00:06:04 shepazu_ has joined #social 00:11:55 KevinMarks2 has joined #social 00:21:34 jasnell has joined #social 00:36:11 Zakim has left #social 00:36:20 yeah who invited you anyway Zakim 01:15:38 KevinMarks has joined #social 01:23:51 KevinMarks has joined #social 01:43:56 timbl has joined #social 02:32:43 wilkie has joined #social 03:36:20 timbl_ has joined #social 03:55:31 KevinMarks has joined #social 04:07:14 jasnell has joined #social 04:26:43 KevinMarks has joined #social 04:35:12 tantek has joined #social 06:11:41 KevinMarks has joined #social 06:42:50 jasnell has joined #social 06:46:32 KevinMarks2 has joined #social 08:16:11 fabrixxm has joined #social 08:21:53 jasnell has joined #social 08:51:57 fabrixxm has joined #social 09:05:57 Karli has joined #social 11:05:43 tantek has joined #social 12:14:28 fabrixxm has joined #social 13:49:52 --- 13:50:27 I'd like to join a hangout (audio only is fine) live from my sofa. 13:51:22 we'll probably use the conference number again 13:51:50 is that a diff number than the weekly w3c telco number? 13:52:04 same 13:52:24 ok, thanks. Let me know when I can join. 13:53:27 will do. i think we said we're doing agenda scheduling at 9:30 (in 37 minutes) 13:59:45 I'll join in then.. with preference to take up LDN first :) 14:33:55 In searching for instructions on how to operate this conference room, I found http://archive.boston.com/news/education/higher/articles/2007/11/06/mit_sues_gehry_citing_leaks_in_300m_complex/ 14:34:43 Woah! ben_thatmustbeme found the secret to operating the shades and projector screen, after we spent 10 minutes pushing every button in the room 15:01:06 hey eprodrom tantek you need to show up, we're talking about politics 15:01:18 jasnell has joined #social 15:03:34 jasnell has joined #social 15:04:21 tantek has joined #social 15:06:05 hello 15:06:31 trackbot, please draft minutes 15:06:31 Sorry, rhiaro, I don't understand 'trackbot, please draft minutes'. Please refer to for help. 15:06:32 Zakim has joined #social 15:06:39 trackbot, make minutes 15:06:39 Sorry, rhiaro, I don't understand 'trackbot, make minutes'. Please refer to for help. 15:06:46 trackbot, draft minutes 15:06:46 Sorry, ben_thatmustbeme, I don't understand 'trackbot, draft minutes'. Please refer to for help. 15:06:47 trackbot, figure it out 15:06:47 Sorry, aaronpk, I don't understand 'trackbot, figure it out'. Please refer to for help. 15:06:47 RRSAgent, make minutes 15:06:47 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2016/11/18-social-minutes.html rhiaro 15:07:47 csarven, we're on the conference bridge now 15:08:02 Are all hands on deck? 15:08:13 almost 15:08:50 csarven, all hands we need for LDN :) 15:09:03 RRSAgent, pointer 15:09:03 See http://www.w3.org/2016/11/18-social-irc#T15-09-03 15:09:22 trackbot, start meeting 15:09:25 RRSAgent, make logs public 15:09:28 Zakim, this will be SOCL 15:09:28 Meeting: Social Web Working Group Teleconference 15:09:28 Date: 18 November 2016 15:09:28 ok, trackbot 15:09:33 present+ 15:09:34 present+ 15:09:38 digging diggg.. where is the number.. 15:09:38 present+ 15:09:41 present+ 15:09:56 csarven, https://www.w3.org/2015/10/social-wg-telecon 15:10:35 tantek has changed the topic to: Next meeting: https://www.w3.org/wiki/Socialwg/2016-11-17 https://appear.in/socialwg Telcon: https://www.w3.org/2015/10/social-wg-telecon.html Logs: http://socialwg.indiewebcamp.com/irc/social/today 15:11:10 rrsagent, pointer 15:11:10 See http://www.w3.org/2016/11/18-social-irc#T15-11-10 15:11:26 scribenick: aaronpk 15:11:39 topic: LDN 15:12:08 tantek: open issue for LDN? 15:12:36 present+ 15:12:38 csarven: we received one new editorial issue after we entered CR 15:12:39 https://github.com/w3c/ldn/issues 15:12:56 https://github.com/w3c/ldn/issues/60 15:13:48 rhiaro: there's one more open issue. we've updated the text already, but we're waiting for commenter. i don't think we need to do anything more on it though. 15:14:02 https://github.com/w3c/ldn/issues/55 (open world assumption..) 15:14:03 eprodrom has joined #social 15:14:04 ... and there's an ongoing philosophical discussion that doesn't affect the spec 15:14:20 csarven: it's quite interesting if you have nothing else to do 15:14:39 rhiaro: he's nitpicking about phrasing 15:14:42 tantek: is it normative? 15:14:45 rhiaro: no 15:15:39 tantek: amy and sarven, can you two agree on the text changes needed to resolve this and propose it to the group? 15:16:05 csarven: we've made a few commits to revise what henry was concerned about. 15:16:24 q+ 15:16:25 ... it's about the wording about the idea that don't take the claims in the notifications for granted 15:16:58 tantek: so you think you've completed commits that handle the issue as reported? 15:17:20 q? 15:17:57 eprodrom: this seems like a security consideration. if i'm tracking the state of an object, i may not want to accept notifications from an entity that doesn't control that object. i may not want to allow updates that take an object into an unexpected state that does not reflect the previous history of the object. 15:18:30 rhiaro: this is just in the intro to the security considerations section. we've already covered many ways for this, this is just the intro 15:18:47 eprodrom: if there are specific security considerations already covered, it makes no sense to argue this point and maybe take it out 15:19:05 tantek: can you drop a link to the proposed wording that hasn't been committed yet 15:19:10 https://github.com/w3c/ldn/issues/55#issuecomment-257135287 15:19:56 csarven: we also have a sender verification section. let's say you have an access controlled way of writing notifications to an inbox. that alone doesn't address the validity of the statements. 15:21:30 RRSAgent, pointer? 15:21:30 See http://www.w3.org/2016/11/18-social-irc#T15-21-30 15:21:45 PROPOSED: resolve LDN issue 55 with rhiaro's suggested text in https://github.com/w3c/ldn/issues/55#issuecomment-257135287 15:21:58 +1 15:22:24 +1 15:22:25 +1 15:22:39 csarven? 15:22:50 +1 15:22:53 eprodrom: "taking precautions" seems open 15:23:01 rhiaro: that's expanded upon in the actual section 15:23:14 Just to have on record: I don't think henry's proposed alternative is appropriate because it ties more closely to LDP that necessary, and we don't need to talk about 'reputation' 15:23:19 RESOLVED: resolve LDN issue 55 with rhiaro's suggested text in https://github.com/w3c/ldn/issues/55#issuecomment-257135287 15:23:20 +1 15:24:41 tantek: great, everything else is editorial, i'll let you all handle those until you say you want input from the group 15:24:45 https://github.com/csarven/ldn-tests 15:24:47 ... next question, how is the test suite coming along? 15:24:47 https://linkedresearch.org/ldn/tests/ 15:25:10 rhiaro: we've got tests for receivers, sender and consumer tests are not done yet 15:25:12 https://linkedresearch.org/ldn/tests/receiver 15:25:18 ... the tests need some UI love to tell when you've actually passed 15:25:29 tantek: do you have a rough idea of when they will be complete? 15:25:34 csarven: i think another week or so to polish it up 15:25:56 ... sender and receiver should be far simpler 15:26:17 ... we have a way of checking whether something's working or not. what remains for the receiver test is... there's a "report" section 15:27:21 ... you can enter a URL with an inbox and do a GET/POST/HEAD/OPTIONS and it will return the headers it receives and the body 15:27:40 ... there's a section on a report that shows the normative parts of the spec and a check or cross 15:27:46 ... that's the part that needs to be done 15:28:15 present 15:28:18 present+ 15:28:20 tantek: next question is how are you coming with implementation reports? 15:28:44 rhiaro: we have an informal list, those are the people we'll go back to after the test suite is done 15:28:55 tantek: based on the informal list, what's your confidence level of the amount of the spec that's implemented 15:29:03 rhiaro: we have implementations of all roles that do everything 15:29:04 https://github.com/w3c/ldn/tree/master/implementations 15:29:18 ... i think we have at least two implementations but not sure how many of those are non-editor implementations 15:34:02 rhiaro: do we need implementation reports from generic LDP implemtations, since LDN is a subset of LDP? 15:34:27 tantek: i think it would still be useful to get reports from those, to test your assumption that LDN is actually working the way you expect with generic LDN 15:36:07 s/generic LDN/generic LDP 15:37:49 sandro: keep it clear that these implementations are not necessary for the process. 15:38:00 tantek: i think the value is getting feedback from the implementers 15:38:09 sandro: from a community perspective it's great, but from a process perspective it's gravy 15:40:04 tantek: looking at the LDP rec it's from feb last year, so i'm guessing most of the tests in the report were run over a year ago. so having the test results for LDP will show that these implementations are still around. 15:40:16 ... so it's 90% frosting but making sure these implementations still exist is good to know 15:40:47 tantek: based on that, we should try to transition to PR in january 15:41:06 ... we'll try to time this with Micropub in january 15:41:46 csarven: one question about tests. the way we're going at it now, it's a form and you select some options and submit and it comes back with results. 