12:14:00 RRSAgent has joined #poe 12:14:00 logging to http://www.w3.org/2016/11/07-poe-irc 12:14:02 RRSAgent, make logs public 12:14:02 Zakim has joined #poe 12:14:04 Zakim, this will be 12:14:04 I don't understand 'this will be', trackbot 12:14:05 Meeting: Permissions and Obligations Expression Working Group Teleconference 12:14:05 Date: 07 November 2016 12:14:22 Agenda: https://www.w3.org/2016/poe/wiki/Meetings:Telecon20161107 12:14:32 RRSAgent, make logs public 12:22:03 simonstey has joined #poe 12:23:27 Agenda: https://www.w3.org/2016/poe/wiki/Meetings:Telecon20161107 12:26:49 agenda: https://www.w3.org/2016/poe/wiki/Meetings:Telecon20161107 12:26:52 hmm 12:30:12 agenda? 12:30:55 michaelS has joined #poe 12:31:42 trackbot, status 12:31:50 Meeting: Agenda for 2016-11-07 https://www.w3.org/2016/poe/wiki/Meetings:Telecon20161107 12:32:00 present+ 12:32:33 present+ 12:32:50 present+ 12:34:03 Present+ 12:34:33 Sabrina has joined #poe 12:34:47 present+ sabrina 12:35:29 scribe: phila 12:35:32 scribeNick:ph 12:35:40 scribeNick: phila 12:36:00 Topic: Last week's minutes https://www.w3.org/2016/10/31-poe-minutes.html 12:36:04 present+ michaelS 12:36:11 benws2: NOTUC? 12:36:28 RESOLUTION: Accept last week's minutes 12:36:31 chair: Ben 12:36:32 +q 12:36:43 Topic: UCR Note 12:37:08 simonstey: I've started to update the GH version of the doc. I added the remainingn use cases up to no.36, including the BSIG ones 12:37:22 ... I looked over our requirements 12:37:44 ... Those rejected by the WG, I have made a note accordingly. 12:38:03 ... We may want to exclude them or remove them? Or cross them out? 12:38:09 smyles has joined #poe 12:38:26 simonstey: There are some that we agreed to but they need guidance 12:38:37 ... As currently forumlated, they're not reqs. 12:38:49 present+ 12:38:49 ... POE RR08, guidance on provenance policies, for example 12:39:05 http://w3c.github.io/poe/ucr/#POE.R.R.08 12:39:12 simonstey: IMO, this isn't a req for ODRL, but is a req for the WG deliverables 12:39:28 ... So do we keep them there? 12:39:43 benws2: It seems that we have 2 Qs 12:40:15 benws2: Should we keep in the UCR, UCs that we're not going to address, and 2. Do we keep in there reqs that we'll address in documentation 12:40:41 simonstey: There are some Reqs that re not formulated as reqs for ODRL 12:41:07 benws2: My working assumption was that we had previously agreed that we'd keep those UCs on the wiki but remove them from the actual doc. 12:41:16 q? 12:41:27 q+ 12:41:37 q- s 12:41:50 asck r 12:41:52 ack r 12:42:32 renato: From memory... we did state that UCs that we were not going to address still would appear in the UCR but be flagged as being for a future version 12:43:04 renato: Only reqs that we'll address will be in there, but all UCs are in there. 12:43:14 "Specific requirements that have been de-prioritized or rejected have been left in the document for completeness, but are shown as struck out." 12:43:14 q? 12:44:42 CarolineB has joined #poe 12:44:55 present+ CarolineB 12:45:08 ivan: It's OK if we have reqs that we end up not covering, but some sort of doc should exist that says why we won't/didn't address it. 12:45:17 ... There can be any (genuine) reasons. 12:45:30 benws2: But would you include the UCs? 12:45:37 ivan: If they're genuine UCs then, yes. 12:45:49 ... Maybe in 2 years' time we come back and look at it again. 12:46:04 benws2: What about UCs that raise Reqs that are already covered? 12:46:30 benws2: If there's a UC on the wiki that we judge to be covered in ODRL 12:46:40 benws2: We agreed only to generate Reqs for changes 12:47:17 q? 12:47:52 +q 12:47:58 benws2: ASking in general, am I right not to include UCs that don't generate any new requirements? 