18:01:13 RRSAgent has joined #social 18:01:13 logging to http://www.w3.org/2016/11/29-social-irc 18:01:15 RRSAgent, make logs public 18:01:15 Zakim has joined #social 18:01:17 Zakim, this will be SOCL 18:01:17 ok, trackbot 18:01:18 Meeting: Social Web Working Group Teleconference 18:01:18 Date: 29 November 2016 18:01:20 present+ 18:02:17 julien has joined #social 18:02:29 can someone share the phone number for today's call? 18:02:43 julien see /topic 18:02:55 /topic 18:03:36 julien https://www.w3.org/2015/10/social-wg-telecon.html 18:04:41 present 18:04:45 present+ 18:05:14 annbass has joined #social 18:05:21 present+ 18:05:44 present+ 18:05:48 present+ 18:05:55 regrets+ eprodrom 18:06:12 https://www.w3.org/wiki/Socialwg/2016-11-29 18:06:17 present- ben_thatmust 18:06:19 present+ 18:06:20 cwebber2 has joined #social 18:06:20 zakim, who is here? 18:06:20 Present: tantek, julien, annbass, wilkie, ben_thatmustbeme 18:06:22 On IRC I see cwebber2, annbass, julien, Zakim, RRSAgent, KevinMarks, tantek, timbl, ben_thatmustbeme, raucao, bblfish_, strugee, bigbluehat, wilkie, pdurbin, rhiaro, bitbear, 18:06:22 ... oshepherd, dwhly, mattl, aaronpk, jet, csarven, rrika, KjetilK, Loqi, wseltzer, trackbot, sandro 18:06:24 present+ 18:06:34 present+ 18:06:34 present+ sandro 18:06:45 present+ cwebber2 18:07:01 chair: tantek 18:07:08 i can scribe 18:07:15 scribenick:ben_thatmustbeme 18:08:15 tantek: aaronpk asked for approval of his Invited Expert status, got removed when he changed his affiliation 18:08:21 tantek: I'm happy to vouch for him again 18:08:44 TOPIC: approval of minutes 18:09:08 tantek: we have the minutes from the F2F, and minutes from last telcon 18:09:15 https://www.w3.org/wiki/Socialwg/2016-11-17-minutes 18:09:19 ... take a look over them 18:09:24 https://www.w3.org/wiki/Socialwg/2016-11-18-minutes 18:10:44 haha cwebber2's goblin pic 18:10:48 hehe 18:12:39 annb: i see mattl commenting but isn't listed as attending 18:13:04 i'm all mystery 18:13:14 tantek: he was sitting off to the side and didn't really get involved in the meeting, but was there so he didn't add himself to the list of attendees 18:13:26 tantek: we should correct the minutes to add him to that 18:13:35 i believe he was only there day 1 18:13:45 tantek: i think he was there party of both days 18:14:14 annbass: i think this brings up the issue of not knowing which nickname associates to who 18:14:31 ... that would really only matter to archival reasons 18:14:41 https://www.w3.org/wiki/Socialwg/2016-11-18-minutes 18:14:48 https://www.w3.org/wiki/Irc-people 18:15:06 annbass: and i see mattl is in the room right now. Nice to meet you 18:15:21 annbass: this would really speak to all W3C minutes, not just ours 18:15:25 tantek: i agree 18:15:42 ... if you see a user name that is not noted in our minutes, they should be added in there 18:16:00 annbass: this may be worth suggesting to the W3C realm of best practices 18:16:16 tantek: how are people's review of the minutes going? we had some good resolutions 18:16:33 ... we added aaronpk as an editor of websub (previously pubsub) 18:16:49 ... we made good progress on figuring out when we plan to take things to PR 18:17:04 ... we are using that in our request for an extension without changing the scope of the group 18:17:43 ... we also resolved that we are not planning any more F2F meetings, and we plan on doing monthly telcons 18:17:52 annbass: its too bad, i was hoping to see you all 18:17:59 tantek: i updated the schedule on the homepage too 18:18:57 hey annbass 18:18:59 +1 18:19:11 PROPOSED: Approve of minutes of the f2f https://www.w3.org/wiki/Socialwg/2016-11-17-minutes https://www.w3.org/wiki/Socialwg/2016-11-18-minutes with the addition of mattl as present both days 18:19:15 +1 18:19:25 +1 18:19:27 +1 (though i believe he was only there day 1, not both days) 18:19:28 -1 I wasn't there on the second day 18:19:58 oh I must not have present+'ed in there 18:20:01 