15:53:46 RRSAgent has joined #sdwbp 15:53:46 logging to http://www.w3.org/2016/11/09-sdwbp-irc 15:53:48 RRSAgent, make logs world 15:53:48 Zakim has joined #sdwbp 15:53:50 Zakim, this will be SDW 15:53:50 ok, trackbot 15:53:51 Meeting: Spatial Data on the Web Working Group Teleconference 15:53:51 Date: 09 November 2016 15:54:18 Present+ eparsons 15:54:27 RRSAgent, make logs public 15:59:22 Linda has joined #sdwbp 16:01:42 ByronCinNZ has joined #sdwbp 16:02:04 ClemensPortele has joined #sdwbp 16:03:32 present+ ClemensPortele 16:03:34 present+ ByronCinNZ 16:03:39 ClausStadler has joined #sdwbp 16:03:42 jtandy has joined #sdwbp 16:04:13 present+ jtandy 16:05:17 Present+ Linda 16:05:42 usual one plus BP 16:05:59 sdwbp 16:06:56 still launching windows vm - sec :) 16:07:12 regrets+ mattperry 16:07:20 scribe: ClemensPortele 16:07:31 scribenick: ClemensPortele 16:08:17 topic: approve last minutes 16:08:19 https://www.w3.org/2016/10/26-sdwbp-minutes 16:08:26 +0 16:08:34 +1 16:08:36 +0 not there 16:08:41 +0 also 16:08:44 +0 (not there) 16:08:52 +0 16:09:26 topic: patent call 16:09:27 AndreaPerego has joined #sdwbp 16:09:29 https://www.w3.org/2015/spatial/wiki/Patent_Call 16:09:38 present+ AndreaPerego 16:09:52 topic: Review proposed changes: edits to BP 11 and BP title changes in response to feedback from INSPIRE workshop 16:10:53 Linda: reviewed BP titles to check if the titles could be improved by clarifying that they are about spatial data 16:11:46 ... changed some of the titles (does not have the full list ready, but it was one pull request) 16:12:01 ... should we review offline or discuss now? 16:12:10 jtandy: Fine with offline review 16:12:16 PR: https://github.com/w3c/sdw/pull/412 16:12:43 PR: https://github.com/w3c/sdw/pull/413 16:12:53 Linda: Also did some changes to BP11 based on feedback from the workshop 16:13:51 BP11: http://w3c.github.io/sdw/bp/#convenience-apis 16:13:56 q+ 16:14:23 ack eparsons 16:14:26 Linda: BP11 seemed the right place to clarify how to build on top of / migrate from an existing SDI 16:15:12 eparsons: Should not be a separate BP, but we need to provide text that point to the relevant pieces 16:16:01 jtandy: Another BP was the URI per resource BP 16:16:26 q= 16:16:27 Linda: So we need a section? 16:16:28 q+ 16:16:33 q? 16:16:45 q- 16:16:51 eparsons: Yes, a section for that particular target audience seem most appropriate 16:17:24 Linda: Perhaps use section 9 16:17:37 http://w3c.github.io/sdw/bp/#why-are-traditional-sdi-not-enough 16:17:49 jtandy: Agrees, maybe also something in section 10 16:18:02 q+ 16:18:30 ack ClemensPortele 16:19:31 action: Linda to add to section 9 about which Best Practices are relevant for those coming from the SDI community 16:19:31 Created ACTION-217 - Add to section 9 about which best practices are relevant for those coming from the sdi community [on Linda van den Brink - due 2016-11-16]. 16:19:56 ClemensPortele: Maybe also add backlinks from the BP 16:20:26 ClausStadler_ has joined #sdwbp 16:21:05 "1. Reuse your existing spatial data infrastructure" 16:21:09 of BP 11 16:22:23 jtandy: Should we keep the Z39.50 reference? 16:23:05 present+ ClausStadler 16:23:14 Linda: I added text about the Geonovum testbed 16:23:32 jtandy: We could add Bart's example, too 16:24:03 Linda: Figure 1 is already from it 16:24:25 Linda: Added a placeholder for another example 16:25:42 action: linda to talk to Bart about getting more detailed content about his Linked Data / WFS approach for inclusion in BP 11 16:25:42 Created ACTION-218 - Talk to bart about getting more detailed content about his linked data / wfs approach for inclusion in bp 11 [on Linda van den Brink - due 2016-11-16]. 16:25:55 q? 16:26:09 topic: Concluding discussions about BP7 and "indirect identifiers" (what did we agree at TPAC?) 16:26:35 Linda has joined #Sdwbp 16:26:55 jtandy: two long discussions at TPAC about BPs (BP7 and spatial indexing) 16:27:14 q? 16:27:38 jtandy: looking at BP7 how to include the result of the discussion 16:28:38 jtandy: there was a discussion about http vs https (ssn namespace). Did we agree to separate the namespace from the protocol? 16:29:08 eparsons: I think so. We can use http and assume that http/https will resolve to the same resource 16:29:32 +1 16:30:03 eparsons: for other protocals beside http/https this could be different 16:30:28 jtandy: so probably this is not a big issue 16:31:44 https://www.w3.org/TR/dwbp/#identifiersWithinDatasets 16:31:47 jtandy: so what is BP7 saying that is not already covered by BP10? 16:32:43 jtandy: ... (BP10 from DWBP) 16:33:52 eparsons: they are very similar. The important thing is highlighting to publish resources at a more granular level. 