15:42:01 ... the question is the difference between tests and validators 15:42:07 ... what we have now is kind of like the w3c html validator 15:42:16 ... kind of like how webmention has it, individual links to each test 15:42:26 ... we're not doing it that way, is the way we're doing it okay? 15:43:05 tantek: do you have instructions for someone running the test to say run it with these options and then these other options 15:43:16 rhiaro: we could have URLs that prefill the forms with different options, or just have a set of different forms 15:43:54 tantek: what does the implementation report template have? 15:44:56 rhiaro: the report template right now has a bunch of checkboxes. we can refine that to different combinations of things. 15:45:02 tantek: that would probably help people submitting reports 15:45:11 q? 15:45:14 ack eprodrom 15:45:53 q? 15:45:55 q+ 15:46:37 ack eprodrom 15:46:51 timbl has joined #social 15:46:56 eprodrom: of the implementations, what i don't see are any activitypub implementations which was one of the advantages of LDN we were hoping to have 15:47:04 rhiaro: my implementation is also activitypub 15:47:26 eprodrom: it may be important to raise this as we're talking about getting implementations of activitypub 15:48:09 rhiaro: a conformant sender would be sending activitypub if it found an activitystreams inbox 15:48:12 I'm here 15:49:03 tantek: i think we know what to do next for LDN then. when you feel like the test suite is complete, put it on the agenda for the next telcon 15:49:45 ... we'll use that as a trigger to start requesting implementation reports 15:50:16 TOPIC: 10 minute break 15:50:20 (not about the break) 15:52:35 break for 10 min 15:52:48 8 minutes until resume meeting 15:52:48 I added a countdown scheduled for 2016-11-18 4:00pm GMT+0000 (#5938) 15:52:52 oops was scrolled and didn't see aaronpk had done it already 16:02:01 resume meeting 16:04:08 I emailed Jason Robinson about implementations 16:04:31 he indicated on this thread that Diaspora was unlikely to implement AP but Friendica may: https://joindiaspora.com/posts/8251228 16:04:36 TOPIC: AS2 16:05:00 tantek: are there any open issues since last time we talked? 16:05:38 eprodrom: we call out the JSONLD context as non normative, but we would still like to make it useful 16:05:53 .. amy uses it to generate the document that lives at the namespace URL 16:05:55 cwebber2, i seem to get diaspora on most things, seems like they creaare mostly of the opinion "we aren't going to add it, but you are welcome to add a PR" 16:06:26 s/get/get that from/ 16:06:27 rhiaro: having extra things in it will probably not break things but having missing things might 16:06:31 Note to self: look at AS2 examples (the one that extends with OA, PROV that I wrote last year) and see if they are still okay (especially with the changes in OA) 16:06:56 eprodrom: we have two outstanding editorial issues, actually no we dont 16:07:07 https://github.com/w3c/activitystreams/issues 16:07:15 ... we have one outstanding editorial... 16:07:25 ... about the relationship between link types and object types 16:07:38 ... there is a subtle difference between referencing an object and referencing a link to the object 16:07:46 ... james gave a good answer to it and asked him to include it in the document itself 16:07:55 ... it hasn't been updated so i think i'm going to do it myself 16:08:12 ... i think i understand the difference, it feels very subtle but i think i can use james' wording from the document and the examples he gave 16:09:18 eprodrom: we made a decision this summer about using markup in the name 16:09:40 ... as a group we made this decision that we weren't going to use markup. we asked for comments from the orgiinal commenter. there hasn't been discussion since august 4th. 16:09:53 ... i think it's reasonable to close it at this point 16:09:59 https://github.com/w3c/activitystreams/issues/338 16:10:30 tantek: we had a joint socialwg i18n meeting at TPAC 16:10:37 ... we asked it to get minuted in our channel 16:10:44 ... did this come up? 16:12:08 https://github.com/w3c/i18n-activity/issues/178 16:12:28 aaronpk: here's the link to the IRC chat from the meeting https://chat.indieweb.org/social/2016-09-22#t1474555160487000 16:14:48 eprodrom: from my POV we had a discussion and made a resolution to discuss it 16:15:02 tantek: okay, close it with a link to their issue 16:16:08 354 was discussed here: https://chat.indieweb.org/social/2016-09-22#t1474557612462000 16:16:13 https://github.com/w3c/activitystreams/issues/354 16:16:31 eprodrom jasnell: Feel free to assign me to https://github.com/w3c/activitystreams/issues/376 16:16:44 I don't have the q key on my kb 16:18:02 https://github.com/w3c/activitystreams/issues/354 16:18:15 eprodrom: in JSON-LD, you can specify the context property as either an object or as a URL 16:18:41 ... it is nice to be able to just have that single URL, and one of the ways we've sold the AS2 to the AS community is "don't worry about JSON-LD just drop in this property and you have JSON-LD" 16:18:57 ... the problem is the default language in JSON-LD is defined within this context object 16:19:07 "@context": "https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams" 16:19:08 [Amy Guy] ActivityStreams 2.0 Terms 16:19:37 "@context": {"@id": "https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams", "@language": "en"} 16:19:37 [Amy Guy] ActivityStreams 2.0 Terms 16:19:51 ... it would require some additional complexity to change the language 16:20:12 ... but one of the selling points is we're going to make it easy to use it and now we've made it slightly harder 16:20:35 ... the change proposes making it a SHOULD instead of MAY 16:20:57 q+ 16:21:00 tantek: the assumption that if you give authors a SHOULD that they're going to pay any attention to is false 16:21:20 ... so richard is wrong about how authors behave when given directions like that 16:21:24 sandro: i think the examples are the important part 16:21:33 tantek: examples are far more effective than "should" language 16:22:07 sandro: i'm very concerned about the increased complexity. we're between a rock and a hard place. 16:22:16 tantek: it's something that noone currently implements 16:22:32 rhiaro: no other implementations support it, but we also only have english speaking implementations 16:22:57 tantek: this goes back to the larger point that the i18n group has yet to incubate or implement any localization in JSON 16:23:09 rhiaro: this is about how JSON-LD specifies how to do it, which is already implemented 16:23:30 q? 16:23:37 eprodrom: so right now what we have is if you would like to specify the default language, you change the context from a single string to an object with a couple properties 16:24:03 q? 16:24:12 sandro: can activitystreams supply multiple context URLs for a bunch of languages? 16:24:13 ack cwebber 16:24:24 https://www.w3.org/TR/activitypub/#object-without-create 16:24:27 [Christopher Allan Webber] ActivityPub 16:24:48 cwebber2: we added language to everything that has a name 16:24:54 cwebber2: bengo pointed out he got very confused 16:25:14 {"@context": ["https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams", {"@language": "en"}]} 16:25:15 [Amy Guy] ActivityStreams 2.0 Terms 16:25:59 {"@type": "Create", 16:25:59 "@context": "https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams", 16:25:59 "object": {"@context": {"@language": "en"}}} 16:26:00 [Amy Guy] ActivityStreams 2.0 Terms 16:26:14 ... so we suddenly transformed the way the inner context worked 16:26:36 ... the object that used to be inside got shifted around. it no longer had a list within a map, it just became a map 16:27:08 ... and bengo said it was confusing and was some magic JSON-LD-foo 16:27:20 ... and I had only put it there because someone told me to, so I removed it 16:27:31 ... so having the language inside there can create some gnarly scenarios to ask from users 16:27:50 tantek: was this ever tested in JSON-LD itself? 16:28:07 cwebber2: i've never done anything like this in an actual implementation 16:28:42 tantek: is there any evidence that there are any actual implementations of JSON-LD that are doing anything with language in the way we are being asked? 16:29:10 cwebber2: i don't think we're going to be able to change the way AS2 does this by renegotiating with JSON-LD 16:29:47 tantek: i'm not suggesting we create our own solution. i'm asking this because putting in something that we think is solved because it's in a REC which if it turns out it's not solved is worse than not having it at all... because it's providing a false sense of having internationalization 16:30:10 ... i don't know how to resolve this except for asking i18n to point us to some actual JSON-LD producers and consumers 16:30:56 q/ 16:30:57 q? 16:31:02 q+ 16:31:11 q? 16:31:19 eprodrom: i think there is a fundamental assumption here by the 118n group which is that each natural language proprety in a document should be explicitly marked up as the language it is, either by the default or specificlaly on the property 16:31:41 q+ 16:31:44 ... there is a contradictory principle that it could be left out and understood from human world context (not @context) 16:31:47 q? 16:32:03 ... the mechanisms we hve for doing explicit language markup seem to complicate our JSON documents 16:32:13 tantek: which alone isn't enough reason to not do them 16:32:28 eprodrom: one thing we can do is bite the bullet and say we need to add this as a SHOULD and update our examples 16:33:19 q? 16:33:32 eprodrom: one problem with the -fr @context URL is naive consumers would fail if they are doing exact string matching on the context 16:33:38 q+ to ask how are AS1 impls handling non-en langs e.g. Diaspora in Germany? 