IRC log of wcag-act on 2016-11-02

Timestamps are in UTC.

15:05:13 [RRSAgent]
RRSAgent has joined #wcag-act
15:05:13 [RRSAgent]
logging to
15:05:15 [trackbot]
RRSAgent, make logs public
15:05:15 [Zakim]
Zakim has joined #wcag-act
15:05:17 [trackbot]
Zakim, this will be
15:05:17 [Zakim]
I don't understand 'this will be', trackbot
15:05:18 [trackbot]
Meeting: Accessibility Conformance Testing Teleconference
15:05:18 [trackbot]
Date: 02 November 2016
15:05:58 [cpandhi]
scribe: cpandhi
15:06:49 [Wilco]
agenda+ ACT Req Survey results
15:06:53 [Wilco]
agenda+ Drafting Framework sections
15:06:59 [Wilco]
agenda+ Open Actions Items
15:07:07 [Wilco]
agenda+ Availability Survey
15:07:12 [Wilco]
15:08:52 [cpandhi]
cpandhi present+
15:09:16 [Wilco]
15:10:47 [cpandhi]
Jemma: we have light agenda, start with some introductions
15:11:04 [Wilco]
zakim, take up next
15:11:04 [Zakim]
agendum 1. "ACT Req Survey results" taken up [from Wilco]
15:11:42 [cpandhi]
Wilco: send out the survey for ACT req
15:12:06 [cpandhi]
scribenick: cpandhi
15:12:26 [cpandhi]
jemma: missed the survey
15:12:51 [cpandhi]
scribe: cpandhi
15:13:02 [Wilco]
action: wilco to take the requirements document to the WCAG WG
15:13:03 [trackbot]
Created ACTION-10 - Take the requirements document to the wcag wg [on Wilco Fiers - due 2016-11-09].
15:13:32 [Wilco]
zakim, take up next
15:13:32 [Zakim]
agendum 2. "Drafting Framework sections" taken up [from Wilco]
15:13:56 [cpandhi]
Wilco: looking forward to the feedback from the WCAG group
15:14:46 [Wilco]
15:17:12 [cpandhi]
Wilco: action: cpandhi to write up a proposal for 2.2 rule description
15:18:50 [cpandhi]
action: <cpandhi> write up a proposal for 2.2 rule description
15:18:50 [trackbot]
Error finding '<cpandhi>'. You can review and register nicknames at <>.
15:19:27 [cpandhi]
action: cpandhi write up a proposal for 2.2 rule description
15:19:27 [trackbot]
Created ACTION-11 - Write up a proposal for 2.2 rule description [on Charu Pandhi - due 2016-11-09].
15:20:44 [cpandhi]
action: Jemma write up on change management 6.4
15:20:44 [trackbot]
Created ACTION-12 - Write up on change management 6.4 [on JaEun Ku - due 2016-11-09].
15:21:57 [cpandhi]
action: Ramone write up on Selectors 4.1
15:21:57 [trackbot]
Error finding 'Ramone'. You can review and register nicknames at <>.
15:22:35 [cpandhi]
action: rdeltour write up on Selectors 4.1
15:22:35 [trackbot]
Created ACTION-13 - Write up on selectors 4.1 [on Romain Deltour - due 2016-11-09].
15:22:43 [Wilco]
action: Wilco to write up Introduction section
15:22:43 [trackbot]
Created ACTION-14 - Write up introduction section [on Wilco Fiers - due 2016-11-09].
15:23:06 [cpandhi]
jemma: this is due next week?
15:23:26 [cpandhi]
Wilco: can you send it in my Monday?
15:23:41 [cpandhi]
Jemma: Tuesday morning
15:23:49 [cpandhi]
Wilco: OK
15:24:01 [Wilco]
zakim, take up next
15:24:01 [Zakim]
agendum 3. "Open Actions Items" taken up [from Wilco]
15:26:09 [jemma]
Description: Description of the rule (e.g. Trigger if the link text is empty or content under link is hidden ) Origin: (e.g. WCAG 2.0 technique H30, H91) Status: (e.g. active) id: WCAG20_#_# (e.g. WCAG20_A_hastext) Context: (e.g. "a") validate: function()
15:26:14 [Wilco]
15:26:15 [cpandhi]
Wilco: Charu emailed the plain description of rules, need to put it in the table
15:27:18 [cpandhi]
Wilco: i have tried to put the design templates into the table
15:28:17 [cpandhi]
Wilco: Assumption is a description of something that we know we are not testing or cause false positive. So it is a limitation of the rule.
15:28:31 [cpandhi]
Jemma: Can we add that info in the table?
15:28:38 [Wilco]
15:31:39 [Wilco]
15:32:19 [Wilco]
zakim, take up next
15:32:19 [Zakim]
agendum 4. "Availability Survey" taken up [from Wilco]
15:32:29 [cpandhi]
Wilco: Add the IBM info into the ods and create a pull request
15:32:48 [cpandhi]
action: cpandhi Add the IBM info into the ods and create a pull request
15:32:49 [trackbot]
Created ACTION-15 - Add the ibm info into the ods and create a pull request [on Charu Pandhi - due 2016-11-09].
15:33:36 [cpandhi]
Jemma: I have a fork of the repository
15:34:13 [cpandhi]
Wilco: sounds that is it for today
15:34:48 [Wilco]
rrsagent, draft minutes
15:34:48 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate Wilco
15:34:51 [cpandhi]
rssagend draft minutes