16:34:29 q+ 16:34:47 q+ 16:35:21 jtandy: Some of this is discussed in section 9 and in BP. Are we getting the message across? 16:35:56 q? 16:36:16 ack ByronCinNZ 16:36:19 eparsons: I think so. And I think there is value in having a separate BP7 16:36:37 ChrisLittle has joined #Sdwbp 16:36:50 Present+ 16:37:07 ByronCinNZ: the SDWBP should provide guidance how to apply the DWBP for spatial data 16:37:14 * apologies for late arrival - terrier mode ticking off tasks 16:37:33 BartvanLeeuwen has joined #sdwbp 16:37:39 q? 16:37:44 ack AndreaPerego 16:39:20 present+ BartvanLeeuwen 16:39:25 AndreaPerego: agrees with ByronCinNZ. This is an important BP and not current practice, so it is better to keep it 16:40:11 q? 16:40:36 Help 16:41:07 AndreaPerego: current practice is to use local identifiers, but hard to reference from the outside 16:41:32 Linda has joined #Sdwbp 16:41:36 q? 16:43:31 jtandy: so we want to keep BP7. Another aspect to discuss is the reuse of identifiers ("to keep the global graph intact"). 16:44:44 jtandy: But to be able to add additional information and make it retrievable it requires a new identifier with a sameAs-like link to the "known identifier" 16:45:15 jtandy: "samePlaceAs"? 16:45:41 eparsons: samePlaceAs sounds restrictive 16:46:05 q+ 16:46:25 jtandy: agrees, we want to avoid the strong nature of sameAs 16:46:39 ack ByronCinNZ 16:47:19 ByronCinNZ: likes the idea, very geographic statement. In which ontology would this reside? 16:47:46 ClemensPortele: I think we said it would be an IANA link relation identifier 16:48:40 Q+ 16:48:41 jtandy: As it does not exist yet, we cannot claim it is a "best practice" 16:49:46 q+ 16:50:05 ack ChrisLittle 16:50:06 eparsons: I think this problem will be hard to avoid, but it could be described as a way to address the issue 16:51:03 ChrisLittle: worried about "samePlaceAs". How does it fit with the algebra of polygons? 16:51:17 jtandy: we don't want to be too specific 16:51:54 jtandy: ... at TPAC we had a discussion about the well-defined topological relationships 16:52:32 eparsons: to get something done quickly we should try to keep it simple 16:52:41 q? 16:53:12 eparsons: ... relationships could be tackled later 16:53:21 q+ 16:53:29 ack ByronCinNZ 16:53:39 jtandy: so we agree that samePlaceAs is not intended as a mathematical statement 16:53:53 https://files.ifi.uzh.ch/ddis/iswc_archive/iswc/pps/web/iswc2010.semanticweb.org/pdf/261.pdf 16:54:07 "so:matches Two URIs refer to possibly distinct things that share all the prop- erties needed to substitute for each other in some graphs. Th is property is symmetric but not necessarily reflexive. so:matches is a super-property of so:identical ." 16:54:22 ByronCinNZ: agrees, and this is probably the most important of the topological relationships 16:54:31 q? 16:54:40 ack ClausStadler_ 16:55:18 ClausStadler_: Explains the paper and "so:matches" reference (see above) 16:56:17 jtandy: yes, there is overlap. we want to focus on the spatial match. 16:56:33 q? 16:56:47 ClausStadler_: could be a sub-property 16:57:03 jtandy: worried on nesting, maybe it makes it overcomplicated 16:57:13 I agree with the concern 16:57:18 +1 16:57:31 eparsons: worried about complication, too 16:57:39 +1 16:57:43 ByronCinNZ: should be a top-level relationship 16:57:57 topic: Planning for next F2F meeting 16:58:18 eparsons: Meeting on Dec 15-16 in London 16:58:31 eparsons: need to decide on rough agenda, but also coverage 16:58:41 q+ 16:58:54 q- 16:59:02 eparsons: please add to the wiki if you plan to attend 16:59:19 jtandy: any limit of numbers? 16:59:38 eparsons: 16, probably not an issue 17:00:35 topic: Your BP editors need you! (can you lead the development of a section of the BP document?) 17:00:44 jtandy: if you want to add anything to the agenda, please add it to the agenda (that eparsons is creating right now) 17:01:34 jtandy: the editors have only limited availability and would like to find contributors that want to own sections 17:02:00 I'll have a closer look, and let you know if I can volunteer. 17:02:08 q? 17:02:12 jtandy: please think about it and get back to jtandy/Linda 17:02:20 bye 17:02:23 Thanks, and bye! 17:02:27 bye! 17:02:28 bye 17:02:35 Bye 17:02:41 byer 17:02:43 bye 17:02:54 RRSAgent, draft minutes 17:02:54 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2016/11/09-sdwbp-minutes.html AndreaPerego 17:27:55 jtandy has joined #sdwbp 19:02:48 chair: jtandy 19:02:52 RRSAgent, draft minutes 19:02:52 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2016/11/09-sdwbp-minutes.html AndreaPerego 19:05:56 regrets+ ScottSimmons 19:05:59 RRSAgent, draft minutes 19:05:59 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2016/11/09-sdwbp-minutes.html AndreaPerego 19:06:25 Zakim has left #sdwbp 19:55:35 billroberts has joined #sdwbp