16:34:04 ack cwebber 16:34:05 q? 16:34:13 {"@type": "Note", 16:34:13 "@language": "en"} 16:34:13 -> 16:34:13 { 16:34:13 "@context": "https://www.w3.org/People/Sandro/activitystreams-fr", 16:34:13 "name": "Martin created an image", 16:34:13 "type": "Create", 16:34:13 "actor": "http://www.test.example/martin", 16:34:14 {"@type": "Create", 16:34:14 "object": "http://example.org/foo.jpg" 16:34:16 } 16:34:16 "@context": "https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams", 16:34:17 [Amy Guy] ActivityStreams 2.0 Terms 16:34:19 "object": {"@type": "Note", 16:34:21 cwebber2: we do have an alternate way of doing @language in AS 16:34:22 "@language": "en"}} 16:34:28 {"@type": "Note", 16:34:31 "@language": "en"} 16:34:34 -> 16:34:38 {"@type": "Create", 16:34:41 "@context": "https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams", 16:34:42 [Amy Guy] ActivityStreams 2.0 Terms 16:34:44 "object": {"@type": "Note", 16:34:47 "@language": "en"}} 16:35:56 https://github.com/w3c/activitystreams/issues/354 16:36:35 q? 16:36:57 ack rhiaro 16:37:01 rhiaro: so here's the thing 16:37:31 ... the way we support extensions or using any of the vocabulary is you have to use the context. so you can have the AS2 context in a string and then an object with a bunch of prefixes and more contexts 16:37:53 ... so if i'm publishing a bunch of data that uses AS and a bunch of other vocabularies, which I am, I have to list the context that way 16:37:59 q+ 16:38:03 ... a plain AS consumer i'm happy to ignore the vocabularies it doesn't understand 16:38:16 ... but if it doesn't understand context as an object then it's not going to recognize it in the first place 16:38:32 ... so in order to make AS and JSONLD play together at all, all consumers need to be able to understand context as an object, not only as a string 16:38:49 sandro: anyone using extensions it woudl not fall back 16:38:57 tantek: that was a decision last time this came up 16:39:12 eprodrom: are we okay with bad consumers that will error out? we're not okay with that 16:39:32 rhiaro: so if we have to support @context as an object then we can put @language there as well 16:39:56 ... so we don't need to put @language in all the examples because we can say that once 16:40:03 ... but they have to be able to understand the @context as an object 16:40:03 q? 16:40:05 fabrixxm has left #social 16:40:10 ack eprodrom 16:40:27 eprodrom: i'm going make a suggestion that might be controversial for our friends in i18n 16:41:02 ... we do have a specific language tag (und) undetermined. what we could use is sandro's cool hack for multiple contexts that define language 16:41:16 ... so that we can have single string contexts for each natural language 16:41:25 ... the base namespace could be "und" 16:41:35 ... that would be roughly the same as what we have now 16:41:50 q+ 16:42:15 ... it would be obeying the letter of the suggestion 16:42:23 rhiaro: but then consumers would have to string match against every language 16:42:38 sandro: we could say that the context is this string followed by a hyphen and a language tag 16:43:45 ... if every example in the spec there's this extra curly braces and @language then it makes all the examples look a lot more complicated 16:44:07 rhiaro: we want the examples to be simple, but we want to tell consumers to be prepared to consume an object as context 16:44:13 aaronpk++ 16:44:13 aaronpk has 70 karma in this channel (1142 overall) 16:44:21 You're a hero for scribing this 16:44:21 ... we need the majority of the examples to be simple, and then one section with the context being an object 16:44:26 I agree that seeing the @context with an array does make it seem more complicated 16:44:27 but 16:44:37 sandro: people making consumers are more likely to check against the test suite and read the spec 16:44:39 I also think sandro's suggestion makes things complicated, based on my own implemntations 16:44:50 eprodrom: more likely simple consumers would do a string match 16:44:55 rhiaro: i think we should require consumers understand objects 16:45:23 :< 16:45:29 eprodrom: consumers would do a string match and would notice that some percentage of what they were getting didn't need work with the string match and then they would do a regex match. then in a small number of cases they'd have an array thing and may or may not support that. 16:45:29 you're making consumers more complex to make producers 'feel' less complex? 16:45:47 wilkie, yeah I think this makes things a lot more complex 16:46:13 rhiaro: they can not support extensions and drop all the terms and that's fine. but dropping any AS that includes extensions dropping the whole thing is a problem. 16:46:13 does the HTML lang attribute make HTML feel too complex? 16:46:34 sandro: that means people to me people won't use extensions at all because a chunk of consumers will fail if the AS includes extensions 16:46:39 q- 16:46:40 q+ to explain why sandro's suggestion is also complex, but suggest we just use @language in *some* examples. 16:47:15 eprodrom: what you're suggesting is probably to use context as an object in all our examples so consumers get used to seeing that 16:47:21 { @context: { @id: "{ 16:47:21 "@context": "https://www.w3.org/People/Sandro/activitystreams-fr"} ... } 16:47:29 rhiaro: we're not telling publishers to publish an object, but we're telling consumers to expect an object 16:47:39 oops 16:47:42 eprodrom: we're in a weird space where "have to" is a difficult term to define 16:47:55 rhiaro: are consumers going to look at the examples in the spec or use the test suite? 16:48:08 eprodrom: they'll probably run it against the test suite and then see things in production 16:48:10 the context should be the same regardless of what language you use so that JSON-LD generically understands two documents are comparable 16:48:36 { @context: { @id: "https://www.w3.org/People/Sandro/activitystreams-fr" } 16:48:36 name: "..." } 16:48:57 sandro - has anyone suggested or tried this in the broader JSONLD / i18n communtiies? 16:49:11 it sounds like experimentation in the context of a CR which I feel uncomfortable about 16:49:20 eprodrom: we have a base version that does not define language. we make N many language specific contexts you can pull in to use a single string context. and finally we have a MUST on consumers that they MUST handle a context as an object. 16:49:26 tantek, I agree this feels like experimentation 16:49:56 tantek: i don't think we should be experimenting in CR 16:50:00 q? 16:50:02 "@context": "https://www.w3.org/People/Sandro/activitystreams-fr" 16:50:16 rhiaro: if a publisher wants to use language, they'll be okay with using the extra step of the object with language 16:50:35 sandro: about 1/4 of the examples we put the @language in 16:50:50 yes, I agree having about 1/4 of the examples with @langauge 16:51:28 HTML lang isn't required. it defaults to 'unknown'. from a cursory glance, the HTML spec doesn't recommend it be there, instead it warns that absent 'lang' can produce unexpected results. 16:51:31 eprodrom: if we make language a SHOULD then we should have it in most of the examples 16:51:44 I agree with SHOULD 16:51:57 I agree with SHOULD also 16:52:01 q? 16:52:19 tantek: the problem is history does not support "SHOULD" 16:52:26 ... you end up with lang="en" as the default 16:52:47 sandro: i thought the phrasing was "if you know the language you SHOULD put it there" 16:52:52 tantek: that is very different 16:52:55 eprodrom: that is very different 16:53:00 ben_thatmustbeme: 16:53:05 tantek, is that what you wanted to raise? 16:53:06 q? 16:53:20 eprodrom: another possibility is to make a simpler way to define language 16:53:25 "language" : "en" 16:53:29 sandro: that's what chris was getting at 16:53:45 "@context": "...", "language": "en" 16:53:48 q? 16:53:56 sandro: this is the tradeoff for people using JSON-LD processors or not 16:55:49 from r12a: "Could we either change MAY to SHOULD, or at least add a note to say that actually language information is quite important (since very few developers seem to recognise that)?" 16:56:01 q? 16:56:05 :\ 16:57:18 rhiaro: we can tell consumers there are three ways to identify an AS document 16:57:31 .. as a publisher, i want to know i can publish it in this object format and not have consumers fail 16:57:40 ack cwebber 16:57:40 cwebber, you wanted to explain why sandro's suggestion is also complex, but suggest we just use @language in *some* examples. 