14:28:33 RRSAgent has joined #wai-wcag 14:28:33 logging to http://www.w3.org/2016/12/13-wai-wcag-irc 14:28:35 RRSAgent, make logs public 14:28:38 Zakim, this will be WAI_WCAG 14:28:38 Meeting: Web Content Accessibility Guidelines Working Group Teleconference 14:28:38 Date: 13 December 2016 14:28:38 ok, trackbot 14:28:58 trackbot, end meeting 14:28:58 Zakim, list attendees 14:28:58 As of this point the attendees have been Avneesh, AWK, alastairc, mattg, Glenda, davidmacdonald, Joshue, marcjohlic, Lauriat, KathyW, Greg_Lowney, Laura, Makoto, 14:29:01 ... Katie_Haritos-Shea, MichaelC, jeanne, Judy, lisa_seeman, KimD, Rachael 14:29:06 RRSAgent, please draft minutes 14:29:06 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2016/12/13-wai-wcag-minutes.html trackbot 14:29:07 RRSAgent, bye 14:29:07 I see no action items 15:32:09 RRSAgent has joined #wai-wcag 15:32:09 logging to http://www.w3.org/2016/12/13-wai-wcag-irc 15:32:11 RRSAgent, make logs public 15:32:14 Zakim, this will be WAI_WCAG 15:32:14 ok, trackbot 15:32:14 Meeting: Web Content Accessibility Guidelines Working Group Teleconference 15:32:14 Date: 13 December 2016 15:32:23 zakim, agenda? 15:32:23 I see 1 item remaining on the agenda: 15:32:24 2. Survey of new SC proposals: https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/35422/NewSC_20161122/ [from AWK] 15:32:37 zakim, clear agenda 15:32:37 agenda cleared 15:34:30 agenda+ Discussion: SC managers 15:34:39 agenda+ Update on charter discussion 15:34:53 agenda+ New SC proposals: https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/35422/NewSC_20161122/ 15:35:02 Chair: Joshue 15:48:30 AWK has joined #wai-wcag 15:48:38 Zakim, agenda? 15:48:38 I see 3 items remaining on the agenda: 15:48:39 1. Discussion: SC managers [from Joshue108] 15:48:39 2. Update on charter discussion [from Joshue108] 15:48:39 3. New SC proposals: https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/35422/NewSC_20161122/ [from Joshue108] 15:51:14 laura has joined #wai-wcag 15:52:37 Wilco has joined #wai-wcag 15:54:48 +WK 15:54:51 -WK 15:54:53 +AWK 15:55:37 bruce_bailey has joined #wai-wcag 15:56:10 mattg has joined #wai-wcag 15:56:58 Rachael has joined #wai-wcag 15:57:55 Present+ Lauriat 15:58:02 present+ Rachael 15:58:11 Scribe: Bruce_Bailey 15:58:34 Joshue108 has joined #wai-wcag 15:58:50 present+ Joshue108 15:58:52 present+ MichaelC, Jeanne, Sarah, AWK 15:59:05 zakim, agenda? 15:59:05 I see 3 items remaining on the agenda: 15:59:06 1. Discussion: SC managers [from Joshue108] 15:59:06 2. Update on charter discussion [from Joshue108] 15:59:06 3. New SC proposals: https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/35422/NewSC_20161122/ [from Joshue108] 15:59:08 Greg has joined #wai-wcag 15:59:09 Zakim, who is on the call? 15:59:09 Present: Avneesh, AWK, alastairc, mattg, Glenda, davidmacdonald, Joshue, marcjohlic, Lauriat, KathyW, Greg_Lowney, Laura, Makoto, Katie_Haritos-Shea, MichaelC, jeanne, Judy, 15:59:12 ... lisa_seeman, KimD, Rachael, Joshue108, Sarah 15:59:28 present+ bruce_bailey 15:59:47 present: AWK 15:59:50 Zakim, who is on the call? 15:59:50 Present: AWK 15:59:55 marcjohlic has joined #wai-wcag 16:00:12 SarahHorton has joined #wai-wcag 16:00:17 present: MichaelC, Jeanne, Sarah, Lauriat, Rachael, Bruce_Bailey 16:00:35 present+ mattg 16:00:37 Makoto has joined #wai-wcag 16:00:39 MicaelC:Silver TF meeting FtF during call 16:00:49 ...Silver TF says hello 16:00:51 Zakim, who is on the call? 16:00:51 Present: MichaelC, Jeanne, Sarah, Lauriat, Rachael, Bruce_Bailey, mattg 16:01:01 present+ marcjohlic 