09:48:03 RRSAgent has joined #poe 09:48:03 logging to http://www.w3.org/2016/12/05-poe-irc 09:48:05 RRSAgent, make logs public 09:48:05 Zakim has joined #poe 09:48:07 Zakim, this will be 09:48:07 I don't understand 'this will be', trackbot 09:48:08 Meeting: Permissions and Obligations Expression Working Group Teleconference 09:48:08 Date: 05 December 2016 09:48:28 s/Teleconference/Virtual F2F/ 09:49:00 agenda: https://www.w3.org/2016/poe/wiki/Meetings:Telecon20161205 09:49:10 chair: Renato, Ben 09:49:22 phila has changed the topic to: Agenda for today's virtual F2F is at https://www.w3.org/2016/poe/wiki/Meetings:Telecon20161205 09:52:46 Serena has joined #poe 09:56:20 renato has joined #poe 09:58:26 present+ phila, renato, Serena, simonstey, Michael 09:58:38 RRSAgent, draft minutes 09:58:38 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2016/12/05-poe-minutes.html phila 09:59:03 RRSAgent, make logs public 09:59:06 RRSAgent, draft minutes 09:59:06 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2016/12/05-poe-minutes.html phila 10:00:06 michaelS has joined #poe 10:01:04 present+ 10:01:50 present+ 10:01:53 victor has joined #poe 10:02:12 Hi! 10:02:56 are we starting now or in 30 mins? 10:03:12 s/ Hi!// 10:03:20 s/are we starting now or in 30 mins?// 10:03:32 scribeNick: phila 10:03:34 present+ 10:03:39 Topic: Scribe duties 10:03:46 phila: Will start 10:04:00 present+ 10:04:07 Serena: Second slot 10:04:15 michaelS: Later, after constraints 10:04:16 simon: I'll do the 3rd one 10:04:32 I'll do the 4th 10:04:56 present+ 10:05:35 renato: I'd like to go through approved req issues (green ones) first 10:05:43 ... The go through editorial ones after that 10:05:51 renato: Going from GH issues 10:06:22 try this: https://mit.webex.com/mit/j.php?MTID=me949e9479628ccd68d29fec3cc71c0da 10:07:49 Topic: Last meeting minutes 10:07:59 +1 10:08:04 benws: Any objection to https://www.w3.org/2016/11/28-poe-minutes.html? 10:08:08 +1 10:08:24 RESOLUTION: Minjutes of 28 Nov approved 10:08:32 Topic: Information model 10:08:42 Sabrina has joined #poe 10:08:42 benws: See https://github.com/w3c/poe/issues 10:08:50 https://github.com/w3c/poe/milestone/1 10:08:54 present+ sabrina 10:08:58 s/Minjutes/Minutes 10:09:02 CarolineB has joined #poe 10:09:13 -> https://github.com/w3c/poe/issues/62 Issue 62 10:09:27 ... See also https://github.com/w3c/poe/issues/59 10:09:29 ... 58 10:09:38 ... 56 10:09:54 ... 60 10:10:07 please add 81 10:10:22 renato: We've seen examples on the list and we've discussed this a lot in the telcos. Need to come to a consensus around constraints on constraints 10:10:40 https://github.com/w3c/poe/issues/62 10:10:50 renato: There are various comments on that 10:10:55 ... including some from michaelS 10:11:07 ... Questioning whether we need constraints on constraints 10:11:32 michaelS: From my reading -= what exactly is a constrainty on a constraint? 10:11:51 .. In some cases it's combining constraints. But I think it's altready defined that multiple constraints are ANDed 10:12:08 ... so what is a constraint on a constraint? 10:12:47 renato: The idea is that a c on a c, they still both apply to the action 10:12:55 ... But the 2nd constrraint applies to the first 10:13:20 ... Classic example was the 30 mins after a football match image 10:13:31 ... So action is to distribute the photo 10:14:01 benws: It's a technique. It's where there is more than one right operand to check 10:14:09 ... Constraints allow us to do that 10:14:19 renato: That's a fair description 10:14:23 RRSAgent, draft minutes 10:14:23 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2016/12/05-poe-minutes.html phila 10:14:51 renato: So a ConC helps to resolve issue 60 10:15:25 ... If we had the ability to say what the actual subject of the constraint is explicitly, then we can say that a C is constyraining another C. 10:15:35 ... Issue 60 then helps us solve issue 62 10:16:11 q? 10:16:15 ... The solution is, in the model, we have another attribute of subject. That allows us to explicitly say that the constraint is on the action, or it can be on another constraint 10:16:33 benws: Given that a constraint has a name, can't we... [breaking up] 10:17:10 +q 10:17:22 benws: ... it has a URI, so we can address it ... can't we use odrl:constraint to attach the constraint in the same was we do something else 10:17:39 simonstey: If we start to attach ConC, what are the intended semantics? 10:18:00 q+ 10:18:11 ... e.g. permission, a C might give a period of time. If attach an additional C, what does that mean>? Can i attach any kind of C to any other kind? 10:18:16 q? 10:18:19 ... What if there is a large chain? 10:18:27 ack simon 10:18:50 q+ to womnder aloud if we ever need more than 2. If not, can we think of sub constraints 10:18:55 q+ 10:19:00 simonstey: What does an arbitrary set mean? 10:19:02 ack m 10:19:13 michaelS: My question is in a similar direction. 10:19:40 ... IPTC has RightsML use cases that incluide combined constraints. Like image can be used everywhere except UK but only for a limited time 10:19:49 ... But we do that already 10:19:54 +q 10:20:03 ... I don't see a need to say that the temporal constraint is a C on the spatial one 10:20:16 benws: In that example, you're correct. But an embargo can't 10:20:21 http://dev.iptc.org/RightsML-Combined-Example-geographic-and-time-period 10:20:43 -q 10:20:46 ... Each right operand can be checked separately, but for an embargo, you need to know both end of the event and the hour after 10:21:21 ... An eg I've put in the constraint renaming paper. I've put an example to use this left operand resource, which identifies the event. And the C defines a period after the event 10:21:38 benws: And that's all in a single constraint. So you have 2 right operands in a single constraint? 10:21:50 michaelS: No, I added a resource to the left operand 10:22:03 ... So the end event is the left operand 10:22:18 ... and the right operand is the period afterwhich the action can be performed 10:22:27 benws: OK, that might work for an embargo 10:22:33 ... But there are other more complex ones 10:22:51 Q? 10:22:53 michaelS: We wanted the flexibility of the free text 10:22:59 asck me 10:23:05 ack me 10:23:05 phila, you wanted to womnder aloud if we ever need more than 2. If not, can we think of sub constraints 10:23:10 q 10:23:56 q? 10:24:16 victor: Is the name ConC a problem? How about extended info on constraints? Or is it more than that? 10:24:28 q? 10:24:33 simonstey: I think it's way more than that. 10:24:39 ack victor 10:25:00 ... Even this sub constraint, what does that mean? It means different things. e.g. for a pay amount of a daytime constraint 10:25:26 simonstey: Inheritance comes in. Are things overwritten or partially overwritten? 