13:51:25 RRSAgent has joined #wpwg 13:51:25 logging to http://www.w3.org/2016/10/27-wpwg-irc 13:51:27 RRSAgent, make logs public 13:51:27 Zakim has joined #wpwg 13:51:29 Zakim, this will be 13:51:29 I don't understand 'this will be', trackbot 13:51:30 Meeting: Web Payments Working Group Teleconference 13:51:30 Date: 27 October 2016 13:51:41 Ian has changed the topic to: 27 Oct agenda -> https://github.com/w3c/webpayments/wiki/Agenda-20161027 13:51:43 agenda: https://github.com/w3c/webpayments/wiki/Agenda-20161027 13:54:31 betehess has joined #wpwg 13:55:05 MattS has joined #wpwg 13:58:09 rouslan has joined #wpwg 13:58:31 present+ Ian 13:58:41 regrets+ dlongley 13:59:06 present+ MattS 13:59:14 present+ Rouslan 14:01:06 adamR has joined #wpwg 14:01:19 doh 14:01:23 sorry on the wrong room 14:01:24 arriving 14:02:37 present+ adamR 14:02:37 present+ Alexandre 14:02:52 regrets+ NickTR 14:03:03 zkoch has joined #wpwg 14:03:12 present+ zkoch 14:03:17 present+ betehess 14:03:28 present+ Pascal 14:03:43 alyver has joined #wpwg 14:03:57 topic: Money 20/20 14:04:07 https://www.money2020.com/sessions/part-2-one-click-buying-new-w3c-standards-for-web-payments 14:04:37 MaheshK has joined #wpwg 14:05:11 present+ Mahesh 14:05:13 present+ ShaneM 14:05:25 topic: Detecting support for payment methods / apps 14:05:36 Is Ian talking? 14:05:46 I’ll have to reconnect 14:05:56 Sorry I cannot join. Technical issues with audio. 14:06:05 Oh, interesting. I also hear nothing 14:06:11 hah 14:06:18 Reconnecting.. 14:06:29 https://github.com/zkoch/zkoch.github.io/blob/master/pr-detect-avail.md 14:06:42 Zach, let me know when you are back 14:06:53 present+ Andre 14:06:58 rouslan: Can you hear Ian? 14:07:15 adamR: I can't hear anyone except beeps 14:07:16 present+ Ken 14:07:32 Okay, it looks like the VoIP stuff is flat out not working 14:07:32 No one can hear anyone 14:07:49 I bet pascal_bazin can’t hear either 14:07:59 no I can't 14:08:02 just hear dyou 14:08:16 i hear rouslan 14:08:18 well, it looks like we effecitvely have two bridges 14:08:23 One for everyone on voiip 14:08:25 I hear rouslan 14:08:27 and one for everyone on the phones 14:08:30 weird 14:08:32 And they’re not connected to each other 14:08:48 Let me kill the webex and start again 14:08:52 sorry 14:09:12 I hear Ian from time to time 14:10:27 ::hears things:: 14:10:52 https://github.com/zkoch/zkoch.github.io/blob/master/pr-detect-avail.md 14:11:05 scribe: Ian 14:11:15 zkoch: There are different use cases.... 14:11:34 ...I only want to call PR API if there is ANY form of payment available 14:11:44 ...up to "I want to know all the payment methods that are supported" 14:12:17 ...for privacy reasons, we don't want to leak information. We don't have information about merchants which could be a form of trust relationship. 14:12:25 Proposal is for canMakeActivePayment() 14:12:44 ...to avoid privacy issues, it is available once per origin in a window of time 14:12:54 q+ 14:13:22 ack ad 14:13:26 regrets: AdrianHB 14:13:35 present+ ShaneM 14:13:38 adamR: Regarding time-bound --- per origin across all windows/tabs? 14:13:43 zkoch: Yes, generally. 14:13:53 q+ 14:14:08 AdamR: Minor suggestion - allow it to be called with exactly the same payment types as quickly as possible 14:14:29 ...if people are doing multiple transactions in multiple tabs, allow them to call for exactly the same payment methods 14:14:40 ...I think the devil in the detail here will be what the time period is. 14:14:46 dezell has joined #wpwg 14:14:55 ...it might have to be on the order of 10s of minutes or hours to be effective as anti-fingerprinting 14:14:58 zkoch: +1 14:15:28 IJ: Please clarify - can you specify individual payment methods? 14:15:29 Present+ dezell 14:15:35 q+ 14:15:39 zkoch: Yes, via the instantiated payment request object 14:15:43 ack Mah 14:16:18 MaheshK: I agree with the background and requirements...we discussed a bit last week 14:16:35 ...on this specific proposal I have a question - PR API can be called from an iframe 14:16:47 ...so this new proposed API can be called from an iframe 14:17:03 ...so a limit of one-per origin might not work...if multiple iframes are created and deleted 14:17:25 Max has joined #wpwg 14:17:35 ...if merchants really want to, say, show two buttons but prioritize them and call the API twice, what would be the biggest issue 14:18:01 zkoch: This proposal is that there is no definitive way to know for sure whether the user has a particular payment method instantiated. 