16:58:02 manu.sporny.org/2016/json-ld-context-caching/ 16:58:10 cwebber2: i think sandro's path, while i like it in an entertaining way, but would be a huge mess 16:58:43 ... i don't like resorting to string parsing as a shortcut either 16:58:49 +1 not string parsing 16:59:09 ... there were a couple suggestions that were good. if you wrote in a note that it's really important to do language things that's really easy 16:59:19 ... also 1/4 of the examples could include language and that'd be reasonable 16:59:34 ... to set the expectation that sometimes this happens 16:59:45 ... we're also not making it so that every example has this overhead of the language 16:59:48 +1 say "it's really important" and 1/4 of examples use it. 17:00:10 Aside: looks like JSON-LD test suite and reports did a bunch of explicit @language processing testing (syntactically) and that implementations in general "passed" in terms of transforming from input to output. http://json-ld.org/test-suite/reports/ 17:00:23 ht: ben_thatmustbeme for finding that link 17:00:35 PROPOSED: Resolve issue #354 of Activity Stream with a Note that points out the importance of explicitly marking up language of natural language properties 17:00:54 [Gregg Kellogg] JSON-LD Implementation Report 17:01:06 PROPOSED: Resolve issue #354 of Activity Stream with a Note that points out the importance of explicitly marking up language of natural language properties and use such markup for some examples 17:01:09 +1 17:01:12 tantek, yeah expansion and compaction will do smart things that "understand" the @context 17:01:13 +1 17:01:14 +1 17:01:18 +1 17:01:33 tantek: you said something earlier i thought was useful. "if the producer knows the language" 17:01:49 tantek, but I've still found combining two documents together to be a bit tricky, unless you do an expansion then compaction... I guess expansion then compaction is the "cleanest way" 17:04:40 q? 17:06:42 sandro: we can add text that explicitly says we omitted language from the examples for brevity and to avoid people blindly copy/pasting the language in the example without changing it 17:06:57 shepazu has joined #social 17:07:08 rhiaro: we're concerned about people blindly following the examples 17:07:37 eprodrom: they primarily use the language mechanism built in to AS (map) which is easier and more obvious 17:07:53 rhiaro: it doesn't need to be all the examples, just some of them 17:08:25 ... what we're saying is you should do language somehow, but we can't include all possible ways so we include language in the simplest way to illustrate it 17:08:44 ben_thatmustbeme: that makes sense, we don't include every tag in every example 17:09:20 tantek: evan it sounds like you have some proposed text 17:09:23 PROPOSED: Resolve issue #354 of Activity Stream with a Note that points out the importance of explicitly marking up language of natural language properties and use such markup for some examples 17:09:51 q- 17:09:56 +1 17:09:58 +1 17:10:29 +1 17:10:31 +1 with explanation of WHY it's not in every example 17:10:48 (to avoid hypocracy) 17:10:55 +1 with explanation of WHY it's not in every example 17:11:09 +1 also with explanation so people don't accidentally think English is default 17:11:49 PROPOSED: Resolve issue #354 of Activity Stream with a Note that points out the importance of explicitly marking up language of natural language properties and use such markup for some examples, and points out that it's not in every example because we want to avoid the copypaste EN everywhere thing 17:13:40 +1 17:13:53 +1 17:14:00 +1 17:14:04 +1 17:14:17 +1 17:14:22 +1 17:15:08 +0 i don't think its really necessary 17:16:41 sandro: our examples leave out language because we have a reason to leave them out 17:16:56 eprodrom: so maybe we just make it a should anyway 17:17:00 tantek: if you know the language 17:17:26 note as an example: Twitter acknowledges it doesn't "know " the language but offers "language detection" in its developer API: http://www.digitaltrends.com/social-media/twitter-adds-language-detection-and-tweet-filtering-to-api/ 17:18:02 eprodrom: we're going to say you SHOULD explicitly mark it up, but we're not going to recommend a particular way of doing so 17:18:09 rhiaro: right, based on the most appropriate way of doing it 17:18:23 RRSAgent, pointer? 17:18:23 See http://www.w3.org/2016/11/18-social-irc#T17-18-23 17:18:38 PROPOSED: Resolve issue #354 of Activity Streams with a SHOULD that points out the importance of explicitly marking up language of natural language properties if you know the language, and use such markup for some examples, and points out that it's not in every example because we want to avoid the copypaste EN everywhere thing 17:18:43 +1 17:18:52 +1 17:18:58 +1 17:19:05 +1 17:19:07 +1 17:19:10 +1 17:19:28 RESOLVED: Resolve issue #354 of Activity Streams with a SHOULD that points out the importance of explicitly marking up language of natural language properties if you know the language, and use such markup for some examples, and points out that it's not in every example because we want to avoid the copypaste EN everywhere thing 17:19:58 tantek: i think this will communicate a positive response to richard which is great 17:20:13 ... i also want to acknowledge what evan said about people ignoring it, like on twitter, where they don't know 17:20:14 btw 17:20:21 I asked the i18n team to give guidance on this 17:20:30 q+ 17:20:51 https://www.w3.org/International/wiki/LanguageDetection 17:20:58 q? 17:21:06 ack cwebber 17:21:33 cwebber2: just pointing out this link. when the i18n team asked us to add SHOULD to activitypub, i said this sounds great but realistically i don't know the language. i asked them to produce a document so that we can link to it, so they started this 17:21:40 ... here's some guidance on how to figure out what language to apply 17:22:02 tantek: if they publish this as a note i'd be okay, but i don't feel comfortable referencing a random page on their wiki 17:22:42 ... chris if you want to reference this page, i encourage you to reach out to them and request they publish it as a NOTE 17:22:53 cwebber2: i can do that 17:23:00 q+ 17:23:02 I would like to point out that I have a multilingual blog post now http://rhiaro.co.uk/2016/11/decentralising-social-tokyo (half English half Japanese) 17:23:18 eprodrom: this does mean our examples will have a warning on the validator 17:23:24 rhiaro: that's fine, because we have a good reason 17:23:55 sandro: maybe we add a checkbox to the validator asking whether you know the language 17:24:09 rhiaro: an extra checkbox on the validator saying explicitly to validate language stuff would be good 17:24:40 FYI: the related i18n issue was closed 23 hours ago: https://github.com/w3c/i18n-activity/issues/205 17:25:03 q? 17:25:06 ack eprodrom 17:25:36 TOPIC: LUNCH 17:26:16 I'm on the phone 17:26:18 what's going on 17:27:53 we are adjourned until 14:00 EST for lunch 17:28:00 aaronpk, ok what issues are we working on? 17:28:10 aaronpk, making a proposal? 17:28:15 aaronpk, wasn't totally clear to me 17:28:24 aaronpk, and do you want to do so now, or in an hour? 17:33:02 sorry hi 17:33:20 so we need to write up a description of the community group in order for the group to propose creating it 17:36:49 starting this here: https://www.w3.org/wiki/Socialwg/swicg 17:38:42 aaronpk: could we take 20 minutes to eat, then regroup? 17:38:45 sure 17:38:49 aaronpk: cool. 17:39:02 say something on the phone when you're back, i'm stepping away 17:40:49 kk 17:55:07 julien departed ~noon (for the minutes) 18:11:51 hi 18:11:59 aaronpk: I'm back. Dialing back in now 18:12:07 aaronpk: would you prefer to handle this over voice or irc? 18:12:22 there's a whole discussion happening here so maybe irc? 18:12:30 sounds good to me 18:12:31 actually i'll put on headphones 18:13:17 oh i got disconnected too, one sec 18:14:35 ok! 18:14:39 so i started this https://www.w3.org/wiki/Socialwg/swicg 18:14:51 good start :) 18:15:01 we really just need a little description for the form to submit here https://www.w3.org/community/groups/propose_cg/ 18:15:03 You must be logged in to propose a group or ( Request a W3C account ). 