16:47:47 RRSAgent has joined #dpub 16:47:47 logging to http://www.w3.org/2016/11/28-dpub-irc 16:48:21 Meeting: DPUB IG Weekly Telco 16:48:27 chair: Tzviya 16:49:09 agenda: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-digipub-ig/2016Nov/0108.html 16:49:48 regrets+ vlad, leonard, garth, ivan, daniel, luc, laurent, matt 16:55:27 Ryladog has joined #dpub 16:55:56 Avneesh has joined #dpub 16:56:25 present+ dauwhe 16:56:36 present+ 16:56:44 rdeltour has joined #dpub 16:57:05 present+ Avneesh 16:57:16 dkaplan3 has joined #dpub 16:57:30 regrets+ Peter 16:59:27 present+ Deborah_Kaplan 16:59:32 HeatherF has joined #dpub 16:59:56 clapierre has joined #DPUB 17:00:02 I'll be a few minutes late (on a call that's running over. Bill Kasdorf is on the same call.) 17:00:13 Present+ Katie_Haritos-Shea 17:00:27 present+ 17:01:03 present+ Charles_LaPierre 17:01:52 scribe: rdeltour 17:01:59 present+ 17:02:06 present+ Karen 17:02:25 regrets+ Wilco 17:02:31 regrets+ Matt 17:03:47 George has joined #dpub 17:04:11 present+ George 17:04:25 https://www.w3.org/2016/11/21-dpub-minutes.html 17:04:38 tzviya: any comments on the meeting from last week? 17:04:48 ... minutes approved! 17:05:11 ... not expecting a lot of discussion on the first 2 items 17:05:27 ... we have these ongoing documents (PWP-UCR and DPUB-PWP) 17:05:29 http://w3c.github.io/dpub-pwp-ucr/index.html 17:05:38 ... keep the issues coming, your input matters 17:05:40 http://w3c.github.io/dpub-pwp/ 17:05:55 present+ 17:06:14 ... just a general reminder that we're hoping to go to 2nd Public Working Draft in mid-december 17:06:24 ... we did major changes and need some feedback 17:06:33 ... if you know someone, please pass it along 17:07:03 ... we also need feedback on the Web Publications document 17:07:37 ... BillK, I received your comments, you can put it in as a GitHub issue 17:07:56 ... any comments? 17:08:00 Bill_Kasdorf has joined #dpub 17:08:10 Present+ Bill_Kasdorf 17:08:17 topic: WCAG 2.1 and Digital Publishing 17:08:29 tzviya: 2 issues affect DPUB 17:08:45 ... 1: the concept of collection of documents and 2. the need for metadata 17:08:58 ... a number of the people I hoped would join are not here today 17:09:13 ... do we have enough people here to discuss this? WDYT? 17:09:22 Katie: it feels like there should be more people 17:09:31 tzivya: what's the timelime for WCAG 2.1? 17:09:40 david_stroup has joined #dpub 17:09:46 katie: the FPWD is expected in late feb or march next year 17:10:09 ... I can send an email to WCAG WG to say key people were not here and ask them to come next week 17:10:14 present+ Heather_Flanagan 17:10:16 cmaden2 has joined #dpub 17:10:23 present+ Chris_Maden 17:10:24 george: my understanding was Dec 1st was the cut-off date 17:10:40 avneesh: if we need more time we need consensus from WCAG people 17:10:48 geroge: I reviewed all the email threads on this 17:11:05 ... it seems a web page is the appropriate category and we should be covered 17:11:16 set of web pages:https://www.w3.org/TR/WCAG20/#set-of-web-pagesdef 17:11:20 ... we need an example of a web publication as a set of web pages 17:11:32 ... Matt had some language that we could add as an example 17:11:37 definition from Matt: "Example: A publication is split across multiple Web pages, where each page contains one chapter or other significant section of the work. The publication is logically a single contiguous unit, and contains navigation features that enable access to the full set of pages." 17:11:49 ... we could then include more specific info on digitral publication in WCAG 2.1 17:12:01 s/digitral/digital/ 17:12:17 tzviya: there was also discussion on work that could happen, not necessarily in WCAG 17:12:50 ... I can't remember the name of the group who worked on that. 17:12:59 avneesh: was it from David McDonald? 17:13:11 tzivya: yes, David recommended that we could review this document first 17:13:33 ... do we want to spend a few minutes just figuring out what DPUB needs to do? 17:13:47 ... then offer some time next Monday 17:14:17 Katie: we can give some options. If they want to give us more time beyond Dec 1st 17:14:32 tzviya: so, we have Matt's language that can be added to WCAG 2.1 17:14:46 ... Davd McDonald would need to agree 17:15:14 ... and hopefully that would resolve the concept of "publication", which affects the DPUB group in general 17:15:58 ... to DPUB people: we're not defining the concept of publication or packaging in general, we're talking about definitions that can be used in the WCAG context 17:16:08 ... where the concept of web pages is already defined 17:16:26 george: if we can get this now as an example, then it is clearly in scope for WCAG 2.1 17:16:46 ... the fear is that dibgital publishing could not be in scope because it wasn't in the work statement 17:17:21 tzivya: the concept of a package or bundle or whatever, is not only for digital publishing (see the thread on packages for the web). We can remind WCAG about that 17:17:32 ... the other issue is metadata 17:17:34 s/dibgital/digital 17:18:00 ... issue 1 is whether metadata should be treated as a technique or best practice, or should be completely excluded from this revisions 17:18:11 ... it seems we're leaning to the direction of a best practice 17:18:24 george: wasn't the term "best practice" a proposed new category? 