12:48:00 ack s 12:48:01 I recall the same 12:48:02 q+ 12:48:33 q+ 12:48:40 simonstey: I'd say there's no point in having a UC that repeats another one's reqs 12:49:17 s/I'd say there's no point in having a UC that repeats another one's reqs/I'd say there's value in having a UC that repeats another one's reqs 12:49:34 simonstey: The UCs tell you what people want to use ODRL for. 12:49:56 ... We don't want to add something to ODRL that isn't required by anyone 12:50:28 ack me 12:50:56 Brian_Ulicny has joined #poe 12:51:45 phila: IMO the UCR should refer explicitly to the original ODRL UCs and say thaty we're building on top of that. 12:52:17 q+ 12:52:21 michaelS: I think the reqs doc shouldn't include what's alreadty covered, but the wiki can. 12:52:49 benws2: In the UCR, should we have UCs that generate no Reqs because they're already covered?? 12:53:04 q? 12:53:05 ... Were OK with UCs that generate Reqs we're not going to cover 12:53:14 ack michaelS 12:53:20 renato: For example, UC31 on internal rights management 12:53:21 trackbot, status 12:53:23 ack r 12:53:45 renato: We decided last week that it was all implementation specific. So do we remove 31? 12:53:51 present+ 12:53:53 benws2: I think there are 3 classes of UC 12:54:02 ... 1 asking for exsting ODRL functgionality 12:54:18 ... 2 asking for guidance that we can link to the BP doc, eg using Prov 12:54:33 ... 3 UCs that do generate new Reqs buyt thaty we're not going to cover 12:54:41 s/buyt thaty/but that/ 12:54:54 renato: So 31 is an implementation issue. 12:55:16 benws2: If it wont even make the BP doc then I'm not sure that we shoijuld include it - we have nothing to say about it 12:55:21 benws2: For the vote... 12:55:41 no 12:55:43 ... Those UCs that generate no new Reqs, should they be in our UCR document? 12:56:16 +q 12:56:23 phila: Emphasises desire for link to old UCs 12:56:26 ack s 12:57:03 simonstey: My no relates to UCs like the one Renato mentioned which was about implementation issues. I don't think that should be part of the UCR. 12:57:43 simonstey: Reqs that were gathered years ago, they need to be part of the UC document, at least by reference. 12:57:57 q+ 12:58:04 benws2: That can be in a para t the top. These UCs extend the existing set that drove dev of ODRL 12:58:46 PROPOSED: That we don't include use cvses in the UCR Doc that generate no requirements and no guidance. 12:58:58 s/cvses/cases 12:59:09 +1 12:59:14 PROPOSED: That we don't include use cases in the UCR Doc that generate no new requirements and no guidance. 12:59:28 +1 12:59:29 +1 12:59:30 +1 12:59:30 +1 12:59:30 +1 12:59:32 +1 12:59:32 -0.9 12:59:39 0.5 12:59:48 0 13:00:17 RESOLUTION: That we don't include use cases in the UCR Doc that generate no new requirements and no guidance. 13:00:32 old reqs https://www.w3.org/2012/09/odrl/archive/odrl.net/2.0/v2req.html 13:00:52 benws2: Are the editors confident enough to make progress towards a version for publication in December? 13:01:09 simonstey: This Q about reqs, those we've rejected, do we keep them in the doc? 13:01:26 michaelS: My thinking is that if we don't include the UCs in the UCR, what about using them for a BP doc? 13:01:38 ... I think some are interesting and attractive for marketing 13:01:43 requirements != use cases 13:01:53 benws2: I agree. Any UC that generates that kind of thing is good. 13:01:59 q? 13:02:03 ack m 13:02:24 renato: Are we going to close off the UCs? 13:02:43 benws2: We could, but I don't feel under pressure to do so. 13:02:54 benws2: Can we change it after we've published? 13:03:09 q? 13:03:14 ivan: You can publish new versions as often as you like. It's a Note 13:03:32 Q? 13:03:33 benws2: So there's no pressure (literally not a euphemism) 13:03:59 simonstey: You can change FPWDs at any time and they can be different. 13:04:27 benws2: if were sinking under the pressure of new UCs OK, we could close the list, but we're not. 13:04:40 renato: The BSIG has got back to us with clarification, We can discuss that next week. 13:04:43 Topic: The Model 13:05:03 renato: On Complex Constraints... it's 3 weeks since we spoke about that. 13:05:20 ... The minutes said we've move the discussion to e-mail. Has there been any new thoughts? 13:05:25 q+ 13:05:53 +q 13:05:54 benws2: The one that seems most obvious to me is the chaining of constraints but Simon said that's a processing problem. 