ... change mongolian so it doesn't use narrow non break space
- 16:22:40 [addison]
- ... new char they'd use instead
- 16:23:00 [addison]
- ... in part because nnbsp is used to separate suffixes
- 16:23:07 [addison]
- ... mongolian is agglutinative
- 16:23:20 [addison]
- ... not always but often separated by a very small space
- 16:23:39 [addison]
- ... when you do selection/line break, should not be treated as space
- 16:23:51 [addison]
- ... don't do these thing properly
- 16:24:05 [addison]
- ... if fallback font is Arial, then fonts don't produce right behavior
- 16:24:13 [addison]
- ... so asking for a new character, Unicode pushing back
- 16:24:19 [addison]
- ... proposal doc to be written
- 16:24:28 [RRSAgent]
- I have made the request to generate addison
- 16:24:39 [addison]
- richard: don't know if nnbsp is considered whitespace
- 16:27:10 [addison]
- agenda?
- 16:27:31 [addison]
- zakim, take up agendum 5
- 16:27:31 [Zakim]
- agendum 5. "For internal review: Styling vertical Chinese, Japanese, Korean and Mongolian text" taken up [from addison]
- 16:27:48 [addison]
- 16:28:14 [addison]
- richard: is this ready for wide review?
- 16:28:30 [najib_]
- najib_ has joined #i18n
- 16:28:30 [addison]
- steve: looked through it; greatly impressed; ready for wide review
- 16:30:42 [r12a]
- add an issue styling so that it's clear we're looking for feedback
- 16:32:34 [addison]
- action: richard: send vertical article for wide review after getting final feedback and fixing the issue styling
- 16:32:34 [trackbot]
- Created ACTION-581 - Send vertical article for wide review after getting final feedback and fixing the issue styling [on Richard Ishida - due 2017-01-26].
- 16:33:16 [addison]
- agenda?
- 16:33:24 [addison]
- zakim, take up agendum 6
- 16:33:24 [Zakim]
- agendum 6. "Typography Document ready for wide review?" taken up [from addison]
- 16:33:38 [addison]
- 16:33:45 [addison]
- 16:34:18 [addison]
- richard: stuff that fantasai wrote about how justification works has a few issues that I need to address
- 16:34:27 [addison]
- ... so probably not ready
- 16:34:56 [addison]
- action: richard: sort out justification text on typography document
- 16:34:56 [trackbot]
- Created ACTION-582 - Sort out justification text on typography document [on Richard Ishida - due 2017-01-26].
- 16:36:45 [addison]
- agenda?
- 16:39:31 [addison]
- any ideas for how to publicize issues we have? send to the group
- 16:39:44 [addison]
- zakim, take up agendum 7
- 16:39:44 [Zakim]
- agendum 7. "Charmod-Norm ready for wide review?" taken up [from addison]
- 16:41:16 [addison]
- 16:43:16 [addison]
- action: addison: review charmod-norm issues list and propose closure
- 16:43:16 [trackbot]
- Created ACTION-583 - Review charmod-norm issues list and propose closure [on Addison Phillips - due 2017-01-26].
- 16:44:02 [addison]
- Topic: AOB?
- 16:44:22 [Steve_Atkin]
- 16:45:07 [addison]
- steve: get a list of remote devices for playback?
- 16:45:28 [addison]
- ... can't specifically think of a case
- 16:50:48 [addison]
- 16:58:53 [addison]
- rrsagent, make minutes
- 16:58:53 [RRSAgent]
- I have made the request to generate addison
- 16:58:53 [addison]
- rrsagent, make minutes
- 16:58:53 [RRSAgent]
- I have made the request to generate addison
- 16:58:53 [RRSAgent]
- I'm logging. Sorry, nothing found for 'help'
- 16:58:53 [addison]
- zakim, bye
- 16:58:53 [Zakim]
- leaving. As of this point the attendees have been felix, JohnO, Addison, Steve, Richard
- 16:58:53 [Zakim]
- Zakim has left #i18n
- 16:58:53 [RRSAgent]
- I have made the request to generate addison
- 16:58:53 [RRSAgent]
- I have made the request to generate addison
- 16:58:53 [JohnO]
- lol
- 16:58:53 [r12a]
- rrsagent, draft minutes
- 16:58:53 [RRSAgent]
- I have made the request to generate r12a
- 16:58:53 [r12a]
- hmm, i'll ask for help
- 16:58:53 [JohnO]
- Maybe the rrsagent is a teenager?
- 16:59:02 [r12a]
- oh !
- 16:59:55 [najib]
- najib has left #i18n
- 17:01:46 [JohnO]
- JohnO has left #i18n