10:25:42 ... But I think it would help to not allow an arbitrary collection. 10:25:50 ... Extending the left operand might work. 10:26:00 ... It's those extended relations that might hold the key. 10:26:08 ... Some ORing, maybe 10:26:33 simonstey: Another option might be to constraint a whole package 10:26:45 victor: AIUI, this idea of ConC operates differentely in different examples 10:27:05 ... The only common point that we have is that it provides extra info and a simple constraint can't be defined 10:27:19 ... I agree that a clear model is more important than a clear name. 10:27:39 simonstey: It's important to state that the time period only begins when X happens 10:27:57 simonstey: There are situations where you don't want them both checked at the same time or sequentially. 10:28:10 q? 10:28:33 renato: From this conversation - do we have enbough info that we can make a sensible decision? 10:28:51 ... It sounds as if there are odd cases where it works but the general is more problematic 10:28:53 q+ 10:29:07 q+ 10:29:12 renato: If we can't come up with a good solution maybe we shouldn't keep trying 10:29:27 q- 10:30:05 ack me 10:30:12 benws: We're doing it with a payment constraint 10:30:25 ... The additional unit, GBP, USD 10:30:42 ... If we add in the unit of count, we're sneaking in an additional predicate. 10:31:13 ... We are creating a a special case. You sometimes need an extra predicate 10:31:20 victor: Do you have an example online? 10:31:22 q+ 10:31:40 benws: If you have a payment amount, you need to include the currency 10:31:45 q+ 10:31:58 https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-poe-wg/2016Nov/0065.html 10:31:58 ... If it's about location, you'll need to include IP address or whatever 10:32:14 renato: That example has a pay amount example with a unit and a unit of count 10:32:33 q+ To remark that's still only 2 constraints 10:32:35 ack m 10:32:37 q? 10:33:17 michaelS: I think we should make a distinction... the right operand is an entity and that could have properties. 10:33:45 ... If you want to express a financial amount, that includes a currency, it's not a constraint, just a property of the right operand 10:34:13 ... Issue 58... we talked about what a unit of count actually is. I feel it's another constraint, not a ConC 10:34:38 benws: But if you define the amount that needs to be paid, in order to define the unit, how do you connect that to the pay mount comnstraiont? 10:34:55 michaelS: The unit is part of this constraint. 10:35:01 simonstey: I agree with Ben on that issue. 10:35:20 ... There are situations where ConC makes sense, e.g. pay 100, then say the currency. 10:35:28 ... So that's a constraint on a constraint. 10:35:40 ... This combination makes sense, and we've sneaked this into the model 10:36:03 ... But there other situations where this unit thing doesn't make sense. 10:36:28 ... it's saying you can't pay $100, you have to pay €100 10:36:28 q? 10:36:57 michaelS: I can't agree with that. If you want to define an amount for payment... this colour value has no reason. 10:37:11 ... If you have to say how much money, you need to say what currency 10:37:40 simonstey: If I don't care about the unit, it's not wrong... 10:38:11 benws: It's even more obvious in unit of count. Is it for an access ID, a physical ID etc. 10:38:25 ... Otherwise we don't know what the payment is for. 10:38:41 michaelS: In my answer to issue 58, I said why is this not a constraint 10:38:57 benws: Because the subject of the constraint, current model, is the action. 10:39:11 q? 10:39:11 michaelS: But these are siblings 10:39:22 ack simonstey 10:39:31 renato: So in https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-poe-wg/2016Nov/0065.html 10:39:38 ... Look at the duty 10:39:50 ... There's a constraint of a unit of count and a time interval. 10:40:10 ... So the currency is constrained and there's a time constraint 10:40:56 michaelS: Unit is a part of the amount 10:41:22 q+ to talk about https://www.w3.org/TR/dwbp/#LocaleParametersMetadata 10:41:40 ack me 10:41:40 phila, you wanted to remark that's still only 2 constraints and to talk about https://www.w3.org/TR/dwbp/#LocaleParametersMetadata 10:41:47 q? 10:42:02 -> https://www.w3.org/TR/dwbp/#LocaleParametersMetadata 10:43:45 phila: Talks about locale neutral data and only 2 levels of CofC 10:44:30 benws: On the first implementation, I might think that 2 levels is enough. Then I might find a future more complex version that needs a chain and I'd have to write code to support any number of constraints 10:44:52 ... I see no reason to limit us to 2. 3 would be rate, 4 very rare, but the world is a big plavce. 10:44:58 phila: OK 10:45:01 q? 10:45:09 RRSAgent, draft minutes 10:45:09 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2016/12/05-poe-minutes.html phila 10:45:14 renato: So where are we? 10:45:30 benws: I'd like to understand Michael's solution for an embargo more 10:45:44 renato: Did you write some pseudo code for that michaelS? 10:46:00 michaelS: Regarding this event and period, I have put this in the constraints 10:46:00 https://www.w3.org/2016/poe/wiki/Constraints#Definition_of_the_Left_Operands.2FNames_of_Constraints 10:46:22 michaelS: That says left operand defines the end of the event 10:46:57 ... The left operand resource states sthe end of the event. The right operand states the period. After that the action can be (not)performed 10:47:47 benws: So if we were to look at a pay amount constraint 10:48:00 ... Would you say that left operand unit: Euro? 10:48:07 ... Would that be a solution? 10:48:18 michaelS: We could use it like that. We have our pay amount... 10:48:40 simonstey: You're saying that you can have those generic left operands and explain in plain text what those left operands are 10:48:57 ... So you end up with a a super-large left operand 10:49:46 simonstey: The machine provides the end of the event, but I have to know that the end of the event is not when this starts. 10:50:07 michaelS: This left hand operand would give the end of the event as the start. You get the 30 mins from the right 10:50:18 benws: Can a machine understand this? 10:50:33 michaelS: We talked about this on 15/11. WE said that most of the processes need to be hand crafted 10:50:34 this sounds like linear constraints which is outside of OWL 10:50:40 q? 10:51:07 michaelS: You can have lots of left operands, and you have to adjust your code 10:51:26 benws: You might have that, but I'm hoping for profiles that can automate this process. 