16:01:33 adam_solomon has joined #wai-wcag 16:01:40 present+ Greg_Lowney 16:01:52 +Srini 16:01:58 present+ adam_solomon 16:01:59 present+ Wilco 16:02:03 present+ Laura 16:02:10 present+ Makoto 16:02:40 josh starting meeting 16:03:17 zakim, next item 16:03:17 agendum 1. "Discussion: SC managers" taken up [from Joshue108] 16:03:27 Regrets+ Alastair 16:03:49 josh: import issue ht Katie for suggestion 16:03:51 Current description: https://www.w3.org/WAI/GL/wiki/SC_Managers_Phase1 16:04:04 ..chairs have discussed role and how to be effective 16:04:29 ..we will go through wiki page 16:04:39 jamesn has joined #wai-wcag 16:04:43 MoeKraft has joined #wai-wcag 16:04:50 KimD has joined #wai-wcag 16:05:02 +KimD 16:05:22 ..idea is looking for provision acceptance, not final. SC manager role is help WG members understand challenges, issues, concern, and drive SC on git hub 16:06:10 ..in terms of driving discussion, outline is on git hub 16:06:11 rrsagent, make minutes 16:06:11 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2016/12/13-wai-wcag-minutes.html jamesn 16:06:42 ..sc manager is central point to identifying issues and blocking items, hopefully reducing noise 16:06:55 ..proposals can be merged, closed, etc. 16:07:01 q? 16:07:06 Mike_Elledge has joined #wai-wcag 16:07:12 Glenda has joined #wai-wcag 16:07:18 Present+ Mike Elledge 16:07:20 ..fresh sc are a possibility, wiki details how chairs think that might develope 16:07:39 ..wg members will discuss on call as usual 16:07:49 q? 16:07:53 q+ 16:08:03 ack awk 16:08:09 ..once sc manager and chairs feels ready for call for concensus, chairs will have sc on call 16:08:22 AWK: to emphais a couple things 16:08:41 .. try to keep active discussion on git hub 16:09:21 .. keep the work on git hub, which gives us tracking, linking, pull control, and hooks for publishing 16:09:52 .. last week we got a number of volunteers, but we want sc managers to only handle two at a time 16:10:10 .. we have long history of tasks not getting sufficient attention 16:10:11 q+ 16:10:16 .. we want to spread out the work 16:10:20 q+ to talk about only managing 2 at a time 16:10:50 q+ 16:10:59 ack rach 16:11:00 .. we have 16 signed up by 6 people, but two people signed up for five. Chairs will be asking SC leads to only do two at a time 16:11:25 Rachael: how to handle overlapping sc? 16:11:42 josh: sc managers coordinate directly with each other 16:11:57 .. outcome could be a differerent sc or hand off 16:12:08 Present+ Glenda 16:12:21 .. this sort of this is core priority for sc manager 16:12:28 ack Josh 16:12:28 Joshue, you wanted to talk about only managing 2 at a time 16:12:46 Racheal asks if one person coordinating related sc migh work better 16:13:11 Josh asks that we start with just two at a time, keep attention focus, see how it works 16:13:22 ack mike 16:13:33 .. process is in work in progress, so we will adapt as needed 16:14:00 "Ready for WG review" was to indicate the Dec 1 deadline readiness 16:14:14 MikeE: A number of git hub items say "ready to review" are they really ready for WG concensus? 