18:15:03 Once you are logged in, you will provide the name of the group, a short description, and a short name. The shortname is used in various places (such as automatically generated U... 18:15:13 but also need to agree on the "ground rules" for the group especially around communication methods 18:15:50 so I think it would be nice to use gitlab as communication, because it supports afaict pretty much every github feature and *might* end up federated 18:16:05 we can just use the ironic mega-silo for now 18:16:10 yeah i agree gitlab is probably the best bet, but i'm concerned about it for two reasons 18:16:22 1) it doesn't actually federate so it's kind of an aspirational use of gitlab until it actually does 18:16:26 that doesn't make sense 18:16:33 shh Loqi 18:16:53 2) it means we're on our own little island whereas on github at least everyone already has an account and there's good cross-linking of issues and stuff with other repos we'll be referencing 18:17:01 [@Zaninel] Millions of dollars in engineering has led us to this point... https://pbs.twimg.com/ext_tw_video_thumb/799080862113480704/pu/img/FwQMKwmV4RQPhHkf.jpg 18:17:32 in an ideal world, this issue tracker would just be an aggregator and i would be posting comments from my own software (e.g. my own gitlab instance) and they'd just be aggregated at this group's 18:17:36 but in the mean time .... :) 18:17:41 re: 1) https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-ce/issues/4013 18:18:22 yeah, it doesn't even have a proposed solution yet right? also that's just about pull requests, not about issues 18:18:40 right 18:18:57 aaronpk: the other side of things is that I know some people who won't use github because it requires proprietary javascript, and that's a no-go for them 18:19:02 i'd love to be able to demonstrate federated issue tracking 18:19:18 so gitlab is not ideal 18:19:22 but I think it might be a bit beter 18:19:24 better 18:19:32 there's tradeoffs for sure; I hear you on it's more of an island 18:19:41 though, in theory github users can log in with their github accounts 18:19:44 so it's not so bad 18:20:02 but they won't get notifications from one notification UI 18:20:04 gitlab uses omniauth and i'd love to be able to pull in the indieauth gem for it 18:20:11 that way i don't even need a separate gitlab identity 18:20:38 that'd be cool 18:20:52 so, aside from github vs gitlab 18:20:56 can you file an issue for them to pull it in? 18:21:49 actually i want to update that gem to do the auth server discovery itself rather than delegate that to indieauth.com first 18:22:12 would also be good to discuss scope of what we intend to accomplish. the current description on that page is pretty good, though 18:22:22 aaronpk, something that doesn't seem to be described, but I want to continue 18:22:34 is related things to make the federated web more usable, like spam filtering / anti-abuse tools 18:22:43 there's not much in that description, just half a sentence pulled from our current charter :) 18:22:46 aaronpk, I assume the IG will be a good fit for that? 18:22:57 s/IG/CG 18:23:00 right CG 18:23:02 oops 18:23:11 I *think* we can do whatever we want in the CG? 18:23:24 aaronpk: just making sure you and I agree on what's good :) 18:23:36 yeah i'd like to be able to work on things like that too :) 18:23:55 so we're basically thinking vocabularies and protocols to support the distributed / federated social web, and surrounding technologies that "support" them (such as spam filtering and anti-abuse tooling) 18:24:11 that works 18:24:24 go ahead and add that to the page? 18:24:28 aaronpk: cool, doing so 18:26:31 aaronpk: updated description, refresh 18:27:54 cool 18:29:22 so the group will get a wiki on w3.org by default, do we want to use that? 18:29:43 aaronpk: I think we might as well 18:29:51 aaronpk: the socialwg has used a wiki to good effect mostly 18:29:58 yeah seems like it 18:30:38 aaronpk: so I suggest we use gitlab, but yes, since it's not federated, use gitlab.com. It'll have some tradeoffs, but given the work we're doing I think it's worth it, and it might allow some users in related spaces to participate who wouldn't on github 18:31:07 oh gosh gtilab.com?? 18:31:20 gitlab.com 18:31:26 not gtilab.com, I don't know what that is 18:31:31 lol oops typo 18:31:34 i think i am actually more opposed to using gitlab.com compared to github.com 18:31:51 aaronpk: ok, do you have an alternative? 18:32:02 http://www.gtilab.com/ appears to have something to do with Mattel and Hasbro 18:32:11 self-hosted gitlab? 18:32:29 aaronpk: I'm ok with that, though I don't volunteer to host it :) 18:33:25 let me check what the recommended server stats are for it 18:34:12 ooh I like that it uses capital-S Scheme 18:34:40 scheme based expert system ;) 18:34:50 1980s MIT classic ;) 18:35:51 wow they want 4gb ram free 18:38:40 know anyone who could sponsor hosting this server? ;-) 18:38:45 aaronpk: ping mattl :) 18:38:53 ha oh yeah 18:40:01 aaronpk, I believe there's https://git.gnu.io/explore/projects which I think mattl got some gitlab people to sponsor/maintain 18:40:17 but I don't know much about it or how that maintenance is done. 18:40:37 well i'm happy to run the server cause i already run the indieweb server and more for my own sites 18:43:03 aaronpk: ok! 18:43:14 aaronpk: so I say we still resolve at this time to do something like 18:43:31 aaronpk: i can get you a server 18:43:37 oh or there we go 18:43:48 \o/ 18:43:55 i don't even need a big one, just a 4gb VPS is enough 18:44:53 yup. we can figure it out next week 18:45:12 that'd be awesome 18:48:37 how would you describe our group's use of the wiki? 18:49:00 conclusions 18:49:19 everything besides discussions 18:53:10 cwebber2, can you hear us? i switched back to the speakerphone 18:53:51 hi 18:53:57 I need to dial back in, one se 18:53:57 c 18:54:48 whoa 18:54:53 sounds like a room full of robots 18:55:03 i'm gonna call back in 18:55:08 kk 18:55:22 i may have confused it by switching from headphoens to speakerphone 18:55:42 sounds better now 18:55:43 I hear it 18:56:50 The other thing is the bus factor of aaronpk being in charge of everything 18:59:43 I think we just need another route clearly documented for them to participate 18:59:48 so they're not dismissed altogether 19:00:12 is IRC still not good enough as a start? 19:02:58 hey cwebber2 what license should my software be 19:03:47 rhiaro, that depends on what you're writing; I think https://www.gnu.org/licenses/license-recommendations.html is a pretty nice guide 19:04:09 thanks! 19:04:38 rhiaro: for clarity, I'm using Apache v2 for ActiviPy (which is a library only), MediaGoblin is AGPLv3, but for newer server applications, especially ones that are both server + client, I tend to just use GPLv3+ (though AGPL is still a good choice) 19:04:47 rhiaro: but that page probably says better than I will here 19:05:08 https://wicg.io/ 19:06:43 ah right we already have this github org: https://github.com/w3c-social 19:07:28 we'll make a new github org for this 19:09:55 cwebber2, check out the updated page https://www.w3.org/wiki/Socialwg/swicg 19:10:21 aaronpk: looks good 19:10:40 aaronpk: also can we agree that we don't try to pronounce "swicg" as one word 19:10:46 swickguh 19:10:51 it sounds a bit like retching 19:11:01 i think the "g" is silent 19:11:03 resume meeting postponed til 14:15 19:11:19 swick-gee is not bad 19:11:20 swi-kig 19:11:36 is that a hard or soft G 19:11:37 because WICG is pronounced wi-kig 19:11:47 hard 19:11:52 like keg 19:11:55 swi-kig is ok 19:12:29 (factoid: did you know that python's WSGI protocol is supposed to be prounounded "whiskey"??) 19:13:08 (added a sentence about not using github.com) 19:13:15 brb 19:13:19 not using or not having to use? 19:13:21 that's unacceptable. soft-g, hard-g and now g-that-sounds-like-k 19:17:42 (if you don't want to use) 19:18:18 I think we're good 19:18:54 scribenick: ben_thatmustbeme 19:19:11 TOPIC: SWICG 19:19:15 swicg comes a bit close to SWIG. Semantic Web Interest Group. 19:19:39 And that had been around forever 19:19:40 SOC-CG 19:19:49 Has 19:20:00 19:20:09 What about WebSub? 19:20:22 aaronpk: i don't want to derail this with another long round of choosing a name for something 19:20:22 SWUB 19:20:48 Do we need a Google docs for this? Like for push 19:21:00 aaronpk: AnnB proposed Social Web Incubator Community Group. 19:21:09 (not a real suggestion) 19:21:17 tantek: which paralells Web Incubator Group 19:21:27 sandro: the "Incubator" seems bizarre to me 19:21:33 s/Group/Community Group wicg..io 19:21:37 s/..io/.io 19:22:00 https://www.w3.org/wiki/Socialwg/swicg 19:22:09 aaronpk: anyway... i did not plan on talking about the name, i planned to share the description that cwebber2 and I came up with, its not a charter length description, its what shows up on the group page and the list of all groups 19:22:10 "The Social Web Incubator Community Group is to continue and extend the work of development of vocabularies and protocols to support the distributed / federated social web, as well as "supporting" technologies (such as anti-abuse and anti-spam tooling suitable for a federated network). This group continues the work of the W3C Social Web Working Group." 19:22:20 aaronpk: i would like feedback on if this is clear 19:22:49 aaronpk: most of that is from our charter 19:22:54 q+ 19:22:55 q? 19:22:58 ack eprodrom 19:23:20 eprodrom: "the work of development" can just be "development", can get rid of the scare quotes 19:23:53 sandro: related technologies 19:24:09 eprodrom: "tooling" is an interesting word there 19:24:11 +1 techniques 19:24:14 tantek: techniques 19:24:25 eprodrom: the rest sounds great 19:24:40 q? 19:24:50 aaronpk: the last sentence about 'continues the work of' is that appropriate? 19:24:56 sandro: seems fine to me 19:25:14 q+ to say s/for a federated network/for the open web 19:25:34 agreed 19:25:44 eprodrom: can i throw a couple of other things in here, to the extent that we have registries, like the namespaces for as2, can we add that in there 19:25:58 sandro: i read that as being in there, but we can add that in there 19:26:08 tantek: do we need that as part of the summary? 