12:57:36 RRSAgent has joined #apps 12:57:36 logging to http://www.w3.org/2016/11/02-apps-irc 12:58:07 Meeting: Payments Apps Task Force 12:58:51 Agenda: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-payments-wg/2016Nov/0000.html 12:58:53 Chair: Ian 12:58:58 Regrets+ AdrianHB 12:59:11 agenda+ upcoming meetings 12:59:14 agenda+ option displays 12:59:16 agenda+ filtering 12:59:21 agenda+ web share APi 12:59:33 present+ Ian 12:59:35 present+ Tommy 12:59:39 present+ Pascal 12:59:52 pascal_bazin has joined #apps 13:01:02 present+ Andre 13:01:43 alyver has joined #apps 13:01:46 present+ Adam 13:01:51 jnormore has joined #apps 13:01:52 present+ Max 13:02:01 present +alyver 13:02:30 present+ Jason 13:03:16 zakim, take up item 1 13:03:16 agendum 1. "upcoming meetings" taken up [from Ian] 13:03:28 16 Nov, 23 Nov, 30 Nov, 7 Dec, 14 Dec, 4 Jan 2017 13:03:55 rouslan has joined #apps 13:03:59 adamR: Regrets for 16 Nov 13:04:07 present+ Rouslan 13:04:37 zakim, close this item 13:04:37 agendum 1 closed 13:04:38 I see 3 items remaining on the agenda; the next one is 13:04:38 2. option displays [from Ian] 13:04:40 zakim, take up item 2 13:04:40 agendum 2. "option displays" taken up [from Ian] 13:04:52 https://www.money2020.com/sessions/part-2-one-click-buying-new-w3c-standards-for-web-payments 13:05:14 Max has joined #apps 13:05:59 https://w3c.github.io/webpayments-payment-apps-api/#selectable-app-information-display 13:07:22 IJ: Please review. 13:07:33 AdamR: I think this one addresses it - "The user agent MUST display matching payment apps in an order that corresponds to the order of supported payment methods supplied by the payee, except where the user agent enables the user to override this order." 13:08:31 q+ 13:08:40 IJ: "The user agent MUST display all matching payment apps." 13:09:02 ...that's supposed to prevent discrimination..but we may not want to be absolute (e.g., security) 13:09:16 AdamR: Browsers will ignore it in that case...we could say "MUST unless security".... 13:09:21 ack Max 13:09:38 q+ 13:09:49 max: I'm not sure whether the merchant should take control of the browser 13:10:01 pascal_bazin has joined #apps 13:10:20 q- 13:10:36 ...I want to emphasize that we should allow some merchant control 13:10:50 ...I will think about alternatives 13:11:07 ...one question is - what is the relationship between the six bullets...are there any internal conflicts? 13:11:08 q+ 13:11:09 q? 13:11:12 ack jnormore 13:12:02 jnormore: I am somewhat conflicted...from merchant perspective I want total control. But from a UX perspective, and in light of conversation about detecting presence of payment methods....if detection is NOT possible, then I'd rather the browser have some flexibility 13:12:16 ...the browser should be able to Show or Not Show based on its own ability to detect enabled payment instruments 13:12:33 ...user experience should trump merchant preference 13:14:27 IJ: About the bullets 13:14:31 * Some are about matching payments 13:14:36 * Some are about recommended payment apps 13:15:38 q+ 13:15:42 ack pascal 13:19:38 https://github.com/w3c/webpayments-payment-apps-api/issues/59 13:19:58 https://github.com/w3c/webpayments-payment-apps-api/issues/59#issuecomment-249926853 13:22:32 IJ: How is Chrome on Android managing payment app order? 13:23:12 q+ 13:23:25 ack Tom 13:23:43 TommyT: I think that the current rules in there are pretty good 13:23:47 q+ to talk about chrome's strategy for app sorting 13:23:59 ...I would not like to see any more hard specification that forces an implementer to let the user configure something 13:24:04 ...I think that should be up to the implementer 13:24:51 ...right now the text says the the user can override the merchant BY CONFIGURATION...but it would ALSO be useful to be able to present payment apps based on user behavior (e.g., most recently used app for a site) 13:24:53 +1 13:25:38 IJ: And I note that in 9.1.1. we could mention "most recently used" as well 13:25:44 ack rouslan 13:25:44 rouslan, you wanted to talk about chrome's