16:14:32 The SC manager process is "the WCAG review" 16:14:47 Josh: Ready for review means ready for SC management, and that items are targeted for december pass 16:15:07 q? 16:15:34 q+ 16:15:47 Josh, Mike, AWK clarify that ready for review means ready for TF review, not GL review 16:16:18 Green lable means ready for SC managment 16:16:19 Ryladog has joined #wai-wcag 16:16:27 AWK will be looking at updating labels 16:16:40 Present+ Katie_Haritos-Shea 16:16:46 Wayne has joined #wai-wcag 16:16:47 ack adam 16:16:49 ack adam 16:17:00 https://www.w3.org/WAI/GL/wiki/SC_Managers_Phase1 16:17:43 AWK nutshell role of SC manager is that we have proposals from TF, but they need to formated for WG review 16:18:02 ..there may be additional issues, conflicts with other draft SC. 16:18:35 ..SC does not need particular expertise in topic, but they need to read, maybe format a bit more, and put together a pull request 16:18:59 ..pull request when SC is in final format and WG group 16:19:48 Adam Solomon:Will comments already be in git hub? (AWK: yes) so does SC manager make edits to proposal? 16:20:47 AWK: SC manager probably should not be editing the proposal but elevating issues and guiding TF lead to make changes in response to issues 16:21:24 David-MacDonald has joined #wai-wcag 16:21:25 AWK: discussion could happen on git hub but also by email if absolutely neccessary. threads on github are prefereable 16:21:39 sorry late.... was on client call... 16:21:53 Present+ David-MacDonald 16:22:10 .. sc could restate what they are hear. sc manager empowered to for and manage branch of modifications 16:22:14 please do that Andrew 16:22:26 +1 to vid 16:22:29 +1 to vid 16:22:30 AWK may record video tutorial of this 16:22:31 Present+ Wayne 16:22:36 q? 16:22:41 +1 for instructions/info video! 16:22:48 +1 to the idea of AWK documenting how the SC manager can fork and edit the SC they are managing 16:22:52 In a nut shell - the SC manager will drive the development, the iteration, acceptance, or deletion of a candidate SC. 16:23:00 Yes. GitHub process tutorial would be helpful. 16:23:28 q? 16:24:08 what are we on? 16:24:13 AWK: some proposal have been driven by one or two people, so main reason for sc manager is to have at least more person vested in proposal 16:24:25 Jim_Smith has joined #wai-wcag 16:24:33 ..need fresh eyes sometimes 16:25:01 david, we are on https://www.w3.org/WAI/GL/wiki/SC_Managers_Phase1 16:25:09 AWK: one outcome might be that a great idea needs better UA support than we have, so SC might get defered 16:25:31 .. TF are resources, but work is in hand of WG, WG makes decision. 16:25:53 .. TF members are all WG members, but WG has responsibility and decision making 16:26:10 q? 16:26:15 Josh: WG will ultimated accept or regect (defer) 16:26:33 +1 to SC Managers 16:26:36 Josh: Not hearing any objections to proposed process 16:26:44 +1 16:26:45 +1 16:26:48 +1 16:26:48 +1 16:26:50 +1 16:26:50 +1 16:26:51 +1 16:26:57 jon_avila has joined #wai-wcag 16:27:03 Johs: please give your plus ones if ready to go forward as outlined 16:27:14 q? 16:27:14 +1 16:27:17 q+ 16:27:19 present+jon_avila 16:27:22 ack awk 16:27:24 ack AWK 16:27:28 s/Johs:/Josh: 16:27:54 AWK: Immediate ask is to go look at proposals and sign up for no more than two. 16:28:20 .. Un-sign please if you have volunteered for more than two 16:28:41 laura has joined #wai-wcag 16:28:49 DM: How we get through with 60 with only two ? 16:29:17 Josh: Just start with two, get those cycled, and sign up for two more. 16:29:36 .. goal is have focus 16:30:04 David has volunteered for four, so Josh ask him to unsign for two. 16:30:14 I will unsign up for the ones that I was the driver on and pick a new 1 or 2. 16:30:29 q+ 16:30:34 ack m 16:30:35 Laura says she we unsign from the ones she wanted to lead because she is too close to them. 16:30:36 ack marc 16:31:31 Marc Johlic, AWK, MichaelC check on GitHub assignment. 16:31:43 Intent was for people to be able to self-asign. 