19:26:22 aaronpk: the first post will be a longer summary of the group 19:26:44 q+ to also make it clear about incubating 19:26:55 eprodrom: who is going to update erata for the specs? thats something the CG should handle 19:27:17 q? 19:27:33 sandro: the group can't publish anything normative, but they can update the list of erata 19:28:01 eprodrom: i don't know if we need to call them out, but those are definitely two important things for the CG to manager 19:28:08 s/manager/manage/ 19:28:54 q? 19:28:58 ack tantek 19:28:58 tantek, you wanted to say s/for a federated network/for the open web and to also make it clear about incubating 19:29:31 KevinMarks has joined #social 19:29:37 tantek: the phrase "suitable for ..." i was saying "suitable for the federated web" 19:29:55 ... to keep other types of federated network work out of the group 19:30:27 s/federated web/open web/ 19:30:52 tantek: i specifically say open web to set the bar high here 19:31:08 tantek: the summary should clearly call out the method of incubation 19:31:44 ... we will only have during the period of the extension that we presumably get, to have a WG, whereas the webWG has one 19:31:53 e.g. https://wicg.github.io/admin/charter.html 19:31:57 ... so i want to explicitly call that out 19:32:55 tantek: i think there is a lot from this page that i find is very useful 19:33:07 tantek: do we need a charter? I don't think so 19:33:13 aaronpk: i don't think so 19:33:49 tantek: i'm not saying you should copy that charter, but its a good place to mine from 19:34:19 sandro: i'm a little teapot, short and stout 19:34:29 tantek: i think that middle paragraph that you cited is a pretty good one 19:35:25 tantek: and the key thing is that its not saying what group its going to, but if they have enough prototypes they can use that to propose a new working group 19:35:48 s/sandro: i'm a little teapot, short and stout// 19:35:49 s/sandro: I'm a little teapot, short and stout// 19:36:51 aaronpk: does the description look good? 19:37:06 tantek: would you consider putting formats in place of vocabularies? 19:37:21 aaronpk: i can add formats 19:37:22 added formats 19:37:56 tantek: for participation i would say the same requirements from the wicg charter 19:38:06 ... where you have to sign this license agreement 19:38:36 sandro: the bit about maintaining the namespace, thats beside the point, its co-ordinating extensions 19:38:52 q+ 19:38:55 ... traditionally extensions use different namespaces 19:39:05 q? 19:39:29 eprodrom: i think that from my perspective, if i were trying to track down whose job it is to update that namespace 19:39:43 q? 19:39:48 ack cwebber 19:39:49 sandro: hopefully that would be in the namespace, its a rule that every page on w3.org is signed 19:40:03 ... it says editor, amy guy at the top 19:40:28 cwebber2: there was a review process for joining this group, is there one for this group 19:40:39 tantek: there is no such requirements for community groups 19:41:07 aaronpk: as i remember joining the group requires you to sign this stuff automatically 19:41:33 sandro: the one surprising thing there is that if you work for a w3c member, your AC rep has to review it, but the system does it 19:42:01 ... public can easily join, but member organizations without going through their company first 19:42:14 q? 19:42:21 ... its just surprising 19:43:06 tantek: also in participation, we haven't had a history of posting things on a blog for this group, so i'm not sure that a claim that we would do that in the future is something we should promise. if you want to say that we MAY.. 19:43:33 aaronpk: i wanted to make sure to make it clear that you would not expect to see discussion on the blog 19:43:44 tantek: so maybe put that as a catch all absolutely last 19:44:15 ... and then after the 'the groups wiki is used for documenting conclusions' i have found those wikis incredibly dead 19:44:24 ... i would suggest we instead use the w3c's wiki 19:45:03 sandro: why is that bad? 19:45:10 ... because they have to be in the CG? 19:45:34 tantek: you get less people randomly joining in and making editing your wiki 19:45:46 aaronpk: is this for patent issues? 19:46:06 wait i didn't say that 19:46:07 sandro: if your TRs are on your wiki, as you used to do... 19:46:28 e.g. https://www.w3.org/wiki/Swicg 19:47:15 sandro: i think they raised the bar on the wiki, where you have to be in a group to edit the wiki 19:47:20 jasnell has joined #social 19:47:21 jasnell has joined #social 19:48:23 sandro: woah, w3c says it requires member access, but you (aaronpk) aren't a member 19:48:43 tantek: did you register as a swicg org on github? 19:49:19 s/aaronpk: is this for patent issues?// 19:50:50 aaronpk: in order for me to submit this, we do need to have a name. Are there any serious objections to the current name? 19:51:19 sandro: so swikig is how its pronounced? i don't see a lot of incubation in that description 19:51:36 tantek: thats why i asked for it up front in the description 19:51:51 sandro: i'm okay with it 19:52:59 PROPOSED: create the Social Web Incubator Community Group (SWICG) with description and participation as noted https://www.w3.org/wiki/Socialwg/swicg with aaronpk and cwebber as co-chairs 19:53:14 +1 19:53:24 +1 19:53:24 +1 19:53:25 +1 19:53:26 +1 19:55:18 +1 19:55:20 RESOLVED: create the Social Web Incubator Community Group (SWICG) with description and participation as noted https://www.w3.org/wiki/Socialwg/swicg with aaronpk and cwebber as co-chairs 19:55:25 Bait and Swicg 19:55:34 +1 19:55:48 sandro: he's just being goofy 19:55:52 eprodrom: he's being Kevin 19:56:05 +1 19:56:07 ha ha 19:56:58 https://www.w3.org/community/blog/2016/11/18/proposed-group-social-web-incubator-community-group/ 19:57:13 https://www.w3.org/community/groups/proposed/#swicg 19:57:15 This is the list of proposed Community and Business Groups. To express support for a group, you must have a W3C account. Once a group has sufficient support (five supporters), W3C announces its creation, lists it on the current groups page, and peopl... 20:00:17 https://www.w3.org/community/swicg/ 20:00:21 we're live! 20:01:27 should I hit join on that or am I added as a chair and that happens automatically? 20:02:37 I'm trying to figure this out, hold on 20:03:20 cwebber2, you need to join 20:03:25 "I confirm that I have a significant employment relationship with GNU MediaGoblin (If incorrect update affiliation first) " 20:03:38 not super sure if GNU MediaGoblin really counts as significant employment right now 20:03:39 but I guess 20:04:04 wait.. you read agreements/TOS/license/patents warnings? Who are you? 20:04:21 I see checkboxes, I'm like.. I got this. 20:04:31 csarven: haha 20:04:35 rofl 20:06:29 cwebber2, once you join i will make you a chair 20:06:33 I did join! 20:06:45 "Your request to join the group with only individual commitments has been sent for review to the W3C Staff. You will be notified by email when your request is approved or denied." 20:07:54 should I have said as my "employer"? :P 20:08:15 with GNU MediaGoblin only remotely sort of being my employer 20:08:46 TOPC: AS2 non-spec issues 20:08:57 TOPIC: AS2 non-spec issues 20:09:49 eprodrom: before we go to test suite, we have closed 10 issues, they are updated in the ED, the most important is the issue around name and summary from last week, so we push them to the ... whats the next step? 20:09:57 sandro: are there normative changes? 20:10:48 eprodrom: this was a change to a SHOULD, (reference previous resolution) 20:10:49 stubbed: https://www.w3.org/wiki/Swicg 20:11:03 sandro: do we think the language thing effects implementations? 20:11:16 tantek: thats a publisher requirement, isn't it? 20:11:24 eprodrom: the syntax is the same 20:11:57 sandro: wasn't it true that you could have a conformant reader, that just looks for the string 20:12:18 eprodrom: can we capture that as an issue? thats orthoganal to what we just resolved 20:13:10 sandro: you could have made a conformant reader before but doesn't now right? 20:13:35 eprodrom: we did have examples before that had the object format for context 20:13:50 ... we didn't specify that you don't blow up 20:14:19 rhiaro: so is this about just making it explicit? or do we not need to do anything? how about I open an issue and we can discuss it there. 20:14:41 eprodrom: even to call out all the places where its like that in examples 20:14:57 sandro: given that we have an example in the spec, its not a breaking change, it was clearly our intent 20:15:49 sandro: we don't need a new transition call, but we need a new CR 20:15:59 rhiaro: i'm going to confirm that its 4-weeks 20:16:35 eprodrom: we are adding 2 SHOULDs, they probably will not break any implementations 20:17:04 sandro: if those issues get in to ED, and those get circulated to all implementations, that may be good enough to not need a new CR 20:17:25 tantek: and explicitly call them out as normative changes 20:17:29 sandro: they aren't 20:17:34 ... they match examples in the spec now 20:18:02 tantek: okay, they are clarifications that effect normative text, we should call that out as seperate from editorial changes, we should be up front about that 20:18:26 sandro: i agree we should be up front about it, but there are many editorial changes in normative text 20:19:13 tantek: i don't want it buried in editorial changes, put them as seperate 'important clarifications' 20:19:24 KevinMarks has joined #social 20:19:37 sandro: can we fix change log to link to previous version's change log 20:19:53 eprodrom: so it sounds like its good to not publish a new version yet 20:20:34 rhiaro: i think it would be good to get these changes formally in the CR version if we are going to use those 4 weeks anyway, and its the right thing to do 20:23:06 tantek: evan, what would you like to do next? 20:23:12 eprodrom: lets discuss test suite 20:23:58 ... a couple of things happened, we have updated changes that match changes we made. such as using https context URL, and the name issues 20:25:05 huh? 20:25:08 https://github.com/w3c/activitystreams/issues/351 20:25:29 sandro: what? https context URLs?? there was a whole blog post on why we don't do that. HSTS solves that anyway 20:25:46 ... which string are they supposed to be looking for if they are using just string matching? 