10:51:39 michaelS: That's why I proposed to add the left operand so you can see it automated. 10:52:08 ... SO maybe TR can define that count has to be taken from a TR resource and this resource is the reference for checking against the value of count in the right operand/. 10:52:36 https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-poe-wg/2016Nov/0074.html 10:52:49 benws: When you say that, it sounds right, but then I see you have to read the text. It seems the language doesn't have the semantics to express something relatively simple. 10:52:59 renato: I was trying to work out that the left operand 1-9 meant 10:53:11 ... Is there a URI for getting the current count, for example? 10:53:13 michaelS: Yes 10:53:46 michaelS: The free text defines that you have to check a reference against the right operand. To have that machine processable, you can provide the URI that gives the official count. 10:54:25 michaelS: And Ben you said that free text doesn't make you happy. What I propose allows using an API for retrieving the count value 10:55:05 renato: Does you event end period, does that contain a URI of the event or the period of time you wait after the event. 10:55:32 michaelS: The simple solution is that the left operand provides an ID for the event. But that doesn't work as you want the end of the event, not the event itself 10:56:12 michaelS: But an event organiser might provide a URL that provides the timestamp of the end of the event. Ping thsat until you get a timestamp and then start counting. 10:56:33 renato: We're getting into a processing model - how a system would communicate 10:56:48 q? 10:56:57 ... I'm sending a request to a URI and whether I get a response and what response I get starts to matter. 10:57:09 benws: It seems we're jumping to the processing model far too early 10:57:35 renato: So where do we go from here on ConC? 10:57:37 can't we just point to an instance of type https://www.w3.org/TR/owl-time/#time:TemporalEntity 10:57:44 +1 10:57:50 renato: Is there agreement that we need one level of ConC? 10:57:51 +1 10:57:57 benws: I think we def need one or more 10:58:02 +1 10:58:39 q+ 10:58:43 renato: A profile can restrict numbers of constraints, from a model POV, we need to allow the general case 10:59:18 michaelS: To clarify... which count are we talking about? Are we talking about the levels of constraints, or how many consytraints at the first level? 10:59:31 renato: In theory, we can have 10 constraints 10:59:55 ... The Q then is, within any of those Cs, are they further constrained, should we put a limit on how many there could be? 11:00:11 *phila, do you want me to take the hand for scribing?* 11:00:39 *ok!* 11:00:51 benws: Let's clarify ... 11:01:09 ... Whatever solution should be machine processable. Secondly may require more than 1 predicate/. 11:01:45 PROPOSED: Constraint handling should be machine processable 11:02:10 renato: Expressable or processable? 11:02:33 benws: I want the language to be able to express permissions without having to read free text. 11:02:51 renato: Is 'industry is education' is that machine processable? 11:02:51 benws: Yes 11:02:57 q+ 11:03:06 ack m 11:03:29 michaelS: The Q is, is this as strict so that all constraints MUST be machine processable, but is it a goal? 11:03:50 michaelS: I only want to point to the existing constraint that says you need to read the policy 11:03:51 +q 11:03:55 benws: Include those in scope 11:03:57 ack i 11:04:24 ivan: I'm a little bit scare of this... if we do that, then we will have to prove interop. Then we get into a required processing way. 11:04:46 benws: I don't think we're specifying a means of processing it [Breaking up] 11:04:59 benws: [missed] in theory processable 11:05:10 ivan: We need to be careful how we formulate that 11:05:45 benws: We're not specifying a processing model, at this stage, we're saying at this stage that a machines doesn't need to go off and read free text. 11:06:05 ivan: In theory I agree with that. But if we have constraints that include time 11:06:12 ... So we'd need to specify this 11:06:21 q+ to talk about related current future work 11:06:44 benws: I think Michael has done a lot on this 11:07:02 ivan: Isn't it better to say that ODRL should be self contained and not depend on additional prose. 11:07:19 ... I am worried about the terms processing and processable here. It raises potential flags and interop issues 11:07:27 q? 11:07:40 ack s 11:07:54 simonstey: The Q is whether you meant verifiable 11:08:05 ... There are things you can't necessarily check 11:08:12 Proposed: ODRL constraints should be self contained and not depend on additional prose. 11:08:29 q+ 11:08:33 simonstey: Something like 'review policy' 11:08:40 ivan: That'[s why it says SHOULD not MUST 11:08:42 ivan: some constraints are pure prose, those. 11:08:56 s/should/SHOULD 11:09:06 q? 11:09:09 ivan: There might be cases where this is not achievable, but the goal is not to depend on additional propose 11:09:16 ack me 11:09:16 phila, you wanted to talk about related current future work 11:09:19 s/ivan: some constraints are pure prose, those.// 11:10:07 q? 11:11:13 phila: Talked about verifiable claims and OWL Toime 11:11:24 michaelS: Does ODRL have to express *everything*? 11:11:51 michaelS: A typical use is to complement something like a 10 page contract 11:12:09 ... for example, constraints of spatial and temporal use. These are typical in news. 11:12:27 ... The machine readable data will need to interpret the full text. 11:13:05 michaelS: There may be constraints in a 10 page contract that are not expressed in the ODRL policy 11:13:35 ... So I'm not happy about having a strict requirement that everything must be machine readable 11:13:45 benws: I didn't mean that 11:13:50 michaelS: That's how I read it. 11:14:13 benws: It's clear to me that an ODRL policy is an interpretation for a purpose 11:14:31 s/Toime/Time/ 11:14:59 benws: It should be understood without ref to free text 11:15:14 victor: Or at least say that for a full interpretation you need to see the full text 11:15:21 michaelS: We have a duty for that 11:15:45 benws: There's no sense on my part that ODRL is meant to be a full representation of the contract. That won't happen 11:15:47 q? 11:15:52 q- 11:16:00 ack michael 11:16:04 victor: Can we matrk those constraints that can and can't be digitally evaluated? 11:16:23 benws: Let's come back to that. And come back to the proposal 11:16:28 victor: I think it's the same 11:16:39 ... distinguishing those that are self-contained and not 11:17:12 benws: I think you're conflating expressability and processability 11:17:40 Proposed: ODRL constraints SHOULD be self contained and not depend on additional prose. 