17:18:42 katie: yes, because we were talking about possible multiple version of WCAG, silver after 2.1, etc 17:19:06 ... organisations that wouldn't be able to update to a new version could still implement a SC from these new standards as a best practice 17:19:25 ... when they do switch to the new standard for legal reasons, they would already be in good shape 17:19:34 ... but in the mean time can't be sued for it 17:19:59 avneesh: there was also another concept that if we can provide the bare minimum meteadata we could include it as SC in 2.1 17:20:21 ... we were discussing accessibility-features and accessibility-summary, as a proper SC 17:20:35 ... (in adddition to the "best practice" section) 17:20:45 tzivya: we're talking about AAA features? 17:20:47 avneesh: yes 17:21:07 ... there was an action item for Katie to write a small document on metadata 17:21:14 https://www.w3.org/TR/UNDERSTANDING-WCAG20/appendixC.html 17:21:17 katie: yes, for me and Wilco 17:21:34 tzivya: there's also already an appendix on metadata, we need to see how it fits in 17:21:47 ... I think we now know exactly what to address 17:22:03 ... we have a proposal of a concept of publication to be included 17:22:14 ... we have a proposal of SC for some metadata 17:22:33 ... we have a proposal of a best practice section for metadata 17:22:57 charles: one comment is that we sitll didn't have formal acceptance for our accessibility metadata 17:23:03 tzivya: do we have a timelime? 17:23:22 avneesh: it's in the hands of schema.org, it's waiting to be pushed out, but the release date depends on them 17:23:50 ... it's about accessiblity summary, accessmode sufficient but accessibility features is already there 17:24:00 tzviya: I can try to ping them 17:24:31 avneesh: I think for the WCAG best practices part it should not matter if the things are published on schema.org 17:24:48 george: we just need to be official when WCAG 2.1 is further along 17:25:14 katie: I don't know anything with schema.org's timeline, chaals might know 17:25:38 tzviya: I'm going to send these minutes to WCAG people 17:25:41 s/sitll/still 17:26:17 ... hopefully we'll be able to work this out within a week 17:26:25 q? 17:26:28 ... any thing else from a larger DPUB perspective? 17:26:29 q+ 17:26:33 ack k 17:27:07 topic: new members 17:27:13 karen: I'd like the group to start thinking about all the new members that are going to come over, towards the end of january 17:27:30 ... I'm thinking of the kind of communication that you'd like to receive if you're in their shows 17:27:39 ... we welcome help and volunteers in this effort 17:27:50 ... what can we be doing to onboard new members 17:27:56 tzviya: it's really good point 17:28:19 ... I've been talking to the positive work environment task force, about the onboarding process 17:28:39 ... I'll be on leave, but need somebody to step up to do this in my place 17:28:55 ... it's a really good idea to di somthing a bit more than sending an email 17:29:00 s/di/do/ 17:29:02 q+ 17:29:07 ack cl 17:29:46 charles: quick question, what's the process to get the charter? how is it going to happen when IDPF members join? 17:30:08 tzivya: I have a chartering meeting planned on Tuesday 6th, and will have more info after that 17:30:30 ... at some point there will be a public version of the draft charter before we go to a vote. 17:30:40 ... I don't have a timeline but it's not a quick process 17:30:48 ... we also have a legal process in the background 17:30:53 s/shows/shoes 17:30:58 charles: does the IG have any influence on the WG? 17:31:31 katie: usually an IG guides incubates the ideas addressed by the WG 17:31:48 ... it identifies the things that need to be standardized, then the WG works on the standard itsefl 17:32:05 tzviya: I think the IG is going to be replaced by the WG 17:32:18 ... but don't want to answer specifically since I don't know the details 17:32:33 ... any other questions? 17:32:39 (silence) 17:32:50 rrsagent, make logs public 17:32:55 rrsagent, make minutes 17:32:55 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2016/11/28-dpub-minutes.html tzviya 17:32:58 I'll be at STM in London 17:33:18 cmaden2 has left #dpub 17:33:39 clapierre has left #dpub 18:29:54 dauwhe has joined #dpub 18:58:56 rdeltour has joined #dpub 19:12:38 chaals has joined #dpub 19:12:59 dauwhe has joined #dpub 20:02:27 Zakim has left #dpub 20:11:14 rrsagent, bye 20:11:14 I see no action items