16:31:49 q? 16:31:54 rrsagent, make minutes 16:31:54 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2016/12/13-wai-wcag-minutes.html laura 16:31:56 Marc and Katie report not being able to make assignment. 16:32:25 AWK and MichaelC will check on that. 16:32:49 q? 16:32:53 Meanwhile, chairs have to make assignments. Send email to Josh and/or Andrew. 16:33:00 Zakim, next item 16:33:00 agendum 3. "New SC proposals: https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/35422/NewSC_20161122/" taken up [from Joshue108] 16:33:20 zakim, agenda? 16:33:20 I see 1 item remaining on the agenda: 16:33:21 3. New SC proposals: https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/35422/NewSC_20161122/ [from Joshue108] 16:33:34 agenda+ Charter 16:33:39 zakim, next item 16:33:39 agendum 3 was just opened, Joshue108 16:33:40 https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/35422/NewSC_20161122/results 16:34:08 MichaelC reports that Git Hub does *not* allow self-assignment 16:34:35 TOPIC: Update on charter discussion 16:34:39 .. so ask AWK and Josh if you want to be SC manager 16:34:56 MikeE also suggest putting your name on in the comments 16:35:24 Josh: Comments fall into a few classes 16:35:44 ..five comments asking for Digital Publishers to be included 16:36:01 ..other commenters want korean group included 16:36:12 ..other commenter for coordination with PF 16:36:25 .. many are administrative, 16:36:35 36 responses, 3 formal responses 16:36:43 3 formal objections 16:36:54 chairs are following up 16:37:13 ..request for mobile to be more promient 16:37:25 ..request for coordination with human factors 16:37:44 .. comments that mobile should be primary objective 16:37:59 q? 16:38:00 .. chairs feel equally strongly regarding LV and COGA 16:38:55 AWK: there are bunch of issue have likely for easy success, 16:39:09 .. but a few core issues that will take longer to resolve 16:39:36 .. incubation, and where silver work should be happening will take some effort to resolve 16:39:42 q+ 16:39:42 +q 16:39:49 q+ 16:40:01 .. charter proposal was fairly open 16:40:11 q+ to note Silver isn´t fully incubation, it´s an up-version, though there are incubator aspects 16:40:21 q+ 16:40:32 .. charter needs to be amended to address needs of WG member goals and addressing formal objections 16:40:48 ack mich 16:40:48 MichaelC, you wanted to note Silver isn´t fully incubation, it´s an up-version, though there are incubator aspects 16:41:02 .. AWK asks people to comment on where silver incubation should be happening 16:41:16 ACTF = Accessibility Conformance Testing Framework 16:41:42 MichaelC does not feel silver is "incubator" since it is an up version, but understands incubator arguement 16:41:47 ack ryla 16:41:48 q+ 16:42:07 ACTF work is also an issue 16:42:24 Katie speaks on supporting ACTF in domain of WG 16:42:47 Katie would rather WG lose Silver thand ACTF, but would like both to stay 16:42:57 ack wilco 16:43:29 Wilco: ACTF has been in a community group for two years 16:44:10 .. work has gone through extensive development, ready to be picked up by WG. not much more to be done in community group 16:44:38 ack mike 16:44:47 AWK: Confirms that community groups have done well, done lots of work, but ready for next phase. Wilco concures. 16:45:06 s/concures/concurs 16:45:15 MikeE asks for more clarification as to why these two issues are contentious 16:45:48 Josh's read is that there is concern that they need more development before being taken up by GL WG 16:46:42 Josh respects ACTF work, but there is lots of other work going on outside community group. 