20:26:00 KevinMarks2 has joined #social 20:26:29 eprodrom: what i'd like to do is while you read that over, we continue talking about test documents 20:27:15 ... updated the test docs to match the current state of the spec. second the validator, there are outstanding issues on the validator, nothing that can't be fixed but they haven't been done yet 20:27:20 related: https://github.com/w3c/web-annotation/issues/347 20:28:07 sandro: #351 seems fine, the namespace didn't change, the context changed 20:28:39 related: https://github.com/IIIF/iiif.io/issues/604 20:28:39 tantek: but its inconsistant with annotations 20:28:46 eprodrom: can we deal with this next? 20:28:59 q? 20:29:33 ... we have outstanding issues on the validator, i'm not sure what our process is for that. Do we need to have no issues on the validator? Most of them are around loosing the validator. 20:30:19 rhiaro: i have issues of validating because of ... 20:30:45 eprodrom: yes, but thats just a matter of how to get the AS2 on to the stream, if you paste it in, it still validates 20:31:05 eprodrom: there are certainly things to improve, but does this stop us from getting to PR? 20:31:36 rhiaro: it seems harmful to me asking people to use the test suite and it doesn't work correctly 20:31:50 tantek: is it blocking people from implementation reports? 20:32:34 eprodrom: what i'd like to do is go through these and mark them as blocking or not blocking. my goal is to have no issues, but get blocking ones out of the way first, then non-blocking ones 20:32:43 ... i'm going to give that to myself as a task 20:33:13 ... as far as implementation reports go, right now we have 4 implementation reports for AS2, 1 implementation report that we are waiting for 20:33:25 rhiaro: i expect csarven will submit one as well 20:33:47 eprodrom: i think we'll land somewhere between 10 and 12 implementation reports before we are done 20:33:55 sandro: and how many are updates from AS1? 20:34:01 eprodrom: i know of 2 that i think are 20:34:11 tantek: how many are besides the editors? 20:34:17 eprodrom: right now none are from me or james 20:34:26 tantek: how many outside the group? 20:34:33 eprodrom: how many are from outside the group? 20:34:48 s/eprodrom: how many are from outside the group?// 20:34:56 eprodrom: only one is from outside the group 20:35:19 eprodrom: is it fair to make the validator to be an implementation 20:35:31 aaronpk: i don't feel like the validator is a valid implementation 20:35:52 sandro: i feel like AS2 its more valid to use it, but we might as well err on the side of not including it 20:36:13 eprodrom: i will do an implementation report for the validator, but if there is an question, we'll remove it 20:36:33 ... we have a lot of features that are not implemented at all 20:37:00 ... every part of the vocab is a feature thats at risk, except for a very small core 20:37:08 sandro: are they literally at risk? 20:37:22 tantek: we did, we had a long discussion about that 20:37:43 tantek: are there any non-at-risk features that have only 0 or 1 implementations? 20:37:47 eprodrom: i think not 20:37:52 tantek: do we have a summary of them? 20:37:58 eprodrom: thats probably my next task 20:38:15 tantek: with the required features first, then at-risk after that 20:38:52 eprodrom: if i was going to do an estimate, they are mostly the core-types and their properties, as well as the activtypub parts 20:39:31 ... that will probably put us in the area of 5 or so extension 20:40:04 eprodrom: i think that we may get down to a small enough vocab document that we question why we have a seperate vocab document 20:40:42 sandro: so if i implement it a week after REC, its referenced all from the rec, and people can still use it, there is not a big loss if we cut things from the spec 20:41:00 ... thats the impression that i get 20:41:15 rhiaro: it kind of matters of where you go for documentation 20:41:29 sandro: i really want the extensions to be highlighted 20:41:47 ... does the spec link to an extensions page? 20:42:09 eprodrom: we do not have anything that says "look here" i don't know where that would be 20:42:40 sandro: we could just say the namespace document, the downside is 6-months from now there will be no w3c staff member paying attention to that 20:42:49 rhiaro: isn't that what the CG is there for? 20:43:52 activitystrea.ms source: https://github.com/activitystreams/website 20:44:00 sandro: who has control of activitystrea.ms? 20:44:07 eprodrom: i might, i know that james does 20:44:22 s/james/jasnell/ 20:44:49 eprodrom: going back to implementation reports. I think that we have a couple we would still like to see. 20:45:02 ... i need to work on a summary table, but let me see if i can say this correctly 20:45:16 they will at least *use* activitystreams implementations 20:45:18 ... activitypub implementations will be activitystreams implementations as well 20:45:54 tantek: if we wait for those implementations, would we have more properties exit CR? 20:45:57 eprodrom: yes 20:46:17 tantek: i think we should seriously consider that, its a bit of a delay 20:46:53 eprodrom: i have no complaint with that, i think it would be a better spec with us waiting for more activitypub implementations 20:47:06 tantek: that would buy you a lot of time for CR changes 20:47:15 ... just another considerations 20:48:26 KevinMarks has joined #social 20:50:15 KevinMarks2 has joined #social 20:51:52 ok everyone 20:51:53 I need to leave 20:52:02 is there anything you need me for last minute? 20:52:29 q? 20:56:19 KevinMarks has joined #social 20:56:43 eprodrom: back to one thing, if the vocab gets short enough, is it worth us merging the two documents? 20:57:18 eprodrom: the core is very structural, and the vocabulary is much more focused toward the social domain? 20:57:25 sandro: can we wait and see? 20:57:48 tantek: we have 1 test suite, 1 validator .. 20:57:59 sandro: its more been easier logically 20:58:07 eprodrom: would we need to do a new CR? 20:58:12 tantek: i have no idea 20:58:21 sandro: its just editorial really 20:58:33 ... you just publish a tombstone 20:58:38 tantek: you don't redirect? 20:59:11 ... its worth it for future readers of the spec, it will help implementations 20:59:21 ... i would want the short names to redirect too 20:59:59 sandro: well TRs don't redirect, its a symbolic link, its sort of the normal flow so in this case you actually would want to do a redirect 21:00:12 tantek: there are some 21:01:05 sandro: on another issue, the name / summary issue 21:01:06 e.g. w3.org/TR/CSS2 shows CSS 2.1 21:01:23 eprodrom: those have been changed in the ED (gives examples) 21:03:33 KevinMarks has joined #social 21:03:45 ... i've given myself a task to fix the ones that sound like they were auto-generated to sound like they were created more by a human being 21:04:09 eprodrom: i think thats all i have to say about AS2 21:04:16 tantek: we have 6 issues that were opened today 21:04:30 ... from amy and csarven 21:04:36 eprodrom: and some from me 21:04:49 tantek: do we want to spend time disucssing the 1 normative issue, #377 21:04:53 https://github.com/w3c/activitystreams/issues/377 21:04:58 I'll have a PR ready in the next minutes 21:05:02 ... this is amy's issues with is seperate from the language issue 21:06:01 rhiaro: i think we resolved that, but we should make it explicit 21:06:08 sandro: and we need tests for that 21:06:31 http://w3c.github.io/activitystreams/core/#jsonld 21:06:34 [James M Snell] Activity Streams 2.0 21:06:42 q? 21:07:13 eprodrom: (quotes doc) 21:08:15 ... we could have an implementer's note here that the value of the context property could be a string, object, or array 21:11:15 (after some discussion) 21:11:29 eprodrom: I'd be fine saying there are only these 3 ways to review it 21:12:15 rhiaro: my only concern is there are other versions that could be generated by JSON-LD libraries 21:12:35 sandro: before we publish that in a CR, lets try to get some review of that by a JSON-LD expert 21:13:29 (discussion of exact wording) 21:14:29 eprodrom: (updating issue with suggested wording) 21:14:46 https://github.com/w3c/activitystreams/pull/381 should be o-kay 21:14:48 eprodrom: i'm comfortable with that 21:15:01 tantek: does that resolve it for you amy? 21:15:03 rhiaro: yes 21:15:11 KevinMarks has joined #social 21:15:17 tantek: that brings us back to just editorial 21:15:46 ... given that we are talking about waiting more than 4 weeks, i think its better that we republish a new CR 21:15:55 eprodrom: do we need a new call for that? 21:16:11 sandro: as long as there are no normative changes 21:16:39 tantek: but thats manual still i believe and we need to do a group telcon to resolve that update 21:16:47 eprodrom: are we having a meeting on tuesday? 