14:18:23 ...I don't think it makes sense to throw in the towel too quickly 14:18:46 ...I recognize that there are some immediate needs..but I don't see the value for PR API of making it easy to provide multiple "buy with" buttons on sites 14:19:16 ..regarding the multiple iframe risk, I think that is complex...and we can also look at limiting the API to the parent origin 14:19:22 ack al 14:19:37 +1 on associating with the top-level origin 14:19:44 alyver: I think this is a huge step in the right direction. I see one problem from a Shopify perspective - lots of merchants come from the same origin 14:19:58 q+ to talk about shopify usecase 14:20:07 ...so problem if a shopper is shopping on multiple shopify sites 14:20:15 rouslan: In this case, is there an iframe in the site? 14:20:24 alyver: No, the user is redirected 14:20:47 rouslan: I think the answer lies in a cookie regarding availability of PR API 14:20:58 ...the time boxing is per user 14:21:11 alyver; but if the user is at multiple Shopify stores.... 14:21:21 rouslan: Just check the cookie 14:21:40 zkoch: I will think more about this...cookies is one idea 14:22:05 alyver: We do have merchants that use their own domains, but others still using the same domain 14:22:05 q? 14:22:16 ack rous 14:22:16 rouslan, you wanted to talk about shopify usecase 14:22:52 zkoch: I am hearing "positive direction" 14:23:14 MaheshK: Let's discuss further offline 14:23:39 ACTION: zkoch to flesh out the proposal additionally, with more info about iframes, time window, Shopify use case 14:23:40 Created ACTION-39 - Flesh out the proposal additionally, with more info about iframes, time window, shopify use case [on Zach Koch - due 2016-11-03]. 14:24:02 IJ: Mahesh, are you happy with the direction? 14:24:19 Maheshk: Yes, if I can talk with Zach and see if we can consolidate the proposals 14:24:45 IJ: Put on agenda for next week's call? 14:24:53 zach: Yes, maybe not PR ready yet 14:24:57 q? 14:25:01 Forgot to ask one last question, zkoch: this proposal targeting spec 1.0? 14:25:08 Yes 14:25:28 zkoch: Yes, I think this has come up a lot 14:25:38 (No Roy) 14:25:52 Topic: Push payments 14:25:54 https://github.com/w3c/browser-payment-api/pull/292/commits/af2d188ee7df21e9a8f35e57a73f828dc96d7923 14:27:20 q+ 14:27:26 ack zkoch 14:27:39 zkoch: Editors discussed this week 14:27:56 ...some of what AdrianB and I expressed (which we will also do via github) 14:28:10 ...I recognize the use case. 14:28:23 ...I am concerned about who is going to use the URL 14:28:40 ...not clear who uses the URL 14:29:17 ...seems also more request on the backend...unlike the payment request that comes back through the mediator, we don't have any control over the data that is sent back to the end point designated by the URL 14:29:25 ...you don't have the benefit of payment request normalization 14:29:46 ...also, AdrianB thought that the mediator should not create the transaction ID...rather pass it in from the merchant 14:29:55 q? 14:29:57 q+ 14:30:10 ack ad 14:30:10 yes... my original concept was that the merchant would generate an ID that meant something to them 14:30:28 adamR: What is the perceived advantage of merchant-generated? 14:32:07 https://www.w3.org/2016/10/18-wpwg-push-minutes.html 14:32:32 q+ to point out may be an adv. of merchant-generated 14:32:33 adamlake has joined #wpwg 14:32:56 ack Mah 14:32:56 MaheshK, you wanted to point out may be an adv. of merchant-generated 14:32:58 q+ 14:33:16 q+ 14:33:16 adamR: My argument against merchant-generated was that merchants would have to do more 14:34:00 MaheshK: There is an advantage to merchant-generated...e.g., merchant has integrated PayPal India 14:34:20 q+ 14:34:24 ....the server understands the ID...when the button is integrated to the web site...merchant calls API from paypal and sends ID... 14:34:37 ..so having the browser generate the ID means paypal india has to make changes 14:34:59 q? 14:35:07 ack alyver 14:35:23 alyver: I think Ian is remembering an Andre/Ian conversation 14:35:54 ...when is the ID returned by browser