16:47:10 AWK: Large concern as to what standards work should look like. 16:47:37 .. w3c is trying to decide the official policy, it is all an open question right now 16:47:51 q? 16:48:04 .. member voting on charter make their possition known through the current charter process 16:48:26 .. some people want activies to be 18 months top 16:48:44 .. others are comfortable with longer term projects 16:49:13 MikeE summaries well. 16:49:17 ack Dav 16:49:35 Josh: some pressure for WG to lean and mean 16:50:43 David-MacDonald: Feels like Silver group was not open enough to legacy opinion 16:51:05 MichaelC disagrees 16:51:45 q+ to talk about "wiping the slate clean" 16:51:53 DM: emphasis seems to be on research, silver could be a fresh start 16:52:21 FYI....My position, as AC Rep for Knowbility is, "one size does'nt fit all" for time boxing all new specs to 18 months (or less) is NOT a good idea, especially as it relates to spec taken up in laws around the world 16:52:39 Jeanne confirms that there is lots on the plate for Silver. Revolutionary structure, but evolutionary requirements 16:53:00 q- as Jeanne said what I was going to say 16:53:01 Jeanne: needs to be based on the research, but not throwing out WCAG 2.0 16:53:04 q- 16:53:14 AWK: Jeanne said what I was going to say 16:53:28 q+ to talk about impacts on incubation 16:53:58 q+ to say don´t want to presuppose the end results 16:53:58 MD: WCAG audience is tens of thousands, UAAG is audience of hundreds. How can they be wrapped together? 16:54:09 q+ 16:54:18 q+ to talk about whether we are creating a new UAAG or not. (we are not) 16:54:18 s/MD:/DM: 16:55:05 MC: Silver TF trying not to prejudge, so UAAG and ATAG an open question 16:55:14 ack me 16:55:14 MichaelC, you wanted to talk about impacts on incubation and to say don´t want to presuppose the end results 16:55:27 q? 16:55:29 .. Silver to be based on researh. 16:55:53 .. if the work does not happen in GL WG, can WG be comfortable with that? 16:56:18 gowerm has joined #wai-wcag 16:56:37 DM: We need to be focuse on 2.1, we feel pressure to get something in 18 months 16:56:53 63 sc in three weeks will be touch enough 16:57:02 q+ 16:57:07 +1 16:57:27 ack way 16:57:35 MC and DM agree that DM concern is that Silver in WG should not slow up 2.1 work 16:58:06 present+ MikeGower 16:58:13 Wayne: Silver has not put alot of new things on the table 16:58:40 .. needs for LV folks can only be address by talking about UA issues 16:58:59 Jeanne affirm her personal commitment to Silver for LV accessiblity 16:59:00 agree with wayne 16:59:50 Wayne agrees with David that 2.1 is larger priority 17:00:08 s/larger/more immediate/ 17:00:17 ack awk 17:00:17 AWK, you wanted to talk about whether we are creating a new UAAG or not. (we are not) 17:00:36 Josh: Chairs are keenly aware of all the work that needs to be done. 17:01:32 AWK: Agrees that alot of the comments on the charter were around UAAG/ATAAG issues. There may be other ways to get to the same endpoint. 17:02:07 q? 17:02:13 ..there are complications related to UA and AT and platforms. Ultimate Silver should make think about how we approach guidelines 17:02:43 ack ryla 17:02:47 .. Silver is definately in incubation phase because we are doing researcher. It is a good time to comment if you have concern with direction. 17:03:22 s/doing researcher/doing a lot of background research 17:04:24 Katie: If the charter dicussion is going to delay our work on 2.1, that itself conflicts with getting 2.1 work completed in the timeline we are being asked to meet 17:04:56 .. quality of 2.1 more important than fast. 17:05:43 I agree with Josh 17:05:51 Josh: We are not working on UAAG or ATAG, but Silver is taking big look at what UA and AT can do to unburden the content authors 17:05:59 q? 17:06:13 .. very reasonable to have this considerion in scope for Silver. 