11:18:24 Proposed: ODRL constraints SHOULD be self contained and not depend on additional prose, noting that it may be a subset of a larger human readable policy. 11:18:50 +1 11:18:57 +1 11:19:04 +1 11:19:06 +1 11:19:09 0 11:19:15 +0.5 11:19:19 +1 11:19:50 What exactly is "additional prose"? 11:20:51 michaelS: I put my user hat on. If you want to process a constraint, you have to read the left operand. Is that dependent on additional prose? 11:20:52 benws: No 11:21:02 ... you have to learn the language 11:21:14 simonstey: I think michaelS is talking about custiome left operands 11:21:18 +0.5 (explanation: some constraints should be self-contained and processable, some others can be "additionalTextConstraint". The important thing is to have ANNOTATED the status of each term) 11:21:33 michaelS: So again for this count value.. it doesn't say from where you get the counts. 11:22:02 benws: No, it means that the language should be riche enough to tell people where to get the count from 11:22:18 ... How do we define constraint so that we can include that in the defintion 11:22:36 michaelS: All info? 11:22:44 benws: Enough! 11:22:58 benws: How do we design constraints so that there is enough info 11:23:26 RESOLUTION: ODRL constraints SHOULD be self contained and not depend on additional prose, noting that it may be a subset of a larger human readable policy. 11:24:04 PROPOSED: A constraint SHOULD carry enough information to check whether it has been satisfied 11:24:20 +1 11:25:07 *I agree with Simon* 11:25:09 benws: The previous proposal is only about whether the solution relying only on the semantics on ODRL. Now we're saying that constraints should be able to check whether they've been satisfied 11:25:18 About "this long" 11:25:35 Enough = enabling the processor to match left and right operand 11:26:32 renato: I suppose we're saying that in a constraint, we need to be able to refer to a source of info to check whether it's been satisfied. So if the count has to be 10, you find out whether it is or not by looking at {} this URL 11:27:12 simonstey: Maybe then we say that a constraint should provide info for checking that it has been satisfied 11:28:12 benws: Can you have a constraint like 'read the licence' 11:28:19 simonstey: That's why it's SHOULD not MUST 11:28:39 q? 11:28:59 "enabling to match left and right operand" is enough 11:29:28 PROPOSED: A constraint SHOULD carry "enabling to match left and right operand information to check whether it has been satisfied 11:30:10 PROPOSED: A constraint SHOULD carry information to enable the left and right operands to be processed to check whether it has been satisfied 11:30:43 +1 11:31:06 q+ 11:31:16 ack m 11:31:52 michaelS: I've proposed to use the term matching left and right operand by the rule of the operatr 11:32:43 michaelS: I agree to the proposal, but I understand the concern about processing. 11:33:05 +0.5 11:34:02 +1 11:34:05 +1 11:34:07 +1 11:34:07 +1 11:34:13 phila: I'm happy with this as a WG reolution, but we need to be careful in the spec itself 11:34:19 +1 11:34:21 +1 11:34:25 +1 11:34:42 RESOLUTION: A constraint SHOULD carry information to enable the left and right operands to be processed to check whether it has been satisfied 11:35:01 benws: I think we're in agreement that we have a real requirement, but we may not have defined how to solve it. 11:35:53 ... We have a req for complex constraints and these 2 resolutions go some way to defining what the resolution 11:35:59 [Coffee Break] 11:36:18 RRSAgent, draft minutes 11:36:18 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2016/12/05-poe-minutes.html phila 11:46:01 *I'll have to leave at 13:30 CET for seeing the doctor, so I'll leave my scribing duties a bit earlier to Simon. I hope to be back asap then.* 11:51:02 scribe: Serena 11:54:53 renato: try to summarize constraints on constraints 11:55:08 … we agreed to have multiple constraints on constraints 11:55:34 odrl:constraint [ 11:55:34 a odrl:Constraint ; 11:55:34 odrl:subject odrl:play ; 11:55:36 odrl:deliveryChannel ; 11:55:38 odrl:operator odrl:eq 11:55:40 odrl:source 11:55:42 ] ; 11:55:47 … here there is a very simple example 11:55:55 … two new predicates 11:56:29 … odrl:subject and odrl:source 11:57:01 … enough information to process left and right operands 11:57:24 benws: example of constraints on constraints using subject? 11:57:36 +q 11:57:50 ack simonstey 11:58:43 q+ 11:58:53 renato: it is useful also with multiple actions in a permission 11:58:57 q? 11:58:57 q+ 11:59:15 q? 11:59:21 ack m 11:59:57 michaelS: looking at subject, I'm not sure it is really of help 12:00:38 scribeNick: Serena 12:00:47 q? 12:00:57 ack ivan 12:01:14 ivan: I'm a little bit unsure about the meaning of subject vs. source 12:01:33 … when I talk aboyt constraints in general the subject is what I constrain 12:01:45 … while here it seems to be the source 12:01:55 renato: no you constrain the "play" 12:02:10 q+ 12:02:32 ivan: I create a constraint on an instance 12:02:39 … here the subject is a class? 12:02:48 … it's not an individual 12:03:04 … I'm looking for a very clear statement 12:03:18 odrl:action odrl:play ; 12:03:26 … I'm not sure to understand if I read it from ouside 12:03:46 … we can create a constraint with everything which has an id 12:04:02 … which one is the id of the instance here? 12:04:10 … it is probably source right? 12:05:05 renato: odrl:play is a predicate defined for the action 12:05:44 odrl:permission [ 12:05:44 a odrl:Permission ; 12:05:44 odrl:assigner ; 12:05:46 odrl:target ; 12:05:56 … here there is the pre-text 12:06:09 … the asset is the catalogue 12:06:38 ivan: the whole idea is that we have to make it explicit what is constrained 12:06:55 renato: something like "applied to" 12:07:08 ivan: yes 12:07:25 q 12:07:39 q? 12:07:42 renato: source, we will find another better name, 12:07:47 ack michaelS 12:08:26 michaelS: I'm confused now, we said before that we should try to avoid to have all these constraints 12:09:08 … is it required to have an explicit reference to the action? Or is it sufficient to say that it refers to the definition of the constraint? 12:09:27 … is it really relevant what the action is? 12:09:39 renato: right… 12:10:12 https://github.com/w3c/poe/issues/60 12:10:40 q? 12:10:45 benws: can we see this example? 