13:06:03 ... Can we design those problems out? 13:06:04 q? 13:06:09 ack s 13:06:55 Sabrina: I sent a mail to the list just before the call. I checked with colleagues about how to describe these using DL. I was told it's outside the scope of OWL 2, as they're linear constraints. 13:07:09 ... But pointed to a W3C Note on OWL2 and Linear Constraints 13:07:25 q+ 13:07:34 ... The semantics and decidability is clear and published. There are existing reasoning engines that will handle it. But it's outside OWL2. 13:07:42 ack Sabrina 13:07:53 q+ 13:07:59 Brian_Ulicny: What is a linear constraint? 13:08:28 Sabrina: Some sort of dependency between two things Think of a less than statement, need to evaluate both. 13:08:37 ivan: That Note has never had any continuation. 13:08:48 q+ to caution against requiring OWL 13:09:22 ivan: I wouldn't go down that line... trying to put it into the OWL 2 framework. We don't have the expertise 13:09:23 q- 13:09:33 q- Brian_Ulicny 13:09:38 ack s 13:09:46 q+ 13:10:09 simonstey: Maybe I want to talk about this at the F2F as I'd need more time to ramble about it. Main question... the role of constraints in ODRL. 13:10:36 ... Do we want them automatically evaluated? Or is it just about making them machine readable? 13:10:45 q+ 13:10:52 simonstey: It could just be a variation on plain text. 13:11:03 ... I could talk about this for hours. 13:11:31 ... We need to be clear. We could potentially chain constraints for ever. 13:11:34 ack r 13:12:21 q? 13:12:26 https://www.w3.org/2016/poe/wiki/Requirements#POE.R.DM.02_Define_target_of_a_constraint 13:12:27 renato: In an ideal world it would e great if we could design and build such a system but that's more than we can do. I think it's expression and machine readability that we're aiming for. 13:12:33 renato: We have another req.... 13:12:59 renato: We can augment the constraint model so that you can specify the target of the constraint. 13:13:16 ... We can say that the target of the constraint is another constraint. 13:13:37 q? 13:13:42 ack sm 13:14:03 smyles: In order for us to help people implement machine readable rights, we do need to document the processing model. 13:14:11 ... We tried to do this in RightsML 13:14:40 q? 13:14:44 ... If we don't document the processing model, then we're just codifying natural language. We could stop there, but it would be useful to go further 13:14:45 q+ 13:15:17 ack me 13:15:19 +1 to Phil 13:15:26 +10000 13:15:46 phila: You can have a processing model but that entails independent software to implement it, test suite etc. 13:16:04 renato: We can have a model where a constraint has another constraint. That's easy in the model. 13:16:30 ... We could do that soon and then the WG can see what the outcome is. 13:16:41 Topic: Extended Relations 13:17:04 renato: qI wasn't clear on the state of req DM10. Are we waiting for more explicit use cases? 13:17:11 benws2: For XOR, I can generate loads of use cases. 13:17:24 renato: Can you send some in 13:17:25 benws2: Yes 13:17:43 action: benws2 to submit use cases about extended relations 13:17:43 Error finding 'benws2'. You can review and register nicknames at . 13:17:49 action: benws to submit use cases about extended relations 13:17:49 Created ACTION-36 - Submit use cases about extended relations [on Benedict Whittam Smith - due 2016-11-14]. 13:18:19 Topic: Vocabulary 13:18:43 renato: Simon raised the issue about removing terms that came from a long time ago. 13:18:53 ... They may not make a lot of sense today. 13:19:05 ... We had a discussion at TPAC about normative and non-normative terms 13:19:12 ... Normative means implementations 13:19:23 victor raised that issue a year ago too -> https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-odrl/2015Apr/0024.html 13:19:28 ... The question we face is... do we solve those together 13:19:29 q+ 13:19:47 renato: We can say we think these terms are normative, non-normative, at risk etc. 13:19:52 ack m 13:20:07 michaelS: What makes a term normative? What is the distinction. 