17:06:27 ..We hope charter discussion will be wrapped up soon. 17:07:06 not sure 17:07:10 not sure 17:07:10 AKW: Hear people saying that WG is comfortable focusing on 2.1 and let Silver be in community group. 17:07:12 q+ 17:07:20 not sure 17:07:23 I'd like to hear Jeanne's position on this 17:07:24 AWK: Do people disagree or are not sure? 17:07:26 not sure 17:07:28 ack mike 17:07:42 Jim_Smith has joined #wai-wcag 17:07:59 Silver being in a community does NOT relieve any WG time pressures 17:08:45 Katie asks same question about ACTF work? 17:09:10 ACT should stay as a TF 17:09:16 Josh: Are people okay with ACTF geing in a community group? 17:09:20 I think it should be in WCAG WG 17:09:40 Not OK with moving ACT to Community Group 17:09:43 s/geing/being/ 17:10:11 AWK: ACTF has been in community group, so it seems like it is ready to progress. 17:10:33 q+ 17:10:40 q+ to ask if these should be survey questions 17:10:57 ack david 17:10:58 Josh: Question is a little different 17:12:07 DM: Feels irreconsible conflict between work and deadlines 17:12:13 ack bruce 17:12:13 bruce_bailey, you wanted to ask if these should be survey questions 17:12:32 Bruce: These are serious questions, and should be on a survey. 17:12:54 AWK: WG will be approving charter. 17:13:06 .. chairs need to take the temperature 17:13:24 .. will not be making these decission on the call today 17:13:40 Josh: Useful to hear peoples opinion 17:14:08 .. silver work and actf work are quite differnt 17:14:30 .. reality is that wg may need to make choices 17:14:49 Zakim, agenda? 17:14:49 I see 2 items remaining on the agenda: 17:14:50 3. New SC proposals: https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/35422/NewSC_20161122/ [from Joshue108] 17:14:50 4. Charter [from Joshue108] 17:15:04 zakim, take up item 3 17:15:04 agendum 3. "New SC proposals: https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/35422/NewSC_20161122/" taken up [from Joshue108] 17:15:20 https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/35422/NewSC_20161122/results 17:16:02 Josh: these will be coming through fast, many sc queued up, ready for discussion once charter is wrapped up 17:16:03 Closed https://github.com/w3c/wcag21/issues/3 17:16:30 Discussing issue 2, Programmatic notification is provided for each change in content 17:16:33 Lets talk about this one https://github.com/w3c/wcag21/issues/2 17:17:25 Wayne: Need more time to review comments in githum 17:17:39 s/githum/github/ 17:18:15 Josh: In terms of overview, seems pretty possitive. 11 accepts in whole, 8 in principle w/ changes 17:18:47 Josh: We can let wayne manage 17:18:55 q? 17:19:05 AWK ask David to discuss related COGO issue. 17:19:25 David: I added exception to address James' comments and question about COGA 54 17:20:00 .. this question is about programatic notification, e.g. notification from shopping cart. Something changed on the page, how does the LV or blind user know? 17:20:45 q+ 17:20:48 q+ to say will I add the COGA label to this also? 17:20:49 .. number of terms of COGA 54 which may or may not be accepted, but see note 6 about programmatic and visual feedback 17:21:07 https://github.com/w3c/wcag21/issues/54 17:21:16 ack ry 17:21:32 .. objective with DM edit is to incorporate some COGA objectives into this SC 17:22:08 Katie: Sees updates might not be initiated by user, so would like issues to remain separate 17:22:42 DM: Argues for overlap, since both are page updates. 