12:12:23 a odrl:Constraint ; 12:12:23 odrl:event ; 12:12:23 odrl:operator odrl:eq ; 12:12:25 ] ; 12:13:22 a odrl:Constraint ; 12:13:22 odrl:appliesTo odrl:event ; 12:13:22 odrl:dateTime "P30M" ; 12:13:24 odrl:operator odrl:eq 12:13:26 ] ; 12:13:46 renato: the appllesTo refers to the above constraint 12:14:04 … unless we name the constraints 12:14:27 … we name the first constraint c1 12:14:51 ivan: it would be good to see the whole graph 12:19:06 renato: c2 appliesTo c1 12:19:29 ivan: what is the specification of the domain of appliesTo? 12:20:10 … in c2 you refer to odrl:constraint that is an instance of a class 12:20:20 q? 12:20:32 phila: I'm worried by object being a triple 12:20:54 ivan: you need to have a name to the permission 12:21:02 simonstey_ has joined #poe 12:21:33 phila: c2 shouldn't be listed in the permission 12:21:49 … because it constrain c1, not pro.com 12:22:45 q? 12:25:52 phila: there shouldn't be a link from the top block to c2 in my view 12:26:15 renato: maybe c1 shouldn't be there 12:26:22 … in the top block 12:27:10 benws: it maybe simpler to have the basic implementation of constraints on constraints 12:28:10 michaelS: c2 does not really applies to c1 but to the aircraft of c1 12:28:33 *I'm leaving in 2 minutes, simonstey could you please take my place now?* 12:28:40 scribe: simonstey 12:28:52 *htnaks simonstey I'll be back asap* 12:29:01 *thanks* 12:29:08 Serena has left #poe 12:29:39 [discussing about constraint scoping] 12:30:27 scribeNick: simonstey 12:31:11 renato: [switching from airplane example to datetime/event example] 12:32:13 michaelS: for me it doesn't really make sense.. how do those constraints relate to each other? 12:33:04 ivan: we are dangerously close to have something requiring some sort of event model 12:33:52 phila: well it's something we need to solve somehow.. whether that's the right solution or not 12:34:19 +q 12:34:57 -q 12:35:14 benws: maybe we should have a property called embargotime? 12:35:44 +q 12:36:26 q+ 12:36:47 benws: I think it is a good example.. eventually it may be pushed into a profile, but for now I think we shouldn't be afraid of redefining semantics 12:37:33 q? 12:38:10 q+ 12:38:29 q+ to talk about http://lov.okfn.org/dataset/lov/terms?q=event&type=class 12:39:22 {michael & renato talking about possible solution approaches] 12:40:50 simonstey: I'm wondering where we draw the line between generic and specific use cases 12:41:09 ... I don't think it makes sense to come up with a property that refers to the end of an event specifically 12:41:53 benws: If we allow ourselves to be free on the semantics for now, we see how we end up after working on an example or two. Maybe start with pay amount example 12:42:12 renato: So you want to get rid of A$ as a constraint 12:42:55 q? 12:42:58 ack simonstey 12:43:10 renato: what if the unit is a constraint term itself? 12:43:42 q- 12:43:46 ack i 12:44:18 ivan: relating to something we discussed earlier (the football example) 12:44:25 ... we don't know what an event is 12:44:39 ... ODRL doesn't define what an event is 12:45:10 http://motools.sourceforge.net/event/event.html 12:45:31 q+ 12:45:45 q- 12:45:49 ... e.g., for events we may define properties that we can constrain 12:46:06 q? 12:46:15 q+ to talk about blank nodes 12:46:16 ... maybe taking the event ontology as guidance 12:46:49 benws: can we take the unit out and make it a seperate constraint? 12:47:04 q+ to talk about odrl:payAmount [rdf:value 100; odrl:unit "USD"] 12:47:10 ack mew 12:47:15 ]ack me 12:47:18 ack me 12:47:18 phila, you wanted to talk about blank nodes and to talk about odrl:payAmount [rdf:value 100; odrl:unit "USD"] 12:47:35 phila: the value of payamount is defined as xsd:decimal 12:47:41 odrl:payAmount [rdf:value 100; odrl:unit "USD"] 12:48:06 ... for rdf that means we could use a blank node 12:48:47 benws: but this would require defining complex objects for each and every situation beforehand 12:48:56 q+ 12:49:11 benws: but this would require defining complex objects 12:49:14 ... for each and every situation beforehand 12:49:44 q- 12:49:51 -q ... 12:50:27 renato: we also have to think about the general info model 12:50:48 ... we don't only have RDF but other serializations too 12:51:24 James_ has joined #poe 12:51:34 ... [working on webex whiteboard example] 12:52:39 q? 12:53:36 ivan: how do I properly define the meaning of odrl:unit in that case? 12:53:39 present+ 12:53:57 ... what's the definition of currency? 12:54:37 ivan: it doesnt really define what the currency/unit constraint really mean? 12:55:00 ... how do those two constraints exactly relate to each other? 12:55:18 ... how do I determine the leftoperand of :c5 12:56:39 ... :c5's odrl:eq refers to a property that isn't contained in :c5 12:56:57 ... there is no clear definition on what a constraint applies on 12:57:05 q? 12:57:11 ... applying it on a class instance as we currently do, doesn't cut it 12:58:40 michaelS: I feel that what you talked about ivan relates to what we did already, i.e. going through all current constraint definitions and refurbish/clarify their descriptions 13:01:56 benws: we want the rightoperand of c4 to say 50aud(?) 13:02:49 phila: i think that's actually not a constraint itself but more of an extension 13:02:59 ... to an existing constraint 13:03:24 +Q 13:03:25 Q+ 13:04:05 q? 13:04:05 victor: 1) we have an ontology, so we have the opportunity to be precise 13:04:43 ... 2) we have agreed before the break that we won't be able to have complex constraints on complex constraints 13:05:09 ... iirc 13:06:12 ... but haven't we said we wont have a constraint on a constraint on a constraint .. ? 13:06:38 +1 13:06:43 q? 13:06:49 Q- 13:06:50 -q 13:06:53 ack victor 13:07:01 phila: the thing that worries me about ODRL is trying to enumerate possible solutions 13:07:30 ... which would be outdated the moment you are publishing it 13:08:21 ivan: you can define your own datatypes.. 13:08:52 q? 13:09:09 ... which might be dependend on particular profiles 13:10:14 phila: I would be happier to have complex objects instead of all the things we try to enumerate 13:10:30 ... and/or having constraints on constraints on contraints.. 13:10:38 +1 13:11:54 renato: where does that leave us? 13:12:10 ivan: maybe pushing the complexity somewhere else 13:12:20 ... i.e. keeping the current 1 layer constraint model 13:13:18 michaelS: some leftoperands are covering spatial constraints 13:13:56 +q 13:15:21 phila: there are defined regions/subregions but you won't need geometry 13:15:29 ack simonstey 13:15:47 renato: I'll try to summarize 13:16:08 https://www.w3.org/2016/poe/wiki/Constraints 13:16:19 ... seems as if we will try to keep the status quo 13:16:54 ... improve/extend constraint concepts as described in the respective wiki page 13:17:22 ... does that mean we would need to deprecate e.g. odrl:unit? 13:17:41 ... I've to check how that translates to XML 13:18:19 ... github issues 62 & 60 will be updated, i.e. that we improve the definition of constraints 13:18:28 +1 13:19:13 benws: aren't they two different issues? 