I'll add myself 18:20:03 +1 18:20:03 since I was there 18:20:18 PROPOSED: Approve of minutes of the f2f https://www.w3.org/wiki/Socialwg/2016-11-17-minutes https://www.w3.org/wiki/Socialwg/2016-11-18-minutes with the addition of mattl as present on day 1 and cwebber both days 18:20:26 +1 18:20:35 +1 18:20:38 I can add mattl 18:20:43 since I'm already adding myself 18:21:13 +1 18:21:20 +1 18:21:20 +1 18:21:24 RESOLVED: Approve of minutes of the f2f https://www.w3.org/wiki/Socialwg/2016-11-17-minutes https://www.w3.org/wiki/Socialwg/2016-11-18-minutes with the addition of mattl as present on day 1 and cwebber both days 18:21:40 tantek: move on to last week's telcon 18:21:45 Present+ 18:21:51 attendees adjusted as discussed 18:21:55 (by irc) 18:21:58 PROPOSED: approve https://www.w3.org/wiki/Socialwg/2016-11-22-minutes of last week's telcon 18:22:05 ... was pretty short so i'm assuming that will be easier for folks to review 18:22:05 +1 18:22:34 +1 18:22:42 +1 18:23:54 +1 18:24:04 +1 18:24:11 RESOLVED: approve https://www.w3.org/wiki/Socialwg/2016-11-22-minutes of last week's telcon 18:24:24 TOPIC: websub 18:24:35 tantek: is it ready for a working draft? 18:24:42 https://www.w3.org/TR/websub/ 18:24:43 [Julien Genestoux] WebSub 18:25:09 permalink: https://www.w3.org/TR/2016/WD-websub-20161124/ 18:25:10 [Julien Genestoux] WebSub 18:25:18 aaronpk: we published the updated WD last week, thats now live with the new name, and I also updated websub.rocks, new name, new text, updated logo, etc. all urls redirect to current urls 18:25:35 ... i don't think theres any actual changes to the ED from then to now, certainly nothing significant 18:25:47 aaronpk: unless julien wants to add anything 18:25:55 julien: i don't ... 18:26:03 https://github.com/w3c/websub/issues 18:26:12 tantek: to keep this moving along, are there any of the open issues you need the group's help on? 18:26:12 https://github.com/w3c/websub/issues/52 18:26:29 aaronpk: yes, 52, the contributing.md, i believe rhiaro was going to look up what we need to do for that 18:26:39 zakim, who is here? 18:26:39 Present: tantek, julien, annbass, wilkie, ben_thatmustbeme, aaronpk, cwebber, sandro, cwebber2, KevinMarks 18:26:42 On IRC I see cwebber2, annbass, julien, Zakim, RRSAgent, KevinMarks, tantek, timbl, ben_thatmustbeme, raucao, bblfish_, strugee, bigbluehat, wilkie, pdurbin, rhiaro, bitbear, 18:26:42 ... oshepherd, dwhly, mattl, aaronpk, jet, csarven, rrika, KjetilK, Loqi, wseltzer, trackbot, sandro 18:26:51 tantek: ok, i don't know fi rhiaro is here, its the middle of the night where she is right now 18:27:20 tantek: sandro, is this something you can nudge amy or help with? 18:27:40 sandro: lets just ping amy, i think she may have already started something on it 18:27:53 tantek: alright, lets give her until next week, and see where we are at 18:28:04 ... were there any others we can take a look at? 18:28:13 julien: i don't think so 18:28:27 tantek: so this is just work to do, and once these changes are made we can publish a new WD 18:28:33 ... sound good? 18:28:37 julien: yes 18:29:11 tantek: just a reminder, if you are going to try and get this to CR, you need to have it ready by next tuesday, if you want to get it to CR this year 18:29:48 (discussion between julien and aaronpk regarding splitting up issues) 18:30:30 tantek: if there are issues you have solved but have not heard back, add the 'waiting for commentor' and add 'editorial' to those that are editorial if that helps you get down to 0 issues 18:30:51 ... if you don't get it done by next tuesday, its not the end of the world, but it would push CR to next year 18:30:54 julien: lets try 18:30:59 aaronpk: i think we can do it 18:31:01 tantek: great 18:31:08 ... anything else on websub? 