16:17:22 RRSAgent has joined #coga 16:17:22 logging to http://www.w3.org/2016/12/19-coga-irc 16:20:49 agenda: this 16:20:51 agenda+ Action items and review of agenda 16:20:52 agenda+ SC updates. WCAG and do we want to add anything to : https://rawgit.com/w3c/coga/master/extension/status.html, FAQ's 16:20:54 Agenda+ emotional disabilities proposal https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-cognitive-a11y-tf/2016Dec/0038.html 16:20:55 agenda+ Tables of user needs https://rawgit.com/w3c/coga/master/gap-analysis/table.html agenda+ be done 16:22:00 regrets: maryjo EA 16:25:27 agenda+ key stakeholders 16:54:11 Lisa_Seeman_ has joined #coga 17:01:05 zakim, next item 17:01:05 agendum 1. "Action items and review of agenda" taken up [from Lisa_Seeman] 17:02:07 Lisa_Seeman_ has joined #coga 17:02:14 Jan has joined #coga 17:03:01 Jim_S has joined #coga 17:03:12 regrets: maryjo, mike pluke, EA, 17:06:46 scribe: Jan 17:07:15 kirkwood has joined #COGA 17:07:28 Action Item: Review Open Action Items & Introductions for New Member 17:07:28 Error finding 'Item'. You can review and register nicknames at . 17:08:10 Topic: Review Open Action Items & Introductions for New Member - Shari Butler with Pearson 17:12:22 kirkwood_ has joined #coga 17:12:32 https://www.w3.org/WAI/PF/cognitive-a11y-tf/track/actions/open 17:13:49 Lisa - Update on bot paper - John does not have progress on it yet, but Susan is not here, but IBM is putting out some bots and should be looking into it soon. 17:14:01 https://rawgit.com/w3c/coga/master/issue-papers/user-testing.html 17:14:40 Lisa - User testing / ethics - would like to incorporate it into the next publication of the issue papers - Lisa put link to the paper into IRC 17:16:03 It is important that we have actually identified what we mean by user testing - it is important for people to understand human rights, what they are testing, and how to do it. 17:16:37 Thaddeus has joined #COGA 17:16:44 + Thaddeus 17:16:45 COGA has joined #coga 17:16:47 Thaddeus present 17:17:03 present+ kirkwood 17:17:03 Present+ lisa 17:17:06 present+ jan 17:17:13 present+ Thaddeus 17:17:19 Present+ Jim_S 17:18:04 slim has joined #coga 17:18:07 https://rawgit.com/w3c/coga/master/issue-papers/user-testing.html 17:19:16 Lisa - Thaddeus update on paper about anxiety and depression - quick update? 17:19:43 Thaddeus - We had talked about adding PTSD, but Regenald needs to align this with the current research that he is doing. 17:20:45 Thaddeus - mood disorders, neurotic stress disorders and schizophrenia are the topics that Regenald has listed for his research 17:20:55 coga_ has joined #coga 17:21:19 Lisa - reached out to WCAG group to make sure that we can address emotional disturbance - so far there has not been any objection 17:21:26 Shari has joined #coga 17:21:32 Lisa - reaching out to Madeleine Rothberb about metadata 17:22:33 Jan - Madeleine Rothberg just recently did a presentation for Bookshare about Metadata - Lisa will reach out to her for the recording 17:23:23 Lisa - Madeleine has done a great job of addressing metadata for physical disabilities and is aware that there is a hole and that they need to address cognitive - this will link in with the personalization settings that we need to write for issue papers. 17:24:00 Topic: Brief overview of what is happening with WCAG 17:24:01 present+ Janina 17:24:10 https://rawgit.com/w3c/coga/master/issue-papers/user-testing.html 17:25:07 +1 to brief overview 17:25:20 +1, if others ok with it 17:25:27 +1 to overview 17:27:46 zakim, next item 17:27:46 agendum 2. "SC updates. WCAG and do we want to add anything to : https://rawgit.com/w3c/coga/master/extension/status.html, FAQ's" taken up [from Lisa_Seeman] 17:27:46 could start with where we are in terms of W3C deliverables? 