13:19:21 renato: 62 is constraints on constraints 13:19:41 ... 60 is about the subject of a constraint 13:20:28 https://www.w3.org/2016/poe/wiki/Requirements#POE.R.DM.02_Define_target_of_a_constraint 13:20:33 q? 13:20:57 ... trying to figure out what this requires us to change 13:21:36 https://github.com/w3c/poe/issues/59 13:21:41 ... constraints may apply to assets/parties too 13:21:52 ... so it's probably more related to issue 59 13:23:30 ivan: I think it's better to have everything we decide/agree too to have also persisted on github 13:23:54 ... maybe change the label to editorial 13:24:05 ... but first we have to agree here 13:25:04 Proposal: For Issue#60 we work on improved Constraint Definitions and include non-simple values for some constraints where it makes sense 13:25:15 +1 13:25:39 +1 13:25:41 +1 13:25:41 +1 13:25:42 +0.5 13:25:43 +1 13:25:43 +1 13:25:52 +1 13:26:02 +1 13:26:11 Resolved: For Issue#60 we work on improved Constraint Definitions and include non-simple values for some constraints where it makes sense 13:26:11 rrsagent, pointer? 13:26:11 See http://www.w3.org/2016/12/05-poe-irc#T13-26-11-1 13:27:26 RRSAgent, draft minutes 13:27:26 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2016/12/05-poe-minutes.html phila 13:27:42 back at xx:40 13:40:58 yip 13:43:23 renato: we continue with issue59 13:43:30 im eating lunch sorry 13:43:59 scribe: victor 13:44:03 scribe: victor 13:44:05 scribeNick: victor 13:44:46 13:44:46 a odrl:Offer ; 13:44:46 odrl:permission [ 13:44:48 a odrl:Permission ; 13:44:50 odrl:assigner ; 13:44:52 odrl:target ; 13:44:54 odrl:constraint [ 13:44:56 a odrl:Constraint ; 13:44:58 odrl:subject ; 13:45:00 odrl:language ; 13:45:02 odrl:operator odrl:eq 13:45:04 ] ; 13:45:06 odrl:action odrl:play ; 13:45:57 q+ 13:47:18 +q 13:47:51 ack m] 13:47:51 ack m 13:47:52 ack michaelS 13:47:55 michaelS: in the ODRL community, it was said "this will be defined by the definition of the assignees" 13:48:30 michaelS: for example, adults being +18 would be part of a specific profile, as it makes the process quite complex. 13:48:51 simonstey: we have enough constraints concepts that can be checked. 13:49:14 simonstey: constraints for actions mean "if the constraint is not valid, the permission is not active". 13:49:47 q? 13:49:53 simonstey: whereas we want to remove certain assets from a group of assets etc. Shall this remain up to the implementors? Shall we define it? 13:49:58 ack sim 13:50:28 renato: the current model for parties at least has the concept of "scope" (attribute that indicate the context) 13:50:53 renato: having for the moment at least the values "individual" and "group". but nothing prevents from having other URIs, like "http://has18year.old" 13:51:18 benws: so, again, the question is whether the complexity is within or outside ODRL 13:51:37 renato: but scope does exist, at least for parties --not for assets though. 13:52:07 simonstey: this adds extra complexity for formally defining the semantics 13:52:51 simonstey: possible mess with individuals/groups and policies differently declared for them. 13:53:48 renato: the group scope for the party is used so that "each individual member of a group" should see the same policies, the policy applies for each of the members. 13:54:00 q? 13:54:42 renato: so the problem was already there. maybe we can add scope to the asset 13:54:56 renato: Two alternatives: constraint model vs scope model 13:55:28 +1 for scope 13:55:33 +1 for scope 13:55:40 +1 13:55:43 +1 scope 13:56:21 happy to explore 13:56:50 q+ 13:56:58 renato: proposal to augment the scope attribute to asset as well 13:57:17 michaelS: scope is more about how to interprete the group. 13:57:34 victor: my concern is about inconsistencies 13:58:07 +1 13:58:34 victor: we should have a list of "actions" to be made on policies, whose behaviour should be defined and tested in the testbeds. 13:58:44 victor: like for example "inconsistency detection". 13:59:12 RESOLVED: to add the scope mechanism to the assets. 13:59:53 topic: issue 58 14:00:04 renato: does anybody object to 14:00:23 renato: unit of count expressed as a new constraint? 14:00:47 PROPOSED: to create a new righthand operator for unit of count. 14:01:01 RESOLVED: to create a new righthand operator for unit of count. 14:01:04 +1 14:01:05 +1 14:01:07 +1 14:01:08 +1 14:01:10 +1 - for a left hand operator 14:01:11 +1 14:01:17 0 14:01:22 +1 14:02:08 s/to create a new righthand operator for unit of count./to create a new left hand operand for unit of count. 14:02:17 topic: issue f6 in github 14:02:24 s/f6/56 14:02:52 Issue56: rightOperand is a reference to a value 14:02:59 https://github.com/w3c/poe/issues/56 14:02:59 https://github.com/w3c/poe/issues/56 14:04:09 renato: shall we overload the meaning of datatypes like xsd:anyURI? 14:04:31 renato: we may say that if we find this datatype we should understand "go there and retrieve that". 14:04:49 q+ 14:05:00 q- 14:05:12 ack v 14:05:28 xsd:string 14:05:30 xsd:anyURI 14:05:52 victor: in RDF I will be using URIs very often. 14:06:25 renato: we can distinguish both cases with datatypes. 14:06:33 q+ 14:06:54 sabrina: why dont we use webId? 14:07:14 https://www.w3.org/wiki/WebID 14:07:30 ack s 14:07:31 q+ 14:08:02 phila, do you mean https://www.w3.org/2001/tag/group/track/issues/14? 14:08:09 ivan: webid is not widely used 14:08:31 sabrina: ok. agreed. 14:09:19 ivan: concerned but in a imprecise manner 14:09:29 q+ 14:10:32 q+ 14:10:37 ack i 14:10:39 ack ivan 14:11:12 sabrina: in lisboa we were always thinking about the support to XML 14:11:35 renato: but after we polled, we agreed that XML was in use 14:11:51 ack s 14:11:57 ack me 14:12:37 phila: mostly agrees with ivan, but also in an unprecise manner 14:13:06 phila: i prefer calling it "API call" 14:14:16 renato: what is the working group feelings? 14:16:16 phila: there might be problems if a dumb parser finds the URL and does not know that it is an API call. 14:16:48 phila: perhaps this can be done with a new property. instead of rightOperand, having rightOperandRef etc. 14:17:27 q? 14:18:44 victor: we may use it in other places 14:18:48 benws: like a moving target 14:19:02 renato: having a "moving action" is not a thing that will happen . 