13:20:23 +q 13:20:36 renato: If you have a section in a spec that is normative, you need multiple implementaions 13:20:39 ack s 13:20:55 simonstey: I put a link in - Victor raised this a long time ago. 13:21:14 ... The core issue of this issue is why certain terms are in ODRL. 13:21:18 "I love ODRL and the ODRL core model" - thanks Victor ;-) 13:21:54 simonstey: Why can't we have all those terms? Because there are too many. 13:22:25 simonstey: We can have the general concept of an Action, in the core, and then people can extend with what they want like 'accept tracking' etc. 13:22:40 q? 13:22:40 simonstey: Not best to have them in the core 13:23:05 benws2: We have to go through a process of splitting terms into normative and non-normative 13:23:15 ... What were you suggesting as a process? 13:23:29 renato: Other people need to look at the terms rather than me as I'm too martied to it. 13:23:42 ... Especially the names for constraints. 13:24:00 ... Check them off as at risk terms, like 'inStore' might be too outdated 13:24:02 q+ 13:24:28 ack me 13:25:16 +1 to phila's proposal 13:25:36 +1 13:25:39 +q 13:25:47 phila: Enumerations = obscelence 13:25:59 obsolescence 13:26:03 simonstey: That's my point (what Phil said) 13:26:55 simonstey: As actions are used in ODRL, even if there are 20 ways to say print, there is no problem with having new ones. You don't gain by having them normative. 13:27:10 s/obscelence/obsolescence/ 13:27:18 q? 13:27:42 renato: Why don't we say that all the terms from the info model are normative and the rest, not normative? 13:28:07 simonstey: Some terms are there nbevcause some time ago the right person asked the right person. 13:28:33 q+ to talk about the CG 13:28:37 ack s 13:28:46 q+ 13:28:57 simonstey: Talks about managing narrower and broader terms 13:29:03 ack me 13:29:03 phila, you wanted to talk about the CG 13:29:25 ack michaelS 13:29:41 q+ 13:29:43 michaelS: From IPTC experience, interop is a problem if you open up fully. 13:29:59 benws2: But isn't that the role of the news industry to provide the terms. 13:30:16 +1 13:30:18 +q 13:30:21 michaelS: Sure we can do that for RightsML, but if a news term should be used for a text book? They have different action defn. 13:30:27 ack i 13:30:39 ivan: The annotation WG had a similar issue for what we called Motiviations 13:30:40 http://w3c.github.io/web-annotation/vocab/wd/#extending-motivations 13:31:04 ... We added into the doc, a non-normative guideline on extending. You should do it this way etc. 13:31:08 q? 13:31:16 ... We defined some of the top level ones and then how to add your own. 13:31:17 ack s 13:31:27 simonstey: That's what I imagined too. 13:31:58 ... To respond to Michael - things not being in line, if we have the concept of a profile, you can't stop people defining their own profile. 13:32:05 ... People will do what they will do. 13:32:13 RRSAgent, draft minutes 13:32:13 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2016/11/07-poe-minutes.html phila 13:32:23 Topic: F2F 13:32:47 renato: We have got 2 options: Madrid (Victor has offered) 13:32:57 ... And offer 2 is New York 13:33:08 ... Monegraph would be happy to host that. 13:33:31 ... So the question now is what's the decision. 13:33:42 ... For March 13:34:30 not necessarily.... NY is great 13:34:48 victor has joined #poe 13:34:53 present+ victor 13:35:08 action: phila to set up WBS to help decide F2F venue 13:35:09 Created ACTION-37 - Set up wbs to help decide f2f venue [on Phil Archer - due 2016-11-14]. 13:35:39 (oh! I am afraid I arrived in the last minute...) 13:35:47 RRSAgent, draft minutes 13:35:47 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2016/11/07-poe-minutes.html phila 13:35:52 (I got confused with the timezones again) 14:47:58 benws has joined #poe 14:52:05 benws2 has joined #poe 15:33:25 ivan has joined #poe 16:01:39 Zakim has left #poe 16:20:05 benws has joined #poe 16:23:52 benws2 has joined #poe 17:20:14 benws has joined #poe 17:49:17 benws2 has joined #poe 17:52:50 benws3 has joined #poe 17:53:55 ivan has joined #poe