17:29:15 Topic: Stake holders for Silver - does anyone have any ideas 17:30:07 Lisa - there is going to be a restructure of how to address accessibility, so W3C wants to make sure that all of the stake holders are represented. There is a form for nominating people for Silver that Lisa would need to fill out 17:31:36 Lisa - I was thinking about Autism Association and Alzheimer's of Europe and the Brittish Dyslexia Association - I think they are looking for individuals, but we need to think about organizations and then find individuals who could represent 17:32:08 Lisa - this is important because they need the full spectrum of expertise, so it's worth putting thought into this. 17:32:28 Thaddeus - if we know someone, do we contact them outside of the W3C? 17:32:53 Lisa - I think we should nominate people whose perspectives we believe should be represented. 17:34:03 https://www.w3.org/WAI/GL/task-forces/silver/wiki/Stakeholder_Submissions 17:34:19 If you want to know what names have been submitted so far, the list is available at: 17:34:21 https://www.w3.org/WAI/GL/task-forces/silver/wiki/Stakeholder_Submissions 17:34:22 The form is at: 17:34:24 https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSd7jxkMzK4HbzK0cyyBnkv3cKFJL_ahIwIcbHao7qOZLyDy-w/viewform 17:35:01 q? 17:35:16 https://github.com/w3c/wcag21/issues?q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aopen+label%3ACOGA 17:35:17 Topic: WCAG and SC proposals 17:35:42 https://www.w3.org/WAI/PF/cognitive-a11y-tf/wiki/COGA-FAQ 17:37:00 Lisa - please review the FAQ and let her know if there are any additional FAQs that we need to add or are there any comments on the FAQ page 17:37:38 Q? 17:37:42 Lisa - the FAQ page also addressed the process we went through to develop the Cognitive SCs 17:38:46 are all the SCs open issues or is there a document too? 17:39:26 Lisa - I would encourage people with decent editorial skills to volunteer for each success criterion to be a manager 17:39:44 C managers page (https://www.w3.org/WAI/GL/wiki/SC_Managers_Phase1) a 17:40:55 Lisa - there have been multiple SC criteria submitted from different working groups and each one needs a manager. The link provided by Lisa defines the manager job. 17:41:11 Lisa - no one has volunteered for any of the COGA SC 17:41:40 i can't see coga stuff there? 17:41:41 Lisa - the risk is that we will get people signing up for the COGA SC that don't really want to do it and who are not necessarily understanding the space or are interested in the space. 17:42:49 Thaddeus - I thought that we could not sign up for a SC that we worked on 17:42:55 Lisa - I think it's just the proposer 17:43:10 Thaddeus - So, Lisa is the proposer of all COGA SC 17:43:37 Lisa - let's go ahead and sign up for some of the SC and then see if we are corrected - no one else is signing up for them 17:44:10 I'll commit to at least one - 17:44:14 when need to be done? 17:44:22 "Identify overlap/synergies with other SC proposals " will be hard 17:44:31 Lisa - I would rather not sign up as a manager because I am going to have to argue the point on any comments that come back on the 39 submitted SC 17:44:53 Thaddeus - I will sign up for some and then notify the group 17:45:01 Lisa - you probably need to notify WCAG as well. 17:45:14 yes will do 17:45:53 Lisa_Seeman has joined #coga 17:46:47 Lisa - do we want to continue tracking each of our 39 SC and update things like "has a manager assigned," etc. 17:46:49 https://github.com/w3c/wcag21/issues?q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aopen+label%3ACOGA 17:47:17 manger colubm 17:47:50 action: lisa add manager to status for SC 17:47:50 Created ACTION-197 - Add manager to status for sc [on Lisa Seeman - due 2016-12-26]. 17:48:16 q? 17:48:27 zakim, next item 17:48:27 agendum 3. "emotional disabilities proposal https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-cognitive-a11y-tf/2016Dec/0038.html" taken up [from Lisa_Seeman] 17:49:11 I get a 404 with the link 17:49:23 Topic: Emotional Disabilities - We might need a new research template 17:49:42 Jan - I get a 404 error as well 17:49:57 I think it is because the " is in the link 17:50:15 https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-cognitive-a11y-tf/2016Dec/0038.html 17:50:19 This link works: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-cognitive-a11y-tf/2016Dec/0038.html 17:51:11 Lisa - what are the challenges that people with emotional disturbance experience when using ICT and IoT - for example, if you're having a panic attack, you may not be able to remember your password 17:51:37 Lisa - I think that we may find a huge overlap with the research we have done with other cognitive disabilities 17:52:14 Lisa - we need to look at whether or not there are design practices, etc., that can cause harm to COGA, including people with emotional disturbance. 