14:19:09 victor: i cannot think that fast, cannot judge 14:19:48 PROPOSED: In order to support API calls, we add a new property rightOperandReference, and a new class 14:19:59 +1 14:20:06 +1 14:20:09 +1 14:20:12 -0 14:20:18 0 14:20:28 RESOLVED: In order to support API calls, we add a new property rightOperandReference, and a new class 14:20:36 topics: issue 63 14:20:45 https://github.com/w3c/poe/issues/63 14:20:51 Extended relations 14:21:04 s/Extended relations/Topic: Extended relations/ 14:21:11 RRSAgent, draft minutes 14:21:11 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2016/12/05-poe-minutes.html phila 14:21:19 RESOLUTION: That the extended relations (AND, OR, XOR) will only apply to Duties and Constraints, not Permissions and Prohibitions 14:21:25 renato: We had decided to apply exnteded relations exclusively to duties and constraints. 14:21:29 https://www.w3.org/2016/10/17-poe-minutes 14:22:09 renato: do you have any comment or questions on that? 14:22:49 c1 xor c2 14:22:52 s/RESOLUTION/Earlier resolution (from 17 Oct):/ 14:22:52 victor: i support it 14:22:55 c1 appliesTo c2 14:23:06 q? 14:23:19 renato: we are expecting input here. 14:24:16 simonstey: we may have chains of constraints 14:25:33 ivan: i agree that we may have cornercases, but we leave it as a mere possibility 14:25:51 renato: i posed an example on the use of XOR 14:26:49 +q 14:27:36 benws: we have also good examples. although they can be separed into two different constraints 14:28:03 q? 14:29:36 simonstey: it is also relevant for remedies. in the Austrian law, if you do something (steal a car) you can choose the remedy (jail or pay X) 14:31:30 benws: +1 14:32:35 victor: to send a reference to the similar solution adopted in MPEG-21 Media Contract Ontology 14:33:18 RESOLVED: changes still to be proposed in the information model. 14:33:36 scribe: michaelS 14:33:57 https://github.com/w3c/poe/issues/48 14:33:59 Topic: Policy versioning https://github.com/w3c/poe/issues/48 14:33:59 q? 14:34:19 ack simonstey 14:35:04 benws: could we use the version terms from another vocabulary? 14:35:42 renato: listed some examples: draft, approved, ... 14:36:05 ivan: wo should look at terms from other standards first 14:36:13 s/wo/we 14:36:29 q+ 14:36:34 benws: validfrom, validto, isdraft 14:37:12 simonstey: dont' valid... overlap with constraints? 14:38:36 ... a policy as such has no rules = permission/prohibition/duty 14:39:03 benws: a new policy could retire an old policy 14:39:40 simonstey: not happy about the terms "valid ..." 14:40:25 q? 14:40:31 ack simonstey 14:40:33 q+ to point to PAV 14:40:34 ack simon 14:40:54 renato: we can express temporal constraints for permissions ... 14:40:58 q+ 14:41:02 ack me 14:41:02 phila, you wanted to point to PAV 14:41:06 -> http://pav-ontology.github.io/pav/ PAV 14:41:38 phila: governance and versioning covers what was raised as need 14:42:11 q- 14:42:38 we also have to take inheritance into account 14:43:03 ivan: we should check first which standards provide what this group needs 14:43:21 renato: do we have the knowledge of other standards to take this action? 14:43:39 ... anybody of this groups wants to list the requirements 14:43:51 benws: committed to do that 14:44:14 Action: List required versioning properties 14:44:14 Error finding 'List'. You can review and register nicknames at . 14:44:55 renato: went over editoral issues at https://github.com/w3c/poe/issues/48 14:45:15 action: ben to list required versioning properties 14:45:17 ... correct URL https://github.com/w3c/poe/issues 14:45:22 Created ACTION-38 - List required versioning properties [on Benedict Whittam Smith - due 2016-12-12]. 14:46:11 renato: started discussing https://github.com/w3c/poe/issues/80 14:46:49 +q 14:47:38 simonstey: disadvantages are more relevant than the benefits 14:47:57 ... of having multiple actions in a rule 14:49:20 benws: worried about permission explosion 14:49:34 *me Really sorry - have to go for anappointment 14:49:47 ... can thing about applying 30 permissions by a policy 14:49:54 s/thing/think 14:50:15 The Child Policy MUST override the Parent Policy. i.e.: If the same Action appears in the Parent, then it is replaced by the Child version, otherwise the Parent Actions are added to the Child’s Actions. 14:50:29 http://w3c.github.io/poe/model/#inhertiance 14:51:55 renato and benws: if constraints apply only to a subset another permissions has to be created 14:52:55 benws: typically the same constraints apply to all actions permitted form an asset 14:53:10 q+ 14:53:19 ack s 14:54:08 simonstey: re the previous discussion: doesn't this makes a permission complex 14:55:43 benws: listes examples for actions which could have the same constraint 14:55:51 s/listes/listed 14:57:33 simonstey: is afraid of drawbacks not noticed yet 15:00:02 simonstey: not sure if having three different permission will be understood in the same way as having one permission with three actions 15:00:44 renato: this would be a major change to the Information Model, needs a clear definition 15:00:51 q- 15:01:18 simonstey: proposed not to take a decision on that today - people should have time to consider that change 15:02:02 renato: agreed to that - invited all to go over issue 80 15:02:32 renato: said we should switch over to the Vocabulary issues 15:02:53 ... see https://github.com/w3c/poe/milestone/2 15:03:25 Topic: Vocabulary issues 15:04:00 renato: biggest issue is https://github.com/w3c/poe/issues/64 15:04:03 https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1dVAV6-IJkzlCCoF_ec-ywwUPVmtYuV89tk5ikqY-soQ/edit#gid=1234055905 15:04:19 ... look at the responses of the user survey 15:05:14 ... the open issue is to go over the current vocab and sort out into normantive and non-normative terms 15:05:59 q+ to share experience from DWBP 15:06:00 ... should we update the vocab based on results of this survey? 15:06:29 ack me 15:06:29 phila, you wanted to share experience from DWBP 15:06:30 ... any comment? 15:07:15 q+ to ask about the necessity of enumerating actions when there's the possibility to define profiles anyway 15:07:25 phila: we should check who plans to use term - how widely will it be used in practice? 15:09:16 benws: clarified: Reuters Media is more about news distribution, Thomson Reuters about distribution of financial data 15:09:34 ... should be merged at some point in time 15:10:36 renato: is the requirement for a CR to have at least 2 implementations? 