strategy for app sorting 13:26:12 rouslan: Chrome hasn't implemented this yet. The ordering we would like to use is a combination of frequency of usage and recent usage 13:26:13 Heh. I was about to explain frecency too. 13:26:58 rouslan: We also plan to use as signals (but not necessarily as the rule of law) such things as the order preferred by the merchant 13:27:08 ...which is the order in the PR API constructor 13:27:12 q? 13:27:31 ---- 13:27:41 * Display any matching (possibly modulated by security) 13:28:02 * Prefer user configure (add: or behavior) over merchant 13:28:09 * MAY allow configuration 13:28:46 Ian: I will do a pull request with three changes: 13:28:51 1) Clarify behavior ok 13:28:57 2) Add security bit to first bullet 13:29:09 3) https://github.com/w3c/webpayments-payment-apps-api/issues/59#issuecomment-249926853 13:29:13 q+ 13:29:18 ack T 13:29:36 TommyT: If we like the ordering suggestion from Rouslan from chrome, that contracts bullet 5 13:30:19 Frecency 13:30:19 IJ: I will also add frecency to 9.1.1 13:30:34 q+ 13:30:46 ack AdamR 13:30:55 +1 13:30:59 AdamR: If we mention freceny .. just as an example 13:31:02 +1 to example, not normative 13:31:43 q? 13:32:01 zakim, close item 2 13:32:01 agendum 2, option displays, closed 13:32:02 I see 2 items remaining on the agenda; the next one is 13:32:02 3. filtering [from Ian] 13:32:05 zakim, take up item 3 13:32:05 agendum 3. "filtering" taken up [from Ian] 13:32:08 https://github.com/w3c/webpayments-payment-apps-api/issues/63#issuecomment-254831097 13:32:58 pascal_bazin has joined #apps 13:33:54 AdamR: The only thing that works here is EITHER having an a priori means of expressing the information OR a lambda function in isolation 13:35:10 IJ: What does a function take? a list of PMI/filter pairs? 13:37:49 AdamR: Ok to send all payment method data to these functions that run in isolation? 13:38:00 IJ: How does the browser ensure isolation? 13:38:12 AdamR: Via a null origin (or unique origin) 13:38:25 ...so same origin policy used here 13:38:44 IJ: Can they still make server side calls? 13:38:47 AdamR: No 13:38:57 Jason: That would satisfy the server-side performance concern 13:39:08 AdamR: We'd have to talk to security people about whether null origin is sufficient 13:39:26 ...but I am confident that we can specify this (params in, boolean out) 13:40:15 IJ: Anybody want to take a stab? 13:40:21 AdamR: I will take a stab at it. 13:41:22 https://github.com/zkoch/zkoch.github.io/blob/master/pmi.md 13:44:01 http://w3c.github.io/webpayments-methods-credit-transfer-direct-debit/ 13:45:18 IJ: My expectation is that different networks will apply for credit transfer as well 13:46:43 AdamR: Concerned about complexity 13:47:40 { 13:47:40 supportedMethods: ['basic-card-payment'], 13:47:40 data: { 13:47:40 supportedNetworks: ['mastercard'], 13:47:40 supportedTypes: ['credit'] 13:47:41 } 13:48:52 === 13:48:56 { 13:48:56 supportedMethods: ['basic-card-payment'], 13:48:57 supportedSubMethods: ['visa/debit','mastercard/credit'] 13:48:58 } 13:52:16 (Thanks!) 13:52:33 IJ: When might we see a proposal? 13:52:59 AdamR: I can probably have something by 23 Nov 13:53:08 zakim, close this item 13:53:08 agendum 3 closed 13:53:09 I see 1 item remaining on the agenda: 13:53:09 4. web share APi [from Ian] 13:53:11 zakim, take up item 4 13:53:11 agendum 4. "web share APi" taken up [from Ian] 13:53:44 https://github.com/mgiuca/web-share/blob/master/docs/explainer.md 13:54:58 IJ: Should we reach out to Matt re: (e.g.,) user experience discussions? 13:55:21 AdamR: A colleague yesterday suggested that these look similar 13:56:49 ACTION: Ian to reach out to Marcos 13:57:25 Topic: Next meeting 13:57:27 16 Nov 13:57:37 rrsagent, make minutes 13:57:37 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2016/11/02-apps-minutes.html Ian 13:57:48 alyver has left #apps 13:57:53 rrsagent, set logs public 14:07:06 jnormore has joined #apps 14:40:16 jnormore has joined #apps 14:41:07 jnormore has joined #apps 14:43:20 jnormore has joined #apps