17:53:27 Lisa - there are things that I have left out of here that I think are out of scope - like where people with emotional disabilities might follow other people because we are supposed to focus on the user and not everyone else 17:54:50 Janina - We need to be able to quantify "harm" in the same way that we quantify flashing content 17:54:55 Lisa, we lost your audio 17:56:09 Lisa_Seeman_ has joined #coga 17:56:53 Lisa - we should tag everything with whether or not it is subjective or quantifiable 17:57:14 q? 17:57:23 Janina - we will find some areas where we can quantify and some where we cannot 17:59:07 Lisa - there was a short overview of each cognitive and learning disability that we were address - just a definition for those who have never heard of it. This was true in cognitive, so it will be the same in emotional so that people can leave their misconceptions at the door 17:59:35 Lisa - there might be research that identifies things that can help, but there may be other suggestions that you think would help 18:00:15 Janina - I want to underline and underscore what was said about defining the condition, but we need to emphasize what it means on the web 18:01:41 Lisa - we need to think about in terms of disabilities that we are looking at, is whether or not we should recruit people into the task force who may have specific expertise in this area 18:02:05 Lisa_Seeman_ has joined #coga 18:02:09 Jan - Shari Butler has some specific names of people that may be invited as experts 18:03:21 JohnK - I may also have some connections, but I just need some additional information on who you would be interested in recruiting 18:03:49 Lisa - we are off for the next two weeks - there is a WCAG call tomorrow and I would encourage people to attend 18:04:06 Lisa - the WCAG survey came through while we were on the call 18:04:50 Lisa - they are going to go through all of our proposal and ask about things in our FAQ, so it would help to have additional COGA task force people 18:05:01 Lisa - actually, I have not seen the questionnaire for this week yet. 18:05:19 Lisa - they are not moving anything forward until it has a SC manager 18:05:40 Lisa - Andrew is saying that managers are supposed to say whether or not something is ready for the group to look at. 18:06:21 Janina - Very little is likely to happen in the next two weeks because of the holidays 18:06:50 Lisa - they are going to talk about numbering and requirements for SCs - we were told that this is guidance 18:08:22 Lisa - some people are trying to call them acceptance criteria - this is a problem because if something doesn't meet one of the criterion 100%, it could still be achieved when possible, so if it's its an "acceptance" criteria, that could cause a problem 18:09:21 Lisa - our testability section has some recommendations, but not widely approved testing processes 18:12:41 bye everyone - happy holidays! 18:12:58 Happy hollidays to all!!! 18:24:40 rrsagent, make logs public 18:26:27 rrsagent, create minutes 18:26:27 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2016/12/19-coga-minutes.html Lisa_Seeman_ 18:27:04 zakim, please part 18:27:04 leaving. As of this point the attendees have been Thaddeus, kirkwood, lisa, jan, Jim_S, Janina 18:27:04 Zakim has left #coga 18:27:13 rrsagent, please part 18:27:13 I see 2 open action items saved in http://www.w3.org/2016/12/19-coga-actions.rdf : 18:27:13 ACTION: Item to Review Open Action Items & Introductions for New Member [1] 18:27:13 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2016/12/19-coga-irc#T17-07-28 18:27:13 ACTION: lisa add manager to status for SC [2] 18:27:13 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2016/12/19-coga-irc#T17-47-50