15:11:30 phila: this is a definition by the group - it could be considered in which different business sectors they should be implemented 15:12:24 renato: ok, let's discuss this later 15:12:32 q? 15:12:58 ack simon 15:12:58 simonstey, you wanted to ask about the necessity of enumerating actions when there's the possibility to define profiles anyway 15:13:14 renato: backt to sorting out normative/non-normative 15:13:30 -> https://twitter.com/philarcher1/status/803890261713625088 My Tweet showing slide by DBPedia use of ODRL, see top left of pic 15:14:18 simonstey: most of the current Action terms don't have to be normative by his understanding, only use and transfer could be made normative 15:15:01 ... a lot of the definitions of the Actions need to be reworked. 15:16:54 renato: if an action term is consideres as of wide used it would help to have a definition 15:17:56 simonstey: if he and others from universtities would be involved in the ODRL Community work other terms would be added, e.g. query. 15:18:16 phila: We are not defining an ODRL process, but a vocabulary 15:18:39 -> https://www.w3.org/TR/vocab-org/#conformance Conformance with ORG 15:18:58 ... will look at the confirmance statement from another vocab (see url) 15:19:21 +q 15:20:02 q+ 15:20:05 ack s 15:20:30 simonstey: sees only a need for normative relationships between terms but not for normative terms 15:21:33 ivan: another example: Annotation Working Group - 2 documents: data model and the vocabulary docs 15:21:39 http://w3c.github.io/web-annotation/model/wd2/#candidate-recommendation-exit-criteria 15:21:52 q+ 15:22:27 http://w3c.github.io/web-annotation/vocab/wd/#candidate-recommendation-exit-criteria 15:23:30 ... the data model document is much more strict, the vocab is only strict about some basic requirements, less about the terms 15:24:40 q? 15:24:57 ack ivan 15:25:03 ack m 15:25:06 q+ 15:26:53 michaelS: IPTC sorts our data models (normative) and vocabs (non-normative), but some vocabs are essential for the data model - like e.g. the Policy Types for ODRL 15:27:34 ivan: we should not sort out individual ODRL terms about terms for a specific - required - purpose 15:28:05 s/about/but 15:28:43 benws: liked this principle - think about the role of Roles in ODRL 15:28:59 s/Roles/Profiles 15:29:49 renato: look at the survey results and terms and keep only the most wanted terms 15:29:49 q+ 15:29:53 ack benws 15:29:54 +q 15:30:15 phila: do we have a cutoff-date for that? 15:30:26 renato: we have a timeline agenda items 15:30:57 ack ivan 15:31:26 http://w3c.github.io/poe/model/#profile 15:31:30 ivan: fine with that approach. We should add a non-normative text about how profiles should be created and look like 15:31:45 q- 15:31:48 renato: shared the link for that 15:31:55 +q 15:32:18 ... we are in a starting phase about profiles 15:32:29 q+ to talk about profiles 15:32:40 ivan: We need an explicit statement that this document is not normative 15:33:08 ack simonstey 15:33:39 simonstey: we should explain how to add their own action terms to a basic ODRL Action Vocab 15:34:07 michaelS: we have SKOS 15:34:31 simonstey: we may need more than the SKOS relationships 15:34:40 ack me 15:34:40 phila, you wanted to talk about profiles 15:35:35 phila: re profiles: run a workshop about vocabulary profiles ... will discuss many facets of that, a working group for that should be established in 2017 15:37:24 Topic: UCR 15:37:26 Topic: POE Use Cases and Requirements 15:37:46 http://w3c.github.io/poe/ucr/ 15:38:05 simonstey: has intensively worked on the Editors Draft http://w3c.github.io/poe/ucr/ 15:39:06 ... this document is in line with what we have on the Wiki page https://www.w3.org/2016/poe/wiki/Requirements 15:39:37 renato: this document looks good 15:40:15 benws: asked to set a clear due date for all documents 15:41:11 renato: so far no real activities on the Formal Semantics and the Best Practices documents 15:41:21 Topic: Time line and steps to CR 15:41:26 Topic: Timeline and Steps to CR 15:42:20 ... the question is: what will happen after having a CR? 15:43:49 phila: before going to CR: approve people outside have looked at it. The group should try to approach people to get wide reviews - and this should be documented. 15:44:06 ivan: let's use Github for that 15:44:48 phila: the group should respond to the review of a reviewer - and the reviewer should be happy with the comment 15:45:06 q+ 15:45:08 ... finally no standing issues are allowed 15:45:57 phila: The W3C director may be interested in having many reviews and less in the content 15:46:49 ivan: added: we have to contact the horizontal reviewers in other working groups soon 15:47:03 ... as early as possible 15:48:05 ... security issue: the RC document must include security considerations - we have to check what's a security issue 15:48:27 ... every week counts 15:48:58 renato: should we create a list of about 50 persons and invite them? 15:49:19 phila: we could create a template email for this purpose 15:49:42 renato: how long takes a horizontal review? 15:50:37 ivan: unpredictable - it may take a long time. We should tell them when POE wants to go to a CR - suggested to plan 3 months for that. 15:51:11 renato: is the planned f2f in March to early? 15:51:37 ivan: inclined to say yes. 15:51:51 phila: consider Easter in April 15:52:44 phila: proposed the week of 24 April 15:53:58 ivan: feels that a CR could get ready in mid-May 15:54:20 ... in summer time implementation reports shoudl not be expected 15:55:24 ... PR could be expected in October 15:56:16 ... the group needs to define a testing scenario and share that with the implementers 15:57:10 ... have a look at what the Annotation WG - this group may reuse some parts of that set up. 15:57:41 ... we need a person of this WG who commits to be behind all the testing and implementations 15:58:13 RRSAgent, draft minutes 15:58:13 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2016/12/05-poe-minutes.html phila 15:58:57 renato: thanks for this imput. As a next step we need a timeline with all the required steps. 15:59:09 ... this will result in much more work by this WG as expected. 15:59:46 ivan: Members of this group should consider who could do testing in their company/organisationb 16:00:10 phila: Thanks to everyone 16:00:15 thanks folks.... 16:00:34 renato: thanks to all for the input and contributions to this call 16:00:51 RRSAgent, draft minutes 16:00:51 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2016/12/05-poe-minutes.html phila 16:02:26 renato has joined #poe 16:52:51 ivan has joined #poe 17:07:15 renato has joined #poe 17:51:38 Zakim has left #poe 17:58:02 ivan has joined #poe 18:04:58 phila_ has joined #poe 18:36:30 renato has joined #poe 18:58:47 ivan has joined #poe 19:59:41 ivan has joined #poe 20:07:48 renato has joined #poe 21:20:53 benws2 has joined #poe 21:37:13 renato has joined #poe 22:01:57 ivan has joined #poe 23:07:44 renato has joined #poe