18:31:39 ... shockingly i've heard 0 objections to the new name from anyone, anywhere, well done! 18:31:47 TOPIC: Post Type Discovery 18:32:05 tantek: i have made some changes but there are additional changes i want to make before we publish a new WD 18:32:24 ... hopefully be ready for WD next week 18:32:38 ... but it won't be ready for CR. That will have to go to next year 18:32:45 TOPIC: AS2 18:33:16 ... I'm hoping evan is still on the call 18:33:24 (missed that first sentence) 18:33:26 are we ready for a new CR on AS2? 18:33:34 looking at open issues: https://github.com/w3c/activitystreams/issues 18:33:48 tantek: did we lose evan? 18:33:54 ... i don't see him on IRC anymore 18:34:28 tantek: oh, evan sent regrets, so i don't think there is much we can do on AS2 18:34:32 https://www.w3.org/wiki/Socialwg/DocumentStatus 18:34:33 TOPIC: document status 18:34:54 tantek: does anyone who is working on any document want to update us on the status? 18:35:03 I don't have one this week 18:36:20 https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/33280/webmention/ 18:38:34 There is a new websub implementation in mastodon.social this week 18:38:54 KevinMarks, cool 18:43:56 tantek: for SWP, amy isn't here, we should get it updated to say websub 18:43:58 https://micropub.rocks/implementation-report/server/39/ziALOZ1xn5Qqm5Y5S25v 18:44:15 aaronpk: we have a new implementation of micropub from someone outside the group 18:44:16 https://micropub.rocks/reports 6 reports in total 18:44:22 ... that brings us to 6 reports now 18:44:43 ... any how many are outside the WG? 18:46:08 I can do that 18:46:14 scribenick: wilkie 18:47:04 tantek: is 22 required by servers? 18:47:49 aaronpk: it is the same as 21. required by servers and optional for clients 18:47:56 tantek: what are the next steps? focusing on websub right? 18:48:06 aaronpk: yes. focusing on websub and also moving so last week was kind of lost 18:48:17 tantek: ok. we can reassess that when websub is in CR which is your next goal? 18:48:18 aaronpk: yep 18:48:25 zakim, who is here? 18:48:25 Present: tantek, julien, annbass, wilkie, ben_thatmustbeme, aaronpk, cwebber, sandro, cwebber2, KevinMarks 18:48:26 tantek: alright. is csarven on the call? 18:48:28 On IRC I see cwebber2, annbass, julien, Zakim, RRSAgent, KevinMarks, tantek, timbl, ben_thatmustbeme, raucao, bblfish_, strugee, bigbluehat, wilkie, pdurbin, rhiaro, bitbear, 18:48:28 ... oshepherd, dwhly, mattl, aaronpk, jet, csarven, rrika, KjetilK, Loqi, wseltzer, trackbot, sandro 18:48:40 tantek: without csarven or rhiaro we can't do LDN 18:48:46 tantek: so that takes us to the end of our agenda 18:48:51 tantek: anyone have any other issues to bring up? 18:49:11 tantek: I will be about 5 hours off due to meetings in hawaii 18:49:32 tantek: I should be theoretically be able to be up for the meetings but it means a 5:00 meeting so I might not be very alert 18:49:55 tantek: so meetings for me will be tentative so evan will be chairing the next couple of weeks 18:50:16 tantek: we will still be proceeding and making progress with everything in CR and keep pushing test suites and getting implementation reports 18:50:25 tantek: hopefully get the CRs out by the end of the year 18:50:43 tantek: lunch was proposed so I'll give back the last ten minutes so you can get lunch or late brunch etc 18:50:49 thanks all! 18:50:49 bye! thanks! 18:50:53 tantek: thanks and we'll talk next week! 18:51:09 i am officially back in the group now too :) thanks 18:51:40 great! we got something done today :) 18:52:43 ben_thatmustbeme++ for minuting 18:52:43 ben_thatmustbeme has 59 karma in this channel (179 overall) 18:52:47 wilkie++ for minuting 18:52:47 wilkie has 40 karma 18:54:01 trackbot, end meeting 18:54:01 Zakim, list attendees 18:54:01 As of this point the attendees have been tantek, julien, annbass, ben_thatmust, wilkie, ben_thatmustbeme, aaronpk, cwebber, sandro, cwebber2, KevinMarks 18:54:09 RRSAgent, please draft minutes 18:54:09 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2016/11/29-social-minutes.html trackbot 18:54:10 RRSAgent, bye 18:54:10 I see no action items