21:16:54 tantek: its scheduled right now 21:17:07 eprodrom: we typically don't do them right after a F2F 21:17:18 aaronpk: we just skipped one before this 21:17:28 ... we were planning on reviewing pubsub edits 21:17:39 eprodrom: we'll have enough to work on then, its worth meeting 21:19:11 tantek: we're completed for AS2, i was going to have an update of PTD, but i wasn't able to get done what i wanted 21:19:25 eprodrom: is it reasonable to hold off 21:19:36 eprodrom: what about name for pubsub? 21:19:38 SoftHub? 21:19:38 Topic: PubSub renaming 21:19:53 choices: WebFollow WebSub WebSubscribe 21:19:59 rhiaro: i'm for WebSub 21:20:10 WebSub sounds good. 21:20:23 https://www.w3.org/wiki/Socialwg/push-name 21:20:42 eprodrom: my thought is the editor who is still here picks his favorite, then we +1 / -1 on that 21:20:53 ... and if that doesn't work, we go to the next 21:21:10 aaronpk: i know juliens preference on this, and i now agree with it 21:21:14 sandro: which is 21:21:18 aaronpk: WebSub 21:21:43 PROPOSED: Rename pubsubhubbub to websub 21:22:02 WebSub specifically 21:22:03 ... mainly WebSub and not WebSubscribe because of the similarity to PubSubHubbub 21:22:11 Long name is what? WebSubscribeulator? 21:22:21 aaronpk: this is my first choice, and I believe Julien's 21:22:29 that sounds good actually. easy to search. 21:22:44 aaronpk: with WebFollow being available later for the user-facing feature, like Julian's Follow feature 21:22:55 tantek: do we have any non-native speakers that can confirm the pronouncability of it? 21:23:03 aaronpk: i believe phonetically its fine 21:23:15 sandro: julien was ok with it and he's a non-native speaker 21:23:22 s/Julian/Julien 21:23:50 PROPOSED: Rename pubsubhubbub to websub 21:23:51 +1 21:23:52 +1 21:23:52 +1 21:23:54 +1 21:23:54 +1 21:23:58 +1 21:23:59 +1 21:24:35 PROPOSED: Rename PubSubHubbub to WebSub, and move the shortname pubsub to websub 21:24:39 +1 21:24:40 +1 21:24:41 +1 21:24:42 +1 21:24:45 +1 21:24:46 +1 21:24:50 +9000 21:25:09 There is no company with that name right? 21:25:13 RESOLVED: Rename PubSubHubbub to WebSub, and move the shortname pubsub to websub 21:25:28 there are surprisingly few search results for websub in general 21:25:39 "About 78,700 results" 21:25:41 tantek: the only other thing on the agenda was SWP 21:25:43 csarven: https://www.google.com/search?q=websub 21:25:45 TOPIC: SWP 21:25:53 rhiaro: i have not had a chance to work on it recently 21:26:05 ... can bring it up next meeting 21:26:16 TOPIC: rechartering 21:26:22 whois websub.org 21:26:49 tantek: we have already agreed to request an extension, which we believe we will get 21:27:50 ... putting that in our extension request for 1 to 2+ months with one outlier 21:28:04 tantek: there is a lot to consider for our recharter 21:28:17 .. the recharter would start in may 21:28:27 sandro: i think we should ask for 6 months to keep it simple 21:28:43 tantek: that buys us additional runway for if something comes up in PR 21:29:17 jasnell has joined #social 21:29:25 tantek: do we feel that it is good? 21:30:51 PROPOSED: Request 6 month extension to take our drafts to REC, with plans already to take Micropub to PR in January, AS2 & ActivityPub to PR in February, WebSub (formerly PubSub) to PR in April; no f2f meetings expected, monthly telcons. 21:31:07 6 months sounds good/safe. We probably only need 3 (just pulling that out of thin air). If we finish early, we go for lunch early. 21:31:10 csarven, yes, I told the group I've owned websub.org for ages, and I'm happy to hand it over to whoever's acting for the group on this. 21:31:13 +1 21:31:13 +1 21:31:22 +1 21:31:26 +1 21:31:27 tantek: and you are available to chair in that time as well correct eprodrom? 21:31:28 eprodrom: yes 21:31:35 +1 21:31:42 aaronpk: whats the CGs work in that time? 21:31:49 KevinMarks has joined #social 21:31:50 +1 21:31:58 tantek: everything outside of our specs, building extensions, bringing people in 21:32:15 RESOLVED: Request 6 month extension to take our drafts to REC, with plans already to take Micropub to PR in January, AS2 & ActivityPub to PR in February, WebSub (formerly PubSub) to PR in April; no f2f meetings expected, monthly telcons. 21:32:38 Should LDN be in that PROPOSAL? 21:32:46 sandro: that comes back to your rechartering question, if we see a lot of companies that are w3c members or are potential members 21:32:52 PROPOSED: equest 6 month extension to take our drafts to REC, with plans already to take Micropub to PR in January, LDN & AS2 & ActivityPub to PR in February, WebSub (formerly PubSub) to PR in April; no f2f meetings expected, monthly telcons. 21:32:56 timbl has joined #social 21:32:58 (sorry for the omission) 21:33:09 ... thats a good indicator for rechartering 21:33:12 +1 21:33:14 +1 21:33:15 +1 21:33:20 +1 21:33:41 RESOLVED: request 6 month extension to take our drafts to REC, with plans already to take Micropub to PR in January, LDN & AS2 & ActivityPub to PR in February, WebSub (formerly PubSub) to PR in April; no f2f meetings expected, monthly telcons. 21:34:00 PROPOSED: rename CG to *swish* 21:34:35 Social Web Incubator Says Hi 21:35:49 sandro: the question is what happens to all our .rocks domains 21:35:59 Oh.. 21:36:00 q+ 21:36:26 q+ github/3rd party URLs in specs 21:36:43 tantek: sounds like a good thing to add to the list of things we intend to maintain after the WG finishes 21:37:19 sandro: its okay to say that you own that and its not the group that owns it 21:37:55 aaronpk: i'd be surprised to have the community group own a domain since they aren't official 21:38:16 ... if i was w3c, i would not want be endorsing the code written by the CG 21:38:51 sandro: is what eprodrom getting at is can the CG find someone to take over as2.rocks? 21:39:11 eprodrom: i think aaronpk has more domains there 21:39:21 tantek: capture it as something for the CG to deal with 21:39:35 tantek: going back to rechartering 21:39:49 ... as sandro pointed out there is a need for 20 members 21:40:06 q- 21:40:13 going back to earlier conversation: the activitystrea.ms website domain is owned by Chris Messina. Publishing is via github site 21:40:33 ... we don't even need to figure out what to put in a recharter now, we can say, what the CG incubates can determine what we recharter with 21:40:44 sandro: so the charter is open ended? 21:40:51 KevinMarks has joined #social 21:41:12 (talking about web incubator CG) 21:41:24 previously, Chris indicated that he is willing to transfer ownership as long as there is agreement to transfer it back to him should there be no desire to continue maintaining it 21:41:37 s/web incubator/web platform/ 21:43:07 timbl has joined #social 21:45:27 eprodrom: i don't know why we would recharter right now, we have a CG that will be maintaining things, my guess is they will not be making many proposals in the next 6 months, there is a lot of implementation work to do 21:45:40 ... there is a lot of advocacy work to do 21:45:54 ... i don't think there is a lot of work that we have on the table 21:46:29 tantek: we have very deliberately been trying to reduce that and focus the group, thats why there isn't a lot left 21:46:36 (explicitly) 21:47:05 eprodrom: i guess my question is, if we get to the end of our extension, and we don't have a lot of work to do, are we ok with that? 21:47:48 tantek: i think there is a growing set of communities because of the work we are doing, i forsee growing momentum of the next 3-4 months 21:48:16 ... second, if i had to drop a recharter today, i could 3 things on it that have multiple implementations already 21:48:41 ... Vouch, Salmention, and private webmentions 21:48:47 q+ 21:49:15 ... if i were to say that in 6 months, we are going to draft another charter, i think we have a good case 21:49:29 ... i'm not making a proposal 21:49:44 ack eprodrom 21:49:54 sandro: i see this as try to build up pressure in the CG, if it turns out to be WG levels, thats ok 21:50:32 eprodrom: if i may ask, i understand there are WG that don't have a fixed schedule as we do. 21:50:44 tantek: they do, every single one of them has to recharter each time 21:51:11 KevinMarks2 has joined #social 21:51:51 eprodrom: is it more a horizontal group 21:52:07 tantek: horizontal groups don't typically produce their own specs 21:55:34 KevinMarks has joined #social 21:56:14 speaking of after 6 months 21:56:48 Cool 21:57:27 No audio for me. It cut off. I came back on .. still no audio. 21:58:05 csarven: working on it 21:58:38 thanks 21:58:39 sound good 21:58:49 i think google voice timed me out 21:59:29 should be back now 22:00:16 tantek: i think we leave the question of rechartering open 22:00:40 ... i wanted to say that explicitly, and remain hopeful, and there is enough work to recharter if enough people decide that 22:00:57 aaronpk: is it good or bad to have the group expire and then recharter again having had a gap? 22:01:03 sandro: it doesn't really matter 22:02:13 TOPIC: FIN 22:02:25 trackbot, end meeting 22:02:25 Zakim, list attendees 22:02:25 As of this point the attendees have been tantek, aaronpk, rhiaro, csarven, ben_thatmustbeme, cwebber 22:02:33 RRSAgent, please draft minutes 22:02:33 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2016/11/18-social-minutes.html trackbot 22:02:34 RRSAgent, bye 22:02:34 I see no action items