17:23:20 Katie argues for keeping separate, because user-initiated action is so discrete. 17:23:27 q+ 17:23:36 q+ 17:24:01 Josh: Is this a COGA issues, should label be assigned to this item? 17:24:15 Wayne and Rachel (SC managers for #2 and #54, respectively) should talk 17:24:34 ack me 17:24:34 Joshue, you wanted to say will I add the COGA label to this also? 17:24:36 ... and decide if these should be merged 17:24:38 DM: Sees SC as focused on page change, not user action or not. 17:25:07 ack awk 17:25:19 DM clarifies that he has not seen overlap with LV tf sc. 17:25:57 AWK: Wayne and Rachel should decide if issues should be merged. 17:26:52 AWK and DM discuss example of what would not be covered. 17:27:02 Iisa has joined #wai-wcag 17:27:15 q+ 17:27:23 Q+ 17:27:45 DM: loading content very import, gave a couple example with form changing content of page base on user action 17:27:57 zakim, close queue 17:27:57 ok, Joshue108, the speaker queue is closed 17:28:07 Some one will need to unmute me 17:28:27 we shall try 17:28:30 Q+ 17:28:35 AWK: may need a defintion of control. Davids examples are about componenets of page. 17:28:52 .. If we can address need without new SC, that is good. 17:29:03 Present+ lisa 17:29:13 ack adam 17:29:24 AWK and Josh ask for clear definition of control vs component before revisit 17:30:08 Adam: Are example only for client side interaction. 17:30:24 q+ 17:30:40 DM: Had detail about "after page load" in one place, so phrasing may be reused. 17:30:59 Andrews right, we don't have a definition for control. 17:31:11 ack gow 17:31:20 Discussion about post back. URL is not changing, so need to be clear about refresh or new infomation 17:32:09 ack I 17:32:10 James: Page load currently addressed by 1.3.1. There is visual queue, so just need a technique for clarification 17:32:34 +1 1.3.1 does not involve notifications 17:32:48 DM: Disagress that 1.3.1 explictely fails change in content 17:33:09 Jame: Issue three closed was about issue notification 17:33:25 rrsagent, make minutes 17:33:25 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2016/12/13-wai-wcag-minutes.html laura 17:33:48 DM: Notification is on other end of DOM tree, so could be missed. 17:34:07 rrsagen, make minutes 17:34:15 rrsagent, make minutes 17:34:15 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2016/12/13-wai-wcag-minutes.html bruce_bailey 17:35:15 Lisa: requirements around notification are well addressed 17:35:45 .. GOCA sc include visual notification in the main modality 17:36:01 .. use case might be able to be addressed by notes 17:36:28 .. don't want to lose sc, but a couple use cases might be covered by current sc 17:36:53 Josh: please do sign up to manage sc 17:36:56 Bye all! 17:37:10 trackbot, end meeting 17:37:10 Zakim, list attendees 17:37:10 As of this point the attendees have been MichaelC, Jeanne, Sarah, Lauriat, Rachael, Bruce_Bailey, mattg, marcjohlic, Greg_Lowney, Srini, adam_solomon, Wilco, Laura, Makoto, KimD, 17:37:13 ... Mike, Elledge, Glenda, Katie_Haritos-Shea, David-MacDonald, Wayne, jon_avila, MikeGower, lisa 17:37:18 RRSAgent, please draft minutes 17:37:18 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2016/12/13-wai-wcag-minutes.html trackbot 17:37:19 RRSAgent, bye 17:37:19 I see no action items 17:37:22 Zakim, who is on the call? 17:37:22 Present: MichaelC, Jeanne, Sarah, Lauriat, Rachael, Bruce_Bailey, mattg, marcjohlic, Greg_Lowney, Srini, adam_solomon, Wilco, Laura, Makoto, KimD, Mike, Elledge, Glenda,