to the merchant...if returned "later" then there could be failure that causes merchant to not get it 14:36:22 ...my initial preference was for the merchant to generate the ID...I think that many merchants are used to doing that 14:36:30 ...e.g., Shopify creates IDs for merchants 14:36:38 ...but other merchants almost always have to send a merchant transaction ID 14:36:40 ack matt 14:36:52 MattS: I agree with what has been said today. Some additional considerations: 14:37:10 ...possibility for optionality..how can you guarantee that merchant scope does not interfere with another merchant's scope 14:37:34 ....it's often useful to map IDs to a transaction. E.g., SEPA has concluded you may need multiple transaction IDs. 14:37:53 ...so that would favor BOTH: optional merchant and mandatory browser-generated 14:38:06 (IJ thinks you could scope ID by origin) 14:38:32 MattS: You could argue that the merchant generated ID (optional) is method specific, which is how it's modeled for SEPA 14:38:52 ...I like having a browser generated standard, but not everyone will be able to use it (or need to) 14:38:52 q? 14:38:54 ack ad 14:39:04 adamR: +1 to MattS 14:39:15 ==== 14:39:18 Summary: 14:39:30 - There are use cases for merchant-generated IDs 14:39:36 - Merchants often generate IDs already today 14:39:47 - If they generate, then there's a scope issue on the server side (e.g., might be managed through origin information) 14:41:00 IJ: If people do this all the time and scoping is possible, then is there a remaining big value to user agent generated 14:41:39 IJ: Server could append origin information 14:42:26 IJ: Are your concerns assuaged? 14:42:37 MattS: I haven't thought through all the use cases.. 14:42:45 ...my gut thinks it is still useful to have both 14:43:04 ...but I agree an ID is needed 14:43:07 q? 14:43:18 ACTION: Ian to point Roy and the editors at the discussion 14:43:18 'Ian' is an ambiguous username. Please try a different identifier, such as family name or username (e.g., ijacobs, ijmad). 14:44:11 Topic: ISO 20022 data type alignment for basic card terms 14:45:04 MattS: As part of SEPA / Credit Transfer spec work, we have aligned work with the SEPA standard...we've also done some work to map those terms back to ISO 20022 terms (which are less Web-friendly) 14:45:12 ...we have not yet updated the Credit Transfer specification 14:45:28 ...we also were wondering whether to do that mapping for Basic Card 14:45:37 ...Kris is going to take the lead on this 14:46:03 ..this may change nothing as far as implementation, but small changes might be possible to make life easier. 14:46:17 ....one example....CVC is called "Card Security Code" in the specification 14:46:40 ...my suggestion is that we align the terms...we've not done that yet but it's the plan 14:46:58 +1 to consistency :) 14:47:41 Topic: Upcoming meetings 14:47:48 3 Nov - TIME CHANGE 14:48:11 Europeans heads-up! 14:48:43 Topic: Upcoming FTF 14:48:52 IJ: No progress on my action to write up a proposal 14:49:09 Topic: Where are we? 14:49:29 - PR API issues 14:49:34 ...query by merchant 14:49:39 ...pending updates to PMI 14:49:52 - Push payments 14:49:58 ...we have a concrete proposal 14:50:03 - Payment apps 14:50:11 ...awaiting reviews from Max and Zach 14:50:45 ...spec is evolving 14:50:59 - Test suite 14:51:40 - Basic Car 14:51:44 ...alignment on terms 14:52:00 IJ: Any other topics on people's minds I forgot? 14:52:24 rrsagent, make minutes 14:52:24 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2016/10/27-wpwg-minutes.html Ian 14:52:26 rrsagent, set logs public 14:52:39 alyver has left #wpwg 15:01:59 mountie has joined #wpwg 15:17:25 betehess has joined #wpwg 15:47:34 betehess has joined #wpwg 15:48:27 betehess_ has joined #wpwg 16:00:06 adamlake has joined #wpwg 16:52:39 Zakim has left #wpwg 17:09:59 betehess has joined #wpwg 17:25:30 betehess_ has joined #wpwg 19:15:59 betehess_ has joined #wpwg 19:19:21 adamlake has joined #wpwg 20:20:30 shepazu has joined #wpwg 20:31:56 shepazu_ has joined #wpwg 20:40:20 betehess has joined #wpwg 21:03:17 adamlake has joined #wpwg 21:29:14 adamlake has joined #wpwg 23:22:32 betehess has joined #wpwg 23:22:54 mountie has joined #wpwg 23:27:46 